Module 06 Discussion – Global Crisis (reply post )

Question Description

For your reply post, discuss an alternative viewpoint on the factor (cultural, social, ethical, or legal) that would be most important when responding to the international crisis described by your classmate. Explain your answer.

just reply to this post

For my crisis, I had chosen the Nike-Kaepernick ordeal that happened not too long ago. For this, I do not think to be only in the U.S. or globally would make too much of a difference, except the fact that it would hurt Nike’s reputation on a broader scale. Fortunately, football being an American sport, people outside the U.S. probably would not have much of an opinion, because of the fact that Colin had kneeled during the American National Anthem. American’s were more upset about that fact versus knowing what he was trying to speak up about. People on a global factor, however, could relate to the fact that he was trying to speak out against police brutality against African Amercians instead of the fact that he was kneeling during another country’s national anthem.

This is definitely more of a social factor. Nike had chosen Kaepernick for their Just Do It Anniversary campaign people they wanted to show that they supported all athletes no matter what they stood for or believed in, and those who were unhappy about his actions were upset that Nike had partnered with him for their ad. Nike’s reputation was all over the place, seeming more bad than good in the beginning until people realized why the whole thing was put into place. It’s hard to go against the majority of opinion and be accepted right away for it. Nike may or may not have been able to predict the consequences of choosing Kaepernick for their ad, and at first, it seemed more like a bad decision as their stocks almost immediately plummetted, but shortly after, Nike’s sales had exceeded.

quiz questions

Question Description


  1. Your elasticity of demand for tea is -0.25. If the price of tea drops by 10% due to recent production increases, what is the expected impact on your tea consumption?
    A. Quantity demanded declines by 2.5%
    B. Quantity demanded increases by 2.5%
    C. Quantity demanded increases by 25%
    D. Quantity demanded declines by 25%

2 points


  1. Your elasticity of demand for gasoline is -0.25. If the price of gasoline rises by 5% due to storms in the Gulf of Mexico, what is the expected impact on your gasoline consumption?
    A. Quantity demanded decreases by 1.25%
    B. Quantity demanded increases by 5%
    C. Quantity demanded increaes by 12.5%
    D. Quantity demanded declines by 12.5%

2 points


  1. Jim recently graduated from college, and his annual income increased from $8,000 to $35,000. Shortly after starting the new job, he dropped his Netflix account and paid for Amazon Prime so he could view Prime Videos in his leisure time. What does this decision imply about his demand for online video services?
    A. Netflix is an inferior good for Jim
    B. Amazon Prime is an inferior good for Jim
    C. Netflix is a normal good for Jim
    D. None of the above

2 points


  1. For most consumers, an increase in the price of orange juice would lead to an increase in the consumption of grapefruit juice. How are these two goods related in consumption?
    A. The two goods have a cross-price elasticity equal to zero (i.e., independent in consumption)
    B. The juices are complements in consumption
    C. We do not have enough information to answer this question
    D. The juices are substitutes in consumption

2 points


  1. You have a downward sloping demand curve for pizza, and you eat two slices of pizza for lunch. Are you willing to pay more for the first slice or the second slice?
    A. First slice of pizza
    B. Second slice of pizza
    C. Equal willingness to pay for both slices of pizza
    D. We do not have enough information to answer this question

MKT/571 Team Assignment

Question Description


Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to creatively illustrate traditional and new media options. An understanding of the target audience and effective communication for each is a desired outcome. It provides the Learning Team the opportunity to creatively illustrate traditional and new media options. An understanding of the target audience and effective communication for each is a desired outcome.

Assignment Steps

Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, Prezi, or Vimeo video, etc. which illustrates one traditional media option (print, TV, radio, billboard, etc.) and one new (social media) media option for your brand and brand strategy for a product or service of your choice. The presentation should be a minimum of 7-10 slides or, if Prezi or Vimeo video, an 8-minute minimum. MY PORTION IS TO CREATE THE POWERPOINT AND ADD THE INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION SLIDE.

Discuss in a minimum 700 words the differences between the traditional media option and the new media option in terms of audience, reach, channel and content. A table of differences may be used to concisely illustrate the differences but you must include a discussion of insights/concerns/issues between the media options.

Your deliverable should include an actual marketing piece for the selected traditional media and for the selected new social media option . This can be actual copy, visuals, radio text, layout sketches, storyboard, etc. (possibly including slogans, logos, etc.) to illustrate how you would incorporate your creative recommendations into the two media branding or product strategies.

Note: Charts/graphs/tables in your Microsoft® Word write-up do not count towards the word count.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

CIS 200 Business Analaysis

Question Description

The Business Analyst field is a growing field. What do you need to know about it to keep current? What credentials do you need?

Now it is time to put on the last minute touches.

  • You’ve spent all term submitting deliverables for your personalproject each week. Now take the time to make any changes needed beforeyou submit the final project as one deliverable.

Your opinion counts.

  • Take time to answer the following questions in a one-page documentcalled Your Opinion Counts. Include the following questions in thedocument along with the answers:
  • How the Business Analyst (you) managed the events of your personal project?
  • What you learned from working on a group project and then your personal project?
  • What did you like and dislike about having a project to work on for the entire course?
  • What were the key takeaways or lessons learned from both projects?
  • What would you do differently and the same next time your work on a project?

The role of the Business Analyst changes regularly. Becauseit is a flowing position, it is important to stay up on current trendsand events in the Business Analyst’s world.

  • Go to International Institute of Business Analysis’ ( iiBA) official website and research the following:
  • Certifications available for a Business Analyst
  • Review each type of certification anddetermine which certification you could pursue based on your experience.Find the following:
  • Locate the closet CBT location to take the exam
  • Benefits and cost for becoming a member of iiBA
  • Different types of memberships
  • Learning & Development options
  • Sign up for a public webinar
  • Choose a Quick tip to read
  • Research your local iiBA chapter andlearn when the next event is taking place. Find out what it costs to be amember and what types of memberships are available.

For your task, submit a deliverable answering the question about the IT project and your personal project.

  • Submit your final project as one deliverable and the Your Opinion Counts document.

This is a project.

Question Description

1. Use the “communications matrix template” to complete a communications matrix for your team project. Be sure to take into consideration ideas regarding purpose, structure, methods, and timing for each communication need and describe the communications technology you will use. Use mostly familiar methods, but also use at least one method that is new to your team.

Frequently asked questions are: “What is the learn from?”, “What is the share with?”, and “Who is the owner?”

The text discusses these in section 6-5c. The ‘learn from’ is where you need to indicate what you will need to learn from the stakeholder during the project execution. For example, if my project is a wedding and the bride’s parents are paying for the wedding then the bride’s parents would be a stakeholder and the learn from might be the budget. The ‘share with’ is where you need to indicate what you will need to share with the stakeholder in order to keep them adequately informed during the project. Keeping with the above example, you would likely share with the bride’s parents information on budget versus actual expenditures, information on deposits due and final payments due.

The “owner” of the communication is the person on the project team that is responsible to ensure that the communication takes place as planned.

Please submit, in the comments on the assignment submission, the participation level of each team member. A non-participating team member will NOT receive credit for any assignment that they do not participate on.

2. Use the “stakeholder prioritization template” (Excel) and the “Stakeholder register template” (Excel) to record and prioritize the stakeholders in your project.

Sort your “register” by priority so that the most important stakeholders are at the top of your register.

Turn in your completed Stakeholder Register. (You do not need to turn in the prioritization template as it is just used to establish stakeholder priorities).

Business Swot Analysis

Question Description

Attached you will find the assignment template and SWOT analyses for companies that have been in business for over 100 years. 1. Complete the research for Best Companies to work for and complete the template questions. 2. Use one of the SWOT analysis attached or research another of the companies from the list attached to answer the template questions. 3. Reflect on the research to draw comparisons between a Best Company to Work for and a 100 year old company and answer the template questions 4. Develop SMART management goals. 5. Complete 100 Year quiz -done individually A Authority B Bias (relates to purpose from the CRAAP model) C Currency D Domain (relates to purpose from CRAAP modei) E External Verification (some one other than parent website confirming or providing supporting contributions) Domain .com commercial for profit .gov government .edu education .org nonprofit

Additional Information

Now that you have learned about evaluating sources and critically thinking, it is time to apply the skills. The 100-year-old assignment has you evaluate one of those “Best of” articles/sites using the ABCDE model and the RED critically thinking model for evaluating sources. As a manager, you will need to keep current with trends, review other companies’ successes and determine how you can utilize that information to improve your company, because status quo is not acceptable. The trends and successes are typically at a macro or corporate level, which you as manager typically do not have influence or responsibility for; therefore, you need to cascade those macro ideas into micro ideas or tactics that you can implement on a smaller scale or within your department. You will reviewing the trends and successes of companies and writing SMART goals that you have the authority and budget to implement at a micro or department level. The information from this assignment can be applied to any industry.

As the leader, you have identified a problem or issue related to one of the National Patient Safety Goals 2019 created by the Joint Commission that will lead to quality improvement

Question Description

Develop a PowerPoint slideshow consisting of 8-15 slides. Include the following. Title slide, written speaker notes, and Reference slide. Do not use Voice Over recordings. All information needs to be written in slides and speaker notes. No information in comment section will be graded.

As the leader, you have identified a problem or issue related to one of the National Patient Safety Goals 2019 created by the Joint Commission that will lead to quality improvement. You will find the National Patient Safety Goals using this link: (Links to an external site.) Assess the problem or issue. State the problem/issue and identify three rationales (reasons) that the problem exists. References are used. Scholarly articles must be published within the last 5 years, peer-reviewed, from the Chamberlain library only and must provide the permalink

Assess the problem or issue. State the problem/issue and identify three rationales (reasons) that the problem exists. References are used.

