Response Questions (300 Words)

Question Description

  • Stakeholder Analysis and Communication – Minimum 300 words.
    Choose one of the following discussion questions located at the end of Chapter 6, CPM 4e. You must include at least one citation (in text) and a reference list in support of your discussion. Choose from Discussion Questions 5, 9, or 10.
    See the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) website for guidance on citations and references. It is recommended that you use the materials provided in this course and the assigned readings in CPM 4e and the PMBOK 6e for references when appropriate for the question you’ve chosen. Online blogs are not acceptable references.
  • Scheduling Projects – Minimum 300 words.
    Part 1: Think of at one thing you must do this week. For each part of the five parts of the definition of an activity described in Section 8.1, CPM4e, describe how it does or does not meet the definition.
    Part 2: Describe at least one activity needed to complete a work package in a project you’ve participated in the past. Using Exhibit 8.9, CPM 4e, discuss how you or your organization uses various remedies to address problems in estimating activity duration. See the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) website for guidance on citations and references. It is recommended that you use the materials provided in this course and the assigned readings in CPM 4e and the PMBOK 6e for references when appropriate for the question you’ve chosen. Online blogs are not acceptable references.
  • Resourcing Projects – Minimum 300 words.
    Review Section 9-3c, CPM 4e. For the Suburban Homes Construction Project or the Casa De Paz Development Project, describe a timing issue that could occur early in a project and a timing issue that could occur at the end of a project. Then, discuss how you would address each of these issues. See the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) website for guidance on citations and references. It is recommended that you use the materials provided in this course and the assigned readings in CPM 4e and the PMBOK 6e for references when appropriate for the question you’ve chosen. Online blogs are not acceptable references.

    Also, books are attached.

Planning ( Role of manager)

Question Description

You have been identified as one of the perfect people to contribute to the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of a new Center for Creativity and Innovation. The Center for Creativity and Innovation is the brainchild of this diverse group of sponsors:
Mohed Altrad is a Syrian-born Bedouin and now French businessman

Brené Brown has spent her career studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy

Rhiannon Giddens is a MacArthur “Genius” Fellow noted for her drive to understand and convey the nuances, complexities, and interrelationships between musical traditions.

Jessica Opoku is an inspirational speaker and founder of Women with Passion and Purpose

Joel Salatin is an American farmer, lecturer, and author who uses holistic management methods of animal husbandry

Jay Shetty is a former monk, a digital strategist, a motivational speaker, and lifestyle vlogg

Research each of these individuals to understand their passions, ideologies, and interests for the Center for Creativity and Innovation. Find out more about the people who are sponsoring this undertaking, because anything they have in common or anything that is strikingly unique about them is likely to have something to do with how they would like the Center for Creativity and Innovation to be designed and managed; i.e., their passions and ideas should contribute significantly to all aspects of the Center, including the “culture, environment, ethics, and social responsibility” of the Center.

Answer the following questions

  1. Mission — What is the Center for Creativity and Innovation’s reason for being? What is the mission of the Center? Why?
  2. Goals — What is the overarching goal of the Center? Why?
  3. Plans — What sort of planning process will the Center employ? What is the Center’s plan for goal achievement? Why?
  4. Planning Process — How will you execute the planning process? Why? How will you ensure that decisions are always made in concert with the Center’s goals and plans?
  5. Strategies and Tactics — What are the Center’s strategic, tactical, and operational plans? Why?
  6. Further Processes — What further planning and goal setting processes will the Center use? Why?
  7. Problems and Opportunities — What problems and opportunities are you likely to identify? How will you resolve them? Why?
  8. Programmed and Non-Programmed Decisions — What sort of programmed and non-programmed decisions must be made? Why?
  9. Decision-Making Models — What decision-making models will you use? Why?
  10. Problems and Solutions — What sort of problems are you most likely to encounter? How will you resolve them? Why?

Break Even Analysis

Question Description

Break Even Analysis

Managers use tools like the Break-Even Analysis in both the planning and controlling functions of Management. In this assignment, you’ll practice using the Break-Even formula to help Ryan determine when his business will begin to turn a profit.


Using the information from the Learning Module 2 , calculate the break-even point in each of the scenarios. Provide a response to the questions in the conclusion. Be sure to use either Word or Excel and to show your work. Tip: Watch the Professors Discussion for Learning Module 2 for the steps to follow in calculating the Break-Even.

