Evaluate the Role of Symbols in Organizational Functioning

Question Description

The perceptual role of symbols and symbolic behavior is a mental model that defines or frames organizational functioning involving how organizations develop, utilize, and portray various representations of who/what it is, what it believes in, what it does, and how it functions. These representations help to create an organization’s culture by fostering a sense of team, tribe, or solidarity among employees by helping employees develop meaning and value in their work, and supporting an overall connection, identity, or loyalty with their particular job, co-workers, and employer. Symbols can exist in the form of logos, phrases, metaphors, myths, values, mission, pictures, objects, etc.; while symbolic behavior can involve storytelling, rituals, ceremonies, humor, play, identification of organizational heroes, and various theatrical performances.

Symbols can shape how individuals think about their organization. The culture can be expressed in terms of internal and public symbols and the use of these symbols creates a sense of solidarity between the individuals themselves and between the individuals of the organization and public. Symbols express the ideology of the organization in a simple way so that the ideas they express can be reinforced easily. Symbols used to express culture can be verbal stories, ritualized events, and physical artifacts. Leaders need to understand the members of the organization and the public’s reaction, interpretation and feelings about these symbols.

This week’s assignment will address a deeper understanding of the symbolic perceptual model.

Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.

All organizations emulate various forms of symbols and symbolic behavior. To address substantive improvement, an effective leader must develop a solid understanding regarding the existing forms of symbols and symbolic behavior that stem from and within the organization. Using the assigned readings for the course and additional applicable scholarly sources, describe, in sufficient detail, supportive reference that cite how you, as an educational leader, would utilize symbols and symbolic behavior with employees to strengthen the functioning of an educational setting of interest (e.g., school or school district). As much as possible, integrate the use of logos, phrases, metaphors, myths, values, mission, pictures, objects, storytelling, rituals, ceremonies, humor, play, identification of organizational heroes, theatrical performances or others of familiarity within your descriptive essay. Then create and present your own personal symbol or logo and explain the significance.

Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages
References: Minimum of 5 scholarly resources

A scenario with 2 questions assignment

Question Description

The Scenario

Imagine yourselves in the future. You have been married for fifteen happy and blissful years. Your spouse has been very supportive and helped you achieve both your personal and professional goals. As your fifteenth anniversary approaches, you have decided to buy your spouse a painting by a Parisian artist that he/she has always loved as a token of love and appreciation. (You want to thank her/him for standing by you since your days as an impoverished student).

You go to the web and you Google the artist. You find that she is represented by a gallery in France. The artist has a solid track record of exhibitions around the world, but she is far from being a household name.

You go to the Gallery’s website and browse through the selection of paintings that it lists by the artist. In that process, you notice that your spouse’s favorite artist is listed along several famous artists. The gallery’s website also has a section about the gallery’s heritage and long history of promoting French art around the world- especially in America and Japan. You find one painting that you especially like. The only problem is that there is no price or ordering information. You, therefore, contact the Gallery Director through the website.

After one week, you receive a response from a junior clerk at the art gallery. He says that the painting that you want is extremely expensive and the subject of many inquiries. He cannot, therefore, offer you that specific painting for sale, but he attaches photographs of several other paintings by the same artist that he says are smaller and priced more reasonably. He does not, however, list the price of the paintings. You write back to him, inquiring about the price of one of the paintings that you think your spouse might like. He responds after two days, saying that the painting is available for an exorbitant $15,000. That far exceeds your budget of $3,000. You are, nonetheless, determined to buy a painting by the artist as a gift for your spouse.


What can you do in order to increase your leverage or power with the gallery to achieve the price you desire? (Please suggest at least four specific things that you could do).

What are the factors that allow the gallery to have a relatively condescending or dismissive attitude towards you and your budget? What can you do to change, blunt or moderate those sources of power?

BUS670 Ashford Week 2 And 3 The Legal Environment Ethics, Business, Organization

Question Description

Part 1

Crimes That Harm Business Versus Crimes Committed by Business

Which do you believe presents the greatest threat to civil society: a corporation that commits crimes (e.g., murder, environmental crimes, or bribery), or persons who commit crimes that harm businesses (e.g., embezzlement, fraud, or larceny)? Defend your response, using at least one example from current events.

Part 2

Product Liability

After viewing the Chinese Imports & Food Safety (Links to an external site.) video, consider whether U.S. retailers that utilize products or raw ingredients that are imported from China and are poorly regulated should be liable in tort for injuries to consumers who are harmed by those products. Answer parts a and b of the prompt.

  1. For this part of the prompt, answer one of the following points:
    • If U.S. companies should not be liable, then they could be legally exempt from tort liability. Discuss the consequences of such a policy to U.S. consumers.
    • If the U.S. companies should be liable, then those companies would not be legally exempt from tort liability. Discuss the consequences of such a policy to U.S. businesses.
  2. Regardless of your response to part a, assume that U.S. retailers do have legal liability for defective products. What steps could U.S. retailers and manufacturers take when using products imported from China that would minimize their liability exposure? For example, they could warn consumers about the potential, though speculative, dangers when using products comprised of poorly regulated ingredients or components. Given your strategy, what challenges would exist for U.S. businesses that implemented your strategy?

Part 3

Regulation and the Greater Good

After viewing The Crisis of Credit Visualized (Links to an external site.) video, respond to each of the following:

  • How could government regulations have prevented or mitigated the credit crisis of 2008?
  • Discuss whether too much governmental regulation of business or too little governmental regulation of business presents the greater danger to:
    • the greater good
    • business

Part 4

Administrative Law and Business

Some argue that government needs to increase its regulation of business for the good of society as a whole. Others believe that the marketplace is self-regulating and that government intervention through needless regulation places an unfair, costly burden on businesses in general and on small businesses in par­ticular. What role do you believe government regulation should play to ensure ethical conduct by businesses? How do different political viewpoints potentially shape the answer to this question?

MGT/498 mission vision values and strategic management

Question Description

Assignment Content

  1. Refer to the following Week 1 – Required Learning Activities:

    • Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 1: What is Business Strategy?
    • Collins & Porras: Building Your Company’s Vision

    Purpose of Assignment
    The purpose of this assignment is to help students to begin the strategic planning process for the organization they choose to study, which begins with mission/vision. Here the student will identify and assess their organization’s mission, vision & values, working to assess how well these meet the criteria from our week 1 readings above. The student will then craft their own proposed improvements to their organization’s mission, vision & values, and/or craft and present their own mission, vision & values statements in their place. Note that if one or more of these statements are missing in this organization, the student should work to apply their learnings from the week 1 readings above to create their own proposed statement(s) for their organization.
    Assignment Steps
    Choose an organization that you would like to study and ultimately create your own strategic plan for. This should be either the organization that you work for currently, one that you most want to work for once you complete your Bachelor’s Degree, or one where you have worked in the past (do contact me in a Private Message before choosing an organization other than one of those above so we can discuss ahead of time).
    Write an approximately 700-1000 word paper in which you address the following:
    • Identify and provide a brief description of this organization, including its primary products/services and key markets/customers.
    • Look for the organization’s mission, vision & values statements, and apply specific learnings from the Chapter 1 and the Collins/Porras reading to assess these statements and identify any improvements you would recommendto them. Note – if the organization does not present a mission, vision or values statement, apply your learnings from the readings to craft your own proposed statement(s).
    • Identify and evaluate the organization’s approach to the strategic management, and any improvements you would propose to make it more effective.
    Cite 3 scholarly references from the UOPX Library, including at least one peer-reviewed references.
    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
    Submit your assignment.

    Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Use this space to build your submission.

You can add text, images, and files.

I need research paper on the case study in APA format

Question Description

The final assessment of this course is a Case Study project with your team. Your team will be graded on the following elements:

  1. Your team’s in-class presentation and facilitated discussion of your case and proposed solution(s). You might consider alternative delivery methods other than use of powerpoint, such as presentation of role-play scenarios, pre-record portions of your presentation, include videos from outside sources, etc. The only requirement is that all members of the team deliver approximately equivalent portions of the presentation.
  2. Your team should prepare a detailed case write-up with references

During Day 2, your team selected a case/article about an organizational behavior-related situation involving Information Technology. Your team began the analysis during the Day 2 sessions, but you will continue to work together to analyze, make recommendations, and develop your written write up of the case during the intersession.

You will also have two group working hours on Day 3, and your team presentations will be given the afternoon of Day 3.

In general, your case write up should incorporate the following three main sections, with these additional sub headings.

1. Introduction (at least 1 but no more than 2 pages)

  • Overview and history of the organization
  • List the main Organizational Behavior issues that manifest in the case/article. Then identify the top 2-3 most significant Organizational Behavior issues you are addressing related to the power, conflict, team, and individual behavior concepts that we have studied so far.
  • How you will approach the issue(s) (what is your goal?)

2. Strategic Analysis & Problem Identification (at least 1 but no more than 2 pages)

•What OB theories or frameworks are key to establish/define the problem?

•Do a SWOT analysis on the organization’s Organizational Behavior issue(s) which were identified in your introduction.

•What are the key concepts and business tools/processes we learned during the course that are relevant to these issues?

3. Solutions/Recommendations (at least 1 but no more than 2 pages)

•What are your proposed recommendations, and how will they solve the issues identified?

•What are the key steps needed for implementation of your solutions and recommendations, including needed resources such as budget, staffing, IT resources, redesigned groups, teams, or management.

•How do you propose the organization monitor and evaluate the success/value of your solutions?

