organizational change

Question Description

Two principle impediments to effective and lasting organizational change are structures and systems within the organization. In other words, for change to become a part of an organization, managers often have to change the formal and informal structures of an organization to better support the change initiative.

For this Discussion Question, find an organization in KSA that completed a change in their organization within the last three years. Discuss how they changed or modified their formal and informal structures and systems to ensure the intended change became a part of the organization’s culture. Then discuss how the organization used structures and systems to deal with the uncertainty and complexity in the environment? Was this an appropriate response?

How could the existing structures and systems have been approached and used differently to advance the desired change? How did existing structures and systems affect the ability of the change leader to bring about the desired change?

  • Use APA style guidelines
  • 4-6 paragraphs
  • 2-3 refrences and refrence inside the text

Comparing Leadership Models

Question Description

Assignment Content

Purpose of Assessment

Apply theories about leadership, structure, and culture to real-world scenarios that have occurred in various organizations. You will be measured on how you narrate various leadership styles to foster innovation and lead change in a dynamic environment. Use the chart you created in Week 3 as a quick reference as you work.

Review the following cases from Organizational Behavior:

  • Ch. 12: Case Incident 1: Sharing is Performing
  • Review questions: 12-13, 12-14, and 12-15.
  • Ch. 15: Case Incident 2: Turbulence on United Airlines
  • Review questions: 15-10, 15-11, and 15-12.
  • Ch. 16: Case Incident 2: Active Cultures
  • Review questions: 16-16, 16-17, and 16-18.

In 780- to 1050-words, do the following:

  • For each of the above cases:
  • Describe, through a story, the leader’s use of the leadership style in response to the situation. Use various action verbs in your story.
  • Explain what makes the selected leadership style effective for the particular situation.
  • Compare and contrast the leadership styles leaders chose for each case.
  • Explain why the leadership styles should differ for each case.

Can this assignment be completed within 3 days?

Question Description

Based on the work that you have done this term, complete the following sections for your venture’s business plan:

  • Mission statement
  • Vision statement
  • The product or service
  • Market opportunity
  • Competitive environment
  • Statement of ethics (based on your Phase 4 IP)
  • Statement of social responsibility (based on your Phase 4 IP)

Take your written assignments and convert them into the required sections.

Note: Each section should be no more than 1,500 words; however, the following are some limitations:

  • Your mission statement should be 1 paragraph maximum.
  • Your vision statement should be 1 paragraph maximum.
  • Your product or service description should be around 1,000 words.
  • Your market opportunity and competitive environment sections should be no more than 1,500 words.
  • Your statement of ethics should be no more than 2 paragraphs.
  • Your statement of social responsibility should be no more than 2 paragraphs.

Part 2 (Objectives from Week 5)

  • Choose a business plan template, and customize it for your venture. Include your venture’s name, logo, and contact information. Fill in those sections that pertain to the work you have done on your venture this term.

Can this assignment be completed within 1 1/2 days?

Question Description

Apply methods of data aggregation and reduction to business data in a manner that revealsinsight about underlying pattern and key parameters of the data set.

Apply the various discrete and continuous probability distributions, which are appropriatein business circumstances.

Determine appropriate sampling methodologies for business settings and situations.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Boardarea, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions withyour thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation forfuture discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and useexamples to reinforce your ideas.

Big D Incorporated is nearing completion of its portfolio ofrecommendations for the outdoor sporting goods company. Clearly stateyour variables that you would utilize in your particular path that yourecommend. Utilizing a Regression Model, forecast monthly sales oneither the expansion into the new market or if the recommendation is toretrench and not expand. Ensure that you provide adequate justificationfor your recommendations. The Board of Directors requires your inputbased upon your previous exercises from Units 1, 2, and 3.

Topic Summary

Question Description

Provide a Topic Summary of your choice on an article selected from one of the Websites listed below. These summaries (a minimum of 250 words) must tie your article to the assigned readings for the week.

Module 3 – 9 September 2019


– Singer/Friedman. CyberSecurity and Cyber War, Part II (only sections below)

— What is the Meaning of Cyber Attack?

— Whodunit? The Problem of Attribution

— What is Hacktivism?

— Focus: Who is Anonymous?

– The Economist. The terrorist in the data.

2) Espionage, Terrorism, and Crime. What types of cyber activities do individuals, organizations

and nation states engage in? How does the type of activity impact the response? What

role does attribution play in determining or executing a response? What is Cyberterrorism?

