Question Description

See the following writing guidelines:

• Students will produce written work appropriate to the discipline through a process that involves drafting and revision

based on feedback.

• Students will produce focused and coherent texts that address a specific audience, move effectively between

generalizations and details, make honest use of sources, and engage complex ideas without distortion.

• Students will produce texts that show careful attention to fluent sentence structure, grammatical correctness, and

proper documentation.

• Instructor will identify a suitable subject for scholarly inquiry in the discipline, analyze appropriate primary and

secondary source materials, and support a focused thesis or argument in a clear and coherent product.

• **Each student will submit an Individual WI paper that will be double-spaced totaling 4000 to 4500 words to be

completed in DRAFT AND FINAL VERSIONS. The papers will be peered reviewed by students and instructor. The student

WILL PRESENT the paper in class.

The topic will be in the attached and some guidelines will be provided too.


Corporate Finance: Need Assistance with my assignment

Question Description

Below are three different pairs of bonds and their recent yields.

  • Pick one pair (pairs are labebed 1, 2 and 3 belowand initiate a thread in the forum where 1) using the textbook plus other reference material you will explain the primary factors that contribute to making the yields of the two bonds in your pair differ. While there may be a single factor, there will be multiple underlying causes for that factor. 2) State which of the two bonds in your pair you would buy if you had to buy one of them and why.

    B). Pick one you pair you disagree with and explore the motives for your disagreement

Bond pairs:

1. Germany 10 year bond yielding 1.57% Vs. Germany 30 year bond yielding 2.4%

2. US 10 year treasury bond yielding 1.96% Vs. US 10 year inflation indexed treasury bond yielding -0.578

3. France 10 year bond yielding 2.23% Vs. Greece 10 year bond yielding 11.07%

Please provide a detailed answer to the following question.

Question Description

1. Explain how knowledge work systems provide value for a firm. Why do you think knowledge work systems are important today? Discuss how CAD, virtual reality, and augmented reality are used today. What has been your experience with these three tools? Are there similar technologies to CAD, VR, and AR that you see on the horizon that will benefit firms in the future?

2. After reviewing the key features of business intelligence and business analytics, why do you think firms are increasing the use of these tools? What do you see as the benefits of firms utilizing business intelligence and business analytics? What potential drawbacks do you see with firms utilizing these tools? Share with the class any experience you have had using either of these tools. If you have not used any of these tools, do some research with the class to identify some of the most popular business intelligence or business analytics tools used today.

Global Leadership Achieve

Question Description

1. What does effective global leadership achieve? What are the different roles that managers on international assignment often assume to enhance leadership effectiveness? Choose one country in South America and one country in Europe to describe some of the differences.

2. Technology is one of the methods used in business overseas. Describe the impact of e-business on leadership. What differences would a manager have to be aware of if doing business in Africa, Australia, or South America?

3.Describe positive and negative outcomes that can result from societal, political, and cultural differences when managing a corporation in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

4.Different cultures value personal, face-to-face contact and relationships with a different levels of reverence. What are some cultures around the world where you might want to utilize more one-on-one contact rather than sole use of technology to motivate employees?

200 words in length per question

please follow the requirements i put down and be detailed. thank you

Question Description

Unique Characteristics of the Market for Health Care

: Questions to be answered

(a) Briefly discuss threeaspects of the health sector which are different from (most) other sectors. ►(b) Pick one of these three aspects and brieflydiscuss how it is changing. ►(c) Pick a health sector organization (either a specific one or a general type) and briefly discuss a4couple key challenges which it is facing in serving its mission and/or customers. ►(d) Argue that the competitive marketmodel with consumers (patients or plan members) making trade-offs between health care (or health insurance) prices andhealth care (or insurance) quality can work in the market for health care (or health insurance). ►(e) Argue that thecompetitive market model with consumers (patients or plan members) making trade-offs between health care (or healthinsurance) prices and health care (or insurance) quality cannot work in the market for health care (or health insurance). ►(f)What aspect of the market for health care would you change if you could?

