Organizational Communication Task

Question Description


For this assignment, you will write a case study analysis that focuses on the communication strategy of an organization of your choice.

In this assignment, you will need to a) summarize the communication strategy of your chosen organization, b) analyze the communication strategy of your chosen organization, and c) explain how you would integrate the communication strategy into the current organization where you work or into a former organization where you have worked.

A. Summarize the Communication Strategy

Locate an article that discusses the communication strategies used by your chosen organization. After reading your chosen article, you may find the exercise below to be helpful in developing a summary paragraph. Identify the author(s) of your chosen article, and complete the following exercise:

[Insert author’s name here] discusses how innovative communication processes have helped [insert name of the organization here] resolve [insert issue here].

The top reason [insert author’s name here] holds that position is __________.

A second reason [insert author’s name here] holds that position is __________.

A third reason [insert author’s name here] holds that position is __________.

After filling in the blanks, you should have a list of the positions and claims made by the authors about your chosen organization. Shape your notes into a summary paragraph. (Do not simply include the list that you completed in the exercise above.)

Remember that the summary paragraph is where you will present information from the source. You will provide your analysis and interpretation in the following section of the paper.

B. Analyze the Communication Strategy

Be sure to include how the communication strategy impacts the organization on multiple levels. Feel free to use the four levels of sales, services, value chain, and continuous improvement as a model, which was discussed in the case study on the Dell Computer Corporation in the Unit VI Lesson. (Note: Your categories may be different.)

In the analysis portion of the assignment, discuss any problems (or potential problems) with the communications in your chosen organization, and provide potential solutions based on your research. Include ways that effective management could help to provide a solution.

C. Explain Integration Techniques

Finally, explain how this communication strategy could be integrated into your current or former workplace.

You will need to reference at least two academic sources.

Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.

The link below provides some helpful tips for writing a case study analysis:

Letter 1: Routine Reply/Positive Message

Question Description

You are in charge of an exclusive student organization and have the task of notifying new members of their acceptance. Write a letter to an applicant (see below) congratulating him on his acceptance and welcoming him to the organization. Feel free to use creativity when defining the club’s purpose (nonprofit, community-building, sports or cultural). You select the scenario that is most applicable to your interests.Use the modified block letter format for this assignment. Please refer to page 584-586 for an explanation of the block and modified block formats. The example in your book on page 585 is a block letter format letter while the example on page 586 is a modified block letter format. Please note the differences carefully.

The format of your letter tells the reader a lot about your professionalism and your organization’s credibility. Pay particular attention to your letter’s margins, line spacing, font type and size, and placement of letter parts such as the return address, date, inside address, salutation, complimentary close, and signature block.

Your applicant’s information is as follows: Eric Ramirez, 555 SW 8th St. #503, Miami, FL 33199. You can create your own student organization name (Chemists Who Care, Multicultural Student Alliance, etc.) as well as your title in the organization (President, Secretary, Director of Outreach, etc.).

Recommended Organization


Begin your letter with an introductory paragraph that states your purpose and congratulates the applicant on his/her acceptance. You can even reference the exclusivity of the club and the great achievement of being admitted.


In the first paragraph of the body include information that refreshes the reader’s memory about your organization and what you do. This could include past events/programs or simply how the applicant may have heard about the club.

In the second paragraph refer to the specific expectations of group members. This could include dates of training/information sessions, required documents, or mandatory attendance to organization meetings.

In the third paragraph of the body (the fourth paragraph of the letter), congratulate the student again on his/her acceptance and emphasize the value this membership will add to his/her resume.

This section could also include a brief list of skills a member of this group may obtain through active involvement in the organization.


Begin your closing paragraph with a courteous transition and thank the student for his/her interest in your organization. Welcome the student to your exclusive community and conclude your letter by indicating how the reader may contact you if he/she has any questions.

Case Study Analysis/Summary 3-4 Pages APA format

Question Description

Read and understand the case or question assigned. Show your Analysis and Reasoning and make it clear you understand the material. Be sure to incorporate the concepts of the chapter we are studying to show your reasoning. Dedicate at least one heading to each following outline topic:

Parties [Identify the plaintiff and the defendant]

Facts [Summarize only those facts critical to the outcome of the case]

Procedure [Who brought the appeal? What was the outcome in the lower court(s)?]

Issue [Note the central question or questions on which the case turns]

Explain the applicable law(s). Use the textbook here. The law should come from the same chapter as the case. Be sure to use citations from the textbook including page numbers.

Holding [How did the court resolve the issue(s)? Who won?]

Reasoning [Explain the logic that supported the court’s decision]

Do significant research outside of the book and demonstrate that you have in an obvious way. This refers to research beyond the legal research. This involves something about the parties or other interesting related area. Show something you have discovered about the case, parties or other important element from your own research. Be sure this is obvious and adds value beyond the legal reasoning of the case.

Dedicate 1 heading to each of the case question(s) immediately following the case, if there are any. Be sure to restate and fully answer the questions

Quality in terms of substance, form, grammar and context. Be entertaining! Use excellent visual material

Wrap up with a Conclusion. This should summarize the key aspects of the decision and your recommendations on the court’s ruling.

Include citations and a reference page with your sources. Use APA style citations and references

Submit your assignment

CASES TO CHOOSE FROM : (I don’t have a preference, choose 1 Case to analyze)

Week 4 – Cases to Assign Week 4 Case Assignment 1CASE 9-3Audito v. City of ProvidenceCase Assignment 2CASE 9-5The Private Movie Company, Inc. v. Pamela Lee Anderson et al.Case Assignment 3CASE 9-6Stambovsky v. Ackley and Ellis RealtyCase Assignment 4CASE 10-5Arrowhead School District No. 75, Park County, Montana v. James A. Klyap, Jr.Case Assignment 5CASE 10-5Fitl v. StrekCase Assignment 6CASE 13-1Plum Creek v. Oleg BormanCase Assignment 7CASE 13-2Susette Kelo et al., Petitioners, v. City of New London, Connecticut, et al.Case Assignment 8CASE 13-3Emine Bayram v. City of Binghamton and City of Binghamton Zoning Board of AppealsCase Assignment 9CASE 14-1Toys "R" Us, Inc., v. Canarsie Kiddie Shop, Inc.Case Assignment 10CASE 14-2Victor Moseley and Kathy Moseley et al., dba Victor's Little Secret v. V Secret Catalogue, Inc. et al.

Inter Bus ( task 9)

Question Description

Task 9 Ethics and Social Responsibility in International Business

Learn about International Business Ethics

  1. If you have not previously completed the course Business Ethics, complete it now. If you have, review the section on International Ethics.
  2. Watch
  3. Watch
  4. Read ebook pages 93–95, 100–101 on Ethical behavior
  5. Watch Case: Bribery in International Business: Ethics & Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Social and Environmental Responsibility

  1. Watch
  2. Watch
  3. Watch Combat Child Labour through Corporate Social Responsibility
  4. Read and review the IISD’s Business and Sustainable Development Global Guide.

Review all content from prior weeks.

Make a concept map with all the elements of international business that you have learned. Make sure you make connections and do into depth on each one.

Task 9: for this task you have to make a concept map with all the elements of international business that you have learned. Basically what I want you to do is the following: refer to the end of our text book section Glossary page 451. Choose 12 to 15 concepts with their meaning. Remember since you are copying the meaning of the concept you must use quotation mark. Then you write about what you understand about this concept. Please remember that if you just write about the concept and its meaning you don’t get any grade. You have to explain what you understood from this concept and how this helps you at to understand international business better.

Case Study Descriptions/Questions(operations management questions)

Question Description

You must select one of the following four case studies, each of which is identified with one of four key chapters in the textbook. You will need to create a formal Word document answering the questions thoroughly, in narrative form, and you must use, at a minimum, the textbook and at least one other source (Internet sites are acceptable). The Word document will need to be submitted in Canvas. Although this is not a formal research paper, please include all references and citations within the Word document. Please note that you WILL be graded on proper use of grammar and sentence structure!

NOTE: ALL papers submitted will be evaluated using “”. Any papers that are duplicates of other papers in either this or any previous class will receive an automatic zero. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! This should be your own original work and every paper must be unique.

it will be about 1000 words

Case 1 – Chapter 8 (FedEx)

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. How is FedEx’ operations improved by its location?
  3. How does FedEx’ location strategy differ from its competitors?
  4. How has FedEx affected the Memphis, TN area (include positive and negative aspects)?

Case 2 – Chapter 11 (Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain)

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. How does this supply chain differ from that in a manufacturing firm?
  3. What are the constraints on making decisions based on economics alone at the hospital?
  4. What role do doctors and nurses play in supply chain decisions in a hospital? How is this participation handled at Arnold Palmer Hospital?
  5. Doctor Smith just returned from the Annual Physician’s Orthopedic Conference, where she saw a new hip joint replacement demonstrated. She decides she wants to start using the replacement joint at Arnold Palmer Hospital. What process will Dr. Smith have to go through at the hospital to introduce this new product into the supply chain for future surgical use?

Case 3 – Chapter 12 (

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. What differentiates Amazon from other large box retailers (e.g., Wal-Mart, Best Buy)?
  3. What changes is Amazon planning in the future to improve inventory management and distribution?
  4. Describe Amazon’s global strategy for managing inventory between countries.

