7-1 Discussion: Government Incentives

Question Description

Read Michigan Tax Incentives—Corporate Welfare? and A Primer on Certificated Credits Under the Michigan Business Tax.

(Note: When you click on the Forbes article, it may redirect you to the Forbes home page. To locate this article, you may need to search for the article title in the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the page or manually copy and paste the following hyperlink into your browser: https://www.forbes.com/sites/taxanalysts/2015/03/10/michigan-tax-incentives-corporate-welfare/)

Then, in your initial post, consider the following questions:

  • Is it the role of government to provide incentives to business? Why or why not?
  • Do you agree with Michigan’s decision to extend tax credits in the manner it has? Why or why not?
  • Is it ethical for a business to accept government incentives in all cases? Alternatively, is it the fiduciary responsibility of businesses to seek government aid in every instance? Explain and defend your responses.
  • How might a business that accepts incentives effectively respond to criticism that it is accepting corporate welfare?

HR 0 human resource

Question Description

kindly find the attached for HR assignment

Baxter International is one of the world’s largest producers of medical products. Work/life balance is a value that is ingrained in the corporate culture. The former CEO, Jansen Kraemer, Jr. exhibited behavior that set an example for employees by focusing on making time for his family in addition to his focus on work. Baxter has successfully performed as a business by focusing on traditional business goals as well as employee work/life balance.

Questions :

Q1. What do you understand by Work life balance and work flexibility in any Organization? [Marks: 1]

Q2. How can an Employer support employees to achieve work life balance? And how can it increase the productivity of any Organization? [Marks: 2]

Q3. Explain with some reasons that why are employees giving more preference for work flexibilities in their job? Write the name of 2 companies of Saudi Arabia in which you want to work with due to their work flexibility. [Marks: 2]

should be no plagiarism

Help. Need done tomorrow. 4 questions.

Question Description

Question 1:

Your team has been assigned the task of sharing a model to help understand conflict styles. As team leader, describe the Kilmann Thomas’s Managerial Grid model to your team.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2:

Your manager has requested you to assist with training on work relationships. Describe the four types of work relationships and a real-life scenario to illustrate each type of relationship.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 3:

Take the “How Ethical Is Your Boss?” questionnaire located on page 71 of your textbook. Describe your results and how your boss’s level of ethical leadership influences your behaviors and feelings at work.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 4:

You have been asked to assist a coworker with a conflict issue. What are two ways you could assist your coworker with learning how to manage the current relational conflict?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

please answer these 3 question with details and answer every part of it. thank you

Question Description

Assignment # 7

Research one effective non-profit marketing campaign. Explain why it interests you as a customer. Be sure to understand the difference between a “campaign” and an “organization” before doing your research.

Assignment #8

Sales is a vital part of marketing, and it technically is subset of the promotion “P” of the 4Ps. which is Price, Product, Promotion, and Place.

Tell me about a time that you had a good sales experience and about a time that you had a negative sales experience. What was the difference? Explain why one experience was positive and why one was negative. How do you want to be treated by sales people? Why?

Assignment # 5

For ONE major consumer segmentation variable, find an example of a print ad that appears to be based on that variable. For this ONE ad, identify the target market and explain why you think the advertiser is using the segmentation variable you identified. Include a link to or copy of the advertisement in the document.

hospitality management diversity class assignment

Question Description

In the UNCONSCIOUS BIAS FOLDER in Canvas, read the article about Hewlett Packard (HP) . They won a Silver Anvil Award through the Public Relations Society of America for their“Reinvent Mindsets” campaign.Please write a single-spaced paper (use 10 or 12 point font) that is AT LEAST one full page. In your paper, you MUST answer ALL of the following questions, and defend WHY or WHY NOT.

  • Do you think a lot of companies suffer from unconscious bias in hiring? Why or why not?
  • What one thing surprised you the most in this article?
  • This campaign resulted in hiring increases of certain groups.Do you think this effort is sustainable in the long term? What might HP need to do to make sure they don’t go back to their old ways?

You should set up your paper with headings for each of the 3 questions above so you remember to address everything that is required. Then just write your response to that question below it.

hotel management assignment

Question Description

1. You will need to create an Excel Spreadsheet using the information provided in the case. You will need to create additional columns for the soft brand and the core brand. The numbers will change based on your occupancy and ADR changes.

2. Use the numbers already listed for Food & Beverage and Other Operating Departments for soft and core brands. Your percentage numbers will change because you are changing room revenue.

