Marketing Management (MGT201)

Question Description


  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
  • Be three to five pages in length (1200-1400 words), which does not include the title page, abstract or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of overall marketing concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organizations goals and strategies (Lo 1.1).
  • Explain issues pertaining to marketing environment both internally and externally (Lo 1.2)

Assignment Question(s):


From the real national/international market, select any publicly listed company (listed in the Stock market). Critically analyze the chosen company based on the following questions.

1.Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.

2.Examine the 4 P’s of your chosen company based on the information given.

3.Use the porter’s five forces model to critically analyze the competitive structure of the organization.


  • You are supposed to choose a publicly listed company from the Stock Market.
  • You should use references (company website, financial databases, etc…)
  • While referencing, use APA reference style.
  • All students are encouraged to use their own words.

500 words Online Assignment Instructions – Evaluation Plan

Question Description



DUE: OCTOBER 27, 2019


Online Assignment Instructions – Evaluation Plan


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Evaluation Plan using Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model

The Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model has been the accepted standard for evaluating training since the early 1960s. It looks at four different levels of outcomes:

  • Level 1 – Reaction
  • Level 2 – Learning
  • Level 3 – Behavior
  • Level 4 – Results

The following resource is provided to help you prepare this assignment.

Kirkpatrick Partners. (2011). The Kirkpatrick Model. Retrieved from


In this week’s written application, you will develop an evaluation plan to ensure that your employees know how to use a new piece of equipment. Your plan should include the following five sections:

1. Overview – What is your business? What is the new equipment you will be training?

2. Reaction – How will you measure whether employees feel that the training was useful?

3. Learning – At the end of training on the new equipment, how will you evaluate whether employees have learned how to use the equipment?

4. Behavior – After employees are back on the job using the new equipment, how will you evaluate whether they are using the equipment correctly?

5. Results – How will you evaluate the impact of the new equipment on your business? Will it impact revenue? or efficiency? or reduce costs? What metrics will you use to evaluate business results?

A quality response should be approximately 400 – 600 words.

Prepare your document according to the guidelines in the How do I do that? module under Course Resources. Attach your assignment file and submit through the next page in this assignment module.

Marketing short essay

Question Description

This is an opportunity for you to reflect upon what you have learned about a specific topic from Ch. 12 and 13. Topics could be Generation Y, Baby Boomers, gender differences in consumer behavior, Hispanic American consumers, household influence, middle class and consumption, and so on. [PICK ONE TOPIC].

Be sure to discuss your personal examples and introspection on the topic. This fulfills one of the course learning objectives, i.e., better understanding yourself as a consumer.

500-600 words

Three Grading Criteria:

1. You should demonstrate that you understand and are ready to discuss the key concepts and issues from the assigned topic in your paper. Be sure to cite the definitions of and past findings about the concepts from the textbook or other credible sources (5 points).

2. You should discuss your own personal example(s) to help you and your readers better understand the concepts and issues. In addition, your personal introspection should bring new understanding to the topic (5 points).

3. Your writing should be clear, well-composed, and free of spelling and grammar mistakes. It should also meet the following format requirements (5 points).

1) Create a title for your paper. Individual Paper #1 is NOT acceptable.

2) No need to provide a title page.

3) Must be typed in a word document; use double-spacing, 12-point font.

4) Include bibliography or references.

5) Use APA (American Psychological Association) writing style: Cite a source in parentheses after any quotations or after assertions that are based on a reading. Example of in-text citations: (Hoyer, MacInnis, & Pieters, 2018). Provide page numbers if you quote from an article or a book directly. For example, different from opinion leaders, market mavens are consumers “on whom others rely for information about the marketplace in general”(Hoyer, MacInnis, & Pieters, 2018, p. 298).

700-1050 Word Paper

Question Description

The assumption underlying strategy maps in for-profit organizations is that financial outcomes are the end goals that they are striving for and that other objectives within the change program should be aligned to produce and support those desired outcomes. If particular activities and the objectives don’t support the changes, they should be seriously questioned and either dropped or reduced in importance.

Consider a change initiative that you know is currently being researched for adoption, or that you want to have considered for adoption, by an organization with which you are familiar.

Answer the following:

  • If the vision for change is achieved, how will it look from the perspective of the financial results achieved?
  • To accomplish these financial outcomes, what initiatives have to be undertaken from a customer perspective to deliver on the value proposition in ways that generate the desired financial results?
  • To accomplish these customer and/or financial outcome efficiencies, what changes must be made from an internal business process perspective?
  • To attain the internal process goals and objectives, what must be undertaken from a learning and growth perspective to increase the organization’s capacity to do what is needed?

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in the third person voice in which you address the four questions above.

Identify the change initiative clearly.

Design a strategy map to illustrate your analysis using Figure 10.3 “Generic Strategy” and Figure 10.4 “Strategy Map for Control Production Systems” as examples from Chapter 10 in Organizational Change.

Include the map in your assignment and explain its components.

Use organizational change terminology consistent with what is used in your text.

Include at least two other sources other than the Organizational Change text to demonstrate research on the design, purpose, and responses to the questions of your strategy map analysis.

Format your Strategy Map Analysis assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Short Discussion-Organizational Politics in TV or Movies (MGT420)

Question Description

For your SLP, you will be writing about a real-life example of organizational politics from your own work life. For the discussion, we will take a bit more lighthearted approach and look at some examples of how organizational politics is portrayed in movies or TV as well as video games.

Notable TV series that focus on workplace life include Suits, Mad Men, Silicon Valley, House of Lies, Ugly Betty, and The Office. You can probably think of few more recent ones. In terms of movies, Office Space, The Social Network, and Jobs are some examples of popular movies that revolved around corporate life.

For your first post in the first week of this module, try to find a good example of a recent TV series or movie that you watched that you thought was a good example of any of the concepts from this module. Give a short synopsis of the story involved and how it reflected concepts from the background readings. If you can find a YouTube clip from this show or movie, share the link with your classmates. Also, discuss how realistic the TV show or movie was—did it seem similar to what you might find in real life?

Just as office politics is a common theme in movies and TV, there are a surprising number of video games with an office politics theme. Do a search on “office politics games,” “office simulators” or similar searches and see if you find any games that look interesting or are relevant to this module. Some of these games are even available for free—special kudos to any of you who try the game out yourselves. But at least include a short description of the game you found and a link to a video or webpage that illustrates the game.

2 questions each one on them no less than 250 wards

Question Description

1- Requirements Contracts. Medalist Golf, Inc., a high-end golf course builder, was working on a new golf course project in Missouri. Chris Williams, doing business as Cane Creek Sod, submitted a bid with Medalist to provide Meyer Zoysia grass sod for the project. Williams and Medalist executed a “grass supplier agreement” that specified the type and quality of grass to be used, stated the price, and gave Medalist a right to inspect and reject the sod. The parties estimated the quantity of sod needed for the project to be twenty-one acres. Williams had approximately sixty-five acres of Meyer Zoysia growing at the time. The agreement did not specify the amount of sod that Medalist would purchase from Williams, nor did it say that Medalist would buy Williams’s sod exclusively. Later, when Medalist had an expert inspect William’s sod (before it was harvested), the expert concluded that it did not meet the quality standards required for the project. Medalist therefore rejected the sod. Williams sued for breach of contract. Was the “grass supplier agreement” enforceable as a requirements contract? Why or why not? [Williams v. Medalist Golf, Inc., F.Supp.3d , 2018 WL 1046889 (E.D.Mo. 2018)] (See The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts.)

2- Implied Warranties. Harold Moore bought a barrel-racing horse named Clear Boggy for $100,000 for his daughter from Betty Roper, who appraises barrel-racing horses. (Barrel racing is a rodeo event in which a horse and rider attempt to complete a cloverleaf pattern around preset barrels in the fastest time.) Clear Boggy was promoted for sale as a competitive barrel-racing horse. On inquiry, Roper represented that Clear Boggy did not have any performance issues or medical problems, and that the only medications the horse had been given were hock injections, a common treatment.

HCA 459- Week 3- Assignment

Question Description

Week 3 – Assignment

Senior Project Progress Report

Complete a two to three page (excluding title and reference pages) report on the progress you have made to date on your Senior Project. You must use a minimum of three scholarly sources. Your report, and any citations used, must be in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your progress report should cover the following:

  1. Topic: Identify the topic that you have selected for your Senior Project and provide a brief explanation for why you have chosen to address this topic *This may be copied from the Week Two assignment if evaluated as Distinguished Performance. Otherwise, make adjustments per Week Two feedback.
  2. Organization Specific Rationale: Provide a brief overview of the health care organization that you have selected for your Senior Project including a summary of the challenges and/or opportunities impacting the balance between health care costs, quality, and access to services that the organization is currently facing. The challenges and/or opportunities should directly relate to your rationale for why you have chosen your topic (i.e., training program) to help the organizational leaders manage this challenge/opportunity. Challenges and/or opportunities should be grounded in the research (e.g., web-based resources, electronic articles, or personal interviews). The more informed you are, the better prepared you will be to complete your Senior Project.
  3. Training: Identify the audience for your training program and provide a brief outline of the topics it will address. Include a minimum of three to five learning outcomes that are targeted for your identified audience. Specifically, what do you want your audience to know and/or be able to do after they have completed training? How does this training program align with the overall challenges and/or opportunities that the organization is facing? Overall, how will the training program benefit the organization?

