my question is on my requirement

Question Description

Accounting plays an important role in helping you assess the health, or financial strength, of your business. Financial reports serve both internal and external users and focus on the financial activities of both individual departments and the company as a whole. They are used to make departmental decisions, monitor projects, set performance goals, and plan future activities.

Following what you’ve written so far, answer the following question as it relates to your personal business venture:

How does an income statement help you keep track of the health of your business? And what about the balance sheet?

What strategies might you employ to reduce expenditures?

Do you see any obvious ways to increase profits?

Use what you have learned on cost analysis to answer these questions in narrative form. Again, your response to the above questions should be between a total of 400-600 words. You will be graded on accuracy of content/concepts used, feasibility, and finally the organization and presentation of the writing. Please refer to the rubric posted on Canvas for more detail on grading.

Effective Leadership Practices Project

Question Description

Paul Polman – He is the leadership person I’m writing about.


The introduction is to be two (2) pages in length. Write on the following:

  • Provide a background, including the context of the leader’s environment and the culture of the organization and society.
  • Explain why you chose your selected leader.
Main section of the paper
  • What is your chosen leader’s definition of leadership?
  • How does your chosen leader model the way?
  • How does your chosen leader inspire a shared vision?
  • How does your chosen leader challenge the process?
  • How does your chosen leader enable others to act?
  • How does your chosen leader encourage the heart?
  • What challenges and opportunities does your chosen leader face?

Write a conclusion to complete your paper.


Include a minimum of two sources other than your textbook. Ensure that at least one of your sources is the Wall Street Journal; this might include research about leadership practices that align with your chosen leader’s perspective.

Additional Requirements

  • Your paper should be a minimum of five pages in length.
  • Format your paper according to current APA style and formatting guidelines, including proper citations.

question and ansur

Question Description

1-List and briefly describe the three basic areas addressed by a financial manager.

2-What should be the primary goal of the financial manager of a corporation? Why?

3-List and explain the methods that shareholders have at their disposal for aligning managers’ goals with their goals.

4-Stockholders can transfer wealth from bondholders through a variety of actions. Explain how the following actions by shareholders transfer wealth from bondholders:
a. An increase in dividends.
b. A leveraged buyout
c. Acquiring a risky business.

Explain how bondholdeers would protect themselves against these actions.

5-Explain why the income statement is not a good representation of cash flow.

6-Note that in all of our cash flow computations to determine cash flow of the firm, we never include the addition to retained earnings. Why not? Is this an oversight?

7-Interpret, in words, what cash flow of the firm represents by discussing operating cash flow, changes in net working capital, and additions to fixed assets.

8-Why is cash flow management important?

Discussion Question #3

Question Description

For this discussion, visit the website This is the home of TED Talks, which are brief videos that feature thought leaders and experts from every realm sharing their latest thinking on a subject. Do a search on the site and find a speaker that talks about marketing. Watch their video and in 200-250 words discuss what they are saying and how it relates to some of the concepts that we are learning in class; marketing mix, target marketing, segmentation, niche markets, market research, customer value, customer relationship marketing (CRM), strategic planning, strategic business units (SBU), project/portfolio mix, product development, diversification, mission statement, competition, market objective, marketing strategy, morals and ethics, sustainability, green marketing, basic or applied research, demographics, supply and demand, state laws and/or regulation agencies. Don’t forget to identify the speaker and the title of their talk.

Upload your work as a Word attachment. Spell check, put your name on your work, the course number, the DQ#, and date. Use Times New Roman, Font 12, Single Space.

I need a discussion post in 300 words in APA format

Question Description

Chapter 22 presented a case study in creating value from uncertainty, and chapter 25 presented the use of efficient frontier analysis in SRM. Assume you are the project lead for the analysis team that uses Efficient Frontier Analysis to evaluate risks of the portfolio presented in chapter 25. How would you explain the results of the analysis to non-technical decision makers? What recommendation would you make, assuming the risk appetite presented in chapter 25?

