I need help with my statistics project

Question Description

For these project assignments throughout the course, you will need to reference the data in the ROI Excel spreadheet. Download it here.

  1. For each of the 2 majors create a frequency distribution table and histogram using the column ‘Annual % ROI’. Group the classes starting at 6% (0.06), ending at 11% (0.11), and have the class width be a half percent 0.5% (0.005). Make sure that there are NO overlapping bars. For example, if one bar is 0.060-0.064, then the next bar can’t start with 0.064. It would have to start with0.065. This histogram is used again and again… Make sure it is correct. You will have to adjust the table Excel generates.
  2. In a highlighted box, interpret your results. Do the samples represent public and private schools equally? Why is that NOT necessarily a problem? Is there a certain histogram bar that is higher than all the others? What does this mean in terms of ROI? These are not the only questions you can use to interpret the results, but they are a push in the right direction. Keep going. What else do you see?

research homework

Question Description

Hi there,

Please see the files for instructions. Thanks!

Your boss, Maria Beck-Smith, CEO of US-based “Jones Leisure Clo

thing” company.(“JLC”), wants to expand and start manufacturing operations and sales in the E.U

. JLC products are high-end, and typically sell primarily to highly educated customers aged 22-28.

Maria specifically wants manufacturing to be located in one of three “Eastern European” countries: Estonia, Romania, or Bulgaria. Maria is ready to convince JLC’s Board to make a $30 million investment. She asks for your recommendations:

1)Decide which one of the three countries you recommend, andselect a city for your site.

2) Maria is convinced she wants to do this, but she also asks you for a list of the top three “positives” and “negatives” (3 X 2) that come with your countrychoice, when compared to operating from the other countries and from Italy. (Maria anticipates that JLC’s Board of Directors will ask her to locate the new facility in Italy, andshe wants to be prepared todefend her proposal). Work with your team and capture your recommendations on the form. Hand in the form and be ready to explain your choices, and debate.

Complete Business Reflection Discussion (RAVEN)

Question Description

Please view the pictures for the instructions and I have also added info for you to use:

Because for Paragraph 1-3

I have to discuss work experience, profession, and career plans/future.

So to give you some information about myself. I’m a finance officer at Pike county sheriff’s office. I’ve been in the Military for 5 year 10 months. My future plans is to earn my Masters degree, commission and become an officer in the military and one day to open up my own tax/financing business.

Paragraph 4 is basically about picking what assignments helped me learn the most. So I guess that will be picking the most important assignments.

For the Assignments Module 1 was about the importance of Ethics at WORK, Module 2 focus on Love and If love is all you need to have a successful business, Module 3 was about growing up with a start up.

So I would say the most important thing that I learned is about Ethics and how loyalty to your workers and the love for your business would all play an important role in the thrive of a successful business

Forecasting Methods and Applications

Question Description


Employ accounting data for business analysis and prediction.


The Corporate Controller has called you into a planning session and asked you to help with the preparation of an income statement forecast for the coming three years. You both discuss the project and decide that the data you will need it is:

  1. The last 5 years of income statements
  2. A forecast of economic data for key economic indicators
  3. The basic assumptions the company is making in their business plan


The Corporate Controller would like you to use Excel to prepare a high-level, 3-year forecast (income statement format) incorporating the historical, economic forecast, and assumptions provided by the Corporate Controller. The Corporate Controller also states that the Board of Directors loves to see “pictures” of summary data rather than a “bunch of numbers.” The Corporate Controller suggests that on a separate tab in Excel to use the graphing function to display total revenues and expenses for the periods covered.

Create and Excel spreadsheet with two tabs labeled:

  • Tab 1: 3-Year Income Statement Forecast
  • Tab 2: Graphs

On Tab 1: 3-Year Income Statement Forecast, use the same income statement format and titles as the historical data provided.

3-3 Journal: Excel Planning Process Assignment

Question Description

In this journal assignment, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your work with Excel thus far and to plan for your second final project milestone (due in module four).

First, review the critical elements listed in Section II of the final project and reflect on your work in SIMnet.

Then, in your journal, reflect on your experience in the module assignments to address the following:

  • What type of chart is appropriate to visually represent the numerical data?
  • Describe how you will adapt the formatting, labeling, formulas, and organization of your Excel document to fit the purpose of the document and its audience.
  • What type of number format would be appropriate for representing the information required? For example, how many decimal spaces will you include? Will you use a number format or a currency format?

Milestone Two, a draft of the Excel spreadsheet you will submit as part of the final project, is due in Module Four. In your journal, include any questions or concerns you may have in regard to Milestone Two.

To complete this assignment, review the Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.

