Communication class

Question Description

Homework Assignments:

A.Student needs to identify 3 individuals to ask a question? Write down their responses:

  • Friend, ask “what type of communication skills do you believe that I need to improve”?
  • Family member, “what communication skills that you believe I can improve upon”?
  • Who has the job you want in “5 or 10 years”, what position or company do you plan on working for? Identify the person and position, make a contact through internet and ask the question? What type of communication skills will you need to be a success?

BFind at least 3 selections for a Vocal Evaluation, they can be the following: a) poem, b) prose,c) Children story, d) song, e) article, f) dramatic interpretation, g) religious/spiritual, f) etc.You will be reading the selection as the 1st of the vocal evaluations.

C.Please be prepared to go to the Blackboard site, in order to do online home work as well.

Definitions (Group or Individual)

  • Social media, blogs, visualization, positive imagery, situational anxiety,
  • Types of interviews, open ended questions, closed ended questions,
  • John Dewey model, brainstorming, decision making, groupthink, small group communication, types of criteria,

read the 2nd chapter The Nature of costs in the attached textbook and answer the problem P-12 at the end of chapter 2

Question Description

read the 2nd chapter The Nature of costs in the attached textbook and answer the problem P-12 at the end of chapter 2

Gino Potestio, owner of Napoli Pizzeria, is evaluating leasing an espresso/cappuccino machine.A number of patrons have inquired about espresso and cappuccino beverages. Napoli currently does not offer these beverages. Gino believes adding these beverages will increase thedemand for his pizzas. A good espresso/cappuccino machine can be leased for $300 month. Eachespresso/cappuccino will sell for $3 and the coffee and milk will average $1 per serving. Noadditional labor cost is needed because the restaurant staff has enough idle time to prepare andserve the espresso/cappuccino. Gino estimates that the machine will add about $75 of additionalpizza profits per month.Required:a. How many espresso/cappuccino beverages must Napoli sell to break even?b. Gino doesn’t want to offer espresso/cappuccino beverages unless he makes at least $1,000per month after taxes including the additional sales of pizzas from adding espresso/cappuccino beverages. Napoli’s income tax rate is 35 percent. How many servings ofespresso/cappuccino must Gino sell to meet his after tax profit goal?



Healthcare Matrix assignment

Question Description


To prepare for this Assignment:

Consider the three steps described by Dr. Chassin and the seven major criteria of the Baldridge Performance Excellence Program, and reflect on how these recommendations can apply to health care organizations, specifically to long-term care facilities.

The Assignment:

In this Assignment you will identify major elements of high-reliability organizations providing long-term care. According to the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program (MBNQA), the criteria are as follows:


Strategic planning

Customer and market focus

Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management

Human resource focus

Process management

Business/organizational performance results

Using the Highly Reliable Organization Matrix located in this week’s Learning Resources, complete the matrix by typing in the elements which meet the criteria in rows and columns. Describe each element briefly, give an example as to how this can be met in a long-term care facility, and explain the expected impact on patient care.

Based on the results of the Highly Reliable Organization Matrix, write a 1- to 2-page executive summary to the board of directors of the long-term care organization, describing elements which meet the criteria from the matrix and how any missing elements of the criteria for excellence can be met.

8-10 pages

Question Description


Select one healthcare organization of interest to you and research the compensation package in the organization.

  • On the basis of your research and findings your paper should address the following:
  • Do a cost-benefit analysis of the selected healthcare organization. Explain your analysis of the cost-benefit ratio and how it helps an organization.
  • Explain the impact of the cost-benefit ratio on recruitment and retention strategies of a healthcare organization.
  • Outline ways to improve the cost-benefit ratio of the selected healthcare organization.
  • Explain the role of HRM in ensuring the most competitive compensation package for employees.
  • Describe methods of improving the compensation package of the selected healthcare organization. Explain how your recommendations could enhance recruitment and retention strategies of the organization.
  • Discuss how you would address competitive compensation, benefits packages, career development, and succession planning in working towards the selected healthcare organization’s strategic goals.

Submission Details:

  • To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
  • Your assignment should be addressed in an 8- to 10-page document.

