Management and Leadership

Question Description

Please select one of the management or leadership theories (you may know of one not listed below) and three of the characteristics listed below. You want to research how the details you chose for each characteristic apply to the selected management or leadership theory. You should write at least 100 words for each characteristic.

Management and leadership theories include (select one or one you are familiar with):

  • Contingency theory
  • Systems theory
  • Chaos theory
  • Theory X and Theory Y
  • Human relations theory
  • Transactional leadership theory
  • Transformational leadership theory
  • Path-goal theory
  • Charismatic leadership theory
  • Situational leadership theory.

Different types of characteristics to consider for each management or leadership theory are (select three):

  • Traits
  • Values, integrity and moral development
  • Confidence and optimism
  • Skills and expertise
  • Behavior
  • Influence tactics
  • Attributes about followers
  • Beliefs and assumptions.

For example, you may select the contingency theory and write 100-word minimum about (1) traits, 100-word minimum about (2) skills and expertise, and 100-word minimum about (3) behavior.

Using references to support this assignment and future assignments is an important way to demonstrate that you’ve thoroughly comprehended class content and that you are using critical thinking skills. This is important for all academic writing. Our own opinions are useful and helpful, but in order to credibly argue your perspective in an academic environment, please be sure to demonstrate that you’ve done research and critical reflection. This comes from researching additional references thoroughly. Also, be sure to use APA 6th edition formatting to provide in-text citations and a matching reference list. By properly researching and using references, you will undoubtedly improve your grade in any academic setting. At least one reference is recommended for this assignment.

Assignment: Are You Fatigued?

Question Description

In this assignment, analyze your risk for fatigue by creating a sleep/work and discussing your findings for the 72-hour period. You may use the FAA Fatigue Risk Assessment Tool/ (Links to an external site.) (note that this tool will require you to install software on your computer), the NTSB example format (the image shown on this page), or create your own format. Things to consider:

  1. Are you a shift worker?
  2. What is your baseline requirement?
  3. Did you experience acute sleep loss? Cumulative sleep debt?
  4. Do you recall how you felt during these periods?
  5. While fatigued, were you undertaking any of the following:
      1. Intense physical or mental labor/play (e.g. sporting event)
      2. Periods of repetitive or monotonous work
      3. Periods of task saturation
  6. During the hours we refer to as the circadian troughs (generally around 0300/0400 and 1500/1600 hours), were you undertaking any of the following:
      1. Intense physical or mental labor/play (e.g. sporting event)
      2. Periods of repetitive or monotonous work
      3. Periods of task saturation

Note: Acute sleep loss follows any sleep period where you did not achieve baseline sleep in 24 hours. Cumulative sleep debt is reached when you have lost a full baseline of sleep before sleeping for a baseline. For example, my baseline is 6 hours. If I slept 3 hours Monday, I have acute sleep loss. If on Tuesday I again sleep only three hours, I now have 6 hours lost sleep overall, which is my baseline. This is considered cumulative sleep debt.

Incorporate the matrix into your document. Your analysis should be 2-4 pages of double-spaced text. apa format

A brief Professional Development Plan

Question Description

A brief Professional Development Plan — 50% The aim of this assignment is for you to put some of the exercises, readings, feedback, and assessment results from this course to work for your own benefit. The plan should include your most current thinking about leadership (what have you learned in this course?), your thoughts about your personal aspirations going forward (to include personal values and goals), and • -What have you learned about leadership that matters to you? Why does it matter? • What have you learned about your strengths and developmental needs as a leader? What do you need to do to capitalize on your strengths? What will you do to manage your derailers (i.e., a weakness or strength deployed at the wrong time/place/manner)? • What is your game plan for developing as a leader? What are the one or two changes you could make that would make you more effective (and happier) as a leader and as a person? • What are the challenges you anticipate personally and professionally when returning to your previous life, as a part of the re‐entry process? Papers will be judged on quality of thinking, use of data and concepts from the course or from your own experience or reading, logical organization, and presentation (including proofreading, errors of grammar, spelling, etc.). The papers should be 5‐7 pages in length. Please double‐space your papers using 12‐point type and show the word count at the end of the paper. All sources and references should be cited in footnotes. Please use MLA

Weekly Assignment

Question Description

In this case, you are provided the overhead cost data for the Auerbach Enterprises. Management needs advice in determining how to allocate these costs utilizing a job order costing system either department-wide or company-wide. Address Questions 1 through 5 located at the end of the case. Based on the case questions, you are required to provide a three to five double-spaced written report addressing management’s concerns and providing recommendations. The written report should be properly formatted according to APA guidelines and demonstrate research and critical thinking skills. Conclusions and recommendations should be supported by at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford Library or other external sources, excluding the textbook.