Scenario 1

After receiving bad service at the local car wash, Ryan has decided to start VDB Detailing! One of his first decisions when planning his business – he needs to calculate the number of vehicles he will need to detail before breaking even. His uncle has offered to let him use a small section of his shop for only $300 per month. Ryan is going to pay his friend, Gabe, $10/hour to help him. He has estimated his additional expenses and other details to be the following:

  • Insurance $200/month
  • His share of monthly utilities $95
  • Wax (will yield 10 cars) $19.00
  • Towels, soap, and other supplies $3.00/vehicle
  • Leasing of equipment $100/month
  • Marketing $105/month budgeted
  • He estimates that it will take him 4.5 hours to detail a vehicle if he has help from his friend.
  • He plans to charge $120 per vehicle.

Question #1 – How many vehicles does Ryan need to detail each month to break even?

Scenario 2

Ryan is now considering leaving his full-time job to grow his business but does not want to lose his salary.

Question #2 – If he decides to pay himself $2000 per month how many cars does he have to detail in a month now to break even? Assume all other figures remain constant from scenario 1.


Are these numbers attainable? Please explain. List two suggestions you could give Ryan that would affect his break even point in a favorable manner, using the Break-Even Formula to justify them.

Responses copied from an internet source, out of the text, or from homework sites earn no credit, as they are a violation of College Academic Integrity Policy.

File formats accepted for this assignment are .doc, .docx, xls, .xlsx, or .pdf only. Be sure to verify your submission has been uploaded!

Replie to the following post in a minimum of 150 words

Question Description

The organization considers a lot of factors before starting it locally. There are various other factors too that need to be considered before expanding the business globally. The world is advancing in technology. It is essential to grow the market locally to internationally.

Example- The cell phone network Sprint was initially started in Kansas City initially. It eventually expanded to all the states of Unites States with in short span of time. Now this network is also targeting to grab the Canadian market.

Before an organization to grow globally or internationally there are some factors that motivates the company to get more opportunities for market growth and diversification. Entering the international market is a strategy followed when the organization is looking for growth and expansion.

1. More profit margins- When the organization is doing well locally, it has to look for opportunities to add more customer base and more market. This in turn leads to entering the international markets. As a result the profit margins of the organization are expected to grow in a higher rate.

2. Diversification- The international expansion of the organization helps the company to diversify. It also helps in reducing the risk of demand. If one market does not do well there is always a chance to gain the market with alternatives. There is always a scope for success in one or the other market. It can also help in finding the raw materials and supplies which can be cheaper and easier to get when started initially.

3. Increase in sales- This is one of the most important factor that motivates an organization to grow globally. The sales that happen locally can be way lower when the organization grows internationally, which in turn is linked to gaining more profits and having more customer base.

4. Customer Base- If the product is sold internationally, the customer base is very high. It is important to note that the customer base is linked with all the other factors.

It is important to note that along with the motivating factors there could also be challenges that the company has to face while entering an international market. All the motivating factors and challenges are dependent on each other. The company has to study all of these in detail and make an informed decision.


Pleas provide a detailed answer to the following senerio.

Question Description

In this paper you will take the role of a management team that is presenting to the company’s upper management. Your team is proposing the implementation of a specific MIS system to solve a business problem. You will choose the business (it does not have to be a real business), the problem that the proposed system is intended to solve, and the type of system that your team is proposing to implement in order to solve the problem. Regardless of the type of solution you are proposing, your presentation must address the following:

  • Information;
  • Information Technology;
  • People.

It is recommended that you review the attached Example Project for a good idea of how the paper should be written.

You must rely on scholarly sources in the written version of your presentation, including reference to all sources in MLA format 3 1/2 to 4 pages.

The system created will be a HR System that will streamline the hiring /onboarding process as well as the backend HR Needs:

What I am thinking as far as functions. A main system landing page with all of the different areas within the system as well as a search bar to search a candidate / employee by name, email, address, or phone number or ssn . Once the candidates/employee pulls up with a brief overview of their personal information. You should be able to click on the name and a literal pipeline opens up showing where they are in the process as well as the page that needs to be completed ex: i9, or direct deposit/ performance review. the back office part need to make it extremely easy to approve, review, or update time entries. and have a place on there where it will show the employees tenure and next performance review. Some other things that could be included would be time off requests, schedule availability, payroll reports, and attendance reports.

