Accounting Methods

Question Description

Scenario: BizCon, a consulting firm, has just completed its first year of operations. The company’s sales growth was explosive. To encourage clients to hire its services, BizCon offered 180-day financing – meaning its largest customers do not pay for nearly 6 months. Because BizCon is a new company, its equipment suppliers insist on being paid cash on delivery. Also, it had to pay up front for 2 years of insurance. At the end of the year, BizCon owed employees for one full month of salaries, but due to a cash shortfall, it promised to pay them the first week of next year.

As the senior accountant, the Chief Financial Officer has asked you to prepare a memo to be sent to management notifying them of the delayed wage payments.

Prepare the memo in a maximum 700 words including the following information to better outline the situation:

  • Explain how cash and accrual accounting differs for each of the events listed in the above scenario and describe the proper accrual accounting.
  • Assess how at the end of the year, BizCon reported a favorable net income, yet the company’s management is concerned because the company is very short of cash. Explain to management how BizCon could have positive net income and yet run out of cash.

two short questions

Question Description

1.How would you audit the automobile revenues (say $100 billion) of General Motors?

Let’s say that each car and truck has an invoice on the window and in GM’s computer system, and that 8 million cars and trucks were sold.

Then, how many invoices out of 8 million should you want to examine (audit) in order to verify the $100 billion of revenues in the financial statements? So, you, as the auditor, would feel “comfortable” to sign the auditor’s report (issuing your professional opinion as the auditor) attached to the GM’s annual report to shareholders.

Please reply with your first instinct or “gut-feeling” and share your thoughts popped up with the rest of our colleagues in class.


Auditor as Guarantor / insurance provider?


Your neighbor Jim invited you to lunch yesterday. He knew previously that you are taking Auditing and Assurance course at De Anza College. Sure enough, it was no “free lunch” because Jim wanted to discuss the annual report of Foothill Corporation. He owns Foothill stock and just received the annual report. Jim says, “our auditors prepared the audited financial statements and gave an Unqualified opinion, so my investment must be safe.”

Required discussion question:

What misconceptions does Jim seem to have about the auditor’s role with respect to Foothill Corporation?

I need a discussion post in atleast 500 words in APA format

Question Description

Chapter 12 presented the approach Intuit uses to measure the effectiveness of their ERM, and chapter 15 presented the process the City of Edmonton employed to develop and deploy their ERM. You are an ERM consultant, retained by Intuit to re-implement their ERM. They have decided to start over and develop a new ERM for their current organization. Would you recommend that the base their new ERM on PM2 Risk Scorecard or ISO 31000? Explain why you would choose one over the other. You must use at least 2 paragraphs (of you own words) to justify your answer.

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, assume that you are an ERM consultant, retained by Intuit to re-implement their ERM. They have decided to start over and develop a new ERM for their current organization. Would you recommend that the base their new ERM on PM2 Risk Scorecard or ISO 31000? Explain why you would choose one over the other. You must use at least 2 paragraphs (of you own words) to justify your answer.

NOTE: These discussions should be informal discussions, NOT research papers. If you MUST directly quote a resource, then cite it properly. However, I would much rather simply read your words.

Deliverable 1

Question Description


Evaluate the different types of business entities.


You are a new consultant at T&G consulting firm. T&G has training to prepare new colleagues for consulting with business clients who want to start new businesses. Parts of the training you are already familiar with—sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies, and how to evaluate different business entities. To better understand your own perspective, there is a self-reflective questionnaire as part of the training.

For this questionnaire, reflect on and address the following items. Consider presenting the information from this first section in a table.

  • Out of the general category of choosing a business entity (sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies):
    • Describe the basic features of sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and LLCs.
    • Explain what you think is the most important feature of each business entity.
    • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each type of business entity.

Starting a new business involves many considerations and decisions. Please answer the following questions in a paragraph for each:

  • What are the potential risks or starting a new business? State 3-5 risks.
  • What questions should you ask to determine how the business should be formed?
  • How do the number of owners influence how the business should be formed? Please explain.
  • How do financial considerations influence the decision for how the business should be formed? Please explain.

MGT422 SLP Module 3

Question Description

One of the biggest complaints among managers is the huge amount of time they have to spend in meetings. Ideally the purpose of meetings is to put everyone’s heads together to solve a problem or make a decision. But far too often they can lead to unproductive, time-wasting conversations and even conflict.

For this assignment, think about some recent meetings you’ve attended where a significant decision had to be made. Think carefully about how some of the problems regarding group decision making that were discussed in the background readings apply to what you’ve experienced. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

  1. Are all voices equally heard, or are some people afraid to speak up? Are participants in the meeting afraid to contradict senior management?
  2. Is time spent at the meetings productive, or is a lot of time wasted?
  3. Are the decisions that are made solid ones? Or do they suffer from problems mentioned in the background materials such as groupthink?
  4. Are ideas expressed at meetings creative and original, or are original ideas discouraged?
  5. Based on what you’ve described in Questions 1–4 above, what kind of group decision-making process would you recommend be used in meetings you attend? Base your answer on readings from the background materials such as Sims (2002).

