JV assignment

Question Description

Part 1 is the notes to what the instructor left to redo the attached paper. Please redo the paper for me per the instructions and examples that the instructor left. Everything that you need is attached. The paper that need to be corrected is EDU 508 assignment 4.

Part 1

a) The header needs to be fixed as follows:


b) Also, place the page numbering at the top.

c) Where are the rest of the required 7 to 10 required peer-reviewed summaries? I only saw 4. Help!

d) What is the name of the theory? Who developed the theory? Where are the sources supporting your statements? Did you look at the list I previously provided? Here is another copy:

Theory Framework.pdf

e) Where is your Common Themes Section?

f) Where is your Contrast Findings and Results Section?

g) I am not sure what happened, but the Research Methodology Section needed to describe the Qualitative approach you used to gather, collect, and analyze the survey questions and responses from the participants who answered the survey.

h) Why are there different subheadings pertaining to other topics and not the required for Part 2 as explained in Blackboard?

i) It appears that you submitted part of the information for this course, but perhaps part of the information for another class.

j) The paper does not meet the minimum course requirement as explained in Blackboard.

Here again, are the sample template and the PPT slides to use as a “visual” guide to organizing the paper.

Assignment 4.Great student paper.docx

Revised.Putting it all together.pptx

A company is ROA is much lower than RNOA, what cause this difference?

Question Description

1. A company in 2019 Return on Assets (ROA) is 17.82% and its Return on Net Operating Assets (RNOA) is 50.9%. Briefly discuss what could be driving the difference in these two ratios?

please be logical

2.Which of the following is not a correct statement about the reformulation of the financial statements?

b. The focus of the reformulation is on the common shareholders; thus, activities with non-controlling interests and/or preferred shareholders need to be re-classified.

d. The classification between short-term and long-term determines whether the item is an operating or financing activity.

3.what is the purpose of reformulating the financial statements? (just several sentences enough)

4.Which category would the line item “Net Interest Expense (Income)” be included in as part of the reformulated financial statements?

d. Net Financial Assets – NFA or (Net Financial Liabilities – NFL

Which of the following would not be a driver (part of) the calculation for RNOA (Return on Net Operating Assets?

d. Cost of Goods Sold

Which of the following would not be a driver (part of) the calculation for ROCE (Return on Common Shareholders’ Equity)?

Proposal for paper 1

Question Description

This is what my instructor provided..

Proposal, Paper 1

For this week, I’m asking you to write a brief proposal (no more than 250 words) in which you define what you think your topic will be for Paper 1 (the rhetorical analysis of comedy) and what direction(s) you think your analysis will take.

So, to put what I expect in bullet point form, make sure that in your proposal you address the following things. Make sure that each point gets its own paragraph (each paragraph, when you write, should contain only one main idea, topic, or part of your task), and please explain yourself fully/flesh out your ideas.

Tell me what humorous/comedic item (stand-up routine, episode of a TV show, political cartoon, meme, etc.) you want to address in Paper 1. Provide a link to it if possible.

Tell me why you’ve chosen this particular thing.

Tell me who you think the original intended audience for this piece was, how you know, and what you think you can guess or infer about that audience (who they are). Explain yourself.

Tell me what you think the creator/comedian/author intended in terms of purpose for this piece (For instance, is it satire? Political comedy? Slapstick? Explain).

Tell me if you think there’s anything controversial or questionable about this comedic item. Explain your answer, and consider how this might be influenced by the target audience.

Grading: This proposal will be worth 30 points—5 points for fully answering each of the above questions sufficiently, and 5 additional points for grammar/mechanics/spelling and paragraph structure.

Benchmark – SIOP Presentation

Question Description

For this benchmark, create an in‐depth, 15‐20 slide PowerPoint presentation to inform other teachers in an American school district of the benefits of using the SIOP model as a teaching framework. This presentation should elaborate on the empirical research that shows the benefits of the SIOP framework when used with general education students as well as with ELLs.

