ethics essay

Question Description

This assignment is about ethics (and, by extension, morality) in a corporate entrepreneurial environment.

You are to write an essay (min 500 words) that discusses the issues that may arise in a corporation as it strives to be more entrepreneurial, and as it conducts business in general. You should give examples, and propose solutions, realizing that what is supposed to happen in theory doesn’t necessarily happen in practice.

We have covered a variety of issues in terms of ethics so far in this course, from the actions of individuals, managers and senior executives to the company as a whole. You may want to mention some of these as examples. You can pick a specific aspect of ethical issues in business, or talk about ethics in business on a general level.

Other details:

  • This should be a Word document (no pdf or any other format; .doc or .docx)
  • You should use the Bauer Style Guide to format your document.
  • Using that Bauer Style Guide, you are to use either Arial 11 point font, or Time Roman 12 point font.
  • You should use a running header with your name and “Ethics assignment” in that header.
  • Use page numbers at the bottom.
  • Spelling and grammar count!

Assignment to be submitted in the assignment dropbox no later than end of day on the due date. Please note the due date. Penalties for late submissions.

p​lease note that this assignment is based on a pretend scenario and fictitious money

Question Description

please note that this assignment is based on a pretend scenario and fictitious money. However, the assignment is based on actual stock pricing in real time situations. Do not invest your personal money for this assignment.

To assist you with your Journal entry please use the following template by clicking here.

This is the week you have been waiting for – to see if you are walking home a ‘pretend’ millionaire, or whether you would be finding a side job to recoup your losses.

For Week 10, review your investment for the last time. You must:

  1. Record the current price of the stock for each company you selected in Week 3’s Stock Journal. You may use any price during this week (e.g., day one price, the opening, the low, the high, the close, or any price you find when you check it during the day). Using a MS Excel spreadsheet or MS Word document, put your Week 8 and Week 10 stock prices side-by-side, to show the comparison.
  2. Determine the total value of your investment.
  3. Provide your final opinion / assessment of your investments. Did you make money or lose money? Discuss your results and, based on hindsight, describe what you would do differently.
  4. Discuss what you learned from this assignment. Do you believe this assignment will help you in the future in any way?

the question is for globe class

Question Description

please to understand the question , and this is the questions

Writing HW 1- Solution

  1. What was your opportunity cost of attending college? (2 pts)Possible answer) You would have some income from a full time job. That income you gaveup would be your opportunity cost of being a college student now.
  2. As the baby boom generation (born between 1946 and 1964) ages, which of the following is alikely outcome? (1 pt)
    a) A movement to the right in the demand for nursing home beds
    b) A movement to the left in the supply for nursing home bedsc) A movement to the right in the supply of nursing home bedsd) A movement to the left in the demand of nursing home bedsThis is an example of an increase in population
  3. Suppose you have been given money by your friends and sent to get beverages for a party. Thinkabout your demand for those beverages to explain why the concept of the “real balance effect”will mean your demand is downward sloping. (4 pts)Let’s assume that you cannot find any acceptable substitute in the store. Given the moneyfrom your friends, you buy less with a higher price of beverage you originally wanted. Witha lower price, you buy more. That is why a demand curve is downward sloping.

For the questions #4 and #5, we will do in the class.

Power Influence & Persuasion SLP 2

Question Description

For this assignment you will be continuing to write about your own workplace experiences as they relate to power and politics. Think of one of the largest political battles you witnessed or were apart of during your career, and think carefully about how the concepts from the background materials apply to what you experienced.

In preparation for the SLP, make sure you have a thorough grasp of the terminology from the background materials including the main individual and organizational factors that lead to political behavior and the types of political behavior. Once you are comfortable with the terminology and concepts from the background materials, write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

  1. Briefly describe a political battle that took place in your workplace. Explain who the main players were and what issues were at stake.
  2. What individual and organizational factors led to this political battle? Refer to the background readings in your answer, and in particular pages 877-883 of Robbins (1997).
  3. What types of political behaviors did the participants in this political battle exhibit? Be specific and use the types of political behaviors discussed in pages 297-301 of Luthans et al. (2015).
  4. Do you think any of the participants behaved unethically during this political battle? Use the ethical framework discussed on pages 896-898 of Robbins (1997) to guide your answer.

SLP Assignment Expectations

    task is to complete all assigned questions to the best of your ability.

    Question Description

    Part One

    1. What are the four phases of the business cycle?
    2. Which phase of the business cycle would be the best time to purchase a large ticket item?
    3. How do you calculate the labor force participation rate?
    4. Who is accounted for in our country’s labor force?
    5. How is our country’s unemployment rate calculated?
    6. In one to two sentences, please define the term, “full employment?”
    7. In one to two sentences, what is a discouraged worker?
    8. What are the four types of unemployment?
    9. Which type of unemployment is the direct cause of our country (economy) contracting?
    10. In one to two sentences, please define, inflation?

    Part Two

    1. In two or more sentences, describe the goals and objectives of the Federal Reserve?
    2. Does the Federal Reserve or the federal government set interest rates for our country?
    3. What are the three (3) monetary policy tools used by the Federal Reserve?
    4. What are the two (2) fiscal policy tools used by the federal government?
    5. In one to two sentences, define the term, “Quantitative Easing?”
    6. Does the Federal Reserve or the federal government print our country’s paper money?
    7. In one to two sentences, describe expansionary monetary policy?
    8. In one to two sentences, describe expansionary fiscal policy?
    9. Explain how the Federal Reserve would be able to contract our country’s money supply using all three monetary policy tools?
    10. Explain how the Federal Reserve would be able to expand our country’s money supply using all three monetary policy tools?

