Interoffice Memos and the Related Ethics

Question Description

You have just been appointed to head up the committee to plan the upcoming holiday party for your company, which employs around three hundred people. Susan, Mark, John, and Kathy have also been appointed to this committee. You have worked with Susan before and know that she will be a great worker. You have met Mark and Kathy, but do not know much about them. Unfortunately, you have heard that John can be difficult to work with. At any rate, you are really excited about planning this party and know that leading this committee will be a great opportunity to show your leadership skills.

Based on this scenario and your understanding of how to write internal e-mails, respond to the following:

  • Create an e-mail draft you want to send to your committee members about an initial meeting to discuss the party. In the e-mail, include any information you think is appropriate to get everyone excited and on board to make this the best holiday party ever.

Then, respond to any two of the following:

  • As you developed this e-mail, what did you consider including in the message? Why did you feel that was important to include?
  • Were there any topics that you decided would be best not to include in this message? What were they and why did you choose not to include them?
  • Were you concerned about how formal or informal this e-mail needed to be? Why?
  • Is it ethical to include blind carbon copies (Bcc) in business e-mails? Give reasons for your agreement or disagreement.
  • The information you have heard about John being difficult to work with has you concerned. Do you plan to communicate with him before the initial meeting? If yes, what method will you use to communicate with him? If no, why not?.

PJM310 Intro to Project Mnagement discussion forum 250 words 2 APA citations

Question Description

Please respond to this weeks discussion post with at least 250 words and 2 APA citations


Harrington, R. (2017). Understanding the core features needed foronline systems. . Retrieved from…

Harrington, R. (2017). Using online project management tools.[ video file]. Retrieved from…

Meredith, J. R., Mantel, S. J., & Shafer, S. M. (2017). Project management: A managerial approach (10th ed.). Hoboken: Wiley.

Project Management Institute. (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (6th ed.). Newton Square, PA: PMI Publications.



Module 7: Discussion Forum

44 unread replies.44 replies.

Reviewthe project management system (PMS) resource center: the tools andautomated technologies enabling effective project management in avirtual and global environment. Examine the unique requirements ofproject teams and other stakeholder engagement in a geographicallydisbursed project management environment, including virtualcollaboration, project reporting, and other issues related to globalproject management.

Cite a minimum of two current (published in the most recent five-yearperiod), credible references. The CSU-Global Library is a good place tofind sources. Make sure to cite your sources following the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.).

Post a minimum of 150-250 words for initial discussion posts. Post aminimum of 100 words for each of your required two peer responses.

Extra Assignment

Question Description

  • Explain the difference between unique risk and market risk. When you diversify your portfolio by making investments across many different assets, which risk can be eliminated?
  • Explain the risk aversion and the market risk premium.
  • How does a bond’s call provision protect its issuer against market interest rate changes?
  • Consider the following stock valuation models.
  • During the last year, Blue Bell Inc. has been too constrained by the high cost of capital to make capital investments. Recently, though, capital costs have been declining, and the firm has decided to look seriously at a major expansion program. Joe Smith who is a financial manager is asked to estimate Blue Bell’s cost of capital. The following information is provided.

Constant growth model

Non-constant growth model

Free cash flow stock valuation model

Explain each model’s assumptions and appropriateness.

The firm’s tax rate is 35%.

The firm has 7% annual coupon bonds with 15 years remaining to maturity. The current price of the bond is $968.55. The bond’s yield-to-maturity is 7.35%.

The firm’s balance sheet shows $100 million long-term debt and $300 million common equity. The firm has no preferred stock.

Joe estimates a 12.6% of the cost of common stock using the CAPM and calculates the firm’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC) as follows:

Weight of long-term debt is .25 (=100/400)

Weight of common equity is .75 (=300/400)

WACC = .25 x 7% x (1 – .35) + .75 x 12.6% = 13.05%

  • Find errors in Joe’s WACC calculation.
  • If the firm is considering a project whose risk is quite different from the firm’s average risk, is the firm’s WACC still useful for evaluating this project? What does the manager have to do in order to correctly evaluate this project?

Inter Bus ( lesson 6)

Question Description

Lesson 6

Activity 1: Group Project

As a team, select an emerging market that interests you. You are the leaders of a manufacturing company that is planning to go international. To prevent major issues during this move, you will need to have a solid plan and strategies.Your final plan should include:

  1. Describe your company, give it a name, clearly state what you are manufacturing.
  2. Identify the company’s mission and goals.
  3. Identify Core Competencies and Value creating Activities
  4. Formulate Strategies
  5. Then determine what requirements there are to manufacture this product such as resources and people.
  6. Compile fundamental country data and then do additional research based on the steps you learned in the Task.
  7. Flesh out the nature of the market opportunity offered by this country or its suitability as a manufacturing site.
  8. Next, select a company that is pursuing opportunities in the country. Determine whether the company’s activities are consistent with the market or site potential.
  9. Work through each of the steps as you analyze the market for this type of company.