Case 4 – Chapter 16 (Toyota Motor Corporation)

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. Compare and Contrast the two Lean techniques leveraged by Toyota.
  3. How does Toyota’s San Antonio plant differ from other manufacturing facilities?
  4. How has lean manufacturing affected Toyota’s ability to compete in the automotive industry?
  5. Describe the three components of TPS and their importance.

I need the following letter by tomorrow at 12pm miami time

Question Description

Letter 1: Routine Reply/Positive Message


You are in charge of an exclusive student organization and have the task of notifying new members of their acceptance. Write a letter to an applicant (see below) congratulating him on his acceptance and welcoming him to the organization. Feel free to use creativity when defining the club’s purpose (nonprofit, community-building, sports or cultural). You select the scenario that is most applicable to your interests.


Use the modified block letter format for this assignment. Please refer to page 584-586 for an explanation of the block and modified block formats. The example in your book on page 585 is a block letter format letter while the example on page 586 is a modified block letter format. Please note the differences carefully.

The format of your letter tells the reader a lot about your professionalism and your organization’s credibility. Pay particular attention to your letter’s margins, line spacing, font type and size, and placement of letter parts such as the return address, date, inside address, salutation, complimentary close, and signature block.

Your applicant’s information is as follows: Eric Ramirez, 555 SW 8th St. #503, Miami, FL 33199. You can create your own student organization name (Chemists Who Care, Multicultural Student Alliance, etc.) as well as your title in the organization (President, Secretary, Director of Outreach, etc.).

Recommended Organization


Begin your letter with an introductory paragraph that states your purpose and congratulates the applicant on his/her acceptance. You can even reference the exclusivity of the club and the great achievement of being admitted.


In the first paragraph of the body include information that refreshes the reader’s memory about your organization and what you do. This could include past events/programs or simply how the applicant may have heard about the club.

In the second paragraph refer to the specific expectations of group members. This could include dates of training/information sessions, required documents, or mandatory attendance to organization meetings.

In the third paragraph of the body (the fourth paragraph of the letter), congratulate the student again on his/her acceptance and emphasize the value this membership will add to his/her resume.

This section could also include a brief list of skills a member of this group may obtain through active involvement in the organization.


Begin your closing paragraph with a courteous transition and thank the student for his/her interest in your organization. Welcome the student to your exclusive community and conclude your letter by indicating how the reader may contact you if he/she has any questions.

Case study Analysis/Summary (3-4 pages APA format)

Question Description

Read and understand the case or question assigned. Show your Analysis and Reasoning and make it clear you understand the material. Be sure to incorporate the concepts of the chapter we are studying to show your reasoning. Dedicate at least one heading to each following outline topic:

Parties [Identify the plaintiff and the defendant]

Facts [Summarize only those facts critical to the outcome of the case]

Procedure [Who brought the appeal? What was the outcome in the lower court(s)?]

Issue [Note the central question or questions on which the case turns]

Explain the applicable law(s). Use the textbook here. The law should come from the same chapter as the case. Be sure to use citations from the textbook including page numbers.

Holding [How did the court resolve the issue(s)? Who won?]

Reasoning [Explain the logic that supported the court’s decision]

Do significant research outside of the book and demonstrate that you have in an obvious way. This refers to research beyond the legal research. This involves something about the parties or other interesting related area. Show something you have discovered about the case, parties or other important element from your own research. Be sure this is obvious and adds value beyond the legal reasoning of the case.

Dedicate 1 heading to each of the case question(s) immediately following the case, if there are any. Be sure to restate and fully answer the questions

Quality in terms of substance, form, grammar and context. Be entertaining! Use excellent visual material

Wrap up with a Conclusion. This should summarize the key aspects of the decision and your recommendations on the court’s ruling.

Include citations and a reference page with your sources. Use APA style citations and references

Submit your assignment

CASES TO CHOOSE FROM : (I don’t have a preference, choose 1 Case to analyze)


CASE 15-1

Coker v. Pershad

Case Assignment 2

CASE 15-2

Penthouse International v. Barnes

Case Assignment 3

CASE 15-5

Gossels v. Fleet National Bank

Case Assignment 4

CASE 15-8

Gaddy v. Douglass

Case Assignment 5

CASE 19-2

Jeffery Bonkowski v. Oberg Industries, Inc.

Case Assignment 6

CASE 20-2

Laborers’ Intl Union v. Local 873 AFL-CIO and Shelby

Case Assignment 7

CASE 20-3

Specialty Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center of Mobile and United Steelworkers, District 9, Petitioner.

Case Assignment 8

CASE 21-1

Teresa Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc.

Case Assignment 9

CASE 21-4

Jones v. National American University

Case Assignment 10

CASE 21-5

McMillan v. City of New York

Ops400 discussion forum 250 words 2 APA Citations

Question Description



Module 6: Discussion Forum

11 unread reply.11 reply.

Job Design

Select one key concepts from the list below for your Discussion response. Be sure to identify the name of the organization.

  • How did your selected organization implement labor-planningpolicies? What issues confronted the leadership team? Be specific aboutlabor policies they implemented.
  • Describe the major issues in job design in the context of yourorganization. How do these issues decrease the performance andproductivity of the worker for your selected organization?
  • Defend the use the tools of methods analysis in the currentworkplace. How does this analysis benefit the efficiency for yourselected organization?
  • Should every organization throughout the entire world use the samelabor standards? Why or why not? Give specific labor policy examples asyou explain your rationale.

Be sure to post an initial, about 250-word substantive response byThursday at 11:59 p.m. MT, and respond to two or more peers withsubstantive responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT. A substantive initialpost responds to the topics presented completely and/or asks athoughtful question pertaining to the topic. Two substantive peerresponses, of 100 words minimum each, ask a thoughtful questionpertaining to the topic and/or answers a question (in detail) posted byanother student or the instructor.

answer the question on business and management (2 pgs, 550 words)

Question Description


Your task as a group is to develop a Data Management Plan then individually critically reflect on the process your group followed in developing this plan, as well as your contributions to developing this plan. In addition, you will be asked to peer evaluate the work of your group in developing the plan.

Your group will use the Research Data Planning Template (a copy will be provided on Moodle) and the plan will be based on the information provided in the case study description.

• Do not just tick the checkboxes. You also need to provide additional details for some choices. The Template has a number of prompts and questions where you will need to justify your decisions. Please enter your answers in the sections provided. • The case study description might not provide sufficient information to answer or to make a decision on a specific question. Your task is to make informed decisions and your group is expected to use other sources to collect additional information that can inform your decision making. If you are not able to collect sufficient information to make a decision, you should identify possible options and say what information would be need to decide between those options. • With regard to the archiving of the data for future re-use, do not assume that the only data associated with the project is listed in the case study description. Think about what defines the ‘data collection’ for the case and identify what other data related to the case should be identified and retained. • When completing the data management plan, if you think a question or an item on the template is not applicable, then DO NOT leave it blank. You must explicitly mark it as not applicable (N/A) and justify this decision. • There is no need to alter the template or its formatting. If you require extra room to write, you may enter this by adding new lines or rows. • Remember that not all data is treated the same in all sections of the DMP

I attached the assignment requirement please just do the first part which is Development of a Data Management Plan (DMP) …. and I attached (DMP TEMPLATE 2019 (1)) where you should write the plan please note that just do the 2 sections in the tamp late which are
I also attached the case study which our work is based on it

MGMT assignment – A scenario with 2 questions

Question Description

The Scenario

Imagine yourselves in the future. You have been married for fifteen happy and blissful years. Your spouse has been very supportive and helped you achieve both your personal and professional goals. As your fifteenth anniversary approaches, you have decided to buy your spouse a painting by a Parisian artist that he/she has always loved as a token of love and appreciation. (You want to thank her/him for standing by you since your days as an impoverished student).

You go to the web and you Google the artist. You find that she is represented by a gallery in France. The artist has a solid track record of exhibitions around the world, but she is far from being a household name.

You go to the Gallery’s website and browse through the selection of paintings that it lists by the artist. In that process, you notice that your spouse’s favorite artist is listed along several famous artists. The gallery’s website also has a section about the gallery’s heritage and long history of promoting French art around the world- especially in America and Japan. You find one painting that you especially like. The only problem is that there is no price or ordering information. You, therefore, contact the Gallery Director through the website.

After one week, you receive a response from a junior clerk at the art gallery. He says that the painting that you want is extremely expensive and the subject of many inquiries. He cannot, therefore, offer you that specific painting for sale, but he attaches photographs of several other paintings by the same artist that he says are smaller and priced more reasonably. He does not, however, list the price of the paintings. You write back to him, inquiring about the price of one of the paintings that you think your spouse might like. He responds after two days, saying that the painting is available for an exorbitant $15,000. That far exceeds your budget of $3,000. You are, nonetheless, determined to buy a painting by the artist as a gift for your spouse.


  1. What can you do in order to increase your leverage or power with the gallery to achieve the price you desire? (Please suggest at least four specific things that you could do).
  2. What are the factors that allow the gallery to have a relatively condescending or dismissive attitude towards you and your budget? What can you do to change, blunt or moderate those sources of power?