BUA 350 00 2 –Leadership “Mid-term” Exam

Question Description

Fall 2018
BUA 350 00 2 –Leadership
“Mid-term” Exam
For this exam please refer to the following resources:

Rupert Murdoch: The Phone Scandal
Page 24, Table 1.1 The Five Practices and Ten Commitments of Exemplary Leadership
Page 30, Table 1.2 Characteristics of Admired Leaders

Part One: Using the components of Table 1.1, please provide an assessment of Rupert Murdoch as a
leader and his level of success in each practice, providing examples from the case which confirm your
Part Two: Please refer to page 30, Table 1.2. For each Practice, please provide one applicable
characteristic which exemplifies your assessment of Mr. Murdoch. If it’s a negative characteristic,
merely amend the positive to create a negative (eg, honest then becomes dishonest). Each Practice
requires a DIFFERENT characteristic.
Format: Please use the same format as Table 1.1 and merely provide the characteristic from the 2nd
column of each Practice. Example:
A. Model the Way
1. Clarify values – advise whether or not Mr. Rupert met this leadership commitment and
provide examples to support your point
2. Set the example – advise same as above
Characteristic: Honest
B. Inspire a Shared Vision – use same format as above
C. Challenge…
D. Enable…
E. Encourage…

Hello The table you need for the mid-term is in the workbook page 18.

Find examples in the case for each issue and explain why it is an issue,

etc. You should write:
Model the Way
1. clarify value…& give example from case and explain

set example…did Murdoch set positive or negative example and provide

an instance from the case; explain why you believe is poditive or

negative example

Inspire a Shared Vision
3. Envision future -follow same format as you did for Model the Way

Does that explain what I’m looking for, yes?

This is the instructions from the professor

Contract Analysis Part A – 24 points

Question Description

Contract Analysis Part A – 24 points

Residential House Lease

The following question is based on the Residential House Lease found in the Contracts

Module. Please reference the Lease by clause number as you answer the questions.

Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs with


references to


your answers)

Maria, the landlord, refuses to fix a small leak in the roof that was there prior to

the current tenant. The consequence is that black mold has been forming in the

attic. Juan, the current tenant, still has significant time remaining on his lease.

Juan has notified Maria in writing of the mold and leak issue. He is concerned

about the premises becoming unsafe to live in. It has been 14 days since he

emailed her his notification. What are Juan’s options if Maria declines to do the


UCC Sales Contract

The following question is based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module.

Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions.

Remember, this is a contract under the UCC.

Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs per essay with text references to support your answers)

You received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract.

You ordered goods thinking it was a particular product. You wanted Razor

scooters as that was the original oral communication when the selling merchant

was first contacted by you. Thereafter, in phone conversations, you and the seller

just talked about scooters. The selling merchant shipped scooters but not Razor

scooters. Upon receipt of the goods, what are your merchant options under the


Why are text references important? Contract language does not exist in a vacuum. It is written

based on the law. It is critical, therefore, to cite to the text to support your analysis.

BUL 3130 Discussion: John, Paul, and Mary

Question Description

John is the sole proprietor of a business that designs web pages. He leases an office and buys computer equipment. He has an idea or a new software product, however, on which he works whenever he has time and which he hopes will be more profitable than designing Web pages. After six months, Mary and Paul come to work in the business to help develop John’s idea. John continues to pay the rent and other expenses, including salaries for Mary and Paul. John does not expect to make a profit at least until the software is developed, which could be months, and there may be very little profit if the product is not marketed successfully. John believes that if the product is successful, however, the company will be able to follow up with other products. John would like to retain overall control of the business but needs to find a way to tie the salaries of Mary and Paul to the success of the business, and needs to raise capital to implement his business plan. He also wants to limit his personal liability if the business fails.

Post one important consideration in choosing a form of business organization for this firm that will best allow it to meet John’s objectives. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this option? Suggest a written document that John should develop to reduce future liability and problems of the new business. Provide sound reasoning for your stance and back it up with references, if possible. Your logic should be factual, not emotional.

APA Format, Minimum 300 word with references (Chapters 11 and 24 of our textbook, Florida case law, etc.)

Textbook: Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for Business, 9th Ed. by Constance E. Bagley