Answer Discussion Questions

Question Description

The Discussion Assignment:

The “Seeking Information from a Client” Case is located on page 131 in your textbook (attached below labeled “Client Case”). Answer the following critical thinking questions (these questions are the same ones on page 131 mentioned above).

  1. Since you don’t have a relationship with Sylvia, what will you do to get off to a solid start during your visit?
  2. How should you approach Sylvia verbally and nonverbally?
  3. What strategies among the ones discussed in this chapter (chapter is attached below labeled “Ch.3 Customer Service”) can you use to find out where you and LKM stand in Sylvia’s mind?
  4. What might you propose to Sylvia to try to change her mind if she indicates that she is planning to move the account?


– You do not need to read all of the pages on the chapter word doc. Just skim through them to help answer the questions.
– These are discussion questions, no word requirement, just answer the questions.
– Please write in your own words, plagiarism will not be accepted.
– Also, below is the reference to the text.

Customer Service, 7th Edition, Robert W. Lucas, McGraw Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121, 2019.

Motivation Theories Essay 3 pages

Question Description

Using the motivation theories, explain either your best, or your worst workplace experience in terms of motivation. Go in detail and provide information on your boss, work, context, environment etc. that affected your motivation. How and why did the situation lead you to perform at your best? Alternatively, how and why did you chose to not be performing according to expectations?

As a reminder, the eight motivation theories discussed:

1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

2.Alderfer’s ERG Theory

3. Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory

4. McClelland’s Motive Dispositions Theory

5. Equity Theory

6. Expectancy Theory

7. Reinforcement Theory

8.Goal Setting Theory

Your assignment should not exceed about three (3) pages in length (Times New Roman font size 12, single or double spaced) that is, about one (1) page for each theory.

This assignment will be graded 70% on your ability to correctly apply motivation theories and 30 % on grammar and spelling. It is therefore important that you carefully edit your answers before turning them in. Please make sure you reference three different theories. Please upload your assignment in the form of a WORD document on the separate link provided in this module right underneath the project instruction.

No references or cover pages

Dont palagirze please!

business model

Question Description

To complement your prior analysis, this week’s interviews should focus on the Business Model, with the interviewees being those with insights on the below questions. Your insights and plans in this Business Model chapter should also be informed by your primary research and secondary research.

The Business Model chapter of the business plan to be authored this week should address:

  • How will you make money? How can you lose money?
  • How will you price the product/service? Are there comparably priced solutions in your market? Are there other surrogates you can use to ballpark the price?
  • What are the major dependencies of your business model (staff, suppliers, expertise, rapid adoption, validation, breaking through noise barriers, etc.)?
  • What is the key metric to determine if your business is a success? When will you reach this milestone?
  • Are there follow-on or derivative products/service and/or revenue streams you need to consider as part of the overall business?

For this Business Model chapter, a 2-3 page single-spaced length is appropriate. Tables, graphics, and related visual tools to efficiently communicate key information is encouraged.

Be sure to support your analysis and decisions with research and references. References may be included in APA format.

Sale management ( Task 6)

Question Description

Task 6

Welcome to Task 6!

The successful recruitment of salespeople is of fundamental importance in ensuring the long-term success of any selling organization. Because of globalization and the spate of changes it has ushered in, companies are in continued search and compete fiercely for qualified candidates to fill sales positions. By the same token talented people are leaving one organization for another in search of better opportunities. Because of the high cost of recruiting, selecting the right people and retaining them is a key responsibility of sales managers.

Read chapter 9 in the textbook.

In a recent discussion on the use of the internet to generate applications, the following quote was made and illustrates the application of the internet to the recruiting and selection process :It doesn’t care whom you know, what kind of suit you are wearing, or whether or not you have a firm handshake. Salespeople looking for a job may soon have to face their toughest interview yet – with a computer.

What are the advantages of using the internet to conduct preliminary job interviews? What problems is a company that uses computer-aided interviewing likely encounter?

Upload your task using Word file.

Corporate Governance Report and Power Point

Question Description

Corporate Governance Report and Power Point

Corporate Governance is the core responsibilities of Boards, Board Committees and Management. As an accountant, what should be your role in relating to these groups? What information should an accountant provide to help guide and support the board and management. This report should be at least three pages and no more than six single spaced with double spacing between paragraphs. You must include citations in your text and a bibliography at the end.

Your report should include governance for any organization and include a focus on how different accounting roles (CFO, outside auditors, and internal auditors) shape and relate to the governance process. What are the ethical challenges? What is the role of an internal control (as well as internal audit) in governance? What types of communication is required to promote effective corporate governance as appropriate actions related to governance, risk, and control (GRC)?

Based on your report prepare a power point presentation of at least five slides presenting your opinion. The power point presentation does not need a bibliography but should indicate on your title page the work is based on the paper you prepared.

