Case study executive interview regard global leadership

Question Description


Research at least 5 resources related to the change management style(s) of your interviewee.


Plausible websites associated with the change management style(s) of your interviewee.


Videos and/or PPTs related to the change management style(s) of your interviewee.

Select a global business executive to interview concerning how he/she manages change within his/her global organization.

Develop your list of questions for your interview.

Conduct your interview.

Review Global Change Management Executive Interview Paper Instructions.

Instructions for Writing the Interview Paper

In this paper, you are to utilize a change management model and connect the concepts of the model to what the practitioner has told you about his or her efforts in effectuating change management across a global organization. You are expected to use examples from the interview to illustrate elements of the change model.

You may organize your interview paper in a number of ways, but one acceptable way to organize your paper is to include the following sections:

1. Introduction – Explain your purpose in the paper and what you are covering in the paper.

2. Brief Explanation of the Elements of the Change Model – You do not need to explain the entire model, but you need to include an explanation of the specific parts of the model that you are using in the paper.

3. Description of the Person Interviewed and the Activities/Responsibilities of the person.

4. Application of the Model to the Information you uncovered in the Interview- In this section you will use examples from your interview to illustrate specific elements of the change theory.

5. Conclusion – Summarize what you learned about the leader in this assignment in the context of change management in a global environment. In addition, provide recommendations for what the individual and/or the organization can do in the future to enhance or maintain global change management.

Remember to express all of the above in the context of Global Change Management.

Your paper must be 10-15 pages, double-spaced, and include a cover page with an appropriate title.

You must use a minimum of 5 sources for your paper (the interview can be used as one of the sources).

APA compliance is required.

Your interview paper must include the following information.

* Name of Person Interviewed
* Organization/Company
* Address
* Telephone Number
* eMail Address
* Date of Interview
* The list of questions you prepared for the interview.

Module 01 Course Project – Recommendation

Question Description

For this part of the course project, you will demonstrate your ability to illustrate the functions and impact of banking and monetary institutions and to provide a recommendation guided by them.

In your role as a financial advisor at Eagle Consulting, you are performing a complete financial analysis for Melinda Jacobsen, a successful business executive who is retiring in 10 years. A portion of this analysis covers the question of whether Ms. Jacobsen should refinance her home in order to provide additional funding for a long-term retirement investment.

Because “above and beyond” customer service is critical to the success of Eagle Consulting, in addition to providing a recommendation on possible refinancing options, you want to provide Ms. Jacobsen with some background information on the Federal Reserve and how it affects interest rates.

Using the information about Melinda Jacobsen’s goals and the information you uncover during your research, you will write a recommendation document that explains the Federal Reserve, how the Federal Reserve affects interest rates, possible loan options, and a final recommendation for what loan she should choose.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Download and read the Eagle Consulting Info Sheet.
  2. Write a 3 page recommendation structured in three parts:
    1. Explanation of how the Federal Reserve impacts interest rates (1.5 pages)
    2. Explanation of loan options (1 page + Excel chart)
      Recommendation for a loan (.5 page)

      See below for details on each of the three parts.

Part 1: Federal Reserve’s Impact on Interest Rates

  1. Discuss how the Federal Reserve uses the following tools to impact interest rates and the economy:
    1. Open market operations
    2. Discount rate
    3. Reserve requirements

Part 2: Loan Options

  1. Research the current mortgage interest rates for a 10-year, 15-year, 20-year, and 30-year loan.
  2. In Excel, graph the interest rates using years as the X-axis and interest rates as the Y-axis.
  3. Using the graph, describe the following:
    1. Type of yield curve presented in the graph
    2. Relationship between interest rates and number of years to maturity
    3. Impact that risk and inflation has on the interest rates as the maturity date is lengthened

Part 3: Recommendation

  1. Make a recommendation to Ms. Jacobsen on what mortgage loan to take (10-year, 15-year, 20-year, or 30-year).
  2. Justify your recommendation.

If you need assistance with using Microsoft Word or Excel, please visit the Video Tutorials page in the Course Materials folder.

Submit these files as a single zipped “.zip” file to the drop box below. For more information about zipped files, please see the Technical Requirements page located on the Resources tab. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.zip” extension to the filename.) An example is shown below:

Discussion: AICPA Professional Code of Conduct

Question Description

Whendealing with issues such as professional ethics, the stakes can behigh. This is why such care is taken to painstakingly clarify terms suchas integrity and independence in the AICPA Professional Code ofConduct, as they could otherwise be open to interpretation. In thisweek’s discussion, you will find illustrative examples of these keyprinciples to share and discuss with your peers.

First, review the terms and definitions identified in the “Principles of Professional Conduct” section of the preamble to the AICPA Professional Code of Conduct.Select one of the principