Complete 10 slide Presentation on Social Media (M6 ASSIGNMENT)

Question Description

M6 Assignment

The M6 Assignment will have two parts.

Part One requires you to create guidelines for communicating effectively using social media. You will research what different organizations have created and also review what your own organization has created to ensure that employees follow the professional guidelines for communicating through social media on behalf of the organization. Your guidelines will be written in a report-style to your company’s CEO. If you are not currently employed, you can create a mock company in which to use for this assignment. Your report will be a minimum of two pages. Please include a cover page and a reference page with your report submission. You should use a minimum of four sources with APA formatting.

Part Two requires you to consider your own digital footprint and how your actions online will impact your professional career. You will create a PowerPoint presentation that includes the following elements:

  1. Discussion of which social media platforms you use and for what purposes
  2. Discussion of how social media impacts one’s ability to be hired by a company
  3. Discussion of what type of digital footprint you will create for yourself

The PPT presentation should be a minimum of 10 content slides (not including the cover slide or the reference slide). Include either speaker notes in the “notes” section in the slides or record audio on each slide. A minimum of two sources are required. Use APA formatting for all sources.

When you are ready to submit your slides and script, you must save your slides in a format with the slides on the top of a page, with the accompanying notes (your script) beneath each slide, as seen below.

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Do not submit a PowerPoint file. Instead, print your notes pages to PDF, or export your presentation to Word, and choose the layout with “notes below slides.” I must be able to see both your slide and script on the same page; if not, your speech will be returned with a zero for a grade, and you will have one opportunity to revise.

If you are using Microsoft PowerPoint, see the article Print slides with or without speaker notes and for how to do this using Google Slides, see!topic/docs/NlKimlcNaaQ

Critical thinking

Question Description

For my portfolio project I will need an in depth paper, however for now I just need to answer the following in apa format with two sources

submit a three-paragraph introduction clearly identifying the topic I wish to investigate for the Final Portfolio.

Be sure to answer the following questions in these three paragraphs:

    • What is your topic?
    • Why is this topic of interest to you?
    • What critical questions do you have about this topic?
    • How might you narrow your topic to think more clearly and carefully about issues related to your topic?

    Below is the actual paper assignments, but I will submit that separately. I just need to know the topic ahead of time with the questions above answered. Use Paul and Elder’s (2012) intellectual standards to find a topic or problem that is clear, relevant, significant, and precise.Now, write a paper that addresses the problem or issue via scholarly sources.
    Your paper should include the following:

    1. Title page: include your name, date, title of essay, and class
    2. Introduction: provide a two-paragraph introduction (Links to an external site.) that frames the issue or problem carefully
    3. Engagement with issue or problem using scholarly sources and the intellectual standards proposed by Paul and Elder (2012): What is the issue? Why is it significant? Why is this issue relevant to you (and/or your community)? What have you learned about the depth and breadth of the issue or problem from scholarly sources? How do the scholarly sources aid you in fair-mindedness and logic?
    4. Conclusion (Links to an external site.): Reflect on your issue or problem and how the sources informed your thinking. What have you learned? How can you apply the intellectual standards and elements of reason to this issue or problem to come to creative solutions? What critical questions remain?
    5. References
    6. Journal Submission. Each module lecture contains a section with journal prompts that focus on reflection and application of the module content. Use the Journal Template to record your answers for each module’s prompt(s). Include these entries at the end of your Final Portfolio.
  • Select an issue or problem that you wish to investigate critically. Formulate a question or thesis (Links to an external site.) on the issue so that your research has a clear and cogent direction.

Complete Special Occasion Speech (Jones)

Question Description



TOPIC: I choose to write my special occasion about my grandmother retiring after working for 40 years in the teaching field. She has dedicated her life to helping high school students learn and prepare for college. She absolutely loved what she did all those years and deserves to be celebrated for her selflessness all these years. She has definitely become some of the student favorite teachers because she truly cares about their futures. She is an awesome woman and we are so happy that she is retiring to enjoy the rest of her life relaxing.

Special Occasion Speech Assignment – 50 pts.

  • For your final speech, you will deliver a 1 ½ -4 minute toast, which is a speech of celebration.
  • Expectations:
  • Although many toasts do not include a visual aid, I am requiring one for this speech. This visual aid can be a picture or an item representing the person or event. It does not have to be a PowerPoint.
  • You can make this speech fun!Feel free to be creative in picking/describing your event and honoree – the occasions listed above can be anywhere for anyone.Just remember to stay within the assignment guidelines and be tactful!
  • Please bring an extra copy of your full sentence, typed outline to class the night of your speech for your instructor. An example outline is provided on the following page. Place in the drop box if you are an online student.