Midterm Exam

Question Description

Provide responses to the ten questions listed below.

To respond to the questions, you will need to place the answers in your own words. Do not cut and paste from any source, yet do provide a citation after each question that tells where you researched your information.

Please use APA formatting. Paper is due 09/17/2019

  1. Name the four marketing management philosophies and describe the focus of each.
  2. Describe the elements of the marketing mix.
  3. Discuss in detail the components of the consumer decision-making process.
  4. Name and describe the various ways of entering the global marketplace.
  5. Discuss the impact of technology on a firm and on its marketing.
  6. Name and describe the four major categories of business market customers.
  7. Discuss the factors that affect consumer buying decisions.
  8. Name and describe the bases commonly used to segment consumer markets.
  9. Explain the steps in the new-product development process.
  10. How do marketers use packaging and labeling to market and brand products?

If you have any questions or issues, please let me know ASAP

See the PowerPoint Instructions below. Study guide attached

Question Description


Course Project Part 3: PowerPoint Presentation

In Units IV and VII, you explained a workstation and identified whether ornot you thought it was ergonomically safe. For this assignment, imagine thatyou are an organization’s safety professional and are explaining the issuesyou noted previously regarding the workstation. Additionally, you willinclude strategies for improving the safety of the employees, and you willmake recommendations for what management can do to address the ergonomicsissues specific to the organization. (Hint: Make sure that you read the UnitVIII Lesson!)

Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides in length, notcounting the title and reference slides. Additionally, you must use at leastyour textbook as an outside source, and all sources used must be cited andreferenced according to APA standards.

Additionally, you will include audio along with your PowerPoint in order tofully explain your ideas and suggestions. If you are unable to add audio to your PowerPoint, you will use the notessection to further explain your ideas.

Discussion board-Ethical Dilemma

Question Description

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

View this Ethical Dilemma to learn more about the relationship between Joe, the salesman for UWEAR, and Bill, the customer. Bill and Joe have a history of business dealings which you will analyze using ethical principles. It seems that their dealings are in the grey area of business conduct and it’s important to discuss the dilemma to understand the implications of this behavior.

Once you have read the ethical dilemma, discuss the following questions with your classmates:

  • Are Bill’s gifts a form of bribery?
  • Which ethical theory supports your view? Why?
  • What other ethical issues might be associated with the relationship between Bill and Joe?
  • APA format to include intext cititation

IN DETAIL answer the following discussion board question.

Question Description

IN DETAIL & Depth answer the following discussion board question. Make sure you answer each point in depth supported by reliable, recent resources. Use APA style.

Choose a country in the 2019 Global Report on Food Crises (I chose South Sudan). Review the drivers of food insecurity for your selected country and provide an overview.

Choose one of the drivers and discuss method(s) for addressing this driver. Be realistic in your approach and remember to think about linkages to the drivers that could be addressed.

The term “driver” is discussed in the article and is essentially the underlying cause(s) of food insecurity. For example, conflict is a major driver of food security around the world. Linkages to this particular driver could be cultural, geographic, or political. The idea is to discuss the root causes and associate factors that drive and perpetuate food insecurity.

I attached the 2019 Global Report on Food.

Please read the above instructions carefully.

Foundations of Research Methods in Administration P4

Question Description

I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Coursehero or any online cites to provide your answers.

The professor checks these other sites as well. If do use these sites to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to chegg or coursehero ect,

I’m looking for some one that can certify the below statements.

Statement of Academic Integrity:

  1. I prepared this document specifically for this class;
  2. I am the author of this document;
  3. I am fully disclosing and giving proper credit to any outside assistance received in its preparation;
  4. I cited sources of information (e.g., data, ideas, charts, etc.) and used this material to support this document.
  5. I did not receive any assistance / help / guidance from others.
  6. I guaranteed no plagiarism.
  7. What I return will be its own authenticity, and all words used will be your and yours only.