    Getta Byte Software

    Question Description


    – IT Management

    Type of service:

    Double spacing

    Paper format:

    Number of pages:
    1 page

    Number of sources:
    3 sources

    Paper detalis:

    Getta Byte Software
    The WBS and Schedule
    Time to create a WBS for the the billing project.
    What are the major tasks?
    We decided to purchase BillRite software.
    I know the milestones.
    • Finalize requirements
    • Purchase software
    • Customize software
    • Transfer data to cloud
    • Train personnel
    • Go live
    I need to add detail or subtasks.
    Finalize Requirements
    • Gather requirements from users.
    • Gather requirements from customers.
    Purchase Software
    • Select vendor.
    • Negotiate contract.
    • Execute purchase.
    Customize Software
    • Define features.
    • Set up test environment.
    • Develop customization.
    • Test customization.
    Transfer data to cloud
    • Validate data.
    • Map fields.
    • Transfer data.
    Train Personnel
    • Develop training with vendor.
    • Schedule training for CSRs.
    • Conduct training.
    Go Live
    • Release system into production.
    Well! Let’s see what that looks like in a schedule.
    Getta Byte Schedule
    Wow! We have to get started so we can make the September 1 deadline.
    Getta Byte Software
    The End

    After reviewing the Week 3 Lesson Video for Getta Byte Software, writeand submit a one- to two-page paper on what Ima Payne, the projectmanager at Getta Byte Software, put together for her preliminary projectschedule. Address the following questions.

    What types of information have we learned about the Getta Bill projectby reviewing the project schedule and all the information used togenerate it?
    If Ima made the decision to try to use the Agile Methodology for the Getta Bill project, what should she do?
    How could the WBS help the next step to plan using Agile?

    sales management ( Task 8)

    Question Description

    Task 8

    Welcome to Task 8!

    An effective recruiting process is the cornerstone of an effective staffing system. Conversely, if recruiting fails to attract enough qualified applicants, none of the other components of the staffing system can function properly.

    While the revenue side of a selling organization is important, of equal importance is costs. In fact effectively managing costs distinguishes a thriving business from one that struggles.Another aspect of effective salesforce management include managing sales people performance. Performance evaluation provides a forum for meaningful discourse between the sales associate and the sales manager and orchestrating a plan for future professional development and performance success. However, in order to effectively conduct a performance evaluation it is mandatory that sales managers have a comprehensive understanding of the myriad of performance measures congruent with the particular selling situation.

    Read chapters 11, 12, and 13 in your textbook.

    We know that the use of selling teams, sometimes including both salespeople and others from the firm, to accomplish relationship selling is common practice today. As with individual salespeople, the success of these teams depends, in part, on the reward system used to motivate and recognize performance. How would you develop a compensation plan that motivates members of a selling team? How can you ensure the plan is fair for everybody involved?

    Upload your task using one Word file.

    Persussiave presentations, solutions to a problem visual communication

    Question Description

    Think of a problem in your company, neighborhood, schools, or community, to which you would like to offer a solution. Develop a presentation in PowerPoint that you might use to present your argument to the governing board of your chosen organization. Use what you know about persuasion, effective communication, and message organization to sell your idea. In your PowerPoint, you will:

    Create 8-10 slides that offer a presentation introduction, body and conclusion.

    Focus your message on audience needs and motivations. Use reasoning, appeals to emotion and audience interests.

    Cite at least three outside sources.

    Include a coversheet slide, slide titles, bullets, charts (pie, bar, or line), clip art and creativity in terms of animation effects and word choice.

    Use the NOTES feature to add the general text of what you will say in your presentation. Each slide will have two-three substantive paragraphs in its NOTES section. In most settings, you would do fine with using NOTES simply to place your keyword outline. However, since you will not be delivering this orally, more content is needed for your instructor to understand what it is that you intended to communicate.

    Concentrate on formatting and the overall flow of your presentation. Be mindful of the rules of good visual design.

    Submit your PowerPoint along with a paragraph providing some background, your goal, and a brief description of your audience.

    Strategic Philanthropy for Organizations”

    Question Description

    • Research a Fortune 500 company, but do not use the same company you used for the Week 1 “Social Responsibility” assignment. Examine the company’s strategic philanthropy and how it impacts profits, brand, image and turnover, as well as society as a whole.
    • Also, address any disadvantages or associated costs the company experiences as a result of its strategic philanthropy practices.

    The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

    • Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
    • Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
    • Include cover page and reference page.
    • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
    • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
    • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
    • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

    References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

    Module 06 Written Assignment – Course Reflection Public Relations and Advertising Management

    Question Description

    Reflection is an important part of the learning process. Reflecting on what you’ve learned not only reinforces learning but also allows you to view what you’ve learned in the broader context of work and life. For this written assignment, you will reflect on the course.

    To complete this assignment, answer the following questions in a minimum of 1.5 pages:

    1. What was the most interesting part of the course?
    2. What was the most challenging part of the course?
    3. How will the content of the course apply to your career or life?

    other info

    Course Description

    Students examine the similarities and differences between public relations, advertising and promotional marketing and how to differentiate between a target audience and a target market. Marketing interactions with associated stakeholders, including current and new customers; shareholders; the media; financial and industry analysts will be explored. Other parts of the enterprise, such as senior management and marketing, finance, and human resources departments are studied.

    Prerequisites: Principles of Marketing

    Course Competencies

    By the end of this course, you should be able to:

    • Describe public relations as a tool for both profit and nonprofit organizations.
    • Identify retail and business-to-business promotional strategies and techniques.
    • Identify outlets for public relations.
    • Analyze the impact of public relations and its associated stakeholders.
    • Compare the differences between a national and international promotional campaign.
    • Compare public relations and promotional marketing.