Discussion: Discuss how Global Marketing impacts your industry (accounting-marketing-budget)

Question Description

you will be discussing how global marketing trends impact your industry (accounting-marketing-budget)

As I am sure you are noticing, the word marketing includesmany business functions including 1) Pricing, 2) Product Development,3) Placement and Logistics, 4) Promotions and advertising, or 5)Customer Service. For this discussion, I want you to read about recent global marketing trends that impact your industry (accounting-marketing-budget)

To earn full credit, complete the following:

1) Describe the global marketing trends in your future career field (accounting-marketing-budget) that you researched.

1) Select 1 article from any publication listed below about global marketing that you find interesting.

  1. Bloomberg Business Week
  2. The Washington Times
  3. Forbes
  4. Fast Company
  5. Harvard Business Review
  6. Entrepreneur

To earn full credit, complete the following:

1) Describe 1 article about Global Marketing that you found interesting.

2) Describe the global marketing trends in your future career field (accounting-marketing-budget) that you researched.

3) Find an additional 2 articles online that directly relate to your future career field’s (accounting-marketing-budget) global marketing trends. (Your articles must be less than 36 months old.)

4) Share the hyperlinks for the 2 news articles that talk about your future career field’s (accounting-marketing-budget)global marketing trends.

5) Describe the most useful information in your 2 news articles.

6) Explain how your new knowledge will be beneficial to you.

7) Share your resources in a Work Cited format using APA

everthing is the file

Question Description

Granyard clockworks is a service company that repairs damaged watches and clocks. The company is owned by Maurice Granyard. Maurice is fully liable for all activities of the business. In the most recent month (May 2018), Granyard clockworks had the following transactions.

1.Maurice deposited $40,000 of additional cash into the business

2.Borrowed $15,000 in cash from the bank

3.Paid $3,500 cash for May’s rent

4.Paid $6,000 in salaries for May

5.Performed services and earned $18,000 in cash

6.Incurred telephone expenses of $500 (to be paid next month)

7.Performed services for a client for $3,000 on account

8.Prepaid insurance for one year in the amount of $11,000

9.Incurred maintenance expense of $1,000 (paid on account)

10.Maurice withdrew $5,000 from the business for personal use

11.Received $2,000 cash for repair services to be done in July

12.collected 80% of the $3,000 amount owing from a client for services performed earlier this month As at April 30, 2018, the ending account balances for Granyard clockworks were as follows.



Accounts Receivable


Prepaid Insurance




Accounts Payable


Notes Payable


Granyard, capital



a)complete the T-account worksheets for May 2018.

Weekly Communications, Week 4, Assignment 4

Question Description

Weekly Communications: Provide a Seven Weekly Commutations (175 points, 7 @ 30 points each). Formats on communications will vary from week to week dependent on the related instruction. Go to the assignment tab for directions for each week. Do Not Assume the Assignment will be the Same Format for the Entire Course. Refer to BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS TODAY for background information on the selected format.
Each week you provide a form a communication to the CEO (Instructor) via CANVAS answering any questions or concern he may have.
The Assignment will be:
 Brief (1-page, 12 Font, single spaced).
 Cover the key areas and objectives of the Lessons and assigned reading.
 Provide research, opportunities and to solutions for the topic given that week.
 Be in the assigned format for that week.

Assignment Rubric Points
1. Compliance with all directions, correct format following standard grammar. 50%
2. Content was logical, well written, and demonstrated adequate topic research. 25%
3. No evidence of plagiarism. All sources properly sited. 25%
Total 100%

Week 5:
Assignment Topic: Draft a Informational Memo on the difference in preparing an External vs. an Internal Proposal. Memo is to be Approved by the CEO.
Format: Informational Memo Format. Use the Memo Format on page 402 (Analytical Report) BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS TODAY.
Submit: PDF draft via CANVAS to CEO Bob Joyce for approval
1. Company: Maclin Recording Inc.
2. Specialization: global recording service company specializing in natural soundtrack adaptations for film

3. Company Location: Los Angles, CA

Human Resources

Question Description

Please answer the assigned questions in narrative, third person format.

