Assignment 1 Business Proposal Report (Formal)

Question Description

Business Proposal Dream Bakers Inc. NY, NY

Assignment: In House Business Proposal Dream Bakers Cookies and Cakes

Subject: Making use of Social Media Promotions for Dream’s products

Proposal submitted to: Sara Keebler, Operations Manager

Scenario: Dream Bakers Inc. NY, NY, is a global distributions company specializing in custom bakery goods for large special events. The Proposal will focus on the advantages, obstacles and implementation of Social Media Promotions for Dream’s products. What media can be maximized and what should be avoided.

Time frame: 6 Months

Allotted Budget: $25, 0000.00

Requirements for this Individual Project:

  • Write a five-page Business Proposal
  • Proper Proposal format containing all major components
  • Proposal should reflect research into viable options presenting a course of direction for the company.
  • Highlight services, applications, and opportunities recommendations and conclusions.
  • Don’t forget cost, ease, training and people required.
  • Use everything for research! Check almanacs, encyclopedias, the Internet, and library databases for the most recent information, and pay close attention to what would best serve the companies interests.
  • You are highly encouraged to include financials, action plan, and a social media strategy.

General Format

  1. The paper must be typed
  2. Use headings within the report when appropriate (please review Pages 433-452 for Parts of a Formal Report).
  3. For this report please include:
    • a Cover page
    • Memo of Transmittal
    • Table of Contents
    • Executive Summary
    • Introduction
    • Body of information
    • Summary
    • Conclusions / Recommendations
    • Bibliography
    • Note: The Cover Page. Memo of Transmittal, Table of Contents, and Bibliography will not be counted towards the five-page requirement.
    1. Plan the paper carefully as to develop an organized and non-redundant report. It should be organized and assembled as a continuous report and should not appear to be several independent segments bound together.


    In general, the proposal will be evaluated on its effectiveness.

    1. Are the purpose and main idea of the document clear?
    2. Has the document been organized to be compatible with the purpose and audience?
    3. Is the “you” attitude—courtesy and consideration for the audience—consistently present?
    4. Has all the necessary information—and only the necessary information—been included?
    5. Are grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and vocabulary correct?
    6. Is the format attractive and appropriate?
    7. Was the document submitted on time and in the correct delivery format as expected in the business world?



    Paper Submitted in correct delivery format (Adobe PDF or Word)


    Paper address required subject matter


    Paper has all major components and format of a Business Proposal (20 points for each missing component)


    No sign of Plagiarism




    Forum Reply

    Question Description

    This is a class question that needs to be reply to with at least 180 words. I would like for it to be in your own words. Please No Plagiarism This need a reply to another student in my organizational leadership class. If have to cite in text with reference that will be fine also.

    Working in the Grocery industry is fast-paced, deals change weekly, and front-line management is responsible for keeping up with all the changes that corporate implements. It is the perfect environment for goal-setting theory of management: which states “that specific and difficult goals, with feedback, lead to higher performance” (Robbins & Judge, 2019).

    Every week we have a new add and getting everything changed over involves the entire Grocery Manager team. Goals are set by corporate with specific item and placement schematics and they are expected to be as exact as possible upon any surprise inspection. There is a book that maps the entire store with brief item descriptions and a spreadsheet that breaks it down line by line for each and every flavor and UPC in the building.

    Deadlines are the same almost every week, but there are different schedules regarding what areas change, versus what might be staying longer. For example, we have football going on so we have displays that are specific to hosting a game event that will stay up for the season. Some events get more space and longer duration, such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff that I’m sure everyone has begun seeing in their local stores. Other items are strategically placed for that weeks amazing deals.

    We get regular, yet unpredictable, visits from corporate where we walk the floor and discuss possible improvements and things that need to be addressed; this feedback is essential to assuring that goals are actually being adhered to. Left to their own devices department managers often decide to do things differently than what is laid out, for whatever reason. Feedback is what really makes this process work. As long as the Corporate bosses are constantly providing feedback and keeping the communication open (potentially making an appearance at any time) then the Store Director and main Grocery Manager stay on task and demonstrate the same techniques with their teams.

    I’ve seen this method work well and I’ve seen it fail. Feedback and reasonable, yet high, goals are important for this method to succeed. Feedback must also be constructive and fair or morale issues and decreased productivity will ensue. Discrimination issues can also arise out of poor feedback processes.

    Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2019). Organizational Behavior (18th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database

    speech of intro outline home work for communication 122

    Question Description

    Download Speech of Intro Outline Handout.docx (18.2 KB)


    The purpose of this outline is to help you organize your thoughts and ideas into a structured

    speech. It will help you arrange and format your main points and sub-points so that your

    speech is clear to your audience. Your Speech of Introduction Outline is worth

    50 points. Your outline should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, and follow Small Section directions. Be

    sure to print and attach the Speech of Introduction Outline Grade Sheet to the front of your

    outline on its due date. Also, you have to submit your outline online with through

    your Small Section BlackBoard site.

    Your outline should follow the format on the following page; it should be clean and easy to

    read/follow. I will grade your outline for both content and format. I will grade what you say,

    how you organize what you say, and your grammar, spelling, and punctuation (G/S/P). I will

    also grade how closely you follow proper outline format and subordination. (Do your main

    points align? Are your sub-points consistent?) It is a full sentence outline so that I can read

    what you will present to the class on your speech day. If your Attention Getter is a quote, do

    NOT write “I will present a famous quote”. Write out the actual quote; I want to read it.

    A title page is not necessary. This outline is graded for both content and format. I will mark

    down for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. I will evaluate the main points you

    make in your outline, how you support your main points with evidence/examples (sub-points),

    and I will grade how you say it (G/S/P). Remember that proofreading can only improve your


    In this outline, you will learn the following Student Learning Objectives:

    1. Choose and narrow a topic appropriately for this audience.

    2. Generate a well-reasoned argument for this specific audience.

    3. Assess the strength of relative arguments and supporting evidence.

    4. Create content formatted to an approved organizational pattern appropriate to time

    and purpose.

    5. To use correct Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling.

    6. Develop a well crafted, specific thesis statement.

    7. To effectively utilize the rule of subordination.

    8. To appropriately demonstrate the rule of division.

    9. To understand and incorporate the rule of parallel wording.

    10. Make connections between the material and your own lives and experiences.

    Your Name Here


    Speech of Introduction Outline

    Due Date

    General Purpose: To inform/introduce

    Specific Purpose:

    I. Introduction

    A. (Attention Gainer)

    B. (Thesis Statement)

    C. (Preview Main Points)

    II. Body

    A. (Main Point # 1)

    1. (Sub-Point # 1)

    2. (Sub-Point # 2)


    B. (Main Point # 2)

    1. (Sub-Point # 1)

    2. (Sub-Point # 2)

    III. Conclusion

    A. (Restate Thesis)

    B. (Restate Main Points)

    C. (Reason to Remember)

    Inter Bus ( Task 7)

    Question Description

    Task 7 Import, Export, Counter-trade and Modes of Entry

    Why do companies go global? Just to increase sales of a specific product or service? And how do companies go global? To understand this you need to know about entry modes companies use to “go international.” Leaders who choose to enter the global market must select and manage issues such as exporting, importing, and counter-trade; contractual entry modes; and investment entry modes.

    Why Spiderman went global.

    1. Read License to Thrill in the ebook Chapter 13.
                            1. What did Marvel Enterprise do?
                            2. Why did they choose this route?
                            3. What effect did it have ultimately on visibility and sale of their products?
                          1. See if you can find another company that went international. Did they have similar success? What product were they promoting?
                          2. What does this suggest about why and how companies go global?
                          3. Watch

    Learn about Entry Modes – How companies get their products/services into a market and how they are financed.

    1. Read Chapter 13 in ebook on exporting, importing, and counter trade.
                            1. why export; developing an export strategy; direct and indirect exporting
                            2. counter trade – types
                          1. Watch
                          2. Watch
                          3. Read Chapter 13 in ebook on financing methods for export/import business. (advance payment, documentary collection, letter of credit, and open account)

    Learn about Special Circumstances Entry Modes.

    1. Read Chapter 13 in ebook on Contractual Agreements for services or products that cannot be sold on the open market – licensing, franchising, management contracts, and turnkey projects
    2. Watch
    3. Read Chapter 13 in ebook on Investment Entry Modes
    4. Watch

    Locate a minimum of 5 companies that employed different types of entry modes when they went global. Make a table, graphic, or infographic to show their strategies and why it was best for their product/services.

