​Respond to the following questions in your own words.

Question Description

Respond to the following questions in your own words.

  1. What is variance analysis? Define and give an example of each of the following variances: [1] price variance, [2] usage variance, [3] efficiency variance, [4] overhead variance, and [5] budget variance
  2. What is ratio analysis? Discuss, with example, the following ratios: [1] efficiency ratio, [2] capacity ratio, [3] activity ratio.
  3. What is cost internal control? What are some of the commonly used cost internal control measures? Discuss, with an example of each.
  4. What is a flexible budget? Why is it important to have a flexible budget for government? Construct a flexible budget for a local water department. Make sure the budget includes information on the following: [a] direct labor, [b] direct materials, [c] variable overhead, [d] fixed overhead, and [e] total cost of supplying water for the budgeted year.

Writing Requirements

  • APA format – include references
  • 3 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)

operation management : Demand forecasting

Question Description

Module 03: Discussion Forum Options Menu: Forum

Demand forecasting results in an estimate of future demand and gives an organization a basis for planning and making sound business decisions. Since the future is unknown, it is expected that some errors between a forecast and actual demand will exist, so the goal of a good forecasting technique would be to minimize the difference between the forecast and the actual demand. Articulate the difference in short and long-term forecasts, forecasting techniques, and the benefits and challenges of each technique. Finally, create a forecast for a situation with which you are familiar (personal or professional) explaining the situation and why you chose the method of forecasting that you did.

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed reference in supporting your answer.


1- APA style.

2- 4-6 paragraphs

3- (2-3) references and don’t forget to reference inside the text.

Inter Bus ( Discussion D)

Question Description

Discussion D: The Global World

Welcome to the discussion. In this course you will be introduced to a topic in the discussion. The first week of the module you will write about your initial thoughts after reviewing the resources. The initial post should be at least 300 words.

During the following week you will reply to at least two of your classmates. The replies should be at least 100 words. See the discussion rubric for more details on grading.

Discussions should always be completed prior to “class.” If you are in an online class or an on ground course this is prior to the lesson portion of the week. Are you ready to begin?

1. Watch Robert Neuwirth: The power of the informal economy

2. Watch The hidden world of shadow cities

3. Initial Post:

  • Should we care about the “hidden cities?” What role would it have on international business?

Business Intelligence

Question Description

Must have this book to complete the assignment:

Risk Analysis and the Security Survey

  • Author: Broder & Tucker
  • Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
  • Edition: 4th
  • ISBN: 978-0123822338

Conduct Internet and other research on competitive intelligence in the business environment. Among the Web Sites you may wish to visit is the “Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals” site at www.scip.org. (Links to an external site.) Also refer back to the Week 4 reading material on “Information Assets Protection” and check out an article on the subject at CSO Online: “What Is Corporate Espionage-Inside the Murky World of Private Spying.” (Links to an external site.)

Then prepare a two-page paper outlining your perspectives on what defines the line between the ethical practice of competitive intelligence (e.g., market research) and industrial espionage (assumed to be unethical). Give examples and list the references you used in preparation of this assignment.

Unit Essay

Question Description

Before starting this class, many of you probably thought that Excel was simply a spreadsheet program used by accountants. In reality, Excel has functions that we can use in our daily lives. For this assignment, draft a two-page essay in which you describe how Excel can be used in each of the following areas of daily life:

  • home (e.g., saving money, budgeting, tracking expenses, keeping up with maintenance or projects);
  • work (e.g., creating graphs or charts for presentations); and
  • school (e.g., tracking classes, time management).

While the examples given may be used in your description, be specific about how you personally can benefit from using Excel in these areas. Also, you are encouraged to think about and describe other ways that Excel can be used in these areas. Since this essay is reflective in nature, outside sources are not required. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and paragraph format for your essay.

SWOT analysis + 4 P’s of your chosen company

Question Description

From the real national/international market, select any publicly listed company (listed in the Stock market). Critically analyze the chosen company based on the following questions.

1.Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.

2.Examine the 4 P’s of your chosen company based on the information given.

3.Use the porter’s five forces model to critically analyze the competitive structure of the organization.

  • You are supposed to choose a publicly listed company from the Stock Market.
  • You should use references (company website, financial databases, etc…)


  • Justify your answers with the help of course materials, Text Book, Online resources
  • Answer should be in not less than 1000 words. All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Referencing is necessary and student must apply APA Referencing Style.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission with plagiarism

Finance question 1

Question Description

1.Think about the six principles of finance. After reviewing each principle, which do you think stands out as the most important and which is the least important? Explain. Would your answer change if you were the stockholder of the company versus the manager of the company? Why, or why not? Answer in couple sentences.

2.I think that in certain situations these principals are all important. The one that stands out to me the most is Risk Versus Return, because this is the most tricky when dealing with finances. This is based solely off your decision and can be detrimental to a business or to someone personally. There are always risks when it comes to investing and it is important to have really good knowledge and understanding of what and how much you are investing.

Agree or diagree to post in 2-3 sentences

this is not summary please answer questions individually

Week 3 Case Study

Question Description

Please read framework before helping

This case, set in the fall of 1995, examines the choices confronting Hiroshi Okuda, Toyota Motor Company’s newly appointed President, with respect to the hybrid vehicle called the Prius. Although we now know that Toyota decided to launch its new ground-breaking product successfully, it was far from clear at the time of the case exactly how the product should be launched. The case highlights the circumstances of the product introduction (positioning, expected sales volume, and pricing issues) on which the success of the introduction hinged.

These issues are very similar to those that each StratSim team will encounter during the competition. Although the Prius is already famous and its introduction is well known, the case has great teaching value as a study in the industry structure, strategic thinking, and leadership in an industry that is very important to the economies of many developed and developing countries.

introducing a new consumer product to the market

Question Description

Option #1: Introducing a New Consumer Product to the Market

Put yourself in the position of an entrepreneur who is developing a new product or service to introduce into the market. Briefly describe the product. Then develop the segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategy for marketing the new product. Be sure to discuss:

  • The overall strategy; why are segmenting, targeting and positioning useful methodologies.
  • Segmentation and targeting choices
  • Characteristics of the target market
  • Why that target market is attractive
  • The positioning strategy

Provide justifications, in the form of research, for your decisions and reference your textbook and required readings.

Your paper should be two to three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.). Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Short Paper: Best Practices Tip Sheet

Question Description

The concept of libel is an important one given today’s use of social media and digital communication. Everyone has the opportunity to post their opinion, but is it possible to go too far? For this assignment, imagine you are asked by your employer to create a tip sheet explaining libel and offering best practices for use with the company social media accounts. The tip sheet should include a description of libel law and how it applies to social media use, followed by a list of at least five best practices that your colleagues should make sure to follow when posting using the company social media accounts. Give a brief (one- to two-sentence) explanation for why each best practice is important.

The tip sheet should be well written, organized, and professional. It should be something you would be proud to show to your superiors.