Case Module 6

Question Description

Case Module 6:

Each team completes the following tasks: Create a use case diagram. Make sure to identify the entities as actors and show the interaction between each of the actors. Be sure to identify at least two processes on the use case diagram and show all the actions between them. Don’t forget to include a system boundary so we can determine which actions occur within the system and which are external to SIM. Create a table showing each object. For each object, be sure to outline associated attributes and methods. Include 3 instance examples for each of the entities. Use the data library and previously developed organizational chart to find examples.

Complete the use case diagram on a Visio (or other open source software) file. Complete the entity tables and instance examples on a Word document.

Entity tables and instance examples can be done whenever on in a Word document.

Three sections means everyone picks one part of the project and then that way I can combine everyone’s work and edit whatever needs to be fixed or touched up.

Now that the DFD has been created, it is time to build an object model for our new system. When thinking about SIM’s objects, use the entities already identified: the technicians, customers, and appointment setters. Since SIM is also interfacing with the Parts Department, it is important to use that department also as an entity.

Also, create a Use Case diagram. Make sure to identify the entities as actors and show the interaction between each of the actors. Be sure to identify at least two processes and show all the actions between them. Don’t forget to include a system boundary so we can determine which actions occur within the system and which are external to SIM.

With the creation of the use case diagram, you should be able to create a model (or table) showing each object. For each object, be sure to outline associated attributes and methods. Hopefully, the use case diagram and the DFD will make this process fairly straightforward

I almost forgot to mention that the developers need 3 instance examples for each of the entities. I suggest that you use the data library and previously developed organizational chart to find examples.

Please include this with your object modeling.

Final paper

Question Description

Decision Making with Managerial Accounting

Due to varying business characteristics, the managerial accounting techniques applied in each business may differ. For example, a business in the start-up phase may rely heavily upon budgeting and capital investment techniques; whereas, a business in the mature/maintaining phase may rely heavily upon cost management and quality control. Ultimately, the techniques used by management should assist the business in achieving its short-term and long-term goals through effective decision-making.

For your Final Paper, you will analyze the role of managerial accounting in two parts. Part I will provide a general overview of managerial accounting. Part II will provide examples of how managerial accounting theories and principles are applied in the business world. You may find it helpful to reflect upon your own professional experiences for examples.

Part I (three to four double-spaced pages, excluding the title and reference pages)
Present the following:

  • Define managerial accounting
  • Describe the role of managerial accounting and the management accountant in a business or organization
  • Describes ethical issues/concerns for the management accountant
  • Describes at least three managerial accounting techniques available and their application within a business or organization

Part II (Four to six double-spaced pages, excluding the title and reference pages)
Select at least three of the five topics identified below:

  • Cost Management Techniques
  • Costing Methods
  • Capital Investment Decision Techniques
  • Budgeting
  • Quality Control

For each topic selected, present real world examples of the application of managerial accounting techniques within a business or organization. Examples may be gathered from your own professional experiences or from case studies obtained from credible sources (excluding textbook examples explored in previous weeks). Presentation of each example should include how a managerial accounting technique was applied in the business or organization’s decision-making model. Be sure to support your example with calculations when applicable.

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

  • Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • Must use at least five scholarly sources.
  • Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

BUS3382 Job Packet

Question Description

Your job package will include the following:

Cover Letter: This should be tailored to the specific job/internship you chose. Address the letter to the person who posted the ad and if there is not a name listed, see if you can contact the company to find the name of the appropriate person. The content should not repeat what is contained in the resume and must identify the specific job for which you are applying, highlight the qualifications that make you a good candidate for the position, and contain a request for an opportunity to be interviewed.

Résumé: Your resume is a very personal sales tool that should be kept current. You’ll find a variety of sample resumes in class and should practice using different samples until it looks professional and reads well. The resume should be no longer that one page (two pages are recommended ONLY if you have extensive professional experience in the field of your choice).

References: Identify three individuals who would provide positive recommendations for you. Include their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and relationship to you. This is separate from your resume but should be printed on the same paper, in the same font and style, and with the same headings or personal letterhead. You would not mail this to a potential employer unless they requested references.

Thank-You Letter: This should be tailored to the interview that you had with the hiring manager of your position. The letter should highlight your top qualification for the position of interest, but not a restatement of your resume.

Copy of Job Posting: Copy of the internship/job posting must be attached to your job package.

Resume Clinic: During our “Resume Clinic” you will have the opportunity to get feedback on your resume and cover letter from your peers. Remember that a resume is ALWAYS a work-in-progress and your cover letter should be tailored for the position that you are applying (this document is not a one size fits all). By the time you hand in your final package, I EXPECT your resume and cover letter to be completely free of typos (-10 points each) and grammatical errors (-5 points each), just as they must be when you send them to a prospective employer.

