Revision for: Research Group Proposal Power Point Presentation With Speaker Notes

Question Description


Type of service:
Power Point Presentation With Speaker Notes

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
5 slides

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper detalis:


This is a group (RESEARCH) proposal in the form of a powerpointpresentation and I am responsible for slides 1-5. What the assignmentcalls for is inside the attached powerpoint. Please see all attachmentsto complete this assignment. Majority of this includes the necessaryinformation to complete assignment, so this will be super easy for theexpert that gets this. What I’m looking for is missing information tobe added, all main points to be bulleted, writing to be organized andwell written along with presenter notes that I can say while presentingthis in class. When it comes to the themes portion (please add citationsat end of each theme) and I will need the reference of where citationcame from. Please see rubric and all attachments for clarity on theassignment. Only complete slides 1-5. Themes, purpose statement, andresearch question can be found on “group 3 notes”. I attached anannotated bibliography as this was the assignment I completed leading upto the presentation. This group proposal is to be done “as if” we wereconducting research and not actually doing the research. This is aqualitative research proposal. I attached the updated presentationslides(that are missing 1-5) this may give you a good idea of the studyand I attach slides with more specific instructions(on what needs to befilled in). this is a qualitative phenomenological study. Please add myportion slides (1-5) to the powerpoint presentation titled “presentationslides 1-5 missing”

Written Memo: Progress Toward Your Degree

Question Description

You agreed with your parents (or spouse, partner, relative, or friend) that you would submit a report at this time describing the progress you have made toward your educational goal (employment, certificate, or degree).

Your Task. In memo format (several templates can be found in Word) write a progress report that fulfills your promise to describe your progress toward your educational goal. Address your progress report to your parents, spouse, partner, relative, or friend. In your memo (a) describe your goal; (b) summarize the work you have completed thus far; (c) discuss thoroughly the work currently in progress, including your successes and anticipated obstacles; and (d) forecast your future activities about your scheduled completion date.

The memo should be in narrative form. You will be assessed on your ability to organize your information, your ability to get your message across, and your grasp of the English language. Keep in mind that business writing is purposeful, concise, audience-oriented, and usually informative. There will be a three-point deduction for any grammatical, spelling, and spacing issues. There will be a minimum of a 3 point deduction on each error found with the document.

This memo should be formatted as follows:

  • Memo template format
  • Left and right margins should be 1.25”
  • The font should be Arial 12 pt.
  • Standard spacing (double space guidewords and single space body of the memo)
  • Length should be no more than two pages
  • Headings/subheadings should be used as appropriate to the memo content
  • Five-point deduction for not following these instructions for each item

Help writing Memo:

Chapter One Case – 25 points

Question Description



Type of service:
Math/Statistics/Finance Problems

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper detalis:

Chapter One Case – 25 points

On January 1, 2015, Smith Company acquired 80,000 shares of BonnLogistics, Inc. for $32 per share. This gave Smith a 35 percentownership of Bonn and Smith utilized the equity method to account forthis acquisition.

As of the date of acquisition, Bonn had assets with a book value of$7,200,000 and liabilities of $1,750,000. Equipment held by Bonnappraised at $50,000 above book value and was considered to have a10-year remaining life. In addition, Bonn’s building was appraised for$1,300,000, but had a book value of $800,000 with a 20-year remaininglife. Any remaining excess cost was attributable to goodwill.Depreciation and amortization utilizes the straight-line method.

Income and dividends for the years ended December 31, 2015, 2016, and2017, are as follows, respectively: Income = $185,000, $275,000,$340,000; Dividends = $32,000, $45,000, $62,000.

In addition, Smith sold inventory to Bonn beginning in 2014 andcontinuing through the year-end date of December 31, 2017. The detailof the transactions and the amount remaining in inventory for Apple atthe end of each year is as follows:


Prepare a schedule that identifies the allocation of the investmentamount by Smith in the acquisition of Bonn. Make sure to identify theindividual steps / parts a you develop and display the solution. (5points)

Develop a schedule to illustrate the amount of excess amortization associated with the undervalued assets. (2 points)

Prepare a schedule to support any profit in inventory deferral or recognition for

