BA616: Discussion7

Question Description

Complete Question

Stanford University medical researchers conducted a study on the correlation between the use of fertility drugs and ovarian cancer. Their study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, concludes that the use of the fertility drugs, Pergonal and Serophene, may increase the risk of ovarian cancer by three times. The lead author of the studies, Professor Alice Whittemore, stated, “Our finding in regard to fertility drugs is by no means certain. It is based on very small numbers and is really very tenuous.”

FDA Commissioner David Kessler would like the infertility drug manufacturers to disclose the study findings and offer a warning on the drug packages. He notes, “Even though the epidemiology study is still preliminary, women have a right to know what is known. We’re not looking to make more of this than there is.”

If you were a manufacturer of one of the drugs, would you voluntarily disclose the study information?


APA Format

Two reference

Total words:250

I need help with my assignment.

Question Description

Evaluating Arguments

Below is a series of five fallacious arguments. In one paragraph each, explain why each argument is fallacious and identify the fallacy being committed. In identifying the relevant fallacy, be sure to give an explanation of what that fallacy is. Be comprehensive in your explanations, and cite at least one source to support each explanation (in APA format).

Argument 1

1.My algebra class is a nightmare.

2.Nightmares are bad dreams.

3.Therefore, my algebra class is a bad dream.

Argument 2

We can trust the Andrew’s testimony because Andrew himself said so, and Andrew is a trustworthy person.

Argument 3

If we loosen the office dress code, soon everyone will start showing up naked! Therefore, we shouldn’t loosen the office dress code.

Argument 4

Nobody has disproven that there exists alien life. So, until proven otherwise, it’s reasonable to conclude that alien life does exist.

Argument 5

You shouldn’t vote Republican because Republicans hate the poor, and you shouldn’t vote Democrat because Democrats hate business owners.

Eco 4451 assignment

Question Description

You and your group are on the public information team for a large consumer product company (pick one: Nestlé SA, Philip Morris International, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, Unilever N.V., Anheuser-Busch InBev, Christian Dior, or LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton). You have been tasked with developing a public relations piece (this means it is for the rest of the world not inter-company). This piece is to cover why your company is advocating for more free trade agreements (FTA) for the United States. This piece should cover the pros and cons of a FTA and why most–if not all–companies support them. This is to inform the public so you will need to provide concrete examples and not platitudes.

Here is an example of the type of document I am looking. Also, this is is related to another assignment.…

You should be able to find millions of sources for this, but here are a few;…

Supply Chain Design

Question Description

Supply Chain Design

Assignment Overview

For this assignment, you will assess the design of Continental Tire’s supply chain as described on page 538 in your text.

Assignment Directions

To complete this assignment:

  • Using the Continental Tire case on page 538 and your own research, describe and evaluate the current global supply.
    • Answer the the questions at the end of the case.
    • Apply the SCOR model and performance measures.
    • Identify and propose risk mitigation strategies.
    • Consider how the organization integrates governmental, legal, and environmental considerations and cultural understanding in its design.
  • Write a 3–4 page paper describing and evaluating the supply chain design.
    • Identify supply chain risks and recommend risk mitigation strategies.
    • Identify key performance indicators (KPI) for this supply chain and describe the chain’s performance versus competing supply chains.
    • Assess the integration of governmental, legal, and environmental considerations in the design of a global supply chain, and the degree to which it leverages cultural understanding.

As you complete your assignment, be sure your paper meets the following guidelines:

Student Reviewers for Module 5

Question Description

The article by Karen Bolser and Rachel Gosciej. Millennials: Multi-Generational Leaders Staying Connected.

Read the article and write a Presentation, The presentation will last 10 to 15 minutes.