Save to Draft

Question Description

If you only leave this class with one piece of knowledge, please leave with this:


This works for many reasons:

  1. You may get passionate about something and want to fire back an email. Allow yourself to cool down and reread before you send to ensure it is what you want to say. SAVE TO DRAFT
  2. You may have a very important email going to the globe or your CEO. Make sure it is absolutely perfect before you send. Perhaps sleep on it or revisit with fresh eyes. SAVE TO DRAFT
  3. You may have to send a negative email (like no pay increases). Ensure it will be effectively received by the audience. Reread with fresh eyes. SAVE TO DRAFT
  4. You may be summarizing something in which you have worked very diligently. Being so close to the project, you often miss mistakes or do not relay the message simply enough, as others are not as close to it as you are. Have a friend proofread or you reread with fresh eyes at a later time before sending. SAVE TO DRAFT

In this forum:


  • List 3-5 other reasons you may want to save to draft
  • Have you ever had a circumstance in which you wish you would have saved to draft? If so, please elaborate.

Mit 422 SLP

Question Description

One of the biggest complaints among managers is the huge amount of time they have to spend in meetings. Ideally the purpose of meetings is to put everyone’s heads together to solve a problem or make a decision. But far too often they can lead to unproductive, time-wasting conversations and even conflict.

For this assignment, think about some recent meetings you’ve attended where a significant decision had to be made. Think carefully about how some of the problems regarding group decision making that were discussed in the background readings apply to what you’ve experienced. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

  1. Are all voices equally heard, or are some people afraid to speak up? Are participants in the meeting afraid to contradict senior management?
  2. Is time spent at the meetings productive, or is a lot of time wasted?
  3. Are the decisions that are made solid ones? Or do they suffer from problems mentioned in the background materials such as groupthink?
  4. Are ideas expressed at meetings creative and original, or are original ideas discouraged?
  5. Based on what you’ve described in Questions 1–4 above, what kind of group decision-making process would you recommend be used in meetings you attend? Base your answer on readings from the background materials such as Sims (2002).

I need a discussion post with atleast 300 words in APA format

Question Description

Chapters 26 through 29 presented four mini-case studies on ERM and risk. Each one presented a slightly different risk scenario. Starting with chapter 29, assume that you have been asked to advise the Akawini management team on how they should promote and monitor the transformation of risk management in their business. What performance measures would you recommend that use so that they can monitor progress and performance? Choose one other of the chapters from this week and recommend ERM measures that organization should implement as well to monitor risks outlined in that chapter.

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, assume that you have been asked to advise the Akawini (chapter 29) management team on how they should promote and monitor the transformation of risk management in their business. What performance measures would you recommend that use so that they can monitor progress and performance? Choose one other of the chapters from this week and recommend ERM measures that organization should implement as well to monitor risks outlined in that chapter.

NOTE: These discussions should be informal discussions, NOT research papers. If you MUST directly quote a resource, then cite it properly. However, I would much rather simply read your words.

Decision Making SLP 2

Question Description

We’ve all had experiences where we have been frustrated by a decision that our supervisor made. You have probably blamed this decision on your boss being “closed-minded,” “stubborn,” or “pigheaded.” But after reading the background materials you should be able to more precisely examine and define the precise decision-making biases or pitfalls that your supervisor made.

For this assignment, think of three bad decisions that your current or past supervisors made. For each decision, explain what bias discussed in the background materials likely led to this bad decision. You must use biases specifically discussed in Bolland and Fletcher (2012); Kourdi (2003); or Hammond, Keeney, and Raiffa (2008). For each of the three decisions, include:

A) A brief description of the decision and why you think it was a bad one

B) What kind of bias you think lead to this decision, and why

C) A reference to one of the background readings from this module

Finally, conclude your paper with a discussion about which of the three readings from the background materials would be most useful for your supervisor to read in order to help make better decisions and avoid biases. Explain why you think this reading would be more useful than the other two readings.

The paper should be 2–3 pages in length.

I need a discussion post with 400 words in APA format.

Question Description

Chapter 18 presented special risk management issues with Blue Wood Chocolates, and chapter 19 presented various financial risks at Kilgore Custom Milling. If Blue Wood Chocolate and Kilgore Custom Milling are to develop a risk management framework, who should lead the process at each company? Should a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) be appointed? If so, to whom should he/she report and have access to? How could smaller companies without the resources for a dedicated CRO deal with ERM? What is the role for the board in such a process?

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, if Blue Wood Chocolate and Kilgore Custom Milling are to develop a risk management framework, who should lead the process at each company? Should a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) be appointed? If so, to whom should he/she report and have access to? How could smaller companies without the resources for a dedicated CRO deal with ERM? What is the role for the board in such a process?


NOTE: These discussions should be informal discussions, NOT research papers. If you MUST directly quote a resource, then cite it properly. However, I would much rather simply read your words.