You should take on the role of a team of consultants when writing up your case solutions.

See http://www.csb.uncw.edu/people/eversp/classes/BLA361/BusLawCases/Note%202%20Student%20-%20How%20to%20Study%20&%20Discuss%20Cases.ssrn.pdf

or http://college.cengage.com/business/resources/casestudies/students/writing.htm for more details and suggestions on preparing your case.

I have attached the case study below

Career research paper.

Question Description

Hello, I want you to follow the steps as carefully as you can. Also, My major is Business/Accounting and that’s the topic that you are going to talk about.

Format: 3 pages, double-spaced, typed, #12 font Content:

  1. For the Career Research Paper, choose a career that interests you or one suggested by the career assessments done in the class. Answer these questions:
  2. Describe the career. What are the typical job duties? Why are you interested in this career?
  3. Are certain personality types and skills desired and/or required? How does your personality type match this career or not? Go back to your Do What You Are (DWYA) assessment in CollegeScope.
  4. What are your interest codes for this career? How does your interests and values match this career? Go to Career Cruising.
  5. What are some advantages and disadvantages of working in this career? What type of environment will you be working in?
  6. What is a typical day, week, month, year? What is the salary or pay? Part time? Full time?
  7. What is the job outlook? Is there a demand or not in this field? How difficult or not difficult is it to gain employment in this career?
  8. What are the educational requirements? Licensures?
  9. What are related majors or majors needed for this career?
  10. What are related occupations for this career? Research other occupations similar that may be of interest.
  11. What are the growth opportunities?
  12. What interesting facts did you discover?
  13. Extra: Find a job advertisement on this career and paste it on a piece of paper or download it from a website (extra)
  14. To research your career, use at least 4 sources of information:
  • Computer
  • Texts, E-books, Articles, Library Research (see Discussion Five for a review of library resources).
  • Informational Interview: It is encouraged you use an interview with a person in your career of interest. Included is a separate sheet that talks about Informational Interviews and possible questions to ask. See handout for Informational Interviewing under Additional Resources below.
  • Career Cruising, Do What You Are (DWYA), and Multiple Intelligence (MI) Assessments you took in class. These will answer a variety of questions.
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/ (Links to an external site.)
  • Outlook Quarterly and Career Outlook Publications: https://stats.bls.gov/careeroutlook/ (Links to an external site.)
  1. Include a “Works Cited” listing of the sources you used. At least two sources in the work cited page.

Thank you so much!

I attached two samples that will help you writing this assignment.

research methodology

Question Description

Within this course you will submit parts of a research paper in each unit that will come together in Unit VII as the complete project. Click here to review the Course Project Guidance document, which outlines all of the work you will submit for the course and provides a template for the final paper. Reviewing the document will provide insight and mental preparation for the scope of the course since the assignments will build upon one another. It also introduces the scenario you will utilize for every assignment in this course. Click here to review the Sun Coast Remediation Data Files document. This document will be the source of data for your project, however, you will not begin working with the data until Unit IV. Note: The template provided is for the Unit VII Research Paper; you will submit parts of this paper in each unit. See the templates in each unit assignment.

For the Unit I assignment, you will use what you learned about research methodologies, primary and secondary sources, and reviewing literature to develop a literature review. This literature review will become part of the final course project due in Unit VII. Please click here to access and utilize a template for this assignment.

Review articles in the CSU Online Library databases and other credible resources to locate six peer-reviewed, scholarly articles that relate to the Sun Coast business problems identified in the Course Project Guidance document. The articles you use should help inform your knowledge about the issues you are trying to solve for Sun Coast. The articles should also be quantitative research articles from primary and secondary sources. Try including words like correlation, regression, t test, and ANOVA in your keyword search criteria.

The article discussion should include the qualifications of the authors, purpose of the studies, research methodologies and designs used, results from the studies, and explanations of how the articles relate to Sun Coast’s problem. Ensure that you also describe how you believe the research made a positive organizational impact.

The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.

Refer to the Course Project Guidance document for insight. For assistance in creating your literature review, reach out to the Writing Center.

Strategic Planning

Question Description

Week 3 – Assignment 2: Calculate Investing in Productivity Improvements (HR)

Previous Next


Prepare a policy position that addresses the issue, “Does it make sense to invest in the productivity improvements offered by the HR module?” Access the Spreadsheet in this week’s Resources titled Activity 3 ROI Analysis.

For this exercise, you need the spreadsheet and both the Capstone Courier and Annual Report. Use the Round 2 reports for the analysis. Human Resources statistics like workforce complement and turnover rate are on Courier page 12. Use Annual Report Income Statement’s total Labor cost to estimate payroll costs.