The system functions and area to talk about are: (You will need to explain the function of each area / how it will work/ how it will help/ the importance of the change.

  • Employee on-boarding
  • Paid time off accruals
  • Time off requests
  • Cost-Benefits
    • The benefits of creating the system/ how it will save the company money.

    I also provided the table of content for your reference .

Nontraditional Strategies for Attracting Talent

Question Description

Imagine if you were an HR professional trying to hire for a position, but your company’s budget only allows for a yearly salary that is $7,000 less than the average salary for that position in your area. If all you can offer is that salary, then you run the risk that the more qualified candidates will accept work elsewhere and you will need to offer a less qualified candidate the job. This is when nontraditional strategies can be an important tool for HR. For example, one person may be willing to accept the lower wage because the job provides a company vehicle, while another may do so for the ability to work remotely. Everyone will likely value one perk over another, so it is important for HR professionals to know in advance what their companies can offer in order to ensure the best people can join the team.

In this Discussion, you will examine various compensation strategies that companies offer and identify a nontraditional compensation method in order to demonstrate its appeal and value.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, consider the variety of strategies organizations use to attract and compensate talent, and identify which ones you would implement as an HR professional.
  • Based on your readings and/or real-world experiences, identify a nontraditional or “outside the box” compensation method that would broadly appeal to a diverse workforce and meet their needs and wants.
  • Review the Academic Writing Expectations for 2000/3000-Level Courses, provided in this week’s Learning Resources.

By Day 3

Post a 225- to 300-word (3- to 4-paragraph) application of a nontraditional compensation method for a diverse workforce. In your application, address the following:

  • What is the “outside the box” or nontraditional compensation method or strategy you identified and why do you think it would appeal to a diverse workforce?
  • As an HR professional, how would you demonstrate to organizational leadership that your suggested compensation method or strategy has value?
  • Similarly, how would you implement the compensation method or strategy in a way that would appeal to the highest number of employees? How might your approach change for employees of different ages, backgrounds, income brackets, or levels of professional experience, if at all?
  • To support your response, be sure to reference at least one properly cited scholarly source.

IS3310 Data Analytics Exercise 4: ANOVA using SAS & Excel.

Question Description

Use SAS to analysis the data.

  • Our organization, Trucking Inc, has recently entered contract negotiations with three separate automotive distribution companies. We must sign an exclusive long-term deal to haul sedans from a port city to various destinations.The weight of the Sedans by the origin may influence the number of vehicles that we may haul per trip as well as the fuel required. Our research question is: “Is there a statistically significant difference in the weight of sedans based on their origin?” We will examine the data using a one-way ANOVA with an α of .05.Our statistical question is:
    • Null hypothesis – HO: µAsia = µEurope = µUSA
    • Alternative hypothesis – HA:Not all means are equal.
  • This paragraph describes where the data came from, the steps that you took to explore the data and if the data is appropriate for the model.Where is the data from?How did you filter the data?How many resulting records are there in total and by category (Table 1)?Are there enough records in each category and are they approximately the same number?Were there missing data points?Were there outliers?What did you do with any outliers and why (Figure 1)?Were there issues with normality (Skewness and kurtosis + visual analysis of Figure 1 and 2).Was the assumption of Homogeneity of Variance met (Note if the test is significant then the assumption is not met).Talking about assumption outlier’s skewness
  • This paragraph discusses the results.Were the model results significant (Use ANOVA Results if Homogeneity of Variance is met and Welches ANOVA if it is not.Report the f value and the p value from SAS and supply the ANOVA table from Excel as Table 2)? What was the R-Square and what does it imply?Which Origins were significantly different from each other (Table 3 Least Squares Means for effect Origin)?Examine the differences in the means do the significant differences seem like they are significant if you are hauling up to 12 cars per trip?The meaningful significant
  • What is your recommendation for the contract?Is further analysis needed?Creatively quantify the impact of your recommendation if your results are meaningful and significant (Number of cars change?Fuel efficiency change?).

Minimum tables are figures include the Summary Table,ANOVA from Excel, Least Squares Means For Effect Table from SAS, and Box Plots from SAS.

Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Question Description

Presented at the end of Chapters 4, 5, 8 and 9 of the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text, are examples of what would be done in a real situation regarding a small business that requested training. Review the Fabrics Inc. example at the end of Chapter 4. In the Fabrics Inc. example, Blanchard and Thacker (2013) have demonstrated, needs analysis, the first phase in the Training Process Model.