•Tailor your toast to the personality of the honoree and the event.

•Choose from the following occasions: ◦Wedding ◦Retirement ◦Birthday ◦Business transaction (signing of a contract, a promotion) ◦Anniversary – marriage, death, years in business, etc. ◦Graduation ◦Bar Mitzvah◦Grand Opening ◦Award /Congratulations Party after to honor the winner

•You can use part of a poem, a famous speech, a quote or even a portion of a love letter in your toast.

•Be sincere – even if the event is made up, present it as if it were real.

•Refrain from making negative remarks since a toast is a speech of celebration – this is a toast not a roast!

•Don’t make the honoree feel embarrassed – saying things that would make the honoree ashamed or dampen the upbeat mood.

Supporting Employees During Restructuring

Question Description

When organizations go through a restructuring, it can be a turbulent time filled with anxiety, frustration, and fear. This is especially true for HR professionals, who fill a substantial role during this time and may have to alleviate other people’s worries while simultaneously dealing with their own. While many people feel that restructurings are merely a byproduct of corporate greed in the pursuit of profits (which is a possibility), it is often the case that restructurings are a necessary step that an organization must take if it wants to remain competitive or even avoid its own downfall. Organizational restructuring can be chaotic and confusing, so an organization’s leadership may have too many issues to address and may not always prioritize legal requirements or employee morale. This is when HR professionals must step in and ensure these aspects are brought to the forefront as important decisions are being made.

In this Discussion, you will identify an organization that experienced a restructuring and explain how the situation could have been improved through the efforts of HR professionals.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Identify a scenario in which an organization went through a restructuring to use as an example for this Discussion. Preferably, choose an example that you have personally experienced, whether at your current company or somewhere you worked previously. If you do not have a good example from your personal experience, locate an example through an article or news story.
    • Note: If using a real company from your personal experience, be sure to use fictitious names for the company and people involved in your description.
  • Review the Academic Writing Expectations for 2000/3000-Level Courses, provided in this week’s Learning Resources.

By Day 3

Post a 150- to 225-word (2- to 3-paragraph) illustration of HR’s role in supporting employees after an organization goes through a restructuring. In your illustration, address the following:

  • Describe the restructuring scenario you identified and explain HR’s role in addressing employees’ concerns. What are some things that HR could have done to improve the situation?
  • In general, what steps can HR professionals take to help employees maintain reasonably positive morale after a restructuring event?
  • In general, what can HR professionals do to support employees so they can continue to be productive during and after a restructuring event?
  • To support your response, be sure to reference at least one properly cited scholarly source.

Contract Assignment Part B This Quiz Assignment is based on the Residential House Lease and the Sale of Goods contract​. These are all objective style questions​​. You need to read the the two pages and then answer the question.

Question Description

1. Who is the responsible party for the maintenance of smoke detection devices within the subject premises?

A. Tenant, B. Landlord, C. Neither, D. No answer text provided.

2. Who is the responsible party for maintaining personal property insurance, if any, within the subject premises?

A. Tenant, B. Landlord, C. Neither, D. No answer text provided.

3. Does the Tenant need permission to repaint the inside of the building?

A. No, B. Yes

4. Can the Tenant use part of the security deposit as payment for rent?

A. No, B. Yes, C. Not addressed in the lease

5. If the Tenant wishes to sublet all or part of the house, does the Tenant need any permissions?

A. No, B. Yes, C. Not addressed in the lease

6. The refrigerator breaks 8 months into the lease after the tenant froze the compressor by turning the temperature to its maximum setting. Pursuant to the Lease, who is responsible for fixing it?

A. Landlord, B. Tenant, C. No answer text provided.

7. Does this contract have a Force Majeure clause?

A. No, B. Yes, C. Not addressed in the lease

8. What is the collateral covered by this contract?

a. the payment price, b. the Goods, c. the Goods and any proceeds, d. there is no collateral

9. One of the duties required of the Buyer under this contract is

a. to deliver the goods to Pussycat Alley in the City of Deliah, b. Pay the purchase price of $10,000, c. delegate acceptance of the goods to a third party, d. None of the above

10. Who should carry insurance on the goods until they are received by the Buyer?

a. Buyer, b. Seller, c. neither, D. No answer text provided.

11. This contract has a choice of law clause?

a. yes, b. no, c. not stated, d. No answer text provided.

