international marketing

Question Description

Part 1: (600 words)

  • Define the following terms and show their significance to international marketing:
  • Debate the issue of global versus adapted products for the international market:
  • The text discusses stereotypes, ethnocentrism, degree of economic development, and fads as the basis for generalization about country-of-origin effect on product perception. Explain each and give example
  • Discuss product alternatives and the three marketing strategies: domestic market extension multidomestic market and global market strategies
  • Discuss the different promotional strategies available to an international marketer
  • Assume you are deciding to go international, outline the steps you would take to help you decide on a product line
  • Product can be adapted physically and culturally for foreign markets. Discuss
  • What are the three major components of a product? Discuss the importance to product adaption
  • How can the knowledge of the diffusion of innovation help a product manager plan his international investments?
  • If the product sells in Dallas, it will sell in Tokyo or Berlin. Comment

Product diffusion

Product component model


Global brands

Part 2: (600 words)

. 1. Do you think that eventually all marketing research will be done with mobile devices? Why or why not?

2. Explain the relationship between blogs, MROCs, and marketing research.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online focus groups.

4. Do you think that a company such as Caterpillar could benefit from web community research? Ford? United Airlines?

5. Discuss the popularity of online survey research. Why is it so popular?

6. Describe some ways to recruit for online panels.

7. How does one avoid professional survey takers with online panels?

8. Is panel management a critical task for a quality online panel? 9. What are the keys to a good mobile survey?

10. What is geofencing, and how can it be used in survey research?

11. Explain the difference between a traditional marketing research survey and a social media community research project.

12. How can one conduct a focus group using Facebook?

Complete 4 Short Discussions (COLUMBIA)

Question Description


Think back to a time when you have worked for a supervisor who moved from one leadership style to another based on situational variables described in the Long and Spurlock (2008) article. Describe the situation and variables that prompted the change and what made it effective, or what may have been done differently to make it more effective. (If you have not been in this situation, describe what you think you might experience in a similar situation.)


Valuing diversity is commonly regarded as a virtue in today’s business world. Why is diversity an important value? What are some strategies we can use to reflect the value of diversity in our communication?


is illegal in the United States to pay for a transplant organ, and doctors cannot perform a transplant operation unless the patient is at the top of the official list. However, some wealthy people in need of a kidney transplant go overseas to other countries where the laws do not address the issue. Suppose a wealthy person finds a poor person willing to sell his or her kidney and then purchases the kidney. What do you think of this? If the poor person is willing, is there any harm in it? Why does the United States prohibit the sale of organs when other countries do not?

What do you think are some of the main drawbacks of relying on informal on-the-job training for helping new employees become competent on their jobs? What type of training do you believe would be most helpful to new employees? Be sure to explain the rationale behind your choices.


What do you think are some of the main drawbacks of relying on informal on-the-job training for helping new employees become competent on their jobs? What type of training do you believe would be most helpful to new employees? Be sure to explain the rationale behind your choices.

create a six panel brochure

Question Description

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.

4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.


In teams, by the end of the week students will compose a research-based essay and informational brochure focusing on the Five Selves. This essay must be in APA format with a minimum of five (5) professional references.

The Whole Child text is a practical methods book for foundational or introductory courses in early childhood education. It explains how to teach and care for young children from infancy through Grade 3 in ways that foster healthy development. It helps pre-service teachers understand what children need from the learning environment in order to thrive. For that reason, it focuses on the child and pictures him or her as composed of a number of selves: the physical self, the emotional self, the social self, the cognitive self, and the creative self.

Part 1: Essay

In your essay, provide a comprehensive explanation of each of the Five Selves.

  • Physical Self
  • Emotional Self
  • Social Self
  • Cognitive Self
  • Creative Self

The explanation will include, but is not limited to:

  • The benefits of developing each
  • Research connected to each self
  • Specific strategies that educators can implement to develop each self

You will use the text as your guide, but you will also use outside research by citing a minimum of five (5) professional references.

