Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis

Question Description

You must show all your work; show the formulas and the accounting rules using Microsoft Excel

Complete the following three questions using Microsoft Excel. No other submission format is allowed. Review the grading rubric to confirm you are meeting the assignment requirements.

Problem 1

Maintenance Maintenance
Hours Cost (SAR)
January 1,000 45,550
February 1,500 52,000
March 2,100 61,500
April 1,800 57,500
May 800 42,000
June 1,100 47,000
  1. Calculate variable cost per unit using the high-low method.
  2. Calculate fixed costs.

Problem 2

Total Per Unit Percent of Sales
Sales (40,000 units) 2,400,000 60 100%
Variable expenses 1,600,000 40 ? %
Contribution margin 800,000 ? %
Fixed expenses 500,000
Net operating income 300,000
  1. Calculate variable expense ratio.
  2. Calculate contribution margin ratio.
  3. Calculate break even sales in units (show your work).
  4. Calculate break even sales in Dollars.
  5. How many units must be sold to make a profit of SAR 200,000.

Management is considering increasing quality of its units by spending SAR 3 more per unit in variable costs and adding a quality inspector for an additional SAR 60,000 annual fixed cost. Management believes this change will increase unit sales by 10% at the same price.

  1. Calculate the new operating profit or loss.
  2. Should management make the changes?

Problem 3

GIVEN: Janitorial








Square feet 100 200 1500 3000
Employee count 20 30 80 100
Department cost (SAR) 100,000 150,000 400,000 500,000


Allocate Janitorial and Cafeteria department costs to mixing and baking departments using the direct method. Use square feet for allocating janitorial costs and number of employees for allocating cafeteria department costs.

You must show all your work.

Unit 4 Motivation

Question Description

The Unit 4 Assignment asks you to consider theories of employee motivation, as described in Chapter 11 of the text. As mentioned in the Unit 3 Assignment, VP of Human Resources, Philip Thomas, has delegated the task of drafting a new policy to his team, to be presented to him for final review. However, the team is not meeting the milestones Thomas has set, and Thomas has become aware that some of these employees are feeling disgruntled. He has asked you to prepare a memo detailing your analysis and recommendations as to how he could motivate his employees. Please use the Unit 4 Assignment template.

Assignment Checklist:

  • Using the assignment template, identify at least three reasons that employee motivation sometimes wanes.
  • Describe to VP Thomas how he might use either Goal Setting Theory OR Expectancy Theory in order to motivate his employees.
  • Summarize recommendations for two specific methods or incentives Thomas might use to motivate his team.
  • Utilize at least one external source as part of your research. This could be your textbook or another resource found in the university library.
  • Your submission should include a title page, memo, and reference list.
  • The paper should be at least two double-spaced pages in length using size 12-point font.

only one part of the pdf – Question 4 Experiment 1

Question Description

correct solution only please

Question 4. (7 marks)
The homo economicus view of man’s behaviour as applied to the bulk offinance theory portrays decision makers and being both self-interestedand rational. Neoclassical economics makes some fundamental assumptionsabout people:
1. People have rational preferences across possible outcomes or states of nature.
2. People maximize utility and firms maximize profits.
3. People make independent decisions based on all relevant information.
In light of the following hypothetical experiments, discuss the above

Experiment 1:

Ten people are in Room X (givers) with a further ten people in Room Y(takers). Each giver in Room X will be paired with a taker in Room Yalthough they will not know the identity of the other. Givers have beengiven $20 and can transfer any part of their $20 to a taker in Room Y.Takers can either choose to keep the amount sent, in which case theamount proposed is final or else reject the amount sent, in which caseboth individuals receive nothing. That is, you can send any dollaramount from $0 to $20 and the taker can accept this offer, or reject it,in which case you both receive nothing. For example, If the takeraccepts and you send $10, you keep $20 – $10.
You are a giver. How much do you give?

Most people think of fast-food franchises, such as McDonald’s and Burger King, but many franchises provide a variety of other goods and services including auto repair, tax advising, consulting, real estate, fitness, educational, and dental services.

Question Description

There are many examples of franchise systems. Most people think of fast-food franchises, such as McDonald’s and Burger King, but many franchises provide a variety of other goods and services including auto repair, tax advising, consulting, real estate, fitness, educational, and dental services.

Research a franchise opportunity from the labels listed above, you might consider opening in another country. Identify and describe the opportunity, including background on the country. Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of buying that franchise, and how this may be unique to this business segment. Review the services and support provided to the small business entrepreneur by the franchise. Discuss the drawbacks and advantages of owning a business in the country you select. Discuss how you would use the business valuation techniques mentioned in Chapter 7 of the textbook to determine a value for purchasing an existing franchise opportunity.

Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length and conform to the APA standards. Include at least 3 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook, which may include credible sources in print, or from the internet (.org and .com sites are not to be used, but books, journal articles, .edu and .gov sites may be considered as possible avenues for resource materials).

Attributes of the Successful Entrepreneur

Question Description

Part 1

Deliverable Length: 600-800 words

Respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

• Search for and take an online entrepreneurship self-quiz. Identify the website address in your analysis.

• TakeQuiz… .

Write up to 3 paragraphs analyzing and comparing the results of both quizzes. Answer the following questions:

• What traits do you exhibit?

• Explain why you feel you can be a successful entrepreneur.

• What surprised you about your quiz results?

• Be sure to support your answers with a minimum of 3 quality references.

Part 2

Deliverable Length: 1,500 words

According to Abrams (2012), entrepreneurs make enormous contributions to societies around the globe. Fast-growing entrepreneurial ventures transform entire economies. Even smaller enterprises make tremendous contributions to their health and stability of their communities.