Listed below are the assumptions for this exercise:

  1. These are the maximums for recruiting and training costs:
    1. Recruiting costs per new worker are $5000.
    2. Each employee trains 80 hours per year at $20 per training hour.
    3. Workforce complement increases by 4.2% to cover the 80 hours people are in training.
  2. Assume the following productivity payoffs:
    1. Round 2 – 102%
    2. Round 3 – 105%
    3. Round 4 – 108%
    4. Round 5 – 112%
    5. Round 6 – 115%
    6. Round 7 – 118%

Therefore, in Round 7 each worker would be 1.18 times as effective as the beginning worker, and your workforce complement would fall to 1/1.18 or 85% of its current level.

For a quick evaluation, assume your total labor expenditure from the Annual Report Income Statement will stay flat for the next 6 years.

Part 1: Using this week’s course readings and supplemental readings, summarize (1-2 paragraphs) the importance of reviewing ROI for investments in human resources

Part 2: How much of a cost savings might you expect in the seventh year? What are the savings for all 6 years? What are the Recruiting and Training costs? Would the total cost savings justify the necessary expenditures in recruiting and training made over time?

Part 3: Assume your turnover rate doubles and no increase in workforce size. Are the Recruitment and training costs still justified?

Length: 1 – 2 pages of analysis. Please submit a copy of your spreadsheet as well.

Resources: Supplement this weeks’ readings with a minimum of one additional scholarly article.

Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Complete 10 slide Presentation on Social Media (M6 ASSIGNMENT)

Question Description

M6 Assignment

The M6 Assignment will have two parts.

Part One requires you to create guidelines for communicating effectively using social media. You will research what different organizations have created and also review what your own organization has created to ensure that employees follow the professional guidelines for communicating through social media on behalf of the organization. Your guidelines will be written in a report-style to your company’s CEO. If you are not currently employed, you can create a mock company in which to use for this assignment. Your report will be a minimum of two pages. Please include a cover page and a reference page with your report submission. You should use a minimum of four sources with APA formatting.

Part Two requires you to consider your own digital footprint and how your actions online will impact your professional career. You will create a PowerPoint presentation that includes the following elements:

  1. Discussion of which social media platforms you use and for what purposes
  2. Discussion of how social media impacts one’s ability to be hired by a company
  3. Discussion of what type of digital footprint you will create for yourself

The PPT presentation should be a minimum of 10 content slides (not including the cover slide or the reference slide). Include either speaker notes in the “notes” section in the slides or record audio on each slide. A minimum of two sources are required. Use APA formatting for all sources.

When you are ready to submit your slides and script, you must save your slides in a format with the slides on the top of a page, with the accompanying notes (your script) beneath each slide, as seen below.

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Do not submit a PowerPoint file. Instead, print your notes pages to PDF, or export your presentation to Word, and choose the layout with “notes below slides.” I must be able to see both your slide and script on the same page; if not, your speech will be returned with a zero for a grade, and you will have one opportunity to revise.

If you are using Microsoft PowerPoint, see the article Print slides with or without speaker notes and for how to do this using Google Slides, see https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/docs/NlKimlcNaaQ

3 Response Questions (300 Words)

Question Description

1. Chartering a Project
Minimum 300 words. Choose one of the 11 discussion questions located at the end of Chapter 3, CPM 4e and write a discussion post in response. You must include at least one citation (in text) and a reference list in support of your discussion. You will be assessed on 1) content and 2) completeness (e.g., use of in-text citation of references used for summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting and other writing mechanics) and word count. It is recommended that you use the materials provided in this course and the assigned readings in CPM 4e and the PMBOK 6e for references when appropriate for the question you’ve chosen. Online blogs are not acceptable references.

2. Organizational Capability
Minimum 300 words. Choose one of the following discussion questions located at the end of Chapter 4, CPM 4e and write a discussion post in response. You must include at least one citation (in text) and a reference list in support of your discussion. Choose from Discussion Questions 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, or 10. You will be assessed on 1) content and 2) completeness (e.g., use of in-text citation of references used for summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting and other writing mechanics) and word count. It is recommended that you use the materials provided in this course and the assigned readings in CPM 4e and the PMBOK 6e for references when appropriate for the question you’ve chosen. Online blogs are not acceptable references.

3. Leading and Managing Project Teams
Minimum 300 words. Choose one of the following discussion questions located at the end of Chapter 5, CPM 4e and write a discussion post in response.You must include at least one citation (in text) and a reference list in support of your discussion. Choose from Discussion Questions 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 15, or 17. You will be assessed on 1) content and 2) completeness (e.g., use of in-text citation of references used for summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting and other writing mechanics) and word count. It is recommended that you use the materials provided in this course and the assigned readings in CPM 4e and the PMBOK 6e for references when appropriate for the question you’ve chosen. Online blogs are not acceptable references.

**I have attached sample responses for the 3 questions. It is just for reference. Please do not copy. It is someone else’s work.**