Writing an Efficient Business Complaint Letter

Question Description

As the Vice President of Rochester Preferred Travel, you are upset with Premier Promos.

Premier is a catalog company that provides imprinted promotional products for companies. Your travel service was looking for something special to offer in promoting its cruise ship travel packages. Premier offered free samples of its promotional merchandise, under its “No Surprise” policy.

You asked yourself, “What can we lose?” and on January 11, you placed a telephone order for a number of samples. These included:

  • An insulated lunch sack
  • A portable power strip in a zippered case
  • A square-ended barrel bag with fanny pack
  • A deluxe canvas attaché case
  • Two colors of garment-dyed sweatshirts

All items were supposed to be free. But it seemed odd to you when they asked for your company’s credit card number. This was because Premier had promised to bill you only if you decided to keep these sample items.

When the items arrived, you were not pleased. You returned them all on January 21. You have a postal receipt showing the return. However, your February credit card statement showed a charge of $258.20 for the sample items. You called Premier in February and spoke to Virginia, who assured you that a credit would be made on your next statement. However, your March statement showed no credit. You called again and received a similar promise. It’s now April and no credit has been made. You realize that this situation is now too complicated for another telephone call, and you decide to write and demand action.

Based on your research and understanding of the scenario, create a document in Microsoft Word that is a draft of a complaint letter. Using search terms such as “writing” AND “business letter” or “complaint letter”, use the South University Online Library to find resources that will help you write the letter.

The complaint letter needs to be addressed to:

Ms. Arletta Sandusky, Customer Services, Premier Promos, 2445 Bermiss Road, Valdosta, GA 31602.

Your letter should include the following elements:

  • All the essential parts of a business letter.
  • The opening and closing of the letter must demonstrate originality.
  • The letter must have positively phrased content.

Submission Details:

  • Cite any sources you use in APA format on a separate page.
  • Submit your letter in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document.

Wk 5 Discussion – Handling Change Requests [due Thurs], Wk 5 – Training and Support Paper or Podcast [due Mon],

Question Description

Wk 5 Discussion – Handling Change Requests [due Thurs]

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

How would you handle numerous requests for change to a system that has just been implemented?

Due Monday

Reply to at least two of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses.

Wk 5 – Training and Support Paper or Podcast [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Resource: Ch. 13, “Systems Implementation”, from the “Documenting the System” section to end of the chapter.
    Choose an option below to complete this assignment:

    Option 1

    Write a 3-page paper that explains the importance of training and support after software is implemented.
    Describe the methods whereby training materials can be delivered to the users of the software system.
    Explain the ways in which software can be supported after it is implemented/released.
    Incorporate additional research or academic information to support your paper.
    Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
    Submit your paper.

    Option 2

    Record a 5- to 6-minute podcast (an audio recording) that explains the importance of training and support after software is implemented.
    Describe the methods whereby training materials can be delivered to the users of the software system.
    Explain the ways in which software can be supported after it is implemented/released.
    Incorporate additional research or academic information to support your assertions and conclusions.
    Record an introduction to your podcast that includes the elements of an APA title page. At the end of the podcast, provide the listener a list of your academic and professional references, conforming to the same APA guidelines of a written assignment.
    Submit your podcast.

Wk 5 Team – Retrospective [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Resources:® video: Agile at Work: Getting Better with Agile Retrospectives with Doug Rose.
    Using the ideas and practices from the Agile at Work: Getting Better with Agile Retrospectives video, hold a team retrospective.
    Reflect and discuss how your team worked together through the assignments and activities during this class.
    Prepare a 5- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that identifies at least two areas in which your team worked well with one another, identifies challenges your team faced, and proposes specific actions that can be taken for improvement.
    Submit your team retrospective.

Week 4 Case Study

Question Description

This HBR article includes a one-page preview that quickly summarizes the key ideas behind a blue ocean strategy and provides an overview of how the concepts work in practice along with suggestions for further reading and study.

Overview: In studying more than 150 blue ocean creations in over 30 industries, the authors observed that the traditional units of strategic analysis (company and industry) are of limited use in explaining how and why blue oceans are created. The most appropriate unit of analysis is the strategic move, the set of managerial actions and decisions involved in making a major market-creating business offering. Creating blue oceans builds brands. So powerful is blue ocean strategy, in fact, that a blue ocean strategic move can create brand equity that lasts for decades. In order to make a significant strategic move, it is theorized that a managerial team must be skilled in systems thinking or systems theory.