Part 2: Brochure

Create a research-based brochure for families that outlines the Five Selves. Include:

  • Explanation of each self
  • The importance/benefits of developing each self
  • One specific strategy that families can implement for developing each self in children

Be sure to use all six panels on the brochure wisely and include a solid balance between text and graphics. Three (3) references must be included on this brochure.

DSP Research Proposal Presentation and Approval for Proposal Defense Module 5 Case

Question Description

Module 5 – Case

DSP Research Proposal Presentation and Approval for Proposal Defense

Case Assignment

In Module 5 Case you will receive your peer-review feedback from a fellow student concerning your DSP Prospectus / Proposal. Upon receipt of the peer-review, conduct a review of the comments and address any pertinent comments or observations that will add to the overall quality and readability of your intended DSP Proposal. Not all comments may be addressed depending on the quality and appropriateness of the comments themselves, however each student should be prepared to defend their own rationale for incorporating or not addressing the editing comments in their own revised proposal. Comments addressing the peer-review comments and how they were addressed within the revised DSP Proposal should be contained in the following “change matrix” formatted templated provided below for submission of this assignment:

Title of DSP:
DBA Candidate:
Reviewer’s recommendation How addressed Page numbers in
DSP where change

A1. The author must clarify their research questions to align with their research problem.


RQs have been reworded to more clearly identify the two variables being compared: the dependent variable which is the ratio of (a) cash flows from operating activities to (b) earnings from continuing operations, compared when the independent variable, fraud, is yes or no. The two constructs that make up the dependent variable are well known in accounting and finance literature and are not defined here.

p. 12

Assignment Expectations

Your assignment will be graded using the following criteria:

  • Assignment-driven Criteria: Student demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment
  • Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice: Student demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem, and analyzing information. Conclusions are logically presented and applied to professional practice in an exceptional manner.
  • Business Writing and Quality of References: Student demonstrates mastery and proficiency in written communication and use of appropriate and relevant literature at the doctoral level.
  • Citing Sources: Student demonstrates mastery applying APA formatting standards to both in text citations and the reference list.
  • Professionalism and Timeliness: Assignments are submitted on time.

Short Discussion-Are you doing the right interview methods for today’s workforce? (MGT407)

Question Description

View the following video:

How to Work at Google: How We Hire

Also watch Steve Jobs on how to hire, manage, and lead people:

Last, please read the Lewis (2018) article about how new interviewing techniques need to be employed because we fail to assess prospective new employees for their soft skills with traditional methods. Today’s new technology allows HR professionals to screen a group of candidates with a 20-minute test, job auditions, meeting in low-pressure locations, video interviews, and virtual reality (VR) assessments.

Required reading: Lewis, G. (2018, January 29). 5 new interviewing techniques that you should start using [Blog]. LinkedIn Talent Blog. Retrieved from

First Post:

Please respond to the following:

As an HR professional assigned with the task of changing interview methods at your company (current or past employer), which of the five new techniques in the Lewis (2018) reading fits best with your department? How does it compare with your employer’s current methods? Does a candidate’s potential role in your organization determine the interview method? Discuss what you have learned about employers’ approaches to staffing their organizations (Google, Apple, and your current or past employer).

Provide source citations if you utilize information from other authors/speakers (so that your peers can find the information if they wish).

Subsequent Posts:

Read through the responses by your peers and post responses to at least two classmates’ posts. Introduce ideas/comments and/or research/readings not mentioned yet.

Remember: To receive full credit in this forum, you need to post a minimum of three quality posts (your own initial post, and responses to two classmates). If you borrow from other authors, be sure to give them credit by citing sources.

Your discussion contributions will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:

  • Assignment-driven criteria
  • Critical thinking
  • Writing mechanics and referencing
  • Timeliness

discussion (300 words)

Question Description

Please read this article and listen to the audio before you start work. And this discussion write about 300 words.