Complete the following journal

Question Description

Negotiating for Resources

Negotiation is an important skill for any business manager. Ideally the goal is for each side in the negotiation to obtain something they need or want while each side also possibly relinquishing something on both sides. In this Journal, you have the opportunity to examine how you would negotiate for resources.

Respond in a Journal posting. You will not have to respond to other students, but your response must be original. Only your first posting will be graded.


  • Explain how you would handle the situation where the resources you were promised for a project are no longer available.
  • If the functional manager (i.e., departmental manager) claims individuals originally assigned to your project must focus on their operational activities, and not on project work, how would you negotiate with the functional manager?


Your Journal should consist of a minimum of 300 words, and no more than 350 words. The Journal must be concise, well-written, and consistent with the requirements. Please make sure to reflect on what you learned. It is important to consider the intangible variables affecting the implementation of change within the organization.

Netflix distribution channels

Question Description

Watch: Business Model Canvas Channels – How to Build a Startup (Links to an external site.)Business Model Canvas Channels - How to Build a Startup


How to use Channels building block: https://strategyzer.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1194376-how-do-i-use-the-channels-building-block-of-the-bu (Links to an external site.)

More on Customer Relationships: https://www.cleverism.com/selecting-managing-channels-business-model-canvas/ (Links to an external site.)


Read: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/23/netflix-ceo-reed-hastings-on-how-the-company-was-born.html (Links to an external site.)

Netflix has been a constant innovator and disruptor since their inception in 1997. They are a great example of a company that has focused on innovating through new channels.


  1. Compare Netflix to Blockbuster in 1997. How did the Channels Netflix used compare to the Channels Blockbuster (or other movie rental stores) used at the time? How did this innovation in Channels impact the rest of Netflix’s business model?
  2. Explain how Netflix has adapted their Channels from their inception to their current business model. How has this impacted the rest of their business model?

(Be sure to discuss the 5 channel phases)

Cool Plc Discussion

Question Description

Upload only one MS Word file (.doc or .docx) with your work. No other file formats accepted.

Organize your work with a neat presentation.

I am providing you with one document showing financial information on a hypothetical firm and requirements. The firm operates in a country outside the US that uses a form for financial statements that differs somewhat from the US convention.

For ratios using balance sheet items, use end-of-year balances rather than average balances so you can derive ratios for two years and, thus, can compare these ratios. For instance, for ROE, use the equity balance at the end of the year for the denominator rather than the average equity balance. Thus, for each ratio, you can show two years.

Show your calculations and label them clearly similar to the example below.

Current ratio (20×1): Current assets [number here] = [result here]
Current liabilities [number here]

Current ratio (20×2): Current assets [number here] = [result here]
Current liabilities [number here]

You could first perform calculations in Excel and then copy/paste your work into Word. Alternatively, you could create a Table in Word and type calculation information into the table.

Communication class

Question Description

Homework Assignments:

A.Student needs to identify 3 individuals to ask a question? Write down their responses:

  • Friend, ask “what type of communication skills do you believe that I need to improve”?
  • Family member, “what communication skills that you believe I can improve upon”?
  • Who has the job you want in “5 or 10 years”, what position or company do you plan on working for? Identify the person and position, make a contact through internet and ask the question? What type of communication skills will you need to be a success?

BFind at least 3 selections for a Vocal Evaluation, they can be the following: a) poem, b) prose,c) Children story, d) song, e) article, f) dramatic interpretation, g) religious/spiritual, f) etc.You will be reading the selection as the 1st of the vocal evaluations.

C.Please be prepared to go to the Blackboard site, in order to do online home work as well.

Definitions (Group or Individual)

  • Social media, blogs, visualization, positive imagery, situational anxiety,
  • Types of interviews, open ended questions, closed ended questions,
  • John Dewey model, brainstorming, decision making, groupthink, small group communication, types of criteria,

Complete Student Success Discussion (JT)

Question Description

Simon Sinek developed the concept of knowing and understanding your “why.” The article, “Knowing Your Why” explains the importance of knowing your why in great detail. The Michael Jr. video is a fun illustration of how knowing your why can change you. It is amazing to me the difference in this man’s performance before and after he knew his why. What is your “Why”? Why are you pursuing higher education? Why are you going into your field of choice?

Discussion Assignment:

  1. Read this article on Simon Sinek’s work. https://simonsinek.com/commit/the-science-of-why/
  2. Watch the video below.
  3. Discuss what your personal “Why” is, and how knowing your “Why” can make your “What” more impactful. You why might have many components, or it might be very simple. Either way, please share it.

Know Your Why | Michael Jr. (Links to an external site.)Know Your Why | Michael Jr.

Note: If for some reason your video does not work, try changing browsers. Chrome seems to work the best.