Step 1: Research the concept of systems or systematic thinking (sometimes referred to as systems theory) and write down for yourself a brief explanation of how systems thinking relates to this case article and how it relates to both the StratSim game and the proper execution of overall marketing strategy.

Step 2: Read the Blue Ocean article/case study and write a brief reaction paper (2–3 pages) explaining Cirque de Soleil’s successful blue ocean marketing strategy from the perspective of the five key components of a blue ocean strategy listed below.
1. Create uncontested market space
2. Make the competition irrelevant
3. Create and capture new demand
4. Break the value / cost tradeoff
5. Align the whole system of a company’s activities in pursuit of differentiation and low cost

Step 3: Answer this question. Does your research or discovery from the case analysis (Step 2) have anything to do with your research in Step 1 in terms of creating a successful business or marketing career in the emerging 21st century “knowledge economy?” Explain in one to two double-spaced pages.

Your complete analysis should contain 2-3 pages for step 2 and 1-2 pages for step 2 (3-5 pages total). Use 12 point font, standard margins. Submit as a Word document through the Turnitin dropbox below by Sunday at 11:59pm.

management homework

Question Description

Your resume assignment is to be completed in two parts:

1. Summary statement and three specific value-added statements detailing your accomplishments/achievements

2. The ENTIRE resume -We will review what to add to your resume on Monday Sept. 16th. If you get the “value added” contributions right – believe me you are well on your way! The resume should be a SHOWCASE of your accomplishments and a calling card for what a future employer, business partner can look for when connecting with YOU. It is your BRAND ON PAPER.

Want a head start to your entire resume assignment: Start reviewing your resume before the 9/16 class. Take out – mundane tasks that are associated with all your jobs. Everyone knows a receptionist “answers phones.” Think instead about what you ACCOMPLISHED/ the value you added to the company while at the receptionist’s desk?

Old jobs: Are they relevant to where you are headed now? Do they add to your story or detract?

Just a “minute” jobs: Every body takes a “needed to earn just a little money for a minute” jobs: Decide if you want to include these in your permanent story. Did you add value while there or did you just need a paycheck for a while?

School/Community: Are you in clubs/organizations, community groups or sports activities that add value? What are you doing? What have you accomplished? Did you help organize a fund raising drive or a volunteer day? What was the specific result of your effort? Are you in sports at BSU? Have you ever thought about the REVENUE that your effort generates for the university? How the morale you create is utilized to boost the campus?

Presentation Matters: Start thinking NOW about how your resume LOOKS – conservative fields like accounting and finance still require a basic look but you can add a little color and get a little bit creative with the typeface. Fields like marketing, management and you entrepreneurs? OK – looking to see some ATTITUDE. You don’t have to submit a painting – but your resume SHOULD communicate SOMETHING VISUALLY as well as in writing. It is a PRESENTATION – so start thinking about what that presentation will look like –

write time line accourding to the requirements about the door windows and stairs

Question Description

In Power point

This project is intended to take you on a journey throughout the past and present, and prepare you for your future designs as we explore a plethora of design styles beginning from the Renaissance in Italy to the progression of interior spaces into the modern age.
The history of interior design is linked to the architectural history but incorporates elements of the decorative arts, including furniture, metalwork, glass, ceramics and textile. For the interior designer, this history generates an understanding of the unified way in which these things developed together in a particular historic period. It is considered a resource to generate ideas.
You are asked to analyze all the elements related to one of the below-mentioned topics/elements according to a time-line of Interior Design styles.
Your research should cover the functional and esthetic characteristics of the chosen topic/element in order to identify and formulate a comprehensive image of the style outlines like colors patters, furniture, materials, etc., case studies, and a conclusion on how to recreate the style.

Your research should cover the following:

1. Pre-Historic & Indigenous

2. Ancient World: Egypt, Greece, Rome & Persia

3. Middle Ages: Byzantine, Romanesque & Gothic

4. Islamic

5. Renaissance, Baroque & Rococo

6. Neoclassicism: Empire Style & Regency Style

7. North America: Colonial, Federal & Gothic Revival

8. Victorian

9. Turn of the 20th century: Arts and Craft and Art Nouveau

10. 20th century: a. Eclecticism b. Modernism c. Art Deco d. Post-war Modernism

11. 21st century: a. Late Modernism b. High Tech c. Post-Modernism d. De-constructivism

12. Other Design Traditions: China, Japan and South Asia

*classification according to Interior Design by John Pile.
following topic :

– Doors, windows and stairs.

Pile, J. & Gura, J., A History of Interior Design, (2013), Laurence King Publishing Ltd.; 4th edition, ISBN: 978 1 78067 291 5
Blakemore, R., G., History of Interior Design & Furniture: From Ancient Egypt to Nineteenth-Century Europe

Gura, J., Design After Modernism: Furniture and Interiors, 1970-2010

Furniture Design Now

Hinchman, M., History of Furniture: a Global View

Pile, J. & Gura, J., A History of Interior Design, (2013), Laurence King Publishing Ltd.; 4th edition, ISBN: 978 1 78067 291 5

Create Technology Solutions

Question Description


North American Transport (NAT) is a fast growinglong-haul trucking company that specializes in the delivery of fresh foods to many of the leading fresh-food retail chains across the United States. NAT is based out of Kansas City, Kansas and employees 75 drivers, loaders, mechanics, communications technicians, business developers andmanagers. NAT’s business plan includes 20% growth per year or 225 employees within 5 years. NAT is also planning on adding additional Fleet Resource Centersin California and Virginia. Fleet Resource Centers are NAT owned service facilities used to maintain the fleet of trucks, vans, trailers, refrigeration etc. Fleet Resource Centers also offer growth and will require resources.

Business Goals for the MIS Architecture:

  • An architecture that is flexible and scalable; Company growth is projected to be 20% per year
  • An architecture that can rapidly deploy/employ new systems and technology; Agile system development
  • An architecture that meets the demands of evolving business processes; Information Technology cannot “hold up” any business process, IT must be adaptable
  • An architecture that is easily understood and easy to manage; Minimize IT department footprint. Take advantage of cloud services
  • An architecture that is secure; Deploy state-of-the-art security software/hardware

MIS Architecture

Current MIS Architecture Capabilities:

  • One 12 port 10 Mb/s switch
  • Laptop computers used to support administrationwith various operating systems
  • 1 shared printer
  • MS Office 2007
  • Exchange Server 2007
  • MS SQL on a stand-alone computer
  • ADSL broadband Internet 8 Mb/s


Create an MIS Architecture Plan

  • You will use Microsoft Word to develop a MISarchitecture plan that analyzes the current capabilities, lists available resources, aligns capabilities with business objectives in order to identify gaps and recommends IT solutions.
  • Your plan must include a Table of Contents and Headers.
  • Analyze and explain the current MIS architecture: Discuss bandwidth, speedof service, reliability, scalability, mobility andsecurity.
  • Create a list that identifies and outlines existing resources being utilized in the company.
  • Discuss the operational objectives of the company using assumptions gained from the scenario.
  • Develop a recommendation plan for an improved MIS architecture. Your plan should examine whether or not the current architecture meets the business needs and if not, identify those gaps. Be sure to consider the businesses’ goals and objectives.
  • Using software of your choosing (Ex. Power Pointor Visio), construct a revamped architecture diagram that meets the needs of the company. Attach your architecture diagram as an appendix.

Short assignment (Mon, Lib)

Question Description

Need help with the questions below. Find the attached file. Some of them are already completed in that file. Need help with the rest. Most of these are short answers and may be completed in one to two lines.

1. What is the name of your firm and why did you select it?

2. Identify 2 or 3 notable facts in the history of your firm.

3. Identify and list the ‘business segments’ in your firm. Is there at least one for each team member?

4. Who is the Chairman/CEO of your corporation? Identify some of the person’s

attributes (e.g., age, tenure, education, experience, links to other firms)

5. What are the current stock price, and most recent year end revenues, net

income and earnings per share? What is your preliminary assessment of the

firm’s financial health?

6. When is the next quarterly investor report for your company?

7. Browse through the news feeds related to your firm. What is your preliminary

assessment of the core issues facing your firm?

8. Set up a “Google Alert for your company

9. Which business segment are you focusing on?

10.What are the core activities/product lines of your business segment?

11.What percentage of the firm’s revenue is from this business segment? (show work)

12.What percentage of the firm’s earnings before taxes is from this line of

business? (show work)

13.Who is the executive in charge of this business segment? Identify some of the

person’s attributes (e.g., age, tenure, education, experience, links to other


14.What are the NAICS and SIC codes for your business segment?

15.What are the industry’s revenues, profits and percent of profits to revenues?

16.Who are the major rivals of your business segment?

17.Where does your business segment rank amongst its rivals in terms of some

performance metrics such as revenue, operating income, market share, etc?

18.What are the main economic, political and social trends facing your business

segment’s industry?

19.What is your preliminary assessment of the industry and competitive position of

your business segment?

20.What is your preliminary assessment of the issues facing your business


21.Set up a “Google Alert” for your business segment (note this is a different alert

than for your company. You should have two alerts; (1) company and (2) your

business segment)