Power Point Cleanup and 2 slides

Question Description

This is part of a group power point project. I only need the first bullet completed with a minimum of 2 slides and added to the attached power point. Please use at least one reference and add speaker notes

This assignment affords you the opportunity to demonstrate understanding of ethics as it relates to the field of psychology.

Read the “Ethical Transgressions of School Psychology Graduate Students: A Critical Incidents Survey” article located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

Select one of the ethical issues discussed in the article.

Create a 5- to 8-slide presentation, including detailed speaker notes, on the effect of ethical reasoning and decision making. Include the following:

  • What ethical traits, concepts, and principles are presented in this article? ( ONLY NEED THIS BULLET COMPLETED)
  • How was the chosen ethical issue an example of poor ethical decision making?( ALREADY COMPELTED DO NOT WORK ON)
  • What ethical reasoning strategies could have helped in this situation?(ALREADY COMPLETED DO NOT WORK ON

Format your presentation according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines:

  • Treat the presentation as if it were an academic paper.
  • Make the first slide the title page slide.
  • Include in-text citations on any body slides that require them, revealing outside source information.
  • Make the last slide the references slide.
  • Make sure to have an introduction slide that previews the main points of your presentation and a conclusion that reviews what was covered. You can find precise guidelines in Essay Fundamentals.
  • Please note that the title and reference pages are not included in the slides count.

Analyzing the Need for Change in an Organization

Question Description

We have learned that organizational change is a process rather than an event. It often starts with knowing what to change, continues through how to change, and then concludes with when to change. Using these steps as a foundation, present a three-to-five-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Research organizations in KSA that, in the past three years, havecompleted a major change to their organization (e.g., merged with oracquired another firm, expanded operations, significantly reduced staff,etc.).
  • Provide a brief summary of the organization and the reasons for the recent change.
  • Present the steps or process the organization followed, from theinitiation of the change process to the implementation of the change.Which of the several frameworks from the textbook did they use or do youthink they used to analyze organizational dynamics?
  • Discuss the stakeholders who were included in the process and indicate what their roles were.
  • Finally, discuss the key processes/strategies which weresuccessful, the key processes/strategies which were not successful, andadvice or suggestions you would offer (based on what you have learnedthus far in this course) which may result in a more successful changeinitiative in the future. Which of the several frameworks from thetextbook would you suggest they use to analyze organizational dynamics?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be three-to-five pages in length, which does not include the titlepage and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimumrequirements.
  • Use APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

4.3 Proposal Project Submission – Organizing and Staffing

Question Description

Part 3 – Organizing and Staffing

A. Organizing

Image of man and woman looking over a proposal

The second function of management to address is organizing. There are many moving parts to your fundraising event, and organizing them will be key to ensuring no resource gets missed or wasted.

Using the known information and the concepts learned in class, create and present your organizational structure in the second section of the proposal you began last week. You can use a template in Excel® titled organizational chart to visually show your organizational chart. You can create a chart in Excel® and take a screen shot and put it into your document. Then, below your organization chart, make sure you include the answers to the following questions:

Explain who reports directly to you and why you selected them.

Describe what their responsibilities will be.

Explain who else they interact with, and how they will interact.

B. Staffing

Human resource planning is essential in any organization, even a volunteer one. While you will not be conducting formal interviews of your team members, you need to have at least a basic understanding of the job responsibilities so you can make decisions on where they will make the biggest impact. For this section of your proposal, you will present a breakdown of the following:

Summarize the groups/teams you envision needing for your event.

How many volunteers may be needed for each? Explain your reasoning.

Describe how you plan to communicate with your team(s), including explanations of:

how often you will communicate.

what form(s) of communication you will use.

Draft Research Paper

Question Description

Your final project will require you to write a research paper on the Convergence Project and the major differences between IFRS and GAAP. In Module 2, you completed an outline for this research project. In this module, you will build on this outline and receive feedback from your instructor after completing a rough draft and bibliography.

Conduct research using Excelsior’s library or the Internet to find information regarding the current state of the Convergence Project and major differences between GAAP and IFRS. Discuss the Convergence Project between FASB and IASB, and be sure to include the history, progress made, current status and future goals of the project.

