Inter Bus ( Task 6)

Question Description

Task 6 International Business Strategies

Prior to moving a company into the international marketplace, leaders need to consider the cultural, political, legal, and economic factors of the global environment. This takes planning and developing strategies for the move. These strategies are affected by factors such as technological advances in communication and transportation.

Investigate strategies used by international companies. You will use the Internet and personal interview for this activity. You will also want to refer to Chapter 11 of your text for more information about concepts.

  1. Choose a company that is global such as Starbucks, or Coke.
  2. Describe who the company is and what product or services they provide and in what countries
  3. Research the company to analyze:
                          1. Its Mission
                          2. Core competencies and value chain
                          3. Its multinational strategy and/or its global strategy
                          4. Corporate Strategies: Growth strategy, re-entrenchment strategy, stability strategy, or combination strategy
                          5. Business Strategies: such as low cost leadership, differentiation, or focus strategies
                          6. The organizational structure type
  4. Make an infographic to show the analysis.

To prepare to devise a strategy to take a company international, learn more about analyzing international opportunities.

  1. Read Chapter 12 section on focusing on the steps to 1. Identify basic appeal. 2. Assess the national business environment. 3. Measure market or site potential. 4. Select the market or site.
  2. Make a drawing or copy of the diagram showing the steps to bring to the lesson.
  3. Investigate primary and secondary market research. What are they? How is the research conducted? Make a diagram to show the elements of the two.

Learn about choosing a market site.

  1. Read section 2 on selecting the Market site.

Western companies flooded into China when it opened its doors and allowed them to compete for market share in all sorts of industries. Yet, after several years many of these same companies either scaled back their operations in China or left the country entirely.

  1. Where do you think these companies may have gone wrong in their analyses? Explain.
  2. What role does the business media play in setting the tone for a nation’s investment climate?

Shared Response 2

Question Description

Review the Learning Resources:

Petty, A. (2015). Learning from your communication mistakes. Government Executive, 1.

Ramsey, R. D. (2009). A crash course in trust-building. Supervision, 70(10), 3–5.

Takash, J. (2010). The four sins of poor listening. Smart Business Chicago, 8(2), 6.

Prepare a cohesive response in which you:

1. Describe an experience when you received negative feedback, including how it made you feel or react. What do you think made you feel that way? For example, was it the content or the delivery of the feedback, or something else?

2. Describe an experience when you received positive feedback, including how it made you feel or react. What do you think made you feel that way? For example, was it the content or the delivery of the feedback, or something else?

3. Compare your reactions to receiving both the positive and negative feedback.

4. Assess the factors that you think impacted the productivity of these conversations, including:

(a) How the person giving you the feedback might have made it more meaningful and productive.

(b) How your preference of how to receive feedback from a boss or colleague could affect your receptiveness to hearing the feedback. Consider whether you prefer to talk, or prefer email or text messages. Does it matter what the nature of the feedback is?

5. Based on your reactions to feedback, and this week’s resources or other credible references, describe how you might approach a situation where you, as a manager, need to give someone else negative feedback, including:

(a) What steps would you take to prepare?

(b) How would you confirm that your recipient received your intended feedback?

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the Learning Resources, as well as other credible resources that you have read; or what you have observed and experienced.

General Guidance: Your original discussion, should be 3–4 paragraphs in length as a general expectation/estimate.

Excel project

Question Description

Merge and center the title and then the subtitle across columns A:E and apply the Title and Heading 1 cell styles respectively.

Check spelling in your worksheet, and correct Silde to Slide. Widen column A to 180 pixels and columns B:F to 95 pixels.

In cell E4, construct a formula to calculate the Total Sales of theBalance Pillow by multiplying the Quantity Sold by the Retail Price.Copy the formula down for the remaining products.

Select the range E4:E10, and then use the Quick Analysis tool to sum the

Total Sales for All Products, which will be formatted in bold. To the

total in cell E11, apply the Total cell style. Note, Mac users, instead of the Quick Analysis tool, use the Sum button. Complete the step as specified.

Using absolute cell references as necessary so that you can copy theformula, in cell F4, construct a formula to calculate the Percent ofTotal Sales for the first product. Copy the formula down for theremaining products.

To the computed percentages, apply Percentage Style with two decimal places, and then center the percentages.

Apply the Comma Style with no decimal places to the Quantity Soldfigures. To cells D4, E4, and E11, apply the Accounting Number Format.

To the range D5:E10, apply the Comma Style.

Change the Retail Price of the Slide Board to 75.50 and the Quantity Sold of the Balance Pad to 150.

Delete column B.

Insert a new row 3. In cell A3, type Month Ending March 31 and then merge and center the text across the range A3:E3. Apply the Heading 2 cell style.

To cell A12, apply the 20% – Accent1 cell style.

Select the four column titles. Apply Wrap Text, Middle Align, and Center formatting, and then apply the Heading 3 cell style.

Center the worksheet horizontally on the page, and then insert the filename in the footer in the left section. Return the worksheet to Normalview, if necessary.

operations functions, supply chain strategy 003

Question Description

  • Demonstrate understanding of the concept of operations functions, supply chain strategy and issues required for a new production design
  • Exhibit the factors to determine the production and service processes.
  • Create the capacity to write coherent project about actual operation management case studies

Assignment Question(s):


Nissan Company

Nissan Motor Company, Ltd, shortened to Nissan, is a Japanese multinational automaker. Head quartered in Japan, founded 1932. It formerly marketed vehicles under the “Datsun” brand name and is one of the largest car manufacturers –revenue appx $90 billion USD (2007) and Employees 190,000 (2008). Nissan continues its quest to optimize product development and deliver highly innovative technology. Today, in various countries and regions around the world they enjoy a reputation for creating truly innovative vehicles and service programs. With facilities around the world, the Qashqai, Micra, Micra C+C and Note are produced by Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd in Sunderland, Tyne & Wear.

  • Answer the following questions on the above case, you should review about this company through secondary available information and use APA style references;
  • To learn about how to use APA style reference, please visit the link below:

  • Describe the nature of operations management in the organization. In doing this, first describe the operation process of the production system. Second, identify operations decisions and responsibilities. Finally, write a short paper on some of the challenges facing operations management.? (word count maximum:500)
  • Evaluate Nissan Motor Company in terms of its emphasis on the operations strategy objectives? What are the order winners and the order qualifiers? (word count maximum:300)
  • What is the proper role of the operations function in product design? (word count maximum:100)
  • How to manage production and operation issues in the context of demand uncertainty and fluctuation? (word count maximum:300)
  • Suppose that Nissan Motor Company has considering moving from a batch process to an assembly-line process to better meet evolving market needs. What concerns might the following functions have about this proposed process change: marketing, finance, human resources, accounting, and information systems? (word count maximum:150).

i need a slide for medical terminology

Question Description

Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that identifies the major regulations and agencies that oversee the health care industry. A presentation format has been provided for this assignment; however, you may choose to format your presentation in another professional manner.

Include the following in your presentation:

Slide One: Title

  • Title of presentation
  • Your name
  • Course title and course number
  • Due date
  • Your instructor’s name

Slide Two: Introduction

  • Describe the high-level details that will be covered during your presentation. Think of this as similar to a table of contents.

Slide Three: Health Care Agency

  • Identify one agency overseeing health care delivery within the health care industry.
  • Provide a website or alternative resource for this agency.
  • Provide an appropriate artifact that showcases this agency in action.
  • An artifact could be an image, video, or screenshot of the website’s homepage.

Slide Four: Health Care Agency Continued

  • Identify whether the agency is available at the local, state, or federal level.
  • Identify an example of a health care structure that must comply with this agency.
  • Refer to your Week Two assignment if necessary.
  • Describe the affect this agency has had on health care.

Slide Five: Health Care Regulation

  • Identify one regulation that has an impact on health care delivery within the health care industry.
  • Provide a website or alternative resource for the selected regulation.
  • Provide an appropriate artifact that showcases this regulation in action.
  • An artifact could be an image, video, or screenshot of the website’s homepage.

Slide Six: Health Care Regulation Continued

  • Identify whether the regulation is carried out at the local, state, or federal level.
  • Identify an example of a health care structure that must comply with this regulation.
  • Refer to your Week Two assignment if necessary.
  • Describe the effect this regulation has had on health care.

