
Question Description

Please Answer all below listed 9 Qs from attched slide

Consider our discussion of approaches to resolving disputes.

-Define the three alternative foundations for a negotiation and explain the differences between them.

-List four factors to be used in deciding which of the alternative foundations should be used and describe each one.

-Think about your personal experience in a salary or job interview negotiation. Apply the concepts of BATNA and Reservation Price to analyze the outcome of this negotiation.

Consider our discussion of various negotiation strategies and techniques in the negotiation at Melos.

-What four strategies were available to the Melians? Analyze how each of these could have been applied by the Melian ambassador.

-Critique the Melian negotiating strategy. Would you say that their failure resulted from a poor choice of foundation, a poor choice of strategy, or other factors?

Closing and implementing the deal are key to successful negotiations.

-Define three or more key factors to consider before closing a deal. Which of these factors do you consider most important? Why?

-Consider the position of Arwa’sboss in the salary negotiation. Analyze your options for closing the deal with Arwa. What techniques would you favor? What techniques would you want to avoid?

Negotiations occur in cultural contexts.

-Consider each of the basic negotiation strategies and analyze how Saudi culture (however you choose to define it) might create advantages or disadvantages for Saudis negotiating with American counterparts.

-What guidance about strategy would you give Saudis when they negotiate with Americans? Explain your recommendations.

Business Law Discussion

Question Description

Background: Jurisdiction in the courts is an aspect of the law that can be confusing and complicated, but it is an important legal concept that businesses cannot ignore. Jurisdiction can affect many business operations and determine various business decisions, such as where and how to advertise and market the business. Before launching a business, and where there are questions about possible jurisdiction in the courts, it is advisable for businesses to consult an attorney.

To help educate the GC owners about jurisdiction, you prepare a presentation for Connor, Ali, Madison, and Sam to be discussed at a meeting with Winnie, Ralph, and the GC owners.

You prepared the following example for the meeting presentation and discussion.

Example Scenario Facts: Assume GC advertises aggressively in the Middle Atlantic States of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia. GC also advertises regularly via the internet by soliciting business in all states.

Assume GC contracted with ABC Corporation (ABC), incorporated in Virginia to clean the company offices in Richmond, Virginia. ABC paid for the cleaning, but after the cleaning, ABC was dissatisfied and sued GC in Virginia to recover the costs of the cleaning. It was determined that the Virginia state court had jurisdiction to hear the case.

1. Applying the concepts of jurisdiction to the scenario facts, discuss why you agree or disagree that the Virginia court has jurisdiction to hear the case.

Fully support your conclusions. Respond in 1 -2 paragraphs.

Tort assignment

Question Description

For this unit, watch torts in action and give an oral presentation on your findings. Go to any place of business (perhaps if you have a part-time job or an internship), or use our Lynn University campus for this assignment. Then, find FOUR potential tort issues that you see.

Next, complete a formal outline of your oral presentation, including, for each potential tort, an explanation of (1) facts and the potential injury which may occur and the specific tort which may be involved, (2) legal elements of that tort, (3) application of those elements to the facts; (4) your potential questioning of the validity of legal defenses to that tort actions.

For example, you may notice water puddling in the bathroom. Explain how a person could slip, fall and be injured. Note that injury could trigger negligence. Specify the four elements of negligence and specifically apply the elements of the tort to the facts. Complete the analysis by examining potential defenses to the tort of negligence and why that, in your opinion, would not apply. Submit that formal outline to the professor.

In class, you will present your findings in an oral presentation of 8-10 minutes, using 8-10 PowerPoint or Prezi slides. Start by completing a speaking outline for your presentation based on your findings and your formal outline. You shall be graded according to the Dialogues of Learning Oral Communication Grading Rubric, attached. This project is 15% of your grade.