Determine the people who are involved in the issue and explain three reasons as to how their role will contribute to the problem or issue solution.

Identify three solutions and discuss the purpose, cost and desired outcome.

Pick one solution to share with the director and discuss why this solution was chosen over the others. Use a scholarly reference.

Make an action plan to share the solution with the director and staff.

Summarize issue, plan and desired outcome and purpose for quality improvement on slide.

Reflect on your learning and value of doing the assignment.

Include written speaker notes for all slides except title slide and reference slide.Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint Presentations

The following are best practices in preparing this presentation.

Be creative.

Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.

Make easy to read with short bullet points and large font.

Review directions thoroughly.

Proofread prior to final submission.

Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

Abide by the Chamberlain academic integrity policy.

International law – ZIDANE’S LAST RED CARD ( harvard business case study)

Question Description

1. A referee gave France’s football captain Zinedine Zidane a “red card” and ousted from the World Cupfor “headbutting” Italy’s captain Marco Materazzi in the chest after the two exchanged words whilewalking down the field. Watch the 20 second video clip at

2. Second, read the Harvard case study about the incident. Most of the cases including this one are at Buy them one by one in case we do not get to them all.3. Then answer the assigned questions below about the case and post your completed assignment. Seethe Syllabus for details about the length and content of written assignments and how you will begraded. Those guidelines will apply to every assignment that you complete so be sure to read themcarefully.

Length. Write a few paragraphs, between two-thirds of a page and one page long, doubled spaced. Tryto keep what you write to one page if you can as it will help you learn to be concise, but if you needmore space, that is fine.Writing. See the Writing Tips in the start-up folder. When you have finished your first draft, imaginethat you are the reader. Is what you have written clear or can what you have written be improved? Usespell check and grammar check.Grading. The written assignments that you upload will be graded.

The maximum score for doing anassignment is 3 points. To earn a perfect score, your work needs to show that you read the assignedmaterial; that you did quality research (if research is called for); that you have a thorough understandingof the material; that you organized your thoughts, and wrote in a clear and understandable way; andthat you used proper grammar and spelled everything correctly. Grading will be based about 75% oncontent and 25% on writing. One point will be deducted if your assignment is uploaded late.

Final Project – Business Project

Question Description

This is my company I chose

  • The decision of Tesla Motors, Inc. to choose among competing incentive packages from local governments for the construction of the company’s newGigafactory

Below is what the paper is about:

Recommendations: After submitting your analysis memorandum, your CEO has decided that your business needs the additional resources that Jack Harris and his firm Crisis Consulting can provide. Time is of the essence, and so Jack has called a meeting of the team that will work on this project next week. While Jack is familiar with your business, due to your overview, the rest of his team is not. Your CEO has asked you to provide a memorandum to Jack that he can distribute to his team that will be assisting your business. Do not assume that the team knows anything about your business or the government action it faces. In addition, the CEO has asked you to include your recommendations for addressing the situation the business is facing.

  1. Business Project Teams: Based on your evaluation of the internal resources that are available to the company, how can business project teams be efficiently engaged to obtain the most favorable results for the company? [MBA-665-02]
  2. Communication: Based on your assessment of the business’s public image, recommend communication approaches or strategies designed tomitigate the impact of negative information about the business. [MBA-665-03]
  3. Solution: Based on the courses of action and their impacts that you previously described, determine an effective solution for the business in the situation it is facing. How does the solution address the governmental action(s) or political challenge(s) faced by the business? [MBA-665-04]
  4. Political Influence: Based on your evaluation of external resources, how should the company utilize outside resources and approaches to advocate for the business and influence the political process? [MBA-665-05]

Don’t forget to add in a memo to the CEO below is an example of a memo

Answer the following question using the links provided.

Question Description

Watch these two videos and the one companion article. They are about three highly publicized incidents where actions by employees forced each company to take a drastic and unusual action. As you watch, think about the ethics of what is happening. Then in 1-2 sentences per number, answer the questions. Spelling and grammar count. There must be at least one text reference (page/chapter/edition).

There is no right or wrong answer. There is only a complete answer that is supported by a reference to the text. Each question is worth 2 points with 2 points for spelling and grammar and 1 point for the text reference. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

along with

1. Do you think the children students who were admitted to these elite schools based on their parents’ bribery should be allowed to stay in that college? Why?

2. Consider the case of the migrant children being held in detention facilities. Is the US government displaying ethical behavior in this situation as they say they are complying with the law as written?

3. Look at the United Breaks Guitars case. Which company in this case exhibited ethical behavior? Explain?

4. Think about the Approaches to Ethical Reasoning, Duty-Based Ethics and Outcome Based Ethics. Which approach do you think the management of Department of Homeland Security used when implementing their housing of migrant children in Clint, TX? Which approach should the management of USC use? Which approach was used by the ethical company in the United case? Explain?