Your total word count needs to be at least 3000 words .

Include at least three (3) academic sources in your responses inclusive of in-text citations and references.

Please cite your three (3) academic sources using APA format

Please list the question followed by your answer with

1. Define what is meant by training and explain why it is a critical function for corporations.

2. Identify two types of informational training methods and two types of experiential training methods. What are the benefits and limitations of each of these methods?

3.(a) Explain what is meant by career development.

(b) What are the benefits of a career development system for an organization and its employees and managers/supervisors?

4.Organizations can use a variety of interventions (e.g. activities and tools) as part of their career development in intiatives.

(a) Identify and describe two types of interventions (components) that you would like your employer to have.

(b) Explain why you have selected these two components.

1.Distinguish between the following job evaluation methods:

(a) ranking

(b) classification

(c) point factor

2.Using specific examples, distinguish between legally required benefits that employers must offer to their employees and discretionary plans.

3.(a) What are the benefits of using PFP programs?

(b) Describe the main challenges and problems with PFP programs.

4.(a) Distinguish between profit-sharing, gainsharing, and employee stock option plans.

(b) What are the advantages and limitations of each of these incentive plans?

SOS150 Self Assessment & Exploration

Question Description

Part 1

Select one of the job postings(social Media manager) that you identified. Complete a personal résumé and cover letter that you would use to apply for the position.

Please include:

The job posting,Your résumé, Your cover letter

A description of which résumé format you used in preparing your résumé and why you chose that format


Seperate paper should be 5 to 7 pages in length, and should include your answers to the questions listed below

  • Briefly summarize your current self-awareness as it relates to the following: interests, abilities, and values.
  • What careers did you consider pursuing as you went through this course (Project manager)? What career have you decided to pursue now (Social Media Manager)? Explain the process you used to come to this decision? How comfortable are you with this decision? Explain. How does this career choice reflect on the the elements of understanding yourself and the materials covered in the readings.
  • Draw timelines for your career. Where do you see yourself in five years? ten years? How do you plan on getting there? What are some of the potential barriers that you believe you will face as you pursue this plan? What steps might you take to overcome these barriers?
  • Look at the career that you are currently considering. What skills do you need to develop this career? How will you develop these skills? What skills do you already have that will be suitable for this career? Explain.

Samsung Electronics Case: Analysis Briefing

Question Description

The briefing should be no longer than 2 pages, single spaced with 12 point font and 1” margins. An additional appendix of ONE page is permitted as well. Any appendix must show necessary material, such as charts, tables or graphs that directly support your analysis.

Please use ONLY the material in the case (btw, there are excel versions of the Case Exhibits in the coursepack, listed as supplementary material). No outside information (news articles, internet material, etc) is needed NOR SHOULD BE CONSULTED when developing your brief. This is an individual assignment though you may discuss some ideas with the other students in the class, it is expected each student will do their own analysis and writing.

Please address the following issues in your report on the Samsung Case:

What was Samsung’s overall cost advantage in DRAMs in the case? Explain how you reached that answer. What are the main sources of a cost advantage for Samsung? Does Samsung also have an overall price premium on DRAMs in 2003? Provide evidence for this conclusion.

Since you are limited to 2 pages, assume the reader is familiar with the case background and focus on necessary facts to support your analysis. The paper should be written as a brief from a consultant to industry executives. Be focused and convincing. Typically the brief will start out too long and the best reports are then pared down to the most cogent points.

Write and submit a minimum of a 6 page report (not including cover and references) discussing the ethical issues on a topic of your choice related to healthcare. Debate the access and challenges. Include perspectives from multiple views and what policies

Question Description


Write and submit a minimum of a 6 page report (not including cover and references) discussing the ethical issues on a topic of your choice related to healthcare. Debate the access and challenges. Include perspectives from multiple views and what policies are needed to monitor the fraud and abuse to combat rising costs. (examples: vaccinations, Right to Die, genomics, etc..) Feel free to ask if you are not sure if your topic works.