Wk 1 – Values and Strategy Paper [due Mon]

Question Description

Resource: Values and Strategy Grading Guide

Choose an organization according to the following:

  • Current employer
  • Most recent or former employer
  • Place of business that you have patronized or have been familiar with over a long period of time.
  • Avoid choosing an organization that is so large that historical data would be difficult to apply. Firms in the Russell 2000® index may fit well, whereas firms in the Dow 30 Industrial index probably do not.
  • The organization can be a start-up that you or a significant other may create in the future. For a start-up, focus on an entrepreneurial idea that is of substantive interest, so this project leaves you with a product you may leverage in the future.

Write a 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:

  • Identify the major components of the strategic management process.
  • Discuss how these components work together to create value for the organization.
  • Evaluate the company’s mission statement, vision statement, motivation strategy, innovation strategy, and people strategy. If the organization does not have one or more of these, how does that affect the organization and its people?
  • Explain the role of ethics and corporate social responsibility in strategic planning. How does this direct their strategy? How does the organization’s vision and mission align with your own values and vision? If you are currently working for the organization, how does your role influence this and vice versa?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Good News Letter 6

Question Description

It is a business communication class.

Extension Of Credit To InfoSearch

You have received a request for credit from a company called InfoSearch for online databases available from your company. You are a vendor for information databases, and subscribers to your services may contract for 12-month access to this information. You offer various service packages that provide access to specific databases. InfoSearch wants the Standard Package that allows access to a selection of your company’s available databases. The extension of credit will allow InfoSearch to order additional levels of service as needed and pay for them on a monthly basis.

Required: -Write a letter stating that credit is granted to Andrea Schmidt at InfoSearch.

-Your writing follows a sophisticated organizational pattern that demonstrates full knowledge of the topic. The topic is also linked to the intended audience. The writing has minimal disruptive grammatical errors.

– Your position and demonstration of competency exhibits sophisticated thought.

-Expertly states purpose of letter. Explains reasoning behind the letter fully, directly, and concisely.

-Expertly states course of action. Explains all essential information for action fully, directly, and concisely. Avoids letterese.

-Expertly conveys information politely. Reader is pleased to be advised of her/his chances in this manner.

-Uses a correct letter format, including heading, body, and signature

– No errors in usage, including spelling

-No palargism

Writing about some topics

Question Description

Watch these three videos or read the companion articles. They are about three highly publicized incidents where actions by employees forced

each company/institution to take a drastic and unusual action. As you watch, think about the ethics of what is happening. Then in 1-2 sentences

per number, answer the questions. Spelling and grammar count.

There is no right or wrong answer. There is only a complete answer that is supported by a reference to the text. Each question is worth 2 points

with 2 points for spelling and grammar.… (



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along with



1. Review the text on Setting the Right Ethical Tone and Corporate Social Responsibility. Do you think the children who were admitted to USC

after the alleged bribes, should be permitted to stay at USC? Why or why not using the text as your support?

2. Look at the Starbucks case and, referring to the same text pages, do you think the company is proceeding in an ethical way? Explain?

3. Look at the United Breaks Guitars case. Which company in this case exhibited ethical behavior? Explain?

4. Think about the Approaches to Ethical Reasoning, Duty-Based Ethics and Outcome Based Ethics. Which approach do you think the

management of Starbucks used when implementing their diversity training? Which approach should USC use towards the students? Which

approach was used by the ethical company in the United case? Explain?

Sale management ( Discussion E)

Question Description

Discussion E

Welcome to the final discussion. In this course you will be introduced to a topic in the discussion. The first week of the module you will write about your initial thoughts after reviewing the resources. The initial post should be at least 300 words.

During the following week you will reply to at least two of your classmates. The replies should be at least 100 words. See the discussion rubric for more details on grading.

Discussions should always be completed prior to “class.” If you are in an online class or an on ground course this is prior to the lesson portion of the week. Are you ready to begin?

1. Review the following:

Jackie Hitchcock, recently promoted to district sales manager, faced a new problem she wasn’t sure how to resolve. The district’s top sales rep is also the district’s number-one problem. Brad Coombs traditionally leads the company in sales but also leads the company in problems. He has broken every rule, bent every policy, deviated from every guideline and has been less than truthful. Jackie knew that Brad has not done anything illegal, but she was worried that something serious could happened. Other problems with Brad include not preparing call reports on time, failing to show up at trade shows, and not attending sales training programs.

