Revision Planning

Question Description

Before you begin to revise for submission of the Information Design final draft, it’s good to think through what specific issues need to be addressed in your draft and consider all the topics discussed in the Feedback File. To help you strategically plan your revision, consider each draft individually, and respond to the following:

  1. Do your visualization represent data that is key to making your point?
  2. Are each of your visuals effective–consider accuracy, type, design and color use?
  3. Are the visuals effectively integrated into the document–consider labeling and placement in the document?
  4. Are the visuals sufficiently analyzed and described within the document? This is important to ensure that the visuals are fully integrated into the document and contributing to the point you are making.
  5. Is the document designed for readability and the specific needs of the target audience–consider use of headers, bullets, font size and type, and color use?
  6. Is the purpose (your point) of the document clearly stated and consistently made throughout the document?
  7. Is the content and tone of your report tailored to the specific needs and expectations of the target audience?

# Attached:

1- Collective Feedback.

2- The project that needs to be revised and modified.

marketing class

Question Description

Write a minimum of 1200 words for numbers 1-4 and 3 scholarly sources…….

1. Discuss the three forms of innovation as they are categorized in terms of the degree to which they demand changes in behavior from adopters. Provide an example of products that fit each of the three forms of innovations. Discuss the significance of these innovations. How does the promotion for these products differ?

2. What is creolization and what does it have to do with the adoption of marketing strategies? If you were in charge of international markets for Kraft Foods, would you focus primarily on the etic or emic perspectives? Would your answer change if you worked for Ford? Explain.

3. Discuss geodemography and the use of geodemographic marketing techniques in the marketing of products or services. What assumptions are made and how accurate are these assumptions? Provide an example of where you have seen geodemographic marketing used effectively.

4. Discuss the five types of social powers and for each provide an example of a time when, as a consumer, you were influenced by an individual with this power.

​The link here is a link to a speech that was made by Barak Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Boston in 2004. Please view the speech and create a BLOG POST (your #3) that will describe techniques that he uses that help make this one of the m

Question Description

The link here is a link to a speech that was made by Barak Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Boston in 2004. Please view the speech and create a BLOG POST (your #3) that will describe techniques that he uses that help make this one of the memorable speeches of the last 20 years.

This is a personal reflection, there are no wrong answers, your work should be concise, aim for about 500 words or less.

Ask yourself these questions before you blog:

Do you agree or disagree with some part of the topic of presented?

Do you feel that it was communicated effectively, or appropriately?

Your post must demonstrate that you have:

1. Studied the material presented or question asked using active listening skills

2. Reflected on it, and asked yourself: what does this mean and how does this impact me, what did I learn from this?

3. Thought critically about it: was this message communicated as effectively as it could have been? Do I agree or disagree with this? How do I feel about the assumptions upon which the information is based?

logistics management

Question Description

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.

Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.

Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.

Students must mention question number clearly in theiranswer.

Late submission will NOT be accepted.

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your ownwords, copying from students or other resourceswithout proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.No exceptions.

All answered must be typed usingTimes New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Marketing ( Discussions)

Question Description

Discussion: Declining Markets

After reading Chapter 10…

Take a look at Exhibits 10-12 and 10-13 . In your own words, give us an example of applying one strategy for a declining market to a product and market of which you are aware and support this with the objectives suggested for each strategy.

Write a post of about 300 words, and respond to as many posts of others that you can.

Discussion: Digital and Social Markets

After reading Chapter 11, think about this.

Entrepreneurs now have to consider what their customers will need not only today but tomorrow, and also where their customers will be willing to consume. in your own words, suggest an opportunity in one of the four business types (B to B, B to C, etc.) and why you think it might be successful.

Write a post of about 300 words, and respond to as many posts of others that you can.

MGT420 Discussion Module 3

Question Description

The reading by Shearouse (2011) discusses five conflict management styles. Many companies sell conflict style questionnaires for use in organizations. For the first week of this module, try your hand at a free questionnaire. Here is one that allows you to identify your own conflict management style based on five styles similar to those discussed in Shearouse (2011):

Report your rating as well as your general impressions about the usefulness of this questionnaire. Were you surprised by the results? Do you think the results are accurate? Would the questionnaire be useful for your organization?

