Submit a 4- to 5-page evaluation of the role of business strategy in advancing innovation.

Question Description

Assignment – Impact of strategy on successful Innovation

To prepare for this Assignment, select a business case from those provided in this week’s Required Readings and conduct further research on the featured company. Be sure to use scholarly, peer-reviewed resources from the Walden Library in examining the nature of innovation and effectively utilizing business strategy development.

Submit a 4 to 5 page evaluation of the role of business strategy in advancing innovation. Your evaluation must include the following:

  • A brief description of your chosen business, including the organization’s name, mission, and vision
  • A detailed explanation that includes a response to the following questions:
    • How did the company capitalize on the value of the business strategy process?
    • What approaches would you recommend for this business seeking to enhance strategic innovation?
    • What data would you leverage within a business strategy?
    • How might you utilize business strategy to further innovation within this organization?

Please Note: For each page of your paper, you must include a minimum of two APA-formatted scholarly citations. In addition, you must include at least one appropriately cited APA figure or table in your paper.

Base on the word doc and requirement finish the journal

Question Description

Based on Chapter 3 (Interpersonal Communication & Perception), Lectures: Perception

1. Contrast the various theories about how perception influences how we interact with others (e.g., implicit personality theory, impression formation theory, causal attribution theory, standpoint theory). Analyze your communication with your Partner based upon at least two of these theories.(Me and my partner are discuss a situation when you meet the professor in the hallway but you didn’t receive you exam score at least two weeks. If I’m in the situation I will just go ahead and ask the professor why I haven’t receive my score) Interpersonal Journal Assignment 6 Interpersonal Communication

2. What perceptual barriers have affected your relationship with your partner, either in the short-term or long-term? Which have you successfully overcome, at least occasionally? Which ones are the most difficult for you to overcome? Why?

3. Would improving your interpersonal perception skills result in an improvement of your relationship with your Partner? Why or why not? What strategies might you focus on for improvement? What strategies do you already employ?

marketing management

Question Description

this assignment is about the electronic wearable in Australia marketing. my topic is about Garmin activity wearable.

take care reading for Situation Analysis for management .docx . it is showing the all requirement about the assignment.

focus on it, please.

besides , MKTG1100 Segmentation Matrix Handout.pdf is showing ideas about the segments .

the marketing management 1 new file.docx is for help that let you know some situation about the Garmin activity wearable what I got . it will be providing more details about the assignment.

Example Marketing Plan – Assess2-2.pdf is only for help that let you know what is the sample look like.

let me know if you get any unclear parts or if you have any questions.

it is an important assignment, please sent it each part separate to me when you done at first.

thanks for help .

Asset & Liability

Question Description

Extra Credit Assignment

Practice Exercise 4-1

Place an “X” in the appropriate classification for each balance sheet item listed below.









Payroll taxes due

Accounts receivable


Mortgage payable



Note payable

(due in 24 months)


Accounts payable

Cash on hand

Lean Healthcare

Question Description

Book pages do not match….

Please read pages 25-36 and the appendix pages 220-225 in your book Practical Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare. Review the videos posted to this module on the A3 Report and Problem Identification. The deliverable for this assignment will be to write a problem statement for an A3 Report or Project Charter.

Ideally I would like you to identify a problem from somewhere in your professional life that you are willing to share with others. Please do not use specific company names (Company XYZ), instead use something generic. I know we are studying healthcare, but I will not require that your problem statement be healthcare related. This should open up the possibilities for everyone taking this course. We will be using this problem statement for future assignments regarding project execution so please take this serious and come up with something that can be developed. The hope is that we can identify a problem that will lead to a project charter and something you can actually work through and implement improvements.

Write a 700 word analysis. Details provided below

Question Description

Resource: Strategic Planning and Strategic Management Grading Guide

Refer to the following Week 1 – Required Learning Activities:

  • Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 1: What is Business Strategy?
  • Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 2: Analysis of the External Environment: Opportunities and Threats
  • Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 3: Internal Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Competitive Advantage

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students understand strategic business terminology (vision, mission, goals, objectives, specific objectives, internal and external scanning), to recognize the components of a strategic plan and to be familiar with the core information and steps needed to create a strategic plan. Furthermore, this assignment allows students to recognize the difference between strategic planning and strategic management.

Assignment Steps

Write a 700-word analysis in which you complete the following:

  • Describe and define the primary components of the Strategic Management Process.
  • Describe and define internal and external analysis.
  • Describe and define the responsibilities and duties of the Strategic Manager.
  • Explain why companies need strategic management planning.

Cite 3 scholarly references,

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Write a memo

Question Description

Technology has opened the door for flexibility within the workplace. Assume that I am your manager, write a memo convincing me to implement workplace flexibility in our business. You can decide what type of business we have, I would suggest using the type of job that you hope to have once you finish your degree. Make sure to provide research that supports your arguments. Included in your memo should be a specific request for the type of flexibility that you desire, explain how that will work within your office, and make sure to address any potential problems and how they would be dealt with. There is not a minimum length for this assignment, but you need to convince me that it is a mutually beneficial arrangement. You should have several sources to support your argument, show me that this has worked for other companies and explain the benefits to the company.

– The job I want to do wants I finish my degree is own a restaurante or manage a large restaurant/Hotel or equivalent.

Corporate Finance

Question Description

1. Using, download WEEKLY price data, as we have done in the class, for


2. These are all ETFs. Find out what kind of asset class these ETFs represent, and write a brief (at most two lines) description of these asset classes.

3. As we have done in the class, calculate the weekly returns (for the dates that are common to ALL of these ETFS). Make sure to use the Adjusted Close to calculate the return data

4. Calculate the average weekly return (multiply it by 52 to get an “annualized” number)

5. Calculate the standard deviation (risk) for these ETFS

6. Using SOLVER, as we have done in the class, calculate and graph the minimum variance boundary, and note where the efficient frontier lies on this boundary. For this step, do not limit weights to be non-negative.

7. Repeat Step 6, but this time force all portfolio weights to be non-negative (including the last one).

For your convenience, I am attaching the files I used during the lecture

Discussion 1)

Question Description


Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper detalis:

Discussion 1)

Read the Five Marketing Lessons from Old Spice article…

which discusses Old Spice’s relaunch of its brand in a “spicy” 2010

campaign starring Isaiah Mustafa. It also had a huge social media and

internet component that engaged consumers to interact with the “Old

Spice man” through contests, blogs, and messaging. Sales rose 55%. While

a bit dated, this is an excellent example of how a brand makeover can

be highly successful.

Your task is to find a campaign that followed a similar brand makeover

strategy. What elements do you think were most effective in reaching the

target audience? How did the company integrate these elements into

marketing campaigns to create a cohesive marketing strategy?

Note: To complete this initial post, it may be helpful to analyze the

advertisers of a large event such as the Super Bowl, the Oscars, the

World Series, or the Country Music Awards.

help with assignment

Question Description

Part 1

Q1: Distinguish between System Software and Application Software with examples.

Q2: You are the CIO of a company and are currently facing a steep budget cut. You need to make a choice between freeware, open-source and licensed/purchased software for a critical enterprise system. Explain what will you choose and why?

Q3: You indicated in class what your favorite mobile app is. Compare the mobile app with its web version (use screen-shots for visual appeal) in terms of features and usability.

Part 2

Q1: Explain under what circumstances does the IP address of a machine change. If you had planned to track a user based on his/her IP address, what alternative option (that does not change) can you use?

Q2: You are the Chief Information Security Officer of a company. Obviously, you are concerned about security the most. You need to make a choice between (a) hosting an information system on-premise, (b) use infrastructure as a service (Iaas), or (c) use software as a service on the public cloud. Explain what will you choose and why?