3. Systems, Renovations, and Uniforms are capital expenses. When you have determined their overall cost you will divide systems and renovations by 10. This number is added to depreciation and amorization. Uniforms you will divide by 5 and will also add the this number to depreciation and amorization.

4. When calculating undistributed operating expenses for the soft and core brands you will multiply total operating revenue by the percentage listed in the first column.

5. Net Profit is the goal. Maybe you will base your decision on which has the highest net profit.

SEE-I & Lecture Response for Ch. 6

Question Description


Assignment 1


SEE-I Ch. 6 – Chapter 6 Lecture Slides – CLASS BOOK HERE – (Understanding Human Communication / Edition 13)

File Types pdf; and doc

“Communicating without speaking” is not an accurate definition of nonverbal communication because…

For information regarding how to write a SEE-I please see the handout – located here.


Assignment 2


After reading the textbook chapter, and reviewing the lecture material, answer the following prompts in your discussion posts.

  1. Review the University of California website, Exploring Nonverbal Communication (http://nonverbal.ucsc.edu/ (Links to an external site.)).
  2. Take the tests offered on analyzing nonverbal communication, from Personal Space through The Interpersonal Perception Task.
  3. How often were you correct? Discuss whether you found it easy or difficult to determine the nonverbal behaviors in the photos.

Your response should be 1-2 paragraphs (4-8 sentences) in length.


Chapter 6 Video Lecture (51 minutes)Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are (21:56 minutes)

Thank You So Much!

Strategies for Decision Making Task

Question Description

Strategies for Decision Making – Week 4 Assignment

Evaluating Arguments

Below is a series of five fallacious arguments. In one paragraph each, explain why each argument is fallacious and identify the fallacy being committed. In identifying the relevant fallacy, be sure to give an explanation of what that fallacy is. Be comprehensive in your explanations, and cite at least one source to support each explanation (in APA format).

Argument 1

1.My algebra class is a nightmare.

2.Nightmares are bad dreams.

3.Therefore, my algebra class is a bad dream.

Argument 2

We can trust the Andrew’s testimony because Andrew himself said so, and Andrew is a trustworthy person.

Argument 3

If we loosen the office dress code, soon everyone will start showing up naked! Therefore, we shouldn’t loosen the office dress code.

Argument 4

Nobody has disproven that there exists alien life. So, until proven otherwise, it’s reasonable to conclude that alien life does exist.

Argument 5

You shouldn’t vote Republican because Republicans hate the poor, and you shouldn’t vote Democrat because Democrats hate business owners.

OL 211 Final Project Milestone Two . There is a rubric i will upload with the questions that need to be answered.

Question Description

Using the material on needs assessment and training strategies provided in this week’s lesson and the case study, in a short paper you should:

Illustrate the value of a training needs assessment in an organization in general, supporting your response. Describe the components of a needs assessment used to determine the training requirements of a Customer Service – CARE Business Partner at Maersk.

Describe the importance of creating Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-oriented (SMART) objectives for a training plan.

Explain the importance of developing learning activities for a Maersk Customer Service – CARE Business Partner training program.

Describe how you would incorporate adult learning principles and methods of experiential learning from this course into the Maersk Customer Service –CARE Business Partner training program.

Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be 2–3 pages in length and double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font. Be sure to list yourreferences at the end of your paper. Submit journal assignment as a Word document.

Servant and level 5 leadership

Question Description

Compare and contrast servant leadership and level 5 leadership.

Compare and contrast Servant Leadership and Level 5 leadership. Some questions to consider: Are they the same thing in practical application? Was Jesus a level 5 leader? What have you observed in the practical application of these models?

Collins, J., Rose, C. (2009). Level 5 Good to Great.

Collins, J. (2009). From Good to Great: What defines a Level V Leader?

Reid, W. (2017) Believers in Business

Reid, W. (2017). Service and Humility in Leadership. Intriguing Theories, but do They Actually Produce Results? Servant Leadership: Theory and Practice. 4 (2). Retrieved from: http://csuepress.columbusstate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1059&context=sltp

Reid, W., West, G.R., Winston, B.E., Wood, J.A. (2014). An Instrument to Measure Level 5 Leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies. 8 (1). Read pages 17-20

Collins, J. (2001). Good to Great. Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t. New York: Harper Collins.

Collins, J. (2001). Level 5 Leadership. The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve. Harvard Business Review. 66-76 (10 pages)