Make a poster that clearly depicts your plan and strategy including all your research.

Write a one page executive summary making your recommendation to the board of directors for whether to move into the international market and if so, where and why. What are the potential benefits? What are the requirements?

Activity 2: Case Study – Vietnam’s Emerging Market Potential

As a team, read the case study at the end of Chapter 12. Use the questions below to analyze the case.

  1. What do you think western countries could do to help improve the business climate in Vietnam?
  2. What problems might a company encounter while con- ducting market research in Vietnam?
  3. Reflecting on your perception of products labeled, “Made in Vietnam,” does the type of product affect your perception? Explain.

Submit your company plan and strategies.

Jury 1 J – K

Question Description

The Case of the Disappointed Brides

Sally and Samantha became engaged and decided to have their favorite tailor, George, design and make their wedding gowns. They set a date for the ceremony 8 months in the future. George had been making dresses and suits for them over many years and he knew their tastes and their measurements. He has a thriving business in a busy retail area. At the appointment to discuss their gowns, George informed the engaged couple that he was opposed to same sex marriage and would not make their wedding gowns.

The Trial

Sally and Samantha sued George. They brought in evidence showing that George had always made their clothes, knew they were a couple and had never expressed his concerns about their relationship. They have been unable to timely find another designer/tailor to complete their gowns.

The Arguments at Trial

Sally and Samantha’s attorney argues that George has no right to discriminate against them because of their sexual orientation, which is a protected class. In fact, the state in which they reside allows for same sex marriage, thus no law was being broken. George had taken care of their specialty clothing needs for years and his abrupt refusal, caused them emotional distress. George’s attorney argues that George is invoking his right to freedom of religion. If George made the gowns for the couple, that would constitute an endorsement of their homosexuality and that was something his religion did not allow.

Questions to Discuss

  1. If you were on the jury in this case, who would you decide for and why?
  2. If, instead of a homosexual couple, the request had been to make a Ku Klux Klan hood and robe, would your answer be the same? If not, why not? If yes, then why?

QMB3200 Application of Quantitative Methods in Business;

Question Description

Chapter 3 quiz has 8 questions

Due tonight

Create a stacked area chart contrasting primary energy imports and primary energy exports in the accompanying data file. What conclusion can you reach?


Click the link to view the Energy Production & Consumption data.

Choose the correct stacked area chart used to contrast primary energy imports and primary energy exports in the data. Blue represents imports while red represents exports.

Click the link to view stacked area chart b.LOADING…

Click the link to view stacked area chart a.LOADING…

Click the link to view stacked area chart d.LOADING…

Click the link to view stacked area chart c.LOADING…

Your answer is correct.

What conclusion can you reach?

While both imports and exports have increased over time, imports have increased at a greater rate than exports.

Your answer is correct.

Exports are increasing while the imports are decreasing.

Imports and exports follow the exact same pattern.

While both imports and exports have increased over time, exports have increased at a greater rate than imports

Internal Controls: A Compendium of Short Cases

Question Description

For Internal Controls: A Compendium of Short Cases, choose 4 of the 6 short cases and answer its respective questions below. Reponses should be well written, in paragraph form, using proper grammar and citations for any writing not your own.

Case 1

  • What were your initial thoughts of Jeff Smith’s performance as Controller? Given what happened later in this case, are you surprised given your perception of Jeff Smith? Explain.
  • What internal controls could have been in place to prevent this from happening?

Case 2

  • Describe the flaws in RME’s credit authorization process, and what recommendations you would suggest to implement in the process.
  • As the auditor, what other information (not given in the case) might you inquire about related to the overall sales cycle / process? Why would you be interested in such information?

Case 3

  • Use the questions as stated in the case (answer both).

Case 4

  • For purposes of evaluating internal controls, how does your client upgrading its accounting software impact your audit risk? Explain.
  • Discuss the upsides and downsides of allowing remote access to the company’s system. Be sure to include internal control considerations in your responses.

Case 5

  • What factors should an organization take into considerations when contemplating a keep in-house vs outsource decision for a key process? Be sure to include at least some internal control considerations in your response.
  • Describe at least three internal control weaknesses related to computer and data security at AAA prior to the flood occurrence. For each weakness, make a suggestion of a control, policy, procedure, etc as to what would have promoted stronger computer security.

Case 6

  • Describe how you as Controller would design the employee reimbursement process to avoid the issues that occurred related to damaged vehicles subsequent to the accident at the local plant.

Read articles and answer the questions

Question Description

1, Drivers are Overwhelmingly Receptive to Usage-Based Auto Insurance, According to Towers Watson Survey

2, understanding Earthquake Insurance

3, The Health Care Law & You: What is the Health Care Law ?