In an 900 to 1,200 word paper (excluding the title and reference pages), discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the approach and what might be done differently using the Fabrics Inc. example. Identify the sources of data used in the analysis. Discuss how closely the approach correspond to the ideal model presented in the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the assessment methods used. Then, describe at least two additional methods that could have been used, providing rationale as to why these methods could be used.

Your paper should include an introduction (a thesis statement and a preview of your paper), APA formatted headings to organize and identify each section of your paper, and a conclusion paragraph including restatement of the thesis. An Abstract is not required. Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your paper must also include citations and references for the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text and at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library.

The paper

  • Must be 900 to 1,200 words, double-spaced in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text from the Ashford University Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Legal Memorandum

Question Description

Length – At least 2 pages double spaced. It can be any length that long or longer but be concise.

Format – It is important to follow the format shown in the template in Blackboard. A legal memorandum

should be neutral in tone.

Important: Do not put your name on your paper, please put your student ID on it instead so that you

will be graded anonymously.

How to submit – through Blackboard in this folder.

Possible topics – Any legal issue in international law. Examples:

  • Should marijuana be legal in Jamaica (see the case) and under federal law in the US?
  • Does/did President Trump have the authority to take the US out of the Paris agreement on
  • climate change?

  • Is there evidence that President Trump colluded with Russians to get elected? If so did that
  • violate U.S. election law; is he truly our president; and should he be impeached?

  • Issues in immigration law such as the legality of President Trump’s executive order to ban
  • immigration from Muslim countries, or separating illegal alien parents from children born in the


  • Is circumcision legal under international law?
  • Was it legal for the US to participate in the Iraq war?
  • Was it legal for the United States to bomb Syria for using chemical weapons?
  • What has President Trump’s impact been on the post World War II liberal world order based on
  • international law, and on institutions such as NATO and the European Union, and his influence

    on Brexit? Or if you like President Trump, argue that he has upheld and helped enforce

    international law and advanced its goals.

  • Any other issue in public international law (the law of nations; immigration; and comparative
  • law, comparing the laws of different nations) of interest to you.

  • Since we are studying public international law during this half of the course, do not write about
  • issues in private or international business law. You will be writing a persuasive essay about a

    topic in that field.

  • Also, you can write about any issue in comparative international law. That is, compare the laws
  • in one or more nations on a particular topic to laws of one or more other nations. E.g., perhaps

    prostitution is legal in one country but not another. You could compare the laws and give

    arguments for both positions, then make a recommendation.

    As always, cite some international law.

    Help with mh 8 hours

    Question Description

    OCT 12, 2019 06:42 AM This is a first-year college assignment Please don’t write high-level vocabulary that doesn’t fit this stage,need the four or five references,



    Your answer should not exceed a maximum of 400 words

    10 marks

    Electric vehicles are becoming more common around the world. While ownership is still quite rare, popularity of electric vehicles is on the rise, and affordability is becoming better with cars like Nissan Leaf, and Tesla Model 3 entering the markets. It has been projected that electric vehicles will eventually replace majority of the petrol cars. Based on some market research reports, by 2025, electric cars will have 5% of the market share, reaching 10% by 2030. As the electric vehicle market continues to grow, consumers will have more choices available to them than ever before.

    As companies enter the electric vehicle market in the future, outline the process of market segmentation that they will need to follow in selecting their target market/s. What are the bases of segmentation that car manufacturers could use? How could car manufacturers position themselves?


    Your answer should not exceed a maximum of 400 words

    10 marks

    Josh is designing and manufacturing stylish summer shorts for men. His new product line is nearing its release date and Josh is starting to think about distribution. Previously Josh had a website where he sold memorabilia, and he knows how to run one, but he thinks that his products (shorts) have a broader appeal. Josh has asked you for your thoughts on distribution.

    What are the channels available to him? Which one would you recommend Josh chooses and why? Consider distribution intensity in your answer.


    Your answer should not exceed a maximum of 800 words

    20 marks

    Recently Frank has opened a restaurant in Adelaide but is finding it difficult to make it successful. He previously had a business manufacturing toys but wanted to pursue his dream of running an Italian restaurant. Frank thought that running a restaurant will be the same but is finding it out the hard way that it is not.

    Explain to Frank why services are different from products using Frank’s current and past businesses as examples. Also, using SERVQUAL, explain how could Frank make his restaurant more successful16oo