    MGT/498 strategic management STARBUCKS

    Question Description

    Wk 3 Individual: Long-Term Goals & Corporate Level Strategies [Due Mon]

    Assignment Content

    1. Assignment Content

      Refer to the Week 3 – Required Learning Activities:

      • Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 6: Corporate Strategy
      • Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 7: Vertical Integration & Outsourcing
      • Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 8: Strategic Alliances
      • Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 9: International Strategies

      Purpose of Assignment
      The Week 3 individual assignment continues the strategic planning process for the organization you have chosen to study from week 1. The purpose of the assignment is for students to establish their own proposed long-term goals for the organization (target 4-7 years), and then to assess possible opportunity for corporate level strategies that may be needed to help drive the organization towards achieving those long-term goals, and will include the student’s own proposals on how best to proceed for each corporate level strategy. These choices should be informed by and supported by the student’s findings and strategic proposals from the week 1 & 2 individual assignments.
      Assignment Steps
      Write an approximately 1,000 word report on the company you selected in Week 1, building upon the Individual Assignments of Week 1 (Mission, Vision & Values) and Week 2 (Environmental Scanning), and address the following:

      • Establish Strategic Long-term Goals
      • Identify 3 or more specific strategic long-term goals that would require 4-7 years for the organization to achieve, and that are supported by your findings from the week 1 & 2 individual assignments.
      • Discuss how each long-term goal will help the organization to implement your proposed business level strategic choice from week 2, and will help the organization to create unique value for its customers.
      • Ensure that each long-term goal is “SMART”: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Time-Bound
      • Corporate Level Strategies
      • Diversification (chapters 6 & 7) – Assess any possible future horizontal or vertical diversification opportunities for your organization. Discuss and support your own proposal on whether or not the organization should pursue a diversification strategy, and if so, which one and why.
      • Strategic Alliances (chapter 8) – Assess any possible future strategic alliance opportunities for your organization. Discuss and support your own proposal on whether or not the organization should pursue a strategic alliance strategy, and if so, be specific about your proposed strategic alliance partner and support your proposal on how and why it should be pursued.
      • International Strategy (chapter 9) – Assess any possible future international strategy opportunities for your organization. Discuss and support your own proposal on whether or not the organization should pursue an international strategy, and if so, which one and why.

      Cite at least 3 scholarly references from the UOPX Library.
      Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

    IT591 Unit 1 Paper Assignment

    Question Description

    WARNING: This has to be original work that will pass Turnitin or any other checker. If it does not pass this you will not be paid!


    Organizations that you work for will often apply an IT governance framework such as COBIT or ISO 27001, or one of the others that are available. These frameworks provide guidelines for IT governance in the organization and offer guidelines for building a governance system. In this unit, you will apply the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS) framework to begin outlining a governance strategy for an organization.

    Assignment Instructions

    Select an organization that you would like to develop an IT governance strategy for, using ISO 27001, Information Security Management System (ISMS). You can find ISMS on the Internet or in this unit’s reading. The organization should be one you are familiar with from having worked there.

    In your paper, include the following:

    1. Define and discuss the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System in terms of the Deming Cycle of continuous improvement of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)
    2. Brief description of the organization and type of business engaged in.
    3. High level information security policy that defines management’s overall objective for information security as it relates to business requirements and relevant laws and regulations.
      1. Information security direction for the organization
      2. Information security objectives for the organization
      3. Information on how the organization will meet contractual, legal, and regulatory requirements
      4. A statement of commitment to continuous improvement of the ISMS.
    4. High level risk assessment (for purposes of this paper, discuss the top 3-4 risks only)
      1. Define a risk management framework that will be used
      2. Identify risks and describe the risk
      3. Analyze and evaluate the risks in terms of severity and impact
    5. Statement of Applicability
      1. Identify selected controls to address identified risks (again only the top 3-4 risks)
      2. Explanation of why these controls were selected
    6. Conclusion paragraph

    This is a short version of an IT governance strategy but will provide a good understanding of the elements that must be included for this ISO 27001 ISMS.

    Assignment Requirements

    • 4-5 pages of content (exclusive of cover sheet and references page), using Times New Roman font style, 12pt, double-spaced, using correct APA formatting, and include a cover sheet, table of contents, abstract, and reference page(s)
    • At least 1 credible source cited and referenced
    • No more than 1 table or figure
    • No spelling errors
    • No grammar errors
    • No APA errors

    For more information and examples of APA formatting, visit the Writing Center in the library or APA Style Central under Academic Tools in this course.

    Also review the Policy on Plagiarism. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.

    Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

    Name your Assignment document according to this convention: YourLastName_IT591_Unit1. Submit your completed Assignment to the Unit 1 Dropbox by the deadline.

    An ordering system by analyzing the data and determining how the next supplier order should be structured.

    Question Description

    to look at the current demand and come up with

    an ordering system by analyzing the data and determining how the next supplier order should

    be structured. Your goal is to create the right price mixture between the companies that will

    maximize profit, reduce spillage, and lower your overall costs.



    Create an excel spreadsheet that shows the food requirements for the next month

    (January). Use the past three month’s actual usage to formulate a forecast for each item for the

    month of January. See Table 2: Product usage for October, November and December.

    Normally, the proceeding month’s usage is a good indicator of what will be consumed for the

    following month, so use a weighted average method to determine what will be used in January.

    Use the following weights: October – 20%, November – 30 %, December – 50%


    Create a spread sheet that illustrates the cost of each case from both competitors and the

    average price per unit for each competitor. Use the information in Table 1: Comparison Prices.


    Once you have completed the forecast, calculate the order cost of each item and compare

    between the two. Based on the cost involved, choose the better supplier for each item and then

    calculate the total spoilage loss. Then, calculate the monetary loss based on spoilage. Make

    sure you calculate the total amount of spoilage expected from each supplier for the month.

    Fresh Delights will charge a 2.5% delivery fee for everything that is ordered. Horton’s

    deliveries are free. Horton’s will give a 5% discount on your entire purchase as long as the

    entire order amount exceeds $5,000. Calculate the total order cost of Horton’s and Fresh

    Delight’s based on the information provided to Michael Smith.


    Calculate what your total expected revenue will be for the month of January. Using the

    same weighted forecasting technique, det

    ermine how many dinner and breakfast buffets the

    hotel can expect to sell for the month. The hotel is currently charging $28.95 per dinner buffet,

    and $14.95 per breakfast buffet. Determine what your profit is for the month of January. Gross

    profit is calculated using the expression: Total Revenue – Total Costs = Gross Profit.

    Determine what your food cost percentage was for the month of January. Food cost percentage

    is calculated using the expression: Total Costs / Total Revenue.


    How is this restaurant doing when compared to industry average? (Please make sure to

    cite the source from which you collected information on industry average).


    Will you change your decision on supplier of any products considering the spoilage cost?

    If yes, for which products you will change the supplier based on spoilage?

    Please assist with the discussion question based on a draft answer submitted

    Question Description

    Base the discussion answer off the attachment that was turned in last week. It is a draft of my actual assignment that will be due.

    Please respond in 4 paragraphs to the following discussion question. .

    D0701 – Challenges to Formalizing, Adopting and Implementing the Strategic Plan

    Step 1: Reflect on the array of factors that must be addressed to formalize and adopt your strategic plan, and to successfully implement it.

    Step 2: Based on your own perception and experience, the views of your textbook authors, and results reported in the literature, what aspects appear the most challenging?

    Step 3: What are your thoughts about how to best meet these challenges?

    Previous assignment that was answered.

    Deliverable #2 – Strategic Goal and Set of Smart Objectives

    Establish a strategic goal and several SMART objectives for each key strategy formulated above1. The goal will, of course, pertain directly to the strategy. Each SMART objective will, by itself, or combined with other related objectives establish the basis for a specific initiative, project or program to achieve the objective(s). In turn, each initiative, project or program will have its own goal and specific objectives. [Refer to the Vision to Projects Schematic].

    IMPORTANT POINT: My intent is to provide an understanding of the “cascading” nature of strategic planning. Innovative strategic thinking leads to big ideas and significant strategy opportunities for major improvement. However, these ideas and strategies need to be effectively implemented within the organization to realize their potential. This requires strategic planning – systematic, logical, organized, sequential activities that fit with the organization’s history, readiness, culture and capacity for change2.

    1 You will find it helpful to review the YouTube video “How to Set SMART Goals” by Erica Olsen (located in the Module 6 Videos with the Course Materials).

    2 Read the two articles on strategic thinking/strategic planning in Cluster 1 within the Course Material.

    Deliverable #3 – Potential Initiatives, Projects and Programs

    Identify plausible initiatives, projects and programs that emanate from and support the organizational strategies and related strategic goals and objectives.

    Note: For our purposes, I am using the following definitions – An initiative is a large, often complex, “umbrella-type” undertaking that encompasses several projects. A project is a work effort to achieve a specific desired result that is time-limited, budgeted and resource constrained. A program is a continuous offering that provides on-going services or goods in support of the organization’s mission and vision.