2. Initial Post (300 words)
  • How should Jackie handle this problem? Specifically, how can the performance evaluation process help Jackie deal with Brad?

sales management ( discussion E)

Question Description

Discussion E

Welcome to the final discussion. In this course you will be introduced to a topic in the discussion. The first week of the module you will write about your initial thoughts after reviewing the resources. The initial post should be at least 300 words.

During the following week you will reply to at least two of your classmates. The replies should be at least 100 words. See the discussion rubric for more details on grading.

Discussions should always be completed prior to “class.” If you are in an online class or an on ground course this is prior to the lesson portion of the week. Are you ready to begin?

1. Review the following:

Jackie Hitchcock, recently promoted to district sales manager, faced a new problem she wasn’t sure how to resolve. The district’s top sales rep is also the district’s number-one problem. Brad Coombs traditionally leads the company in sales but also leads the company in problems. He has broken every rule, bent every policy, deviated from every guideline and has been less than truthful. Jackie knew that Brad has not done anything illegal, but she was worried that something serious could happened. Other problems with Brad include not preparing call reports on time, failing to show up at trade shows, and not attending sales training programs.

2. Initial Post (300 words)
  • How should Jackie handle this problem? Specifically, how can the performance evaluation process help Jackie deal with Brad?

 one to two well reasoned, good length paragraph(s)

Question Description (Links to an external site.)

The prompt in this assignment is based on the video or the article. Either may be used for this essay.

In one to two well reasoned, good length paragraph(s), discuss the possible racial discrimination, if any, you find that exists at this school. If you find no discrimination, discuss why you don’t believe there is any. Your discussion must be supported by at least one text reference. You may present your opinion but there must be some support from the material in this class.

Do not approach this assignment thinking that there is one chapter in the text that you can use in your discussion. It is wide opened! If you believe there is discrimination, describe it. But, you describe/discuss it in the context you choose. Is there an ethical issue? Or, maybe a tort or crime? It could possibly be a violation of the Civil Rights Act or the Constitution? It is possible you don’t see anything with the Landrys that raise any issues. Then go with that and, using any legal concept, say why not.

There is no right or wrong answer. Can you follow instructions and use your critical thinking skill to produce a credible answer is the goal:)

If you use a resource that is not the text, it will be counted as using no text reference.

Paragraph(s) content 5 points

Text reference 1 points

Spelling/grammar 1 points.

Discussion: Discuss how Global Marketing impacts your industry (accounting-marketing-budget)

Question Description

you will be discussing how global marketing trends impact your industry (accounting-marketing-budget)

As I am sure you are noticing, the word marketing includesmany business functions including 1) Pricing, 2) Product Development,3) Placement and Logistics, 4) Promotions and advertising, or 5)Customer Service. For this discussion, I want you to read about recent global marketing trends that impact your industry (accounting-marketing-budget)

To earn full credit, complete the following:

1) Describe the global marketing trends in your future career field (accounting-marketing-budget) that you researched.

1) Select 1 article from any publication listed below about global marketing that you find interesting.

  1. Bloomberg Business Week
  2. The Washington Times
  3. Forbes
  4. Fast Company
  5. Harvard Business Review
  6. Entrepreneur

To earn full credit, complete the following:

1) Describe 1 article about Global Marketing that you found interesting.

2) Describe the global marketing trends in your future career field (accounting-marketing-budget) that you researched.

3) Find an additional 2 articles online that directly relate to your future career field’s (accounting-marketing-budget) global marketing trends. (Your articles must be less than 36 months old.)

4) Share the hyperlinks for the 2 news articles that talk about your future career field’s (accounting-marketing-budget)global marketing trends.

5) Describe the most useful information in your 2 news articles.

6) Explain how your new knowledge will be beneficial to you.

7) Share your resources in a Work Cited format using APA