For Questions 1 through 4, you will need to complete several calculations. Be sure to label and clearly identify your work to demonstrate your understanding of the concept even if you arrive at the incorrect answer. The calculations should be included as part of your analysis and written recommendations required for submission.

For Question 5, fully address management’s concerns as part of your written analysis and recommendation using the new or the previous calculations to support your recommendation/explanation. The written analysis should be supported by at least two scholarly sources, excluding the textbook.

Week 2 Written Assignment should:

  • Demonstrate graduate level work including appropriate research and critical thinking skills.
  • Be presented as a written analysis (not a question/answer format).
  • Incorporate case questions into the overall analysis.
  • Follow APA formatting guidelines including title page, reference page and in-text citations.
  • Consists of three to five double-spaced pages of content.
  • Provide at least two scholarly sources, excluding the textbook

Course Project – Marketing the Product / Service

Question Description

Course Project – Marketing the Product / Service

This course has major project assignments due in Week 3 and Week 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and work on those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.

It is critical to make the best of every interaction with the customer.

Using the same organization selected in Week 1 for the course project, address the following:

  • Summarize the key product/service offered by your organization, including the role of the customer service department or direct service required to make a sale to the customer.
  • Create and defend a diagram or flowchart detailing the service delivery process. The chart should clearly identify each contact point (e.g. frontline employee, supervisor, delivery, etc.) before, during, and after the purchase. Your defense of the diagram should detail the role of each contact and assess why each role is critical to the entire service delivery process. (For assistance, review Service Delivery lecture tab and click here for a Service Delivery Infographic).
  • Analyze at least three possible contact point failures in the service delivery process for your organization. Why do you consider these to be possible contact point failures?
  • Justify recommendations to prevent or address the potential contact point failures and enhance service delivery in your organization. Be sure to consider how customers will benefit by your recommendations.
  • Defend a statement positioning the brand around the new/improved services.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your answers in a 6- to 9-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.

Shared Practice 2

Question Description

Prepare a cohesive response in which you:

  • Select one of the management styles from the Cardinal article that you have used or have observed.
  • Describe the situation in which you, as a manager, or a manager you observed used the style, along with the outcomes of the situation. (Note: Do not identify the names of specific individuals or organizations.)
  • Assess why you think the outcomes occurred. Be sure to support your assessment with this week’s Learning Resources or other credible and relevant resources.
  • Discuss whether or not you believe that the situation you described was the best management style to employ based on the context of the situation. What factors might affect whether a management style is effective? For example, what circumstances might influence a management style’s?
  • How might you have managed the situation that you described, in order to have a different outcome (i.e., would you use a different style, based on your preferences and skills and explain why or why not)? Be specific in your explanation and use examples to support your explanation.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, as well as other credible resources you have read; or what you have observed and experienced.

General Guidance: Assignment should be typically be 3–4 paragraphs in length as a general expectation/estimate.

Learning Resources:

MS Visio Assignment

Question Description

  1. Preparesystems documentationto represent the ACME Computer Games cash rental process. Open Microsoft Visio Professional, start anew drawing (US Units), and then select the following shapes to construct your diagrams: Data Flow Diagram Shapes, Basic Flowchart Shapes, Miscellaneous Flowchart Shapes, and Connectors. Alternatively, you may start with the blank template you created. Notes: Diagrams MUSTbe constructed using Microsoft Visio then copied into Microsoft Word (place each diagram on a separate page). You MUSTuse DFD/flowchart symbols presented in the course notes.Do NOTuse colored backgrounds, design themes or shapes when constructing systems diagrams for this course; use black on white backgrounds ONLY. I realize Visio provides you with such options, but they are NOTacceptable for systems diagrams.
    1. Construct a context DFD based on the table of entities and activities you prepared. Your context DFD must be balanced with your physical DFD and logical DFD.
    2. Prepare a physical DFD based on the table of entities and activities you prepared. Your physical DFD must be balanced with your context diagram and logical DFD.
    3. Prepare a logical DFD (level 0 only) based on the subprocesses you created above. Your logical DFD must be balanced with your context diagram and physical DFD.
    4. Prepare a system flowchart based on the table of entities and activities you prepared.
  2. Briefly discuss how your table and diagrams would change if the scope of analysis were redefined to start at the point the customer presents the membership card and selected game(s) to the clerk and end at the point when the manager retrieves the deposit slip from the bank.

Needing Assistance Plz

Question Description

Week 5 Project


Task: Submit to complete this assignment

Due September 18 at 11:59 PM

On the basis of your Week 1 and Week 3 work, analyze your organization against the four-quadrant model factors in organizational design as compared to (A) a modern, recent organizational structure such as Uber, Amazon, or Google, and (B) the traditional, international model of IBM (or similar). What are the benefits or weaknesses of your organizational design as compared to the other organizational structure you selected, based on the fourteen factors in organizational design from Burton and Obel? What are the preferred factors for your organization? What are the recommended action steps for your organization?

In addition to the textbook, also include three to four scholarly sources that help you support and defend your analysis.

Social research deals with people and organizations. It does not result in absolute cause−effect relationships. It only produces probabilities and likelihoods. Therefore, it is important to refrain from using words and phrases such as the facts are, always, results in, and will (will produce and will force). These words and phrases convey perceptions of absoluteness, which is not possible in social research. Words and phrases such as this suggests or seems to indicate are more appropriate.

Conclude with an assessment of how the results of your analysis might lead to possible research in the future. Offer insights that go beyond a thorough summary of current literature and that convey relevant implications for future research.

Submission Details:

Name your document SU_MGT7110_W5_LastName_FirstInitial.

Submit your 8–10-page assessment to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

write a report

Question Description

Lewin’s Change Model

One of the seminal studies and theories related to change management is Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Model. Components of his work are identified in many other theories, so understanding this theory offers insight into the change management process.

In this assignment, provide a brief overview of Lewin’s Change Management Model, including his rationale for creating this theory and the intended role this model addresses in change management.

Then discuss the three stages of change implementation and explain the importance of each stage. Be sure to use the terminology for each stage of Lewin’s model as outlined in the text.

Finally, Lewin’s theory was created in the 1940s. How would you modify/alter his theory to ensure that it remains relevant and applicable within KSA? Discuss any changes to be made to his theory to reflect today’s business environment, both globally and within KSA.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be four-to-five pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • APA templete.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
  • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Accounting Discussion

Question Description

The R&D division of Pele Corp. has just developed a chemical for sterilizing the vicious Brazilian “killer bees” that are invading Mexico and the southern United States. The president of Pele is anxious to get the chemical on the market because Pele profits need a boost — and his job is in jeopardy because of decreasing sales and profits. Pele has an opportunity to sell this chemical in Central American countries, where the laws are much more relaxed than in the United States.

The director of Pele’s R&D division strongly recommends further research in the laboratory to test the side effects of this chemical on other insects, birds, animals, plants, and even humans. He cautions the president, “We could be sued from all sides if the chemical has side effects that we didn’t even test for in the lab.” The president answers, “We can’t wait an additional year for your lab tests. We can avoid losses from such lawsuits by establishing a separate wholly owned corporation to shield Pele Corp. from such lawsuits. We cannot lose any more than our investment in the new corporation, and we will invest just the patent covering this chemical. We’ll reap the benefits if the chemical works and is safe and avoid the losses from lawsuits if it’s a disaster.” The following week, Pele creates a new wholly owned corporation called Cabo Inc., sells the chemical patent to it for $10, and watches the spraying begin.

Who are the stakeholders in this situation? Are the president’s motives and actions ethical?