    Apply one or more methodologies such as the “Initiatives-Projects Prioritization Matrix” and the “Impact-Alignment Matrix” to rate, prioritize, select and sequence the projects and programs your group feels should implemented.

    I have a class research project due by the end of class a cpl weeks from now, but 2 of the first topics are due now. requirement is attached

    Question Description

    Summary of Steps

    1. Research your first two IS-related solutions that you listed in your document during Module 3.
    2. Edit your research paper document based on the feedback you received in Module 3.
    3. Using the same document, follow the instructions below to write the introduction to your paper, the first two IS-related solutions, and your references for those sections.
    4. Submit your document for grading.

    Detailed instructions for this assignment are below and in the Research Project Requirements section, which describes the complete project.


    Some suggestions on the types of data that you might include to build your paper are as follows:

    • Describe how the information systems will benefit your company.
    • Provide details and examples of applications and solutions offered by retail vendors.
    • Describe the framework for each solution that the internal staff of your company might develop and implement.
    • Present an account of the strengths, weaknesses, and cost considerations for those solutions.
    • Identify and describe how a solution can provide a competitive advantage, influence strategy, affect organizational performance, and increase operational efficiency.


    In your role as an employee at a medium-to-large aviation-related business, it’s time to drill down to the specifics for two of the Management Information Systems you selected. As you perform research and compose your data, remember that you are in a mid-to-upper level management position and have significant decision-making influence with your company.

    Detailed Instructions

    Before you begin to work on the Project Submission 2 assignment, review the instructor’s grading comments and markups on the Project Submission 1 document and correct any issues. Re-save the corrected Project Submission 1 document as a new Project Submission 2 working document.

    The following are the submission requirements for this assignment:

    • Begin the body of the text section with a brief paragraph consisting of 4-5 sentences that introduces the need for IS solutions in your company.
    • Submit researched scholarly data for TWO of the IS-related solutions that you selected.
    • Submit a minimum of TWO full pages of double-spaced text in the Body of the Text section for EACH IS-related solution. The TOTAL number of submitted pages in the Body of the Text section is FOUR full pages. The Title, Abstract, and Reference List pages are not considered part of the “FOUR full pages” in the Body of the Text section.
    • A minimum of TWO primary reference sources outside of the course textbook are required to be cited and referenced in the document submission.
    • As you do your research and compose data for each of the IS-related solutions in each assignment, keep up the Reference List page and make notes for the data in the Conclusion section that you will compose in your final draft document.


    Question Description

    Review Chapter 2: Time Management, from Thriving at Trident University, including Dr. Aaron Thompson’s reflections:

    I started the process of earning my doctorate a little later in life than other students. I was a married father with a preschool daughter (Sara). Since my wife left for work early in the morning, it was always my duty to get up and get Sara’s day going in the right direction. In addition, I had to do the same for myself. Three days of my week were spent on campus in class or in the library. (We didn’t have quick access to research on home computers then as you do now.) The other two days of the workweek and the weekend were spent on household chores, family time, and studying.
    I knew that if I was to have any chance of finishing my Ph.D. in a reasonable amount of time, I had to adopt an effective schedule for managing my time. Each day of the week, I held to a strict routine. I got up in the morning, ate breakfast while reading the paper, got Sara ready for school, and got her to school. Once I returned home, I put a load of laundry in the washer, studied, wrote, and spent time concentrating on what I needed to do to be successful from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. every day. At lunch, I had a pastrami and cheese sandwich and a soft drink while rewarding myself by watching Perry Mason reruns until 1:00 p.m. I then continued to study until it was time to pick up Sara from school. Each night, I spent time with my wife and daughter and then prepared for the next day. I lived a life that had a preset schedule. By following that schedule, I was able to successfully complete my doctorate in a reasonable amount of time while giving my family the time they needed. (By the way, I still watch Perry Mason reruns.)
    —Aaron Thompson

    Case Assignment

    Write a 2- to 3-page reflection paper on your Time Management skills and how you can go about improving them. Use at least three tips from Chapter 2, Thriving at Trident, and additional information from the video to shape your response.

    APA (American Psychological Association) writing style will be used throughout your tenure at Trident. It is important to provide scholarly work and support your opinion with research. While this is NOT required in this course, it is encouraged as you prepare for future courses. The following resources are provided for your use and convenience: