Job Analysis and Job Design

Question Description

Pick an industry and consider how you would go about conducting a job analysis and designing jobs to be effective. Your paper should, at a minimum, address these questions:

  • What sources of information would you want to collect data from in a job analysis for an organization in this industry, any why?
  • Which methods of data collection would be most effective in a job analysis for an organization in this industry, and why?
  • What critical information should go into a job description for common jobs in this industry, and why?
  • Of the job design aspects that we discussed, which are specifically relevant to common jobs in this industry, and why? (e.g. empowerment, teams, flexible work schedules)


Summarize your findings in a 1-2 page paper, and be prepared to discuss your results in class.

Use in-text citations to show where you are applying or discussing content from any outside sources, including websites. End your paper with a References list that gives the full details about the sources. In-text citations and References should be formatted according to APA standards

discussion – 700 words

Question Description

Question 2: Discuss howthe shift from making ‘market entry’ decisions to ‘continuous operations’decisions creates a need for different types of information and data

Question 3: discuss the breadth and scope of international marketing research. Why is international marketing research generally broader in scope than domestic marketing research?

Question 5: What is the task of the international-marketing research? How is it complicated by the foreign environment?

6. Discuss the stages of the research process in relation to the problems encountered. Give examples

7.Why is the formulation of the research problem difficult in foreign market research?

8.Discuss the problems of gathering secondary data in foreign markets

10.What are some problems created by language and the ability to comprehend the questions in collecting primary data? How can a foreign market research overcome these difficulties?

12.Discuss when qualitative research may be more effective than quantitative research?

15. The foreign market research must possess three essential capabilities to generate meaningful marketing information. Discus

4 pages double spaced

Question Description

In Unit V, you selected your favorite brand and described the reasons why this brand is so appealing to you. For this assignment, you will use your favorite brand to create an analysis that identifies the strategic direction of price and promotion.

  1. In this assignment, you will research and provide pricing examples that compare and contrast various factors that influence promotional strategies for each of the five pricing strategies: premium pricing, penetration pricing, economy pricing, psychological pricing, and promotional pricing.
  2. Next, you will determine which pricing strategy is represented by your brand’s price and discuss why (or why not) the pricing strategy is effective.
  3. Finally, you will discuss if the pricing strategy is aligned with the messaging strategy in the promotions. For example, if the pricing strategy is premium pricing, do the promotions communicate the high value of the brand?

You must reference at least two articles from business-related or news websites. All paraphrased and quoted material must be cited and referenced. You will create a four-page Word document, not counting the title and reference pages.

Explain how the presence of a control group accounts for threats to internal validity. Summarize the types of threats to internal validity that can be avoided by utilizing random assignment to control and experimental groups.

Question Description

Paper must be at least 500 words, paper must include a summary and detailed explanation

From definition, Internal Validity is said to be the approximate truth about inferences on the basis of cause-effect. control groups acts as a threat to internal validity in that it assigns a research a standard value which is used as the reference point and hence leading to biases on a finding as the control group value may be very far from the research intended.


types of threats to internal validity

  • selection. this leads to biases in the study which hence leads to wrong comparison and hence leading to wrong conclusion.
  • history: history accounts for the event in the past contest and if used may lead to wrong conclusion as different parameters of an event keeps on changing with rime.
  • testing: testing leads to wrong results as the outcome solemnly depends on the moods of the respondents and hence can result to bias results.

internal validy requires high level of accuracy and independence so as to allow the free comparison of data

Information Technology important in Strategic Planning

Question Description

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Recommendation and Implementation

Question Description

Analyze your previous submissions, and make changes as necessary to the final paper to be prepared this week. Continue development of the project or research with an abstract and proposed implementation strategy. This is the last and final section of the Key Assignment and should bring together all aspects of the project or research in one cohesive paper. Revise previous sections so that the entire document flows and has a strong introduction and conclusion.

For this assignment, you will add an abstract and proposed implementation to your research paper. Finally, you will further refine the report and produce the Final Draft version. Updates may be based on peer and instructor feedback.

  • New Content:
    • Abstract and Proposed Implementation of the Solution
      • Develop and incorporate an abstract into the final draft of the research paper.
      • Produce a final proposed plan for implementation of the solution.
  • Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
  • Name the document “yourname_MGMT659_IP5.doc.”

Deliverable Length: 1,000 to 2,000 words. Total overall 4,000 – 10,000 words. Please include in-text citations and references in APA format.

Media about Trump

Question Description

This week I would like you to discuss what you know about Donald Trump solely from information your have heard/watched/read in the media. I am giving points for well thought out answers not bullet points. Put a lot of thought and effort into this.

2. Tell me what you have learned (or already know) about him solely from what you have heard/watched/read from the media. Social media counts as well.

3. Share where you got your information from. If it was from several sources, please list them all.

4. Discuss opposing views on President Trump from various media sources. Some media outlets will like a certain candidate and dislike another. Their bias will show.

5. What do you think about media sources endorsing one candidate or another? Can you trust a media source to be unbiased in their reporting if they have come out to endorse a specific candidate? (For example, a major newspaper’s endorsement of a candidate)

6. How do you know what information is accurate? How do you know who you can trust?

Complete Short Business Disc Post (BRAy)

Question Description

1.Share YOUR thoughts in at least 250 words in response to the following statement/question.

There is a growing number of instances where competitors are actually collaborating. List some of the benefits and some of the drawbacks associated with this. Provide an example of competitors who have actually collaborated.

*Please note that any copied answers not in your own words will result in a zero on this assignment.

I also encourage you to engage in meaningful conversation about this topic with your classmates, so feel free to follow up to to their responses.

2. Share your thoughts on the following in approximately 250words: From a strategic standpoint, why should a board of directors not be all male, or all female, or all whites, or all minorities? Be sure to provide strategic, rather than emotional reasons.

3. If a company has $1 million to spend on a new strategy and is considering market development versus product development, what determining factors would be most important to consider? Be sure to distinguish between the two types of development.

BUS 100 – Strayer University, Discussion Post

Question Description

Innovative Product Development – There are constant innovations in product markets and products move through the Product Life Cycle. This week, we’ll review four new and innovative products and look at both the production function and the innovation function during the Product Life Cycle


Click here to learn more about this product
Milo Sensor Wristband
Click here to learn more about this product
Click here to learn more about this product
Halo Sport
Click here to learn more about this product

Choose one of these new products developed recently and after reviewing the information on that product, answer the following questions

  1. What need is the new product trying to fill? Do you think it will meet that need?
  2. What type of innovation does the new product represent? (eco-friendly, frugal, sustaining, disruptive, or breakthrough)
  3. Of the manufacturing and production methods discussed this week (job production, batch production, flow production, mass customization, continuous production, or hybrid processes) which one would you recommend for the product you chose and why?

Discussion content

Question Description

Read the document

In our course thus far, we’ve laid the foundation: we’ve addressed the scope of HR, major trends impacting the field, equal employment opportunity and workplace safety, work analysis, and workforce planning. This week, we are studying how to select employees and place them in jobs.

It is important to remember at this point in the course that everything we are learning builds upon what has gone before. In other words, equal employment opportunity (and the plethora of laws on this subject) and workforce planning are integral to hiring employees, which is what we are addressing this week.

For this week’s online content discussion, please respond to the following prompts:

Define and explain the concepts of “reliability” and “validity” as they are utilized in employee hiring. Why is it important that testing instruments be both reliable and valid? Why is having a reliable and valid test important to ensure equal employment opportunity? What is the connection?

You’ll want to respond with a thorough answer to the question (400 – 500 words).