When conducting your research, identify and make note of five major differences between GAAP and IFRS. In addition to listing the differences, make notes regarding what has been done to minimize the differences (if any), and how the differences will affect United States companies if they are implemented.

Finally, research the differences between principles-based accounting rules (IFRS) and rules-based accounting rules (GAAP) and form an opinion on what method is better.

Your rough draft should be approximately 8-10 pages in length and must include at least two references (other than your textbook) on a reference page. Indicate the importance of each reference and your purpose in using it. Be sure to include section headings identifying your main topics, as well as a title/cover page. Your assignment must follow APAstyle guidelines, using Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced, with one inch margins.

Shared Practice

Question Description

Post a cohesive response in which you:

  • Summarize the results of your emotional intelligence self-assessment. What surprised you about the results?
  • Explain what you will use what you gained from the self-assessment. Provide examples to support your explanation.
  • Summarize an example from your experience as a manager or from when you observed a manager practice, or fail to practice emotional intelligence
    • What happened during this interaction?
    • What were the outcomes?
    • What was the overall effect of the interaction? Was it successful? Were there ways in which it could be improved?
  • Assess how important you think emotional intelligence is in the practice of effective management.


Goleman, D., & Boyatzis, R. E. (2017). Emotional intelligence has 12 elements. Which do you need to work on? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from: https://hbsp.harvard.edu/tu/662de7e5

Keyser, J. (2013, June 11). Emotional intelligence is key to our success [Blog]. Retrieved from https://www.td.org/Publications/Blogs/Management-Blog/2013/06/Emotional-Intelligence-Is-Key-to-Our-Success

Sabatier, M. (2015, August 20). Emotional intelligence: Why managers should show a softer side . The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/careers/2015/aug/20/emotional-intelligence-why-managers-should-show-a-softer-side

Institute for Health and Human Potential. (2017). Test your emotional intelligence: Free EQ quiz. Ihhp.com. Retrieved from http://www.ihhp.com/free-eq-quiz/

Big Think. (2012, December 23). Daniel Goleman introduces emotional intelligence [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7m9eNoB3NU

CO210 Can someone help with a persuasive presentation- oppositional audience

Question Description

  1. Working from home
  2. Fair Tax
  3. Adopting a European work schedule
  4. Free Health Care
  5. Free Day Care in the office
  6. Telecommuting
  7. Tuition Reimbursement
  8. Child Labor
  9. Business Ethics
  10. Team Building within the workplace
  11. The importance of coaching and mentoring
  12. Diversity within the workplace
  13. Fun & Humor within the workplace
  14. Work/Life Balance
  15. Interviewing Skills
  16. Resume Writing Skills
  17. Communication Skills
  18. Technology
  19. Corporate Training
  20. Taking your pet to work
  21. Part time verses full time employment
  22. Corporate Wellness Program
  23. Casual/Dress down days
  24. 4 Day work week (4 10 hour days)
  25. Globalization

The persuasive speech, is your opportunity to take a stance on a topic of interest and support your viewpoint. This presentation represents the culmination of smaller assignments. Consider:

The topic itself. What is the issue, who are the stakeholders, and why is this important to you? And… why should it be important to us?

Your topical outline. What do you plan to tell us? What evidence do you plan to share, to convince us that your side is right in this debate?

What did you learn from the devil’s advocate? How can you use their propaganda against them – so that your argument is even stronger?

What tips will you use to make a ‘great’ persuasive speech? How can you use visual aids?

And finally, what will you ask the audience to do once you’ve persuaded them that your viewpoint is the most logical/sensible? Will your concluding thoughts resonate with them?

A few parameters:

This speech should be 8-10 minutes in length.

Submit the outline for this speech with your four sources (use the template below).

Establish credibility

Use visuals where you can!

Show enthusiasm! Use your voice to engage the audience and leave a positive impression.

eliverable Length: 600-800 words + 1 response (100 words)

Question Description

Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Central).