For week two of this module, try your hand at using some of the conflict management or negotiation tactics discussed in this module. This could be with a coworker or family member. If everything is peaceful these days at home or at work, you can also try negotiating for a better deal, such as calling up your credit card company to try to get a lower interest rate or calling up your cell phone carrier to get a lower monthly rate. Share the results with your classmates, and don’t cause too much trouble…

Creating a Methodology—Essay

Question Description

Option #1: Creating a Methodology—Essay

Based on your review and analysis of the “Creating Methodology” case study (Kerzner, 2017, pp. 86-86), in a written essay paper, address the following assignment key elements: (CASE STUDY ATTACHED)

  • Clearly and concisely define the construct of an enterprise project management methodology (EPM). Appraise the elements included the case study’s EPM.
  • Clearly and concisely define the construct of a project management office (PMO). Critique the case study’s PMO structure in context of implementing the proposed EPM.
  • Appraise the key requirements of the EPM required by John Compton. Differentiate the proposed project life cycle phases from the PMBOK® Guide (6th ed.) project life cycle phases.
  • Identify specific aspects of a project management methodology that are distinctly unique to global organizations.
  • Summarize how a project management system (PMS) can be used to support the case study’s EPM.

Additional Instructions
Be sure to properly organize your writing and include the following:

  • Cover page
  • Introduction
  • Body of your work in response to the assignment’s key elements, with headings and subheadings
  • Conclusion
  • List of references
  • Appendices (as applicable).

The introduction, through conclusion sections of your paper, should be approximately 3-4 pages. Support your assignment with a minimum of three scholarly references.

survey article review in marketing research

Question Description

this week’s discussion will take us beyond Google. Many of our data sources have been found using Google. While this is helpful, it is not comprehensive. Sometimes a marketing researcher may need to know if similar studies have been completed and see what the outcomes of those studies were. This brings us to using academic databases.

For this discussion, you will need to 1) find an academic article that reported some kind of research results. It can be on any topic but it needs to have been published in the last five years. Then, you need to 2) summarize the article in 2-3 paragraphs. Provide detail about what you think is important about the article. To complete the discussion, after your summary 3) cite the article using proper APA formatting (make sure it was cited and referenced). This will allow you to practice for your final report. Many databases will provide you with the APA citation, but some do not format it correctly; be cautious of this.

To find your article, use one of the library’s business databases

the article i have chosen is this:

Lewin’s Change Model

Question Description

One of the seminal studies and theories related to change management is Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Model. Components of his work are identified in many other theories, so understanding this theory offers insight into the change management process.

In this assignment, provide a brief overview of Lewin’s Change Management Model, including his rationale for creating this theory and the intended role this model addresses in change management.

Then discuss the three stages of change implementation and explain the importance of each stage. Be sure to use the terminology for each stage of Lewin’s model as outlined in the text.

Finally, Lewin’s theory was created in the 1940s. How would you modify/alter his theory to ensure that it remains relevant and applicable within KSA? Discuss any changes to be made to his theory to reflect today’s business environment, both globally and within KSA. KSA=Kingdom of saudi Arabia

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be three-to-five pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use APA style guidelines.
  • High quality

if you need any further information don’t hesitate to contact me

Marketing Strategy: Multiattribute Table

Question Description

In Excel, use spreadsheets to calculate each segment’s attitude towards the brand across the sevenfeatures. Print out three separate charts (one for each segment) that show the calculations and overallattitudinal score for each brand.Questions:

1. An individual from segment A is currently considering purchasing from one of the ten brands.According to the data, which two brands would s/he likely have the strongest attitude towards?Which brand does s/he have the lowest attitude towards?

2. What are the multiattribute scores for Tesla for segments A, B and C?

3. How do the three segments differ in terms of the relative importance of the various productfeatures when evaluating brands?

4. For segment B, which has a higher evaluation – Tesla or Mercedes Benz? How about forsegment C? What explains the difference?

5. For segment C, what is Tesla’s main competitive advantage? Explain.

6. For segment B, what would be a false advantage for Mercedes Benz? Explain.

7. Based on the data from the multiattribute table, what would you recommend that Tesla changeto attract more consumers from segment B away from Mercedes Benz? (ie. Where do they needto improve their scores?)