12. The Statute of Frauds applies to this contract.

A. True, B. False

Discussion week 3/4

Question Description

Part A

Supply Chain Management

  • Supply chain management is instrumental as it pertains to marketing as marketing plays a key role in integrating supply chain processes and promoting collaboration between stakeholders.
  • In this week’s discussion focus on the benefits of supply chain management, how does the implementation of supply chain management result in enhanced customer value?

To get you thinking about what happens when supply chain management is absent do some research around the global toy recall by Mattel in 2007. It was discovered that some toys manufactured in China contained toxic lead paint and a design flaw which caused a safety hazard, Mattel had to recall 20 million toys that had been distributed and sold around the world.

Part B

Prime Time Television

For this week’s discussion I am encouraging you to watch TV. Yes, that is correct, I an encouraging you to sit back and watch a full hour of one of your favorite shows on prime-time television. However, instead of getting up during the commercial break or fast forwarding through the commercials you will need to give your undivided attention to the commercials and even use a stop watch or clock to monitor the length of the commercials. Upon the end of your one-hour of TV time answer the following questions regarding your findings and engage in class discussion on your thoughts, theories, and ideas of commercials. Happy Watching

  • In a one-hour (full 60-minute) period, how many minutes were devoted to advertising? How were they distributed throughout the hour?
  • How many commercials were roughly 60 seconds long? 45 seconds? 30 seconds? 15 seconds?
  • Was the same product advertised more than once during the hour? Were the commercials identical?
  • How well do the commercials fit with the program? Do the programs and the products have similar target markets?
  • Did you find any commercials to be effective in their advertising methods, why or why not?
  • Do you love or despise commercials and why?

Bus 3382 Job Packet

Question Description

Submission Types

On paper

Please visit the below link to see examples.…

Your job package will include the following:

Cover Letter: This should be tailored to the specific job/internship you chose. Address the letter to the person who posted the ad and if there is not a name listed, see if you can contact the company to find the name of the appropriate person. The content should not repeat what is contained in the resume and must identify the specific job for which you are applying, highlight the qualifications that make you a good candidate for the position, and contain a request for an opportunity to be interviewed.

Résumé: Your resume is a very personal sales tool that should be kept current. You’ll find a variety of sample resumes in class and should practice using different samples until it looks professional and reads well. The resume should be no longer that one page (two pages are recommended ONLY if you have extensive professional experience in the field of your choice).

References: Identify three individuals who would provide positive recommendations for you. Include their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and relationship to you. This is separate from your resume but should be printed on the same paper, in the same font and style, and with the same headings or personal letterhead. You would not mail this to a potential employer unless they requested references.

Thank-You Letter: This should be tailored to the interview that you had with the hiring manager of your position. The letter should highlight your top qualification for the position of interest, but not a restatement of your resume.

Copy of Job Posting: Copy of the internship/job posting must be attached to your job package.

Resume Clinic: During our “Resume Clinic” you will have the opportunity to get feedback on your resume and cover letter from your peers. Remember that a resume is ALWAYS a work-in-progress and your cover letter should be tailored for the position that you are applying (this document is not a one size fits all). By the time you hand in your final package, I EXPECT your resume and cover letter to be completely free of typos (-10 points each) and grammatical errors (-5 points each), just as they must be when you send them to a prospective employer.

Jury 2 for this semester

Question Description


Jason, age ninety, had a very valuable violin collection. He was helped by a niece Susan, who was an excellent violinist. Just prior to making a new will, Jason told his niece that he was going to give her the collection. “It’s yours,” he said, adding that he would hold on to the collection for safekeeping. He also sent Susan a letter in which he said, “I give you my violin collection that I have held for you for safekeeping, and when I die, it will be yours.”

Jason died four weeks later. In his will, which did not refer to the violins, he left his entire estate to his two children. Susan brought suit against the estate to have the violin collection declared her property.

The Trial

Susan testified at the trial about the help she had given her uncle over a period of fifteen years. She produced the letter her uncle had sent her and recalled their many conversations during which her uncle had promised to give her the violins. She played the violins when she was at Jason’s house but kept them there for safekeeping. There was additional testimony that Jason’s children had never even picked up a violin and had been estranged from their father for years.

The Arguments at Trial

Susan attorney argued that the collection belonged to Susan because Jason had gifted the violins to Susan during Jason’s lifetime and that there was symbolic delivery. He further argued that Jason’s keeping possession of the violins was solely to protect them and in no way invalidated the gift. He also argued that to deprive. Susan of the collection that her uncle obviously wanted to give her would be unfair.