Students will be expected to post their initial Discussion Board posting by Friday of each week. Discussion posts will be graded and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

The discussion assignment for this week includes a review of the Key Assignment outline completed by one of your classmates, as well as a substantial response to at least 1 other student.

Primary Task Response: Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment outline to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Attach your document to the main discussion post, and include any notes that you feel are appropriate. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of the Key Assignment Draft that you will complete next week.

Respond to Another Student: Review at least 1 other student’s Key Assignment outline and provide meaningful feedback. Refrain from general feedback, such as simply stating “good job.” Your feedback to other students is most helpful if you not only point out weak areas but also offer suggestions for improvement. The best feedback takes a 3-stage approach to identify what was done well, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Research Project

Question Description

  • Unit III Research Project


    The marketing mix is used within the implementation of the marketing strategy. Please select one of the industries listed below, and search for information about the marketing mix used by at least two companies in your selected industry:

    • soft drink,
    • fast food/restaurant,
    • hotel,
    • cell phone provider,
    • banking,
    • automobile,
    • airline, or
    • entertainment.

    Provide an example of the four areas of the marketing mix—product, price, placement, and promotion—used by each of your selected companies. Discuss where their marketing mix strategies are similar and where they are different. Explain why. Identify the product positioning and brand strategy used by your two chosen companies. Relate the importance of product positioning to their brand strategy. Also, consider the element of ethical promotion and social responsibility toward consumers. In addition to company websites, http://www.ibisworld.com/ and http://www.mergent.com/ are excellent resources to find information about markets and individual companies. Your research project must include an introduction. You must also reference at least one journal article from the CSU Online Library and two articles from business-related or news websites; therefore, your essay should be supported by at least three sources. Your research project must be at least four pages in length and double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Use APA style guidelines for formatting. An abstract is not required.

The five competitive forces that shape strategy

Question Description

Study the following article:

Porter, M.E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review, 86(1), 79-93. Retrieved from Business Source Ultimate, via the Wilmington University Libraryonline resources.

Guidelines for the paper:

Provide a brief introduction to your assigned company (e.g. what is its business, in what market is it, how long has it been in business, etc.)

Apply each of Porters five forces to your assigned company, indicating the threat level (e.g. high, moderate or low), why you have made this assessment.

Do NOT make recommendations for addressing these threats; only provide your assessment of the threats.

Discuss one or more ethical considerations that are faced by either your assigned company or the market in which they operate.

Include a graphic of the Five Forces model that provides a bulleted synopsis of your assessment for each of the five forces.

Criteria for the paper:

Minimum of four (4) pages, to maximum (5) five pages (not including Porter Model illustration, title page, or reference page and any additional appendices).

APA style and formatting required. However, no abstract is required for this paper

Include a 1-page Porter model illustrating your analysis

Reference page and title page

Based on current knowledge of laws in the state of Texas , if given the opportunity which law would you change? Why would you change this law

Question Description

the outline is:

Main points:

A- Raising the age for buying cigarettes

B- Alot of kids are getting addicted to it.

C- Increase the percentage of taxes on it.

Body paragraphs:

A:Raising the age for buying cigarettes:

They will let the people under 21 to quit it.

Protect the kids from cigarettes harm.

Make them think about its health problems.

B:A lot of kids are getting addicted to it:

Nicotine and addiction

the dangerous of it.

Helping the to start quiting it.

C: Increase the percentage of taxes on it:

It help to reduce the amount of smokers.

As much it will increase as much we will get rid of it

can improve health and raise revenue


we should let everybody know about its effects and how harm it is.

I already write the introduction and the thesis and in just need the body paragraph and conclusion as the outline above. And here is the introduction:

Tobacco is commonly abused drug by the youth. Today more people are smoking and consuming more cigarettes than before. When young people smokes they experience an early onset of cough, phlegm production. The earlier a person begins to smoke, the greater is the risk of disease such as: chronic bronchitis and lung cancer. If i get the opportunity to change the law for cigarettes, I will change it by two ways: raising the age of buying cigarettes, by increasing the percentage of taxes on it and the reasons of why people are getting addicted to it .