Questionnaire Response Paper

Question Description

1. Compose & respond to a neutral message. Compose a goodwill message. Respond to customer comments online. Select an example of a neutral/ positive message from BizCom in the News.
a. Discuss the type of approach used (direct/indirect). b. How was the message organized? Was it effective? c. Is there anything you would have done differently if you were the author of the message? d. How would you respond to this message (if appropriate)? Include the link to your selection in your response. (Minimum 300 words)

2. Plan and write a persuasive message for your audience. Write a sales letter. Write to negative customer feedback. Discuss an example of a persuasive writing you have created or received.
a. Who was the audience and what important to them? b. What examples of ethos, pathos and logos were used? c. In what ways could the message have been more effective? (Minimum 300 words)

3. Plan a bad news message. Write messages that rejects and idea, refuses a favor, refuses a customer request. Write a bad news announcement. Select an example of a bad news message from BizCom in the News.
a. Discuss the type of approach used (direct/indirect). b. How was the message organized? Was it effective? c. Is there anything you would have done differently if you were the author of the message? d. How would you respond to this message? Include the link to your selection in your response. (Minimum 300 words)

**I have attached a sample response document for reference. Please do not copy.**

Reply to another in a forum

Question Description

I need a response to this student in my class. with at least 180 words. I would like it to be in your own words. No Plagiarism please. If you need to cite in text or reference that would be fine. My class Organizational Leadership

I would say two-factor theory would best describe my previous job at a nursing home because I was more dissatisfied with management, lack of growth and salary. I was a new graduate and I got promoted, but with no increase pay increase and there wasn’t any room for advancement. The good thing about it was that I gained experience in different departments and it was an additional position on my resume. This has led me to seek other job opportunities. At my current job, I would say goal-setting theory would be most applicable. For example, I work front desk for a doctor’s office and my manager set specific goals for us to reach each month such as collecting at least 90% of co-pays at check-in each month. For three consecutive months, I was in the lead for highest percentage and I received recognition and was rewarded for it. I also received employee of the month for other accomplishments. This has motivated be to continue to do better so that I can grow and learn more within the company. My manager is a great motivator and gives feedback whether it’s good or bad and that is okay with me because I want to know my strengths and weaknesses.

Social, Ethical Implications

Question Description

Assignment Steps

Note: the Social, Ethical, and Legal Implications assignment is part of the total marketing plan as outlined in the grading guide. It is not a separate paper.

Resources: Marketing Plan and Outline

Producing and marketing a product without regard to ethical, legal, and social considerations is detrimental to the overall success of any company.

Assess in a maximum of 700 words the ethical, legal, and social issues affecting your product or service in two markets: the United States and one international market. Domestic market generally means the market where the company headquarters are located. If you choose a domestic market that is not the U.S., then your other market is required to be the U.S. marketplace. This will be added to the Target Market section of your Marketing Plan.

Include the following:

  • Develop a process to monitor and control marketing performance. This process could be a flowchart but a flowchart is not required (flowcharts do not count towards your word count requirement).

Formulate a maximum 350-word executive summary including at a minimum the following elements to include in your marketing plan:

  • Required executive summary elements:
  • Strategic Objectives
  • Products or Services
  • Optional executive summary elements:
  • Resources Needed
  • Projected Outcomes

Integrate the previous weeks’ sections, and incorporate corrections and suggestions from the instructor’s weekly feedback. The marketing plan should contain elements from each week of the course, including:

  • Understanding Target Markets (Week 2)
  • Promotion and the Product Life Cycle (Week 3)
  • Price and Channel Strategy (Week 4)
  • Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy (Week 5)
  • Executive Summary, Legal, Social and Ethical Considerations (Week 6)


Question Description

Lab # 1 Homework Answer the following questions using Excel, Print off hardcopies of data anal plots to turni in during class Mn Wednesday, September 18, Be sure to highlight final ariswers and display the equations used for calculations. This equations should contain references to the cells used. You will need to enter the last two digits of your CW ID into the sprealsluect at the location implicated in order to see la la. ) 1, As a NASA engineer, yu are charged with the task of calculating certain perfornia1fwe nitrics for a new mket design, In order to do s6, you will need to know the total mass ejected frostni the Tocket ‘s propulsion system during a flight , The Trass flow rate over the callrse of a test burn Wias recorded, From the data given in labi _ problemnl. xls, plot the mass flow rate as a function of time, plot the mass ejected as a function of time, and determine the total mass ejectead over the test burn. Mass ejected will be the integral of the mnass flow rate with respect to title. 2. An engineer at Cierieral Motors is tasked with deterTraining the work Moduced during the power stroke of a cylinder in a new experimental engine. The data from a test is given in labl problem2. xls. Plot the pressure as a function of gas Volunnie and determine the total work produced. The total work is the integral of pressure with respect to volume