Here are the websites:


Professor instructions

Weekly Topic Summary

Your assignment is to provide a Topic Summary of your choice on an article selected from one of the listed Websites. These summaries (a minimum of 250 words) must tie your article to the assigned readings for the week.

2 documents

Question Description


DO NOT WASTE ANYMORE OF MY TIME!! Please read carefully, this is a lot of work in a short period of time. THERE ARE 5 SEPARATE TEMPLATES THAT MUST BE USED(IF YOU DONT USE THEM I DONT USE YOUR WORK) AND A WORD DOCUMENT This is for a project management class. The project of choice will be to create a donut shop in Billings, Montana. so THIS IS GOING TO BE LIKE A STEP BY STEP PROCESS OF BUILDING THE DONUT SHOP FROM SCRATCH. The templates must all be filled out according to this. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE TO ASK!!! SO THERE ARE 6 ITEMS TOTAL!

4. Project Statement of Work (Download Template):…

5. Project Charter (Single Page)/Agile Team Charter (Download Template): foundation upon which all of the team’s work, rules, tools, and behaviors are built.

Turn in templates filled in based on the business project you chose to do.

Research Paper on change in a human resource development (HRD) organization that you work for, or would like to work for.

Question Description


For the final assignment of this course, you will write a research paper on change in a human resource development (HRD) organization that you work for, or would like to work for.

Within your research paper, explain how the following tasks can be accomplished at your chosen organization using competency or case-based decision making training methods:

  1. improve productivity (efficiency and effectiveness),
  2. improve employee satisfaction with the quality of their work life,
  3. improve the ability of the organization to revitalize and develop itself over time,
  4. improve organizational processes and outputs, and
  5. measure if your improvement efforts are successful.

In your explanation, do not simply state your opinion. Include researched evidence to show why your strategies and approaches will be effective.

Your research paper must be at least three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least two outside sources; one must be from the CSU Online Library. All sources used, including the required readings, must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.

OL 211 Final Project Milestone One . There is a rubric i will upload with the questions that need to be answered.

Question Description

Start your short paper by briefly answering the following questions:

1. Explain why the human resource function should be aligned with an organization’s strategic plan (use ideas from the Module One discussion on thistopic).

2. Explain how current global conditions in Maersk’s industry impact human resource management practices within this organization (use ideas from theModule One discussion on this topic).Then, using the material on recruitment strategies provided in this week’s lesson and the case study, address the following:

1. Compare and contrast recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates in general.

2. Describe how Maersk has recruited and selected new employees who were aligned with the organization’s vision and goals over the years.

3. Assess the effectiveness of its recruitment process and determine what changes if any you would recommend to improve employee success andretention.Guidelines for Submission:

Your submission should be 2–3 pages in length and double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font. Be sure to list yourreferences at the end of your paper.

4. Please limit your response to 1-2 pages (no more than 8000 characters).​

Question Description

Judgment Call

Most decisions are made with analysis, but some are judgment calls not susceptible to analysis due to time or information constraints. Please write about a judgment call you’ve made recently that couldn’t be analyzed. It can be a big or small one, but should focus on a business issue. What was the situation, the alternatives you considered and evaluated, and your decision making process? Be sure to explain why you chose the alternative you did relative to others considered.

Writing Guidelines

1. Write in the style you would use to write a business whitepaper or essay and do not use bullet points, graphics, tables, charts or flow charts.
2. Do not include any confidential or proprietary information from current/past employers.
3. Remember as you write that the reader may not be familiar with specific technical terminology, corporate cultures, and scenarios. Use language and descriptions in your response that enable readers to fully understand the situation.

4. Please limit your response to 1-2 pages (no more than 8000 characters).

Good Monetary System?

Question Description

Discuss the criteria for a ‘good’ international monetary system. Include the following in your discussion of the monetary system:

  • What are the criteria for a well-developed international monetary system?
  • What are the benefits of a well-developed international monetary system?
  • In today’s climate of dependency on technology, what precautions are needed to protect international monetary systems in terms of cyber-crimes?
  • International monetary systems conditionalities such as those imposed by the IMF may result in the loss of a country’s authority to govern its own economy as national economic policies are predetermined under the assistance package. Discuss conditionalities and their effects on nations.

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length and well written. Support your answers using at least four professional sources (for the entire assignment) in addition to the textbook. Note that written assignments must have a title page, section headers, introduction, conclusion, and reference page. Your paper should conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).