Slide Seven: Conclusion

  • Provide a summary of your presentation.
  • Review key points addressed in your presentation.

Slide Eight: References

  • Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.
  • Format your references according to APA guidelines.

Note: Speaker notes are to be provided for each slide. Refer to the How to Add Speaker Notes to a Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation guide.

MGT407 case

Question Description

While reading the background material covering this assignment, pay special attention to the topics of the following questions and take note of any you cannot readily recall.

  1. Explain what is meant by “mandatory bargaining topics” and provide three examples.
  2. Give a brief overview of the National Labor Relations Act and what it covers. Does it have another name? Has the NLRA been amended? If so, by what law?
  3. Give a brief overview of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
  4. What is the Railway Labor Act?
  5. What is the Landrum Griffin Act?
  6. What is the AFL-CIO?
  7. What are some common exceptions to employment-at-will?
  8. What do the following terms mean: “union shop,” “closed shop,” and “agency shop”?
  9. What is the intent of “right to work” laws?

Once you familiarize yourself with these nine labor relation topics, select 3 of the topics that you know the least about. Research the topics and then discuss them in a 3- to 4-page paper, not counting the cover or reference list pages. You can cover a variety of aspects of the three topics or laws, but should include statements of why you selected these topics or laws, the impact the topic or law had on the workforce, and the characteristics of each topic or law. You should try to write at least a full page on each of the three topics or laws you selected for this assignment.

As usual, you will need a cover page and reference list page in your submitted file. In addition to the background readings, be sure you find peer-reviewed academic journal articles for your selected topics or laws—at least one reference per topic or law. These references can be found in the Trident Online Library. Click on the “cite” link (a single oversized quotation mark), select the APA format option from the drop-down menu, and copy and paste the reference information onto your reference list. (You may have to clean up the reference information a bit if it was inserted into the database incorrectly.)

Understand the basic concepts and terminology used in Strategic Management. (Lo 1.2) 2. Understand the Corporation Social Responsibility (Lo 1.4). 3. Understand issues related to strategic competitive advantage in organizations (Lo 2.2)

Question Description

Learning outcomes:

1. Understand the basic concepts and terminology used in Strategic Management. (Lo 1.2)

2. Understand the Corporation Social Responsibility (Lo 1.4).

3. Understand issues related to strategic competitive advantage in organizations (Lo 2.2)

Assignment Questions:(5 Marks)

Question 1. (2 marks)

Discuss the relationship between the social responsibility of a corporation and its competitive advantage. Enrich your answer by examples. (Max 700 words).

(Your answers should include outside references (other than the slides and textbook) using a proper referencing style (APA). Using references from SDL will be highly valued.

Question 2. (3 marks)

To prepare for this assignment, review Figure 4.3 entitled ‘forces driving industry competition’ from your textbook (Figure 4.2- Ch4- Slide no 18) and the text relative to Porter’s Five Forces of Competition framework. Consider the role of the following key forces of suppliers, substitutes, buyers, and potential entrants.

Select a Middle Eastern company of your choosing and assess the power of each of five forces on that firm:

  • How powerful are the buyers, suppliers, and substitutes? How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? (2 marks)
  • Which of the forces has the biggest impact on the firm? Why?(1 mark)


  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Extra Credit Opportunity ENG315

Question Description

. Depending on your chosen audience, it can be delivered as an email, a block letter, or an advertisement. To write a persuasive message, the writer needs to collect information about “(1) your product, service, or idea; (2) your audience; and (3) the desired outcome” (Lehman + Dufrene, BCOM9. Cengage Learning, 2018, p. 139).A few possible topics for your persuasive message could include any of the following:

  • Request the ability to work from home
  • Ask for a more flexible work schedule
  • Ask for a specific benefit (for instance, health benefits if your company doesn’t provide them, a gym membership or access to a work out room or equipment, paid vacation, a pay raise, cost of living increase, increased duties, the ability to use social media while on the job, and so forth).
  • Ask for a specific company to stock a product or discontinue offering a service.