Your presentation should include:

  1. A brief historical overview of some of the major educational policies that have shaped ELL instruction.
  2. A brief description of socioeconomic, political, and legal influences on instruction for ELLs.
  3. The eight interrelated components of the SIOP model, their application, and a teaching example for each component. Include a benefit for each SIOP component regarding how it contributes to an engaging curriculum and learning experience. The eight SIOP components are as follows:
    • Lesson Preparation
    • Building Background
    • Comprehensible Input
    • Strategies
    • Interaction
    • Practice and Application
    • Lesson Delivery
    • Review and Assessment
  4. Make a case for the importance of engaging in ongoing learning regarding innovative ways to utilize SIOP in your teaching.
  5. Include considerations about meeting ELL needs, such as access to academic classes, appropriate resources, and instructional technology, while working collaboratively with other school professionals from the perspective of an advocating leader.
  6. In your explanation of the eight SIOP components, include considerations about meeting ELL needs, such as access to academic classes, appropriate resources, and instructional technology
  7. Include title slide, presenter’s notes, and a reference slide that contains 3‐5 sources from the required readings or the GCU Library.
  8. Read chapter 10 in Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners.
  9. Read “Using Informal Assessments for English Language Learners,” from Colorín Colorado (2007).

Need 3 activities done with a total of about 15 questions

Question Description



Provide a minimum of 100 words per section to address the questions below:
1-Define firm-level strategy.
2- Select a recognizable firm. Based on your observations, address the following:
a) Describe the five forces of your company’s industry based on Porter’s model
b) Identify your firm’s direct competitor.
c) Is your selected firm being offensive or defensive in their strategy?
d) As your selected firm’s competitor, how would you react specifically to their strategy?


1-Outline steps of the strategy-making process.
2-What is a corporate-level strategy? Describe the major approaches to corporate-level strategy.
3-Identify three grand strategies, and give examples of each.
4-What is an industry-level strategy? What tools can companies use to develop successful industry-level strategies?


Will automation take away all our jobs, by David Autor, TED (18:37 min).

Click on the link below to find the video. If the URL doesn’t work, open YouTube (or TED.com) and search for the title. Click on the ‘closed caption’ [cc] or ‘subtitle languages’ to select subtitles. View the video and provide thorough answers to the questions below:

1 – Provide examples of inventions of the last 200 years to replace labor.
2 – Explain reasons why these automations have not made human labor obsolete.
3 – Why are there so many human jobs?
4 – Define O-ring concept.
5 – Analyze the challenge that automation poses.
6 – Describe what led to highschooler movement.


BUS3382 Voicemail

Question Description

You are responsible for a major report at work. The deadline is fast approaching and you realize you will not be able to meet the deadline your supervisor gave you. You really need to discuss the situation with your supervisor. When you call to set a time to meet, you find that your supervisor is not in.

Call 870-403-2142 and leave a voicemail message that would be appropriate for the situation. (Since this is my cell phone, send a text before you call to let me know I shouldn’t answer the call.)
You may also complete this assignment by recording a message and texting it to me or emailing it to me.

In the submission section, submit a short statement of completion, i.e. I left a voicemail on (date) at (time).

Just write out what you should have said over the phone as a message.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization of Thoughts

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClear spoken message

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview of critical information

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

Total Points: 16.0

Business law db6

Question Description

A MINIMUM of 1 original post — answering the question completely — and 2 quality student reply posts is expected. Discussion grades will be based upon BOTH the quality and quantity of posts. Simple statements like ‘good job’ or ” I agree’ without additional substantive discussion are NOT considered quality reply posts.

WARNING: Do NOT ‘copy and paste’ or ‘paraphrase’ excessively another student’s original answer. This is a form of plagiarism and will NOT be tolerated. You may refer to another student’s work in your student reply posts if proper credit is given to the original poster / student.

Who keeps the Engagement Ring?

The Facts:

  • Alex (“A”) proposes marriage to Barbara (“B”)
  • B accepts
  • A gives B an engagement ring
  • After 6 months A and B get tired of each other
  • The engagement is broken off

Who keeps the ring?

  1. Post your answer and explanation. Use principles you have learned in my Lecture and Text. This is not based on your opinion alone; your conclusion MUST have a basis in the Law, therefore: YOU MUST refer to the Law and legal principles (say which one(s) and where you found them PRECISELY (“in the Textbook” is not good enough)
  2. Comment on a classmate postings. AGAIN – make reference to the legal principles you have learned in my Lectures, the Text and/or web based resources. YOU MUST SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER BY REFERRING TO ANY OF THESE RESOURCES; AN UNSUPPORTED ANSWER = AN AUTOMATIC “F”. Note: I am not looking for the correct answer (this is NOT Law School)… I just want a coherent answer. Do your best, make an honest effort.