The children’s attorney argued that the will was validly executed and promises made orally or in writing do not constitute valid gifts. They further argued that actual and not symbolic delivery is an essential requirement for a gift to be deemed valid.

Questions to Discuss

  1. Who has the stronger argument, Susan or Jason’s children? Why?
  2. If you were the jury hearing this case, for whom would you decide? Why?
  3. Should considerations of fairness and the intentions of the person making the will take precedence over a validly executed will?
  4. What problems do you think could arise if oral or written promises were considered under the circumstances of this case?

Complete 3 Short Discussion Posts GRANTHAM

Question Description


This week you have learned about the basic control process and methods (bureaucratic, objective, normative, concertive and self-control) to achieve to enhance performance in an organization. To demonstrate how control processes are applied in the workplace, this week’s discussion forum will involve researching an article using one of the following sources:

  • USA Today (
  • Wall Street Journal (
  • New Your Times (
  • Forbes (
  • Bloomberg Business Week (
  • Inc. Magazine (
  • Economist (
  • Entrepreneur (
  • Harvard Business Review- (

Your task is to choose a current article (published in last 60 days) from one of the above-listed sources that relate to how managers effectively control their responsibilities.

  • What does control mean for a business? What do companies have to do to be in control?
  • What key points in the article support your statements?

Copy and paste the URL address of the article so it can be easily shared with your classmates.


People who love to eat are always the best people. – Julia Child”

If you have ever attempted to follow a recipe then you know how important verbs, and their proper use are! Here are a few listed: whip, mix, grate, layer, slice, chop, stir, separate, add, roast, grill, sauté, spread, melt, peel, and hundreds more.

Sometimes the recipe directions are excellent, but there are times when those delicious instructions are unclear. Additional instruction, and knowing what action to take as a chef would be beneficial.

Look up the following site:

For this discussion, choose a video recipe to watch. Every video recipe has the written recipe link included in the information section. Analyze the video, and compare it to the written recipe. What four instructions would you add to the written instructions to provide clarity? Each instruction should be in written as a complete sentence, and of course utilize a verb.


Today’s concept of “medical necessity” determines the extent to which individuals with health conditions receive health care services. “Medical necessity” is the measure of whether a procedure is appropriate for the diagnosis and the treatment of a condition. This decision making process is based on the insurance company and the provider’s documentation. Rhinoplasty is sometimes considered cosmetic and not covered by insurance. Describe when it might be covered by insurance and what would you include when you coded and billed for the rhinoplasty? Include the rhinoplasty CPT codes in your response.

In testing cash disbursements for the Jay Klein Company, you obtained an understanding of internal control. The controls are reasonably good, and no unusual audit problems arose in previous years.

Question Description

In testing cash disbursements for the Jay Klein Company, you obtained an understanding of internal control. The controls are reasonably good, and no unusual audit problems arose in previous years.

Although there are not many individuals in the accounting department, there is a reasonable separation of duties in the organization. There is a separate purchasing agent who is responsible for ordering goods and a separate receiving department that counts the goods when they are received and prepares receiving reports. There is a separation of duties between recording acquisitions and cash disbursements, and all information is recorded in the two journals independently. The controller reviews all supporting documents before signing the checks, and he immediately mails the checks to the vendors. Check copies are used for subsequent recording.

All aspects of internal control seem satisfactory to you, and you perform minimum tests of 25 transactions as a means of assessing control risk. In your tests, you discover the following exceptions:

  • 1. One invoice was paid twice. The second payment was supported by a duplicate copy of the invoice. Both copies of the invoice were marked “paid.”
  • 2. Two items in the acquisitions journal were misclassified.
  • 3. Three invoices were not initialed by the controller, but there were no dollar misstatements evident in the transactions.
  • 4. Five receiving reports were recorded in the acquisitions journal at least 2 weeks later than their date on the receiving report.
  • 5. Two receiving reports for vendors’ invoices were missing from the transaction packets. One vendor’s invoice had an extension error, and the invoice was initialed that the amount had been checked.
  • 6. One check amount in the cash disbursements journal was for $100 less than the amount stated on the vendor’s invoice.
  • 7. One voided check was missing.


a.Identify whether each of 1 through 7 is a control test deviation, a monetary misstatement, or both.

b.For each exception, identify which transaction-related audit objective was not met.

c.What is the audit importance of each of these exceptions?

d.What follow-up procedures would you use to determine more about the nature of each exception?

e.How would each of these exceptions affect rest of the your audit? Be specific.

f.Identify internal controls that should have prevented each misstatement.