Two separate questions

Question Description

Q.1/ jump b to Chapter 3 and focus on figure 3-1, the BIA Lifecycle on page 38. In your post, focus exclusively on the figure (3-1) and comment on what you think what might be the most difficult of the noted steps in ultimately conducting a BIA which you will not complete in this post. However, give the concept some considerable thought and use your natural ability to recognize where there are likely to be “potholes.” Indicate why you think the model might be initially confusing. What would be your initial step in overcoming any potential conflict? Responses to this post should demonstrate an understanding of management concerns and suggested first steps.

the book:


Q.2/ Looking at chapter 4 may be a refamiliarization for you with concepts inherent to planning. After reading this small chapter, you are asked to discuss the one most important point that “jumped out” at you during that process that employees should be aware of. Be certain to indicate why you value the concept.

the book:

Finance question 2

Question Description

1.Go to and explore the video tab in the top banner menu. In the search box, enter the key terms reporting and estimate in separate searches. As you learned in this unit, there are various sources of information. Watch at least two videos, briefly describe one of the videos viewed, and provide a summary of information the video contained and how it fits in with this chapter. answer this post in couple sentences.

example down below:

2.On I watched a video about how a Federal Reserve Chairman named Jerome Powell describes the U.S. economy as being solid and that the central bank needs to do everything they can to keep it that way (Imbert, 2019). Powell made this comment after some not so good news about how the Labor Department reported weaker than expected job growth in September. They are expecting some cuts and this has forced traders to increase their bets on easier monetary policy from the Fed (Imbert, 2019).

also please comment on this example within 2-3 sentences.

please number answers as it is numbered in questions

DB: Week 5 – FEMA Whole Community; (SINGLE SPACED APA STYLE) (City of choice, Orlando, Florida)

Question Description

Read the follwing carefully to avoid any revision

(City of choice, Orlando, Florida) WIRTE about the city Orlando, Florida)

“Reflect on the FEMA Whole Community Approach and relate the Strategic Themes listed to your personal community. List in a table, (as comprehensively as possible) the “unique” subpopulations in your defined community (by language, education or reading level, cultural belief systems, socio-economic capability [financial and /or ‘status’], age, and technology (phone, computer, television, radio, newsprint) access. In the same table (recommend Excel spreadsheet) identify at least two representative agencies or individual community leaders for each defined sub-population. In other words, look to see how the community you have chosen applies the FEMA Whole Community concept.”

*** NOTE: “Much like last week, the FEMA Whole Community document is a big one, but I have provided an overview file. Additionally, the following video will help clarify much of the document’s highlights. Take the time to listen.

*** (City of choice, Orlando, Florida) WIRTE about the city Orlando, Florida)

*** Find the attachments

*** Use Only governmental and trusted resources from Orlando city officials

Exercise: Correspondence Analysis

Question Description


Below are three examples of professional correspondence – a letter, and email, and a memo – each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

Your task

1. Review the the correspondence.

2. For each example, describe its strengths and weaknesses in terms of

  • Format
  • Organization
  • Style

3. Identify the most effective and least effective correspondence, and explain why you picked the ones you picked.

4. Choose one correspondence and rewrite it so that it more effectively accomplishes its goals.


few question

Question Description

Part 1

Q1: Distinguish between System Software and Application Software with examples.

Q2: You are the CIO of a company and are currently facing a steep budget cut. You need to make a choice between freeware, open-source and licensed/purchased software for a critical enterprise system. Explain what will you choose and why?

Q3: You indicated in class what your favorite mobile app is. Compare the mobile app with its web version (use screen-shots for visual appeal) in terms of features and usability.

Part 2

Q1: Explain under what circumstances does the IP address of a machine change. If you had planned to track a user based on his/her IP address, what alternative option (that does not change) can you use? (Hint: We discussed this option in class)

Q2: You are the Chief Information Security Officer of a company. Obviously, you are concerned about security the most. You need to make a choice between (a) hosting an information system on-premise, (b) use infrastructure as a service (Iaas), or (c) use software as a service on the public cloud. Explain what will you choose and why?

HRM580- Employee engagement in organizational change

Question Description

Employee Engagement in Organizational Change

For this Capstone assignment, you will create an organizational intervention and evaluation plan that focuses on technological and environmental impacts. Specifically, you will examine how to engage employees in organizational change efforts regardless of impact type.

Develop a well-written paper that addresses the following:

  • Conduct an environmental scan and analyze at least two technological or environmental influences that are impacting an organization/industry of your choice.
  • Recommend interventions or strategies that can be implemented to mitigate any negative impact that a new technology/environmental factor may have on the organization. Explain how the recommended strategies can be used to engage employees in the change process.
  • Identify an evaluation process for the intervention plan. Specifically, explain how you will gauge the success of the plan.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

To view the full requirements of the Capstone Project, visit Module 8.