It is best to add practical example to the discussion.

Lee Cockerell is the former Executive Vice President of Operations for the Walt Disney World® Resort. “As the Senior Operating Executive for ten years Lee led a team of 40,000 Cast Members and was responsible for the operations of 20 resort hotels, 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, a shopping & entertainment village and the ESPN sports and recreation complex in addition to the ancillary operations which supported the number one vacation destination in the world.”

One of Lee’s major and lasting legacies was the creation of Disney Great Leader Strategies which was used to train and develop the 7000 leaders at Walt Disney World. Lee has held various executive positions in the hospitality and entertainment business with Hilton Hotels for 8 years and the Marriott Corporation for 17 years before joining Disney in 1990 to open the Disneyland Paris project.

This week’s topic: Employee motivation (Links to an external site.)

Often, people ask me about how to motivate employees. My answer…you shouldn’t motivate employees.

Of course, you should provide appreciation, recognition, and encouragement, but your job is not to motivate employees. Your job is to hire the right employees and they will motivate themselves.

Hire people who want to be great. What many think is motivation is really manipulation. Do you think a pizza party or casual Friday matters to great employees?

If you want to motivate great employees, make sure you give them a safe place to work. Also provide plenty of appreciation, recognition, and encouragement. This is what helps great employees thrive.

Personally, I have a fear of failure. It drives me. I want to be successful. I want my wife, son, and grand-kids to see me as successful. If you understand what drives people, you can help them achieve it. This will be more successful than trying to motivate people.

Review and Answer Questions

Question Description

Site: Pearson Collections
Section or Module: ENTR 5000 Entrepreneurship Process for Freeman at WU
Expiration Date: Feb 20, 2020
Click to Log in:

ID: Willied71pcola

PW: Student123

In the Textbook:

  • Chapter 6: Financial Statements
  • Chapter 7: Profit, Profitability, and Break-Even Analysis
  • Chapter 8: Forecasting and Pro Forma Financial Statements | Slides
  • Chapter 9: Getting Financing or Funding | Slides

Question 1.

Financial Management, Planning and Analysis

Complete the following Review and Discussion Questions (four total) from each of the textbook sections indicated.

Chapter 6, Financial Statements, p. 234

2. Compare variable and fixed expenses.

6. What is the difference between between the time periods listed on an income statement and on a balance sheet?

Chapter 7, Profit, Profitability, and Break-Even Analysis, p. 263

10. The Handy Doll Manufacturing Company has the following information: The average doll sales price is $12, raw materials for a doll are $4, and it takes 15 minutes to assemble a doll. Production labor is paid $8 per hour. Operating expenses are as follows: salaries, $2,500 per week; insurance, $1,200 per quarter; rent, $1,500 per month; and utilities, $800 per month. How many dolls must be sold per month to break-even? How many dollars in sales does this represent? What is the contribution margin for each doll sold?

Chapter 8, Forecasting and Pro Forma Financial Statements, p. 309

8. What role does the pro forma cash budget play in financial forecasting (Table 8)?

Question 2.

Financing and Funding

Complete the following Review Questions (five total) on pages 357-358 of Chapter 9, Getting Financing or Funding in your textbook.

1. What are the three most common reasons most entrepreneurial ventures need to raise money in their early life?

5. What is bootstrapping? Provide several examples of how entrepreneurs bootstrap to raise money or cut costs. In your judgement, how important is the art of bootstrapping for for an entrepreneurial venture?

8. What are the most common sources of equity funding?

9. Describe the most common sources of debt financing.

18. In general, why are commercial banks reluctant to loan money to start-ups?

MOD 2-Class Discussion Question-

Question Description

Please note it’s a 2 separate discussion for each week…one paragraph for each week is fine with reference.

Discussion: SWOT

In Module 2, we focus on SWOT. In order to complete a SWOT, we are required to identify and analyze the key opportunities and threats in the external environment. Then, we need to identify and analyze the company’s key strengths and weaknesses (internal analysis).


During Week 1, you are asked to address the following:

a) Evaluate the operating industry of General Mills using a minimum of two forces included within Porter’s Five Forces model.

b) Using PEST, assess General Mills’ remote environment using a minimum of two PEST forces.

c) Conclude your assessment about the overall environment. Is it more or less favorable for General Mills? Give your ranking from 1-10 (in which 1 = vast gloom and doom for this company; 10 = huge bonus this year!). Where do you think General Mills fits on this 1-10 scale?


a) Assess what you believe to be the most important aspects of the internal environment at General Mills. Do not try to analyze every aspect of the internal organization — rather, identify a minimum of two internal strengths and/or weaknesses. Do your best not to repeat the observations made by your peers, although you are encouraged to build on each other’s observations (or to disagree).

b) Complete your SWOT by integrating the external environmental analysis you completed in Week 1 with your Week 2 internal analysis. Use your SWOT to conclude whether the organization’s overall outlook is more – or less – favorable.

It is very important for a company to assess its strengths so that it can use them to neutralize (or better yet, to eliminate) environmental threats and take advantage of opportunities. The organization must recognize (and it must work to shore up) its weaknesses so that opportunities are not missed, and such that threats are much less likely to put the company at risk.

Be sure to respond to the conclusions of your classmates.

Assignment: Investing in My Future

Question Description

To assist you with this assignment I have created a template you can use for creation of your paper. Click here to download it.

Assignment: Investing in My Future (170 points)

Finance is exciting! In this course, we learned how money can grow through the use of compounding and interest rates and your growth strategies may now be different. What are your new financial goals? Would you like to become more liquid, to save more for your retirement, or to start a new business? Whatever your goals, finance is right at the core. Think about what you learned in this course regarding investing to complete this assignment.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Describe (3) ways you will invest in your future based on the principles of finance discussed in this course. Include terminology from the course and use citations as necessary to support your explanation of the terminology.
  2. Discuss one of the (3) ways you feel most confident as a way to invest in your future. Explain your level of confidence.
  3. Of the (3) ways you will invest in your future, discuss the one you perceive might be the most challenging. Then, discuss how you might overcome some of those challenges.
  4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
    2. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    3. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.The cover page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe the forms of business organizations and the role of financial managers within an organization.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in finance.
  • Write clearly and concisely about finance using proper writing mechanics.

Chaptere ​discussion questions

Question Description

Discussion – Chapter 6: Transportation Management Issue

You have to read and understand chapter 6 Transportation Management Issue that starting from page 219 which can be found in the attached file

Then, you need to do the following:

– What issues should a logistics manager consider in trying to select the most appropriate mode of transportation for a shipment (for a shipment of products to a customer)?

– How does changing competition influence this? (ie, competitors of the company, not competition among transportation providers) For example, if you are a shipper of products to a customer (such as a manufacturer shipping products to a B-to-B customer), and your competitor changes their transportation strategy – what do you need to do to react to this?

Instructions & Requirements:

1.Be sure to answer all the above questions given in less than 24 hours in at least 250-350-words

2.Then, maybe after 2-3 days, I will share with you the text-writing of three other students from the class.

3.Once you have the text-writing of the three other students, you need to write a respond to each student in less than 24 hours from sharing their text-writing (You must write 50-70-words response to each student).

Plagiarism is not acceptable in any form and a score of zero will be given on the paper, as the paper will be checked by Turnitin Website for plagiarism.

Kindly note the following:

– Do not just repeat words and text from the book chapter

– Use your own words and add value/information beyond the book.

– Copying from sites like Wikipedia or other internet sites will result in a score of zero as the work will be checked by Turnitin website for plagiarism.

– If an internet site is used, it must be cited properly. Plagiarism is not acceptable!

VIP.. I have attached the text-book Global Logistics Management, and chapter 6 is starting from page 219. So please read and understand the chapter carefully, and then start writing your response to the above questions.