Question Description


In this Assignment, you will elaborate price elasticity of demand and supply in the short run and long run. You will evaluate factors that change equilibrium wage rate and employment level. Moreover, you will calculate total revenue product and marginal revenue product, and compare them with total cost and marginal cost in order to figure out optimal quantity of labor that should be hired to maximize profit.


Instructions: Read Chapter 3. Go to Chapter 3 pages 90–91 and read the “Role Play Case,” then respond to the checklist items.

Source: Castleberry, S. B., & Tanner, J. F. (2018). Selling: Building partnerships (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


  • Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that you will use to present yourself to the customer. Begin by introducing yourself and your (hypothetical) company.
  • Create a list of questions to ask the customer to understand the company’s buying process.
  • Assume you received the answers to the questions you asked. Outline the way the account’s organization is most likely structured. You may research a company in the same industry to provide insight into the way this company may typically be structured.
  • Based on material in the chapter, determine the (most likely) roles in the account’s buying center.

You may select one of the three accounts shown below:

a. Asset Recovery Management (ARM),

b. Fire Suppression Services (FSS), or

c. Mizzen Industries.

Your PowerPoint presentation should include approximately 4–6 slides (include additional title and reference slides). You will need to use the text for this class and/or other research to support your opinions. Be sure to include citations and a reference list.

CIS 200 Business Analysis

Question Description

Class discussion on Chapter 7 ( Requirements Analysis and Design Definition) in the BABOK.

  • In your groups, use the Core Concept Model in Requirements Analysisand Design Definition and provide the following for the two newrequirements from the elicitation stage:
  • Transform the elicitation results into requirement(s) to define a change.
  • Analyze the need of the changes.
  • List a few solution options and recommend the one that most likely addresses the need.
  • Explain how the recommended solution meets the needs of the users.
  • Provide at least 2 benefits supporting the change.
  • Make sure all information is in context that is easily understood by all stakeholders.
  • Place all this information in a traceability matrix. Research theinternet to find a traceability matrix that will house all theinformation above.
  • You may need to customize a traceabilty matrix that you find on the internet or build one from scratch.
  • Be sure you know what a traceability matrix is and how to use it.
  • Have each group present their findings to the rest of the class.

  • In your groups, work together to come up with one list on howrequirements analysis and design affects social media (Facebook,Twitter, Pintrest, Instagram,etc.).
  • Be prepared to present and discuss your list to the entire class.

  • Submit the traceability matrix that you built during the lesson. Be sure to include the following:
  • Analysis of the need of the changes.
  • A few solution options with a recommendation that most likely addresses the need.
  • Explain why and how the recommended solution meets the needs of the users.
  • Provide at least 2 benefits supporting the change.
  • Make sure all information is in context that is easily understood by all stakeholders.


Question Description

  • Clearly and accurately identify a problem, whether a business issue or a social issue. Describe and define the problem. Integrate the use of PICOC (section 2.2, table 2.1).
  • Then, in your search for a solution to the problem, find evidence from each of the following sources: practitioners, stakeholders, organization/internal data, and scientific literature. Provide a summary and sourcing for evidence from each of those groups. Be thorough, and avoid cherry-picking sources to come to a foregone conclusion. If there are conflicting pieces of evidence within groups, be sure to note and explain that. (Use APA formatting for references and citations. If you need help, 1) please use the Writing Lab and 2) check out this link: http://www.citationmachine.net/apa).
  • Use the flowchart 2.2 and create a model reflecting your work. Do not worry about the more detailed flow chart–for this assignment, I am only expecting you to develop the simple model reflected in 2.2.
  • After you have done your background research, then provide at least three possible solutions. For each solution, you must 1) describe the costs and benefits of each solution and 2) identify how likely it is that each solution would be successful. Use that information to tell me what the best solution is. Please note: your ability to do this will improve over the course of the semester, as you will develop some skills that help you learn to critically appraise and aggregate evidence. Do the best you can to develop solutions, but understand that you will be expected to go beyond your current level later in the semester.