Comments on the article mainly focus on:

  1. What was the primary purpose or research question being addressed in the reading?
  2. What is currently known about that point or research question?
  3. If your reading represents an actual research study, how did the author/s design their study?
    If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, you will
    not address this numbered point.
  4. If your reading represents an actual research study, what are the research findings?
    If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, what
    does the author actually what us to learn?
  5. What are your thoughts regarding the reading as it relates to organizational leadership, negotiation, and
    conflict resolution? How do you think we can apply this reading as leaders of complex/formal

Costs and Benefits of Conducting Business Ethically

Question Description

In a three- to four-page paper, address the following:

  1. Choose an unethical behavior in organizations
    1. Examples: Time misuse, sexual harassment, bullying, inappropriate computer use, illegal acts.
  2. Identify a business you feel may be acting in an unethical manner and describe the unethical behavior.
  3. Analyze the benefits and the costs to the company of conducting business in an ethical way.
  4. Analyze the company’s unethical action(s) in terms of how the unethical behavior may hurt the company.

You may want to start your research here: The 10 Biggest Business Scandals of 2017 (Links to an external site.).

The length and formatting requirements include:

  • Three to four pages in length, not including cover and reference pages. Include a cover page, section headers, an introduction, a conclusion, and a reference page.
  • APA Formatted
  • Cite a minimum of three sources, two of which should be academic peer-reviewed scholarly sources to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.

Summary and Descriptive Statistics

Question Description

There is often the requirement to evaluate descriptive statistics for data within the organization or for health care information. Every year the National Cancer Institute collects and publishes data based on patient demographics. Understanding differences between the groups based upon the collected data often informs health care professionals towards research, treatment options, or patient education.

Using the data on the “National Cancer Institute Data” Excel spreadsheet, calculate the descriptive statistics indicated below for each of the Race/Ethnicity groups. Refer to your textbook and the Topic Materials, as needed, for assistance in with creating Excel formulas.

Provide the following descriptive statistics:

  1. Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, and Mode
  2. Measures of Variation: Variance, Standard Deviation, and Range (a formula is not needed for Range).
  3. Once the data is calculated, provide a 150-250 word analysis of the descriptive statistics on the spreadsheet. This should include differences and health outcomes between groups.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Complete Short Business Discussion 2- (BRAY)

Question Description

1.List three labor cost-savings activities that you believe would be most effective for your current employer or a job you have worked previously. Be sure to provide details specific to your job and clarify what your job title and tasks were. Give rational for each of the labor cost-savings activities.

*Please note that any copied answers not in your own words will result in a zero on this assignment.

I also encourage you to engage in meaningful conversation about this topic with your classmates, so feel free to follow up to to their responses.

2.Apple and Oracle were aggressively buying back their own stock in 2018. What are the situations when this practice is recommended or especially beneficial?

3.Women now make up 53 percent of the work force in Latin and South America. Do some research to determine how that percentage compares with other parts of the world. What are the implications for those companies doing business globally?

fill out 3 templates on project

Question Description


DO NOT WASTE ANYMORE OF MY TIME!! Please read carefully, this is a lot of work in a short period of time. THERE ARE 5 SEPARATE TEMPLATES THAT MUST BE USED(IF YOU DONT USE THEM I DONT USE YOUR WORK) AND A WORD DOCUMENT This is for a project management class. The project of choice will be to create a donut shop in Billings, Montana. so THIS IS GOING TO BE LIKE A STEP BY STEP PROCESS OF BUILDING THE DONUT SHOP FROM SCRATCH. The templates must all be filled out according to this. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE TO ASK!!! SO THERE ARE 6 ITEMS TOTAL!


A. Project Initiation Phase:

1. Feasibility Study (Download Template):…

2. Business Case/Agile User Story (Download Template): = define product or system functionality and benefit.…

3. Stakeholder Management Strategy (Download Template):…

please answer both questions. and write paragraph for both questions

Question Description

1.For ONE major consumer segmentation variable, find an example of a print ad that appears to be based on that variable. For this ONE ad, identify the target market and explain why you think the advertiser is using the segmentation variable you identified. Include a link to or copy of the advertisement in the document.

2. Marketing research is important from both a competitive and a consumer understanding perspective. Do some research on one Marketing Research initiative (an effort to understand customers such as focus groups, surveys, observational research, etc.) and explain why it interests you as a customer. Note the definition of Marketing Research, according to the American Marketing Association is defined as, “the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information–information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.”