Homework 5 (15 points)

1.In “Drivers are Overwhelmingly Receptive to Usage-Based Auto Insurance, According to Towers Watson Survey” (Topic 9 Core):

a.If consumers really modify their behavior based on installation of an UBI device, what would this be an example of from a risk management standpoint? (2 points)

b.Why would consumers not want to use UBI programs according to the author? (2 points)

2.In “understanding Earthquake Insurance” by Heather Turner, (Topic 8 Core):

a.You learn that an earthquake struck Palos Verdes in southern California. It caused several homes to catch fire because gas lines ruptured when sinkholes emerged. Jones’ house was one of them. His home caught fire from a sinkhole which also swallowed his built in swimming pool and his car. The earthquake damaged a detached garage on his property too. Jones has earthquake insurance and homeowners insurance. The car is insured too.

1.Does any policy cover the fire damage to Jones’ house? (1.5 points)

2.Does any policy cover the damage to his pool? (1.5 points)

3.Does any policy cover the damage to his car? (1.5 points)

4.Does any policy cover the detached garage? (1.5 points)

3.In “The Health Care Law & You: What is the Health Care Law?” (Topic 10 Supplemental):

1.How many employeesdoes an employer need to have to be required to offer health insurance benefits? (2 points)

2.What percentage of wellness visits and immunizations must the health plan cover? (2 points)

3.What percentage of a person’s income will be assessed as a penalty if the person does not have health insurance after 2014? (1 point).

Negotiation Role Play & Summary. Negotiation & Report. You will engage in a negotiation for a celebrity endorsement advertising campaign. negotiation communication log is attached.

Question Description

Your Task

You will engage in a negotiation for a celebrity endorsement advertising campaign.

Assessment Description

You may be nominated to represent the advertising corporation and will receive email instructionsfrom the company CEO including:

1. Appointment to represent the company as their agent for the negotiation of the endorsementcontract;

2. Specific instructions about the desired endorsement contract fee and advertising campaigntimeframe;

3. Information about the projected revenue to be raised from the advertising campaign;

4. Contact details of the agent appointed to represent the celebrity.

Alternatively, you may be nominated to represent the celebrity and will receive email instructionsfrom the celebrity’s manager including:

1. Appointment to represent the celebrity as their agent for the negotiation of the endorsementcontract;

2. Specific instructions about the desired endorsement contract fee and advertising campaigntimeframe;

3. Information about the projected revenue to be raised from the advertising campaign;

4. Contact details of the agent appointed to represent the advertising company

Assessment Instructions

Stage 1: Pre-negotiation (700 words)

You must answer the following questions:

1. What is your client’s BATNA? What is your client’s reservation value?

2. What is the other party’s BATNA? What is the other party’s reservation value?

3. What is the ZOPA range? What is your strategy for creating value?

Include at least fifteen academic references in your answers to the above questions with aminimum of five references coming from academic journals..

Stage 2: Negotiation (300 words)

You must:

1. Enter negotiations with their counterpart for the endorsement contract;

2. Maintain a communications log that captures the date, method, items discussed, andoutcomes of each communication..

Stage 3: Post negotiation (400 words)

You must prepare a 1 page letter to your client advising the outcome of the negotiation.

Internal Control – Short Cases

Question Description

For Internal Controls: A Compendium of Short Cases, choose 4 of the 6 short cases and answer its respective questions below. Reponses should be well written, in paragraph form, using proper grammar and citations for any writing not your own.

Case 1

  • What were your initial thoughts of Jeff Smith’s performance as Controller? Given what happened later in this case, are you surprised given your perception of Jeff Smith? Explain.
  • What internal controls could have been in place to prevent this from happening?

Case 2

  • Describe the flaws in RME’s credit authorization process, and what recommendations you would suggest to implement in the process.
  • As the auditor, what other information (not given in the case) might you inquire about related to the overall sales cycle / process? Why would you be interested in such information?

Case 3

  • Use the questions as stated in the case (answer both).

Case 4

  • For purposes of evaluating internal controls, how does your client upgrading its accounting software impact your audit risk? Explain.
  • Discuss the upsides and downsides of allowing remote access to the company’s system. Be sure to include internal control considerations in your responses.

Case 5

  • What factors should an organization take into considerations when contemplating a keep in-house vs outsource decision for a key process? Be sure to include at least some internal control considerations in your response.
  • Describe at least three internal control weaknesses related to computer and data security at AAA prior to the flood occurrence. For each weakness, make a suggestion of a control, policy, procedure, etc as to what would have promoted stronger computer security.

Case 6

  • Describe how you as Controller would design the employee reimbursement process to avoid the issues that occurred related to damaged vehicles subsequent to the accident at the local plant.