Project Outline

Question Description

Site: Pearson Collections
Section or Module: ENTR 5000 Entrepreneurship Process for Freeman at WU
Expiration Date: Feb 20, 2020
Click to Log in:

ID: Willied71pcola

PW: Student123

Using the Competitive Analysis Grid presented in this week’s reading in Chapter 11, Industry and Competitor Analysis section (pp. 456-457), prepare an outline for your project company. Upload your completed document to this assignment.

Project Company:

Business Plan: Co-Let’s-Go!

Professional carpooling, servicing the growing Huntsville, AL area.

Huntsville, Alabama stands out among cities in the Southeast by being repeatedly named by publications as one of the best places to live in the region. These ratings are for both business and for quality of life, two things for which the city scores high marks. Fortune 500 companies call Huntsville home. Industries related to technology and defense are common here, such as the Army’s Redstone Arsenal, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, 2nd FBI headquarters, and Cummings Research Park. Southern heritage mixes with high-tech entrepreneurial spirit to make a town with a high quality of life.

The city has outgrown its traditional two lane highway commute. Forcing citizens to endure hours of traffic.

thr Co-Let’s-Go. Coworkers let’s go, is a professional carpooling service designed to cut down on traffic, encourage more family time, and improve our city as each of the heavily populated locations will have two-three roving F650 44 passenger bus, equipped with a barista stand. Offering coffee in the morning and light juice and water in the afternoon. The service will offer mimosas and beer on Fridays after license obtainment.

operation management: Reliability and Decision Theory

Question Description

The supplement to Chapter 5 in your textbook describes and develops several decision trees. In a 4-5 page paper, not including the cover and reference pages, develop a decision tree for the case described. Explain the process of developing a decision tree; draw the decision tree (include the decision tree in an appendix showing chance nodes, probabilities, outcomes, expected values, and net expected value); and defend your final decision based on your decision tree.

Case for consideration—An operations manager for a cereal producer is faced with a choice of:

  1. A large-scale investment (A) to purchase a new cooker which could produce a substantial pay-off in terms of increased revenue net of costs but requires an investment of 3,750,000 Saudi Riyal. After extensive market research it is thought that there is a 40% chance that a pay-off of 9,375,000 Saudi Riyal will be realized, but there is a 60% chance that it will be only 3,000,000 Saudi Riyal.
  2. A smaller scale project (B) to refurbish an existing cooker. At 1,875,000 Saudi Riyal, this option is less costly but produces a lower pay-off. Again, extensive research data suggests a 30% chance of a gain of 3,750,000 Saudi Riyal but a 70% chance of it being only 1,875,000 Saudi Riyal.
  3. Continuing the present operation without change (C) which cost nothing, but produces no pay-off.

Be sure to use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed references in supporting your answer. Current sources are those published within the most recent five-year period, and scholarly sources are those from peer-reviewed journals.

Direct indirect cost – Economic system – Discussion Board

Question Description

“Total costs of a business are in practice. The costs of such items as materials used, power and wages all lead to bills that have to be paid. What is not so clear is how these costs should be allocated to supply chain processes – or even to products for that matter. Christopher (2005) states that problems with traditional cost accounting as related to logistics include:

● the true costs of servicing different customer types, channels and market segments are poorly understood;

● costs are captured at too high a level of aggregation;

● costing is functionally oriented at the expense of output;

● the emphasis on full cost allocation to products ignores customer costs.

The important point here is that the total cost is constant: it is the ways we analyse that cost that are different. Why analyse it in different ways? To gain better information about our cost basis so that we can manage the business better.”

1. What is direct cost and indirect cost give your answer along suitable examples?

“International business is much more complicated than domestic business because countries differ in many ways. Countries have different political, economic, and legal systems. Collectively, we refer to these systems as constituting the political economy of a country. We use the term political economy to stress that the political, economic, and legal systems of a country are interdependent; they interact with and influence each other, and in doing so, they affect the level of economic well-being.”

2. Compare and contrast three Economic Systems.

ANSWER the 2 Questions.