A. Calculate pre-determined overhead allocation rate. B. Calculate the applied overhead to job orders. C. Calculate the total cost for each job order and cost per unit.

Question Description

  • ABC Company estimates that it will require 100,000 machine-hour to meet the coming period’s estimated production level in 2018. In addition, the company estimates total fixed manufacturing overhead at SR 300,000, and variable manufacturing overhead costs of SR 3 per machine -hour. (2marks)
  • If your fixed monthly utility charge is SR 100, your variable cost is SR1 per kilowatt hour, and your monthly activity level is 3,000 kilowatt hours, what is the amount of your utility bill? (1.0 marks)
  • Assume the following hours of maintenance work and the total maintenance costs for the following months: (1. marks)
  • following information are extracted from the records of ABC company for 2018: (1marks)

ABC company produced in Feb.2018 two job orders with the following information (Amounts in SR):

Job no. 1

Job no.2

Direct material



Direct labor



Actual machine hour used by orders



Units produced




  • Calculate pre-determined overhead allocation rate.
  • Calculate the applied overhead to job orders.
  • Calculate the total cost for each job order and cost per unit.


Maintenance hours

Total cost



















Required:Calculate fived costs using The High-Low Method



Variable manufacturing expenses


Fixed manufacturing expenses


Variable selling expenses


Variable administrative expenses


Fixed selling expenses


Fixed administrative expenses


Required: prepare income statement using contribution margin approach.

LOS312 Costco Short Paper

Question Description

In LOS312, you will be required to complete five (5) short papers. These short papers, each focusing on a mini-case study featuring an HR-related theme, allow you to begin the process of applying the HR concepts we cover in each unit. This hands-on process will help these topics “stick” by enhancing your knowledge of how to apply these concepts in your professional life.

Short Paper #4 (SP 4) is titled Costco, and is located in our textbook on pages 420 to 421.Once you have read the case study, and reflected on our LOS312 concepts and theories, please answer the following question in your case study analysis:

What organizational processes does compensation affect and what is Costco’s rationale for having an exceptional compensation plan?

What are the four (4) basic types of compensation, and which are evident at Costco?

In order to successfully complete this assignment, be sure to refer to the instructions on the Short Paper Template located in the Syllabus & Info section of our Blackboard course website.You will submit this short paper via the Short Paper Assignment link in Module 8.Please name your paper:SP 4 Your Name

Same requirements as the last ones.

Thank You

Make a presentation of 600–800 words to the Committee explaining the different types of ABS for the Committee’s consideration.

Question Description

As a finance employee in a municipality, you have been informed that a separate $85 million pension fund for the municipality’s firefighters will be carved out of the municipality’s pension fund. The newly formed Firefighter’s Pension Investment Committee is interested in investing up to $25 million of pension assets in asset-backed securities to mature in 10 years so that they can be disbursed to a fund for payment to retired firefighters.

Your task is to make a presentation of 600–800 words to the Committee explaining the different types of ABS for the Committee’s consideration. The presentation must include the following:

  • A discussion of at least 3 important types of ABS, including MBS
  • 2 specific, real-world examples of asset-backed securities with appropriate maturities and how they compare to a Treasury security of the same maturity in terms of the spread over the Treasury yield
  • A discussion of the third risk that exists for MBS investors in addition to the credit and interest rate risks faced by all bondholders, as well as which kind of MBS would be the most appropriate for the pension fund given its 10-year horizon for disbursing funds
  • At least 2 outside sources

Technology’s Influence on Society

Question Description

  • Select a specific industry (healthcare, manufacturing, financial, etc.) OR field (logistics, sales, marketing, etc.).
  • Research and describe how technological advancements during your lifetime have changed how the industry or field operates.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

Sustainability Discussion Forum

Question Description


Type of service:
Article Critique

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
2 sources

Paper detalis:

Referencing theInc. Magazine article, Why Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary Wants You to beEvil: Do You Need a Social Mission? Hell, no. Profit is the Mission(Links to an external site.):
1. Discuss the question of whether companies do (or do not) need to needto be organized differently in the context of sustainabilitychallenges.
2. Drawing from your text, Management Reset, and one other outside reference provide a reason for your point of view.
3. Give examples of what might need to change or stay the same.

Your postings/insights in the Discussion forum are based on the following:
1. Application of course concepts;
2. Ability to articulate your analysis clearly; and
3. Integration of student colleagues’ contributions and insights leading the discussion to a deeper level of understanding.

I only have the hardback copy of the textbook, but here are the powerpoints for the chapters that were covered in lecture.

Let me know if this clarifies the subjects any better.

Please don’t include ch. 10 in the discussion. We haven’t gone over it in class. So just ch. 1,2,4, and 9.