You must use supporting research, data and facts to support your ideas and theories, don’t just state what you think- defend why it would work from your perspective and the perspectives of others that you research, with references. Minimum of 6 references, APA Format. If you have questions please ask.

Project/Class Objectives:

  1. Evaluate the culture/dynamic/ attributes of your topic
  2. Assess how cultural issues affect health, access, healthcare qualitycost and its affect on HIM.
  3. Understand and discuss the healthcare challenges related to access and overall concern from each perspective
  4. Understand and discuss the benefits of the topic from the perspective
  5. Determine what would be programs and policies that you would create to support the implementation or change for your topic while meeting the needs and concerns of multiple parties. From your perspective how can you meet the needs and make it better?
  6. Determine and identify policies and procedures to monitor abuse, mismanagement and fraudulent trends from the perspective of your topic. How will they be implemented?

Strategies for Decision Making Task (BM)

Question Description

Strategies for Decision Making – Week 5 Assignment

Misleading Statistics

Statistics are powerful and convincing when used properly. This feature of statistical reasoning, however, also makes them liable to misuse. In this week’s assignment, you will find a legitimate statistic and explain how it might be used to mislead an audience.

Start by searching the internet for a reliable statistic. Make sure the statistic you find comes from an original or primary source – whether it be a peer-reviewed article, think-tank, or other organization. Do not use news articles that report the findings of a study; use the original study itself. Please remember to cite your source.

After you locate your statistic, explain how it might be used to mislead an audience into embracing conclusions that the statistic does not support by playing the role of someone who is trying to lie with statistics.

Design a fake advertisement or news story in which you will try to use the statistic in question to make a persuasive point.

oYour advertisement or story can consist of a written document, graphic, or video.

oWhatever you decide to do, you should feature a depiction or description of the statistic and an explanation of how it might be used to support a misleading agenda.

After creating your fake advertisement or news story, include a short one paragraph statement on why it is misleading and what can be done to avoid being misled by it.

read the case then answer only 1 short answer question

Question Description

read the case then answer only 1 short answer questionread the case then answer only 1 short answer questionread the case then answer only 1 short answer questionread the case then answer only 1 short answer questionread the case then answer only 1 short answer questionread the case then answer only 1 short answer question

What can UBS do to avoid ethics failures in the future and to repair its damaged reputation? “What can UBS do to avoid ethics failures in the future and to repair its damaged reputation? “What can UBS do to avoid ethics failures in the future and to repair its damaged reputation? “What can UBS do to avoid ethics failures in the future and to repair its damaged reputation? “What can UBS do to avoid ethics failures in the future and to repair its damaged reputation? “What can UBS do to avoid ethics failures in the future and to repair its damaged reputation? “What can UBS do to avoid ethics failures in the future and to repair its damaged reputation? “What can UBS do to avoid ethics failures in the future and to repair its damaged reputation? “What can UBS do to avoid ethics failures in the future and to repair its damaged reputation? “What can UBS do to avoid ethics failures in the future and to repair its damaged reputation? “

Path- Goal Theory

Question Description

Think about a place where you have worked, or where someone you know works. Think both from an employee’s perspective and a leader’s perspective.

Now that you are knowledgeable about the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership, what are the implications for you, or the person you know, as an employee of the organization? How is this new knowledge changing the way you see things? What are you looking for? What are you thinking about?

What are the implications for you, or the person you know, as a leader in the organization? What do you do with your newly acquired LMX knowledge?

What are the benefits of being in the “in group” for an employee? What are the benefits for the organization that is characterized by high-quality leader-member exchanges?

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (including supporting citations) along with at least one current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. You may find that your discussion of leadership characteristics is easily supported with such current scholarly research, while the information about how your chosen leader exhibits those leadership characteristics is supported by popular research.

Keep in mind that current scholarly references. Current research means published in the last five years.

*you may find this youtube video is good which it was provided to us by our teacher

* Minimum is 1 page and maximum is 2 pages of writing.

* Add all the references.

Thank you