Complete the following:

• Profile an entrepreneur who has created a product or service that you currently use.

• Refer to the infographic titled “Developing Business Prospects,” and discuss the process that this entrepreneur used.

• Compare and contrast their personality attributes with your own.


Abrams, R. (2012). Entrepreneurship: A real world approach.Palo Alto, CA: Planning Shop

Module 06 Discussion – Leveraging E-commerce To Gain and Retain Customers

Question Description

eBay is known for customers selling to customers. In recent years, there are more products listed that are being sold as new and “through XYZ Company.” Not everyone that shops on eBay is looking for used items. With over 150 million accounts with eBay, it is fertile ground for businesses to reach consumers. Businesses can use e-commerce to gain new customers that may be shopping on e-Bay for used items. E-commerce auction sites can also be used to retain customers may have been lost by offering products on the popular auction sites.

This week for your discussion, you will explore how businesses can use eBay to change the focus from C2C to B2C.

  • Is eBay the best online auction for businesses to sell their products? Why or why not?
  • How can businesses sell new products that compete with used products when it comes to pricing?
  • Should businesses consider selling used and returned products in online auctions? Why or why not?
  • In your opinion, what are some of the ways that online auction sites can retain customers? In other words, what are some of the strategies that they can incorporate in order to keep their customers coming back or even gain new customers?

Questions about HR and work flexibility

Question Description

Baxter International is one of the world’s largest producers of medical products. Work/life balance is a value that is ingrained in the corporate culture. The former CEO, Jansen Kraemer, Jr. exhibited behaviour that set an example for employees by focusing on making time for his family in addition to his focus on work. Baxter has successfully performed as a business by focusing on traditional business goals as well as employee work/life balance.

Q. What do you understand by Work life balance and work flexibility in any Organization?

Q. How can an Employer support employees to achieve work life balance? And how can it increase the productivity of any Organization?

Q. Explain with some reasons that why are employees giving more preference for work flexibilities in their job? Write the name of 2 companies of Saudi Arabia in which you want to work with due to their work flexibility.

  • Regulations:
  • Student must apply APA Style within their reports.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • Answer for etch question should be in not less than 150 words. All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Plagiarism in Student will get zero grades.
  • Security Risk Assessment

    Question Description


    Evaluate multiple risk types and their impact on different securities.


    You have just completed your third training for the new class of interns at your employer, Bank of Wealth Investment Brokers. You have now been asked to create a security risk FAQ (frequently asked questions) document.

    You will need to develop a security risk FAQ document that evaluates the various sources of investment risk and the methods to mitigate and avoid risk. An FAQ will provide brief and clear information on the required subjects. Typically, only questions and answer are in an FAQ document; however, since interns will be expected to know and understand the material thoroughly, your FAQs should be more detailed and offer supporting evidence, including a reference list. Write a total of 8 to 10 FAQs.

    1. The FAQ document should give the interns enough information to understand the various sources of investment risk, risk mitigation, and risk avoidance. Be sure to use audience-specific language and tone in the document. Remember, you are writing the FAQs for the interns, but the Portfolio Manager may read it.
    2. Be creative, and make your FAQs fun, yet still clearly organized.

    APA formatting for the reference list, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required.

    develop a survey-opinion poll to determine if there should be a new product introduced. The questions in your survey-opinion poll should be designed to capture if the current users of the product are unsatisfied or completely satisfied with the product. T

    Question Description

    develop a survey-opinion poll to determine if there should be a new product introduced. The questions in your survey-opinion poll should be designed to capture if the current users of the product are unsatisfied or completely satisfied with the product. This information will help you determine as the manager if you will introduce a new product.

    (1) research your favorite consumer product (iPhone, Coca Cola, Sony PlayStation, Gucci, Lego, Frito Lay Cheetos, etc.) for changes in trend (trend analysis)

    (2) develop a survey-opinion poll to determine if there should be a new product introduced. The questions in your survey-opinion poll should be designed to capture if the current users of the product are unsatisfied or completely satisfied with the product. This information will help you determine as the manager if you will introduce a new product.

    (a) The survey must be at least 20 questions.

    (b) The survey must have a reference list at the end for each article you researched to gather data on your favorite product.

    (c) You must include a statement for your final opinion – introduce a new product or not.

    Submission Details:

    • Your response should be no less than 250 words
    • Follow the APA style of writing with in-text citations and a reference list.

    BUL3130 Discussion: Harvey

    Question Description

    The EEOC filed a suit against NEA-Alaska, a labor union representing teachers and other public school employees, alleging that the union had created a sex-based hostile work environment for three female employees. The female employees testified that repeated and severe instances had occurred during which Thomas Harvey, the union’s assistant executive director, shouted, used foul language, invaded their space (including grabbing a female employee from behind), and made threatening physical gestures. NEA-Alaska responded that Harvey treated male and female employees the same way and there was no evidence that Harvey made sexual overtures or lewd comments, or that he referred to women in gender-specific terms, or that he imposed gender-specific requirements on the female employees. In other words, that Harvey treated female and male employees the same way. Who should prevail? If you were Harvey’s supervisor, what would you do?

    Provide sound reasoning for your stance and back it up with references, if possible. Your logic should be factual, not emotional.

    Minimum of 500 words. APA format. Chapters 12 and 13 of the listed textbook.

    Textbook Title: Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for Business

    Edition #: 9

    Author: Constance E. Bagley

    Publisher: Cengage

    Year: 2019

    ISBN-13: 9781337555081