For additional information on writing a persuasive message, please review Chapter 8 in BCOM9.For persuasive message, the inductive approach is recommended (list the facts first and then deliver the “ask” or desired course of action last.Another useful format in delivering persuasive messages is AIDA:

A—Attention (“Get the reader’s attention”)

I—Interest (“Introduce the product, service, or idea and arouse interest in it”)

D—Desire (“Create desire by presenting convincing evidence of the value of the produce, service, or idea”)

A—Action (“Encourage Action”)(p 8.1).

There’s no rubric for this assignment but it will be graded for content as well as grammar, punctuation and mechanics.You may need to do a little bit of research and gather facts and evidence in order to be persuasive.For instance, if you are asking for a company-provided pass to a gym, you might want to include research which links stress or burnout to increased rates of absenteeism.If outside information is used, please be sure to properly cite.You are not limited to only the suggestions listed.Be creative!If you have an idea but aren’t sure it fits the assignment criteria, please reach out to review your idea with me.

Personal Leadership Evaluation

Question Description

Assignment Content

Review the Learning Check and your personal leadership self-assessment in preparation for this assessment.

Purpose of Assessment

The contemporary workforce is rapidly changing from a myriad of demographics. The effective leader must be skilled in managing the diverse workforce. You will be measured on how you demonstrate the alignment of your personal values against the values of the company as well as your ability to speak clearly and with precision. You will use Microsoft® PowerPoint® audio in your presentation to convey the information for this assessment.


You’ve been asked to lead a session on workplace diversity at a leadership conference. Identify a company or organization that has a diverse workplace. Explain the practices that are in place to support diversity as an example to start the discussion. Use this example to create an appropriate strategy for identifying and implementing leadership strategies for additional support.

Prepare an 8- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with audio narration that covers the following:

  • Describe the challenges that come with leading a diverse workforce.
  • Identify the company you chose.
  • Assess the practices already in place for supporting diversity.
  • Determine the skills that leaders need to lead a diverse workforce (e.g.interpersonal skills).
  • Include your results from the Personal Leadership Evaluation you completed in Week 1. Assess the applicable skills you possess and which ones you lack.
  • Utilizing the Personal Leadership Evaluation results, explain to your audience how to maximize strengths and improve weaknesses in ways to support diversity in the workplace.
  • Assess 3 key takeaways that you want the attendees to remember about leadership in a diverse workplace. To build a case on their importance and value to the organization, discuss how implementing these points could impact the bottom line (profits, expenses, and productivity).
  • Speak with clarity and precision in the audio narration of your presentation.

Cite peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment. You may find valuable information from Harvard Business Review and Fast Company located in the University Library.

Individual project 5 (420)

Question Description

Review the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for 2013 from the city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and answer the following questions.

Part One: Submit your revisions from your IP4, per your edits and faculty responses. In addition to the revisions, include the following:

Part Two: Your city has a voluntary health and welfare organization (VHWD) that provides musical opportunities for inner-city youth. It does not use fund accounting, but it does identify all revenues by their net asset class. The following transactions have occurred in the past year:

  • The VHWD received gift pledges from donors in the amount of $25,000, which were to be used however they were needed. History shows that 95% of the pledges were collected.
    • After 1 month, $24,000 of the pledges was collected. There was $1,000 written off as uncollectible.
  • The VHWD received a gift of 1,000 shares of stock. The donor of the gift of shares stated that the money was to be used to buy musical instruments for the program.
    • Fair value of the stock on the date of the gift was $15 per share.
    • Sale of the stock yielded $17,000.
  • The VHWD purchased 2 violins at the cost of $2,000 each, 2 cellos for $3,000 each, and a small harp for $5,000 for the program, using the proceeds from the stock sale.
  • The VHWD billed the city for $5,000 of contracted costs.
  • The VHWD spent $10,000 on the following:
Music lessons


Instrument maintenance


Administrative expense




Please make a journal entry for each of the transactions. The main areas for information on financial reporting for not-for-profit organizations (NFPOs) and VHWOs can be found in Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) statements 116 and 117. For your VHWO, you will have to make an additional report that is not required for NFPOs.

Provide examples of the types of information that would be included in this report. The deliverable length is all journal entries, plus 300–500 words