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, assume you are the project lead for the analysis team that uses Efficient Frontier Analysis to evaluate risks of the portfolio presented in chapter 25. How would you explain the results of the analysis to non-technical decision makers? What recommendation would you make, assuming the risk appetite presented in chapter 25?

NOTE: These discussions should be informal discussions, NOT research papers. If you MUST directly quote a resource, then cite it properly. However, I would much rather simply read your words.

Assignment 3, 2 pages

Question Description

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of

how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been

applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work

environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you

have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to

an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.


a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed,

demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.


should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the

course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and

skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could

be applied in the workplace.

revision for business case analysis needed please

Question Description

I just need the rough draft of this assignment revised and ensure that it meets all requirements.

Formatting: College Business

Each student will submit one individually prepared case write-up for the case: What business is Zara in (Revised)? Please do not discuss your individual case write-up with other students. This assignment is to be an individual effort. Please write the case from the perspective of the decision maker. The case is a maximum of five pages, single-spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font, with 1 inch margins.

Appendices need to be original, that is please do not copy & paste information from the case. Rather, create your own original tables/figures using data from the case. You may decide to include the analysis worksheets as original appendices (e.g., Appendix 1 – Five Forces Figure, Appendix 2 – VRIO Table). Appendices are not included in the word count. Please cite each appendix in the body of the paper (e.g., As outlined in Appendix 1, the industry’s Five Forces are weak).

Facebook Fake News in the Post-Truth World

Question Description

Please read the attachment + your own resources, prepare the case based on the following bullet points :

  • Determine the problems Facebook faces.
  • Assess the SITUATION Facebook faces, including the FUTURE direction of the company. Provide well-reasoned and full-blown situation analysis (going beyond simple SWOT matrix).
  • Determine the MOST FEASIBLE ALTERNATIVES Facebook should consider (not to exceed 3), discussing the advantages and disadvantages associated with each.
  • Select the BES ALTERNATIVE as your RECOMMENDDATION, outlining why and how it is IDEAL in meeting the objectives/criteria of Facebook.
  • Provide a (virtual) ACTION PLAN, elaborating how the strategy may be executed, the time horizon for the plan, the budget and so on.
  • 3-4 pages, excluding cover page and attachments.
    Be brief. One and half or double space, font size 11 or 12, Times new Roman. Executive Summary. Problem Statement/Brief outline of case. Extensive Discussion of the Situation facing the company (also known as Situation Analysis). This section is more than SWOT Matrix. (Your SWOT Matrix may be placed in the Appendix). Alternative Analysis. Recommendation. Action Plan.

develop a policy and create procedures for Morris CPA firm

Question Description

The Morris CPA firm has 100 employees with most employed as professional accounting staff. These employees require a Bachelor Degree with an Accounting Major, and those are preferred as a CPA. The dress code within Morris CPA is very professional and it is required when visiting client locations suits must be worn. You are the new Human Resources Manager and decided to screen social media accounts for incoming applicants. It is your responsibility to develop a policy and create procedures for Morris CPA firm.

15 points for format and wording of policy.

25 points for format and wording of procedures.

(points will be deducted for incorrect spelling)

It is recommended to utilize information from the articles which have been uploaded and to search for policies and procedures already developed for format and layout. Make sure to know the difference between policy and procedures.

Social Media Screening.pdf


Marketing SWOT Critically analyze

Question Description

From the real national/international market, select any publicly listed company (listed in the Stock market). Critically analyze the chosen company based on the following questions.

1.Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.

2.Examine the 4 P’s of your chosen company based on the information given.

3.Use the porter’s five forces model to critically analyze the competitive structure of the organization.

  • You are supposed to choose a publicly listed company from the Stock Market.
  • You should use references (company website, financial databases, etc…)


  • Justify your answers with the help of course materials, Text Book, Online resources
  • Answer should be in not less than 750 words. All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Referencing is necessary and student must apply APA Referencing Style.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission with plagiarism

You can choose any company except Coca-Cola – Disney – Starbucks – Walmart – Apple