Module 05 Discussion – Building Different Customer Relationships

Question Description

When you visit a store, the atmosphere, colors, lighting, parking lot, sales staff, store layout, displays, etc. all have an impact on building the customer relationship. When you visit an e-commerce site all that is available to help build the relationship is the website. What the site looks like, and what the customer has access to will help or hinder in the relationship building.

This week for your discussion, you will explore how e-commerce sites build customer relationships differently than a store with a physical presence.

  • What are some of the advantages of physical stores in building customer relationships? Reflect on a time when you had a great experience and when you had a poor experience. What happened that impacted your perception?
  • What are some of the advantages that e-commerce sites have in building customer relationships? Think about a well-designed site and a poorly designed site. What are some of the things that impacted your perception?

Assignment Trading Bloc

Question Description

Written Document Instructions

  • Choose a regional trade agreement from the many around the world (EU, MERCOSUR, CAN, NAFTA, GCC, SACU, CACM, DR-CAFTA-US, SAARC, CARICOM, ASEAN, SAARC, Arab League, African Union).
    Identify the kind of trading bloc (customs union, free trade area, common market, monetary union, etc.) and its purposes.
  • Briefly discuss the history/timeline of the trading bloc, full member states, associate member states and observer states.
  • Describe the organizational structure of the bloc and the functions. List the current leaders.
  • Discuss the latest balance of trade indicators such as GDP per capita, exports, imports, etc. How is the trading bloc doing in terms of growth? Helpful resource:
  • Discuss current issues/challenges facing the bloc, and the more likely outcome.
  • Discuss the impact that membership in the trading bloc has had on the economy of one member nation.

Requirement: APA format. Minimum 1500 words. Make sure you use proper headings/subheadings to differentiate the six questions being asked.

Leadership and Change Discussion. (TRIDENT) 3

Question Description

There is strong agreement that transformational leadership is an ideal most leaders should strive for. However, measuring and evaluating whether or not someone is a transformational leader is very tricky. Do you think transformational leadership is something that can easily be measured, or more like something that you could describe as “you know it when you see it”?

Do a Google search on “transformational leadership questionnaire” or “transformational leadership quiz” and try to find a good questionnaire that measures one’s transformational leadership qualities. Take the quiz, and share the link with your classmates. Discuss how accurate and reliable you think this quiz is, and whether or not it would be useful in the business world. As a follow-up post, try taking one of the questionnaires that your classmates found. Finally, make sure to discuss how the quiz you took relates to the definitions of transformational leadership that you found in the required background readings.

Marketing ( Discussion)

Question Description

Discussion: Implementing Your Plan

After reading Chapter 12, think about this.

Suppose you have been offered the job of developing and managing a new medical products unit for a major electronics manufacturer. The purpose of the new SBU will be to adapt technology from other parts of the company for medical applications (diagnostic equipment such as CAT scanners, surgical lasers, etc.) and to identify and build markets for the new products the unit develops. The new unit’s performance over the next several years will be judged primarily on its success at developing a variety of new products and its rate of growth in sales volume and mar-ket share. Before accepting the job, what assurances would you seek from the company’s CEO concerning the administrative relationships to be established between the new SBU and corporate headquarters? Why?

Write a post of about 300 words, and respond to as many posts of others that you can.

Discussion Questions to be Answered

Question Description

Please answer the following questions (please include the question verbiage in your response); these questions will only need to be answered in a question and answer formatting but will need to include citations and references in APA formatting.

  1. What is the theory of situational leadership? What are the four different types of leadership within the theory and in what settings would each be applied. Give examples if necessary (not required).
  2. What are the five practices of exemplary leaders as defined by Kouzes and Posner (2007)? List and define the five. Of these five, which is your strongest and which is your weakest? Provide an example of a time where you experienced failure in one of these categories.
  3. What are Conger’s four components of successful persuasion? Define each, and give an example of one of the four. Identify two influence tactics from Yukl and Falbe and briefly explain whether or not they fit into Conger’s model.

Recruitment and Selection Strategy, 12 PP slides

Question Description

Choose three discrimination laws from the following list that apply to employee recruitment and selection:

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • ADEA
  • ADA
  • Equal Pay Act

Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation with speaker notes using Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Prezi®, Microsoft® Sway or a similar tool to summarize the following:

  • Determine how the three U.S. discrimination laws you chose from the list above could be violated in the recruitment and selection of employees, and explain how to avoid those violations.
  • Identify components of negligent hiring and compensation practices, and explain policies and practices that can be used to reduce claims.
  • Summarize minimum wage and overtime requirements under FLSA.
  • Compare at least three categories of employees (such as full time), the advantages of each of the categories compared to independent contractors, and the disadvantages of each of the categories compared to independent contractors.

Goals and Standards: Evaluate effective recruitment and compensation policies and practices, and how they can be used to reduce potential HR issues.

organization change

Question Description

Two principle impediments toeffective and lasting organizational change are structures and systemswithin the organization. In other words, for change to become a part ofan organization, managers often have to change the formal and informalstructures of an organization to better support the change initiative.

For this Discussion Question, find an organization in KSA thatcompleted a change in their organization within the last three years.Discuss how they changed or modified their formal and informalstructures and systems to ensure the intended change became a part ofthe organization’s culture. Then discuss how the organization usedstructures and systems to deal with the uncertainty and complexity inthe environment? Was this an appropriate response?

How could the existing structures and systems have been approachedand used differently to advance the desired change? How did existingstructures and systems affect the ability of the change leader to bringabout the desired change?

  • Use APA style guidelines
  • 4-6 paragraphs
  • 2-3 refrences and refrence inside the text

Sears Company Internal Analysis

Question Description

Read questions carefully, and Answer directly to questions below, no need outside sources.

Chapter 4 of Attached file can helps these questions, no quotes.

1. What are the most important tangible resources your firm possesses? Do not just report the value of assets listed in the annual report. Rather, study how the firm operates and think about what tangible resources you think are most important to that operation. What do you think are the firm’s most important intangible resources?

2. Now use the VRIO framework to identify the competitive position of your firm. Which, if any, of the resources listed in the previous answer are or could be helpful in creating and sustaining a competitive advantage for the firm? Does VRIO analysis remind you of assets you had not previously thought of?

3. Do you see the firm trying to create any new core competences to create new competitive advantage?

HW Assignment

Question Description

Question 1:

Please refer to the curved line in figure 14.8 on page 499 and explain the reason for the following: The line initially has an upward slope, but gradually begins to slope downward as you move further out along the horizontal axis.

Question 2:

Please explain the following statement: There are times when a cut in dividends can be a positive signal.

Question 3:

Consider the Dividend Irrelevance Theory and explain the following: Generally speaking, why is there an inverse relationship between dividends and the potential for growth?

Question 4:

Consider the Bird in the Hand Theory and explain the following: Why are dividends less risky than pursuing growth opportunities?

Question 5:

Go over equations 14.1, 14.1a, 14.2 and 14.2a in the textbook. Please note that I am referring to the equations in the narrative of the chapter and not the end of chapter problems. Also, you do not have to include this question as part of the HW submission.

Vanity Fair Magazine​

Question Description

Vanity Fair Magazine:…

This week you will be reading a great article that was published in Vanity Fair Magazine and answering a few questions.This is a long article so plan accordingly so you have time to read it and answer all the questions. If you don’t answer each question thoroughly you will lose points.

Please read the attached article published in Vanity Fair Magazine and answer the following questions on the discussion board.

1. How has the media changed the “American Dream”?

a. Give a minimum of 3 specific examples from the article you read.

b. Give a minimum of 2 specific examples from what you have seen in today’s media.

c. Give a minimum of 2 examples of what you have witnessed in the priorities and dreams of those around you. (Can be friends, family, co-workers etc…)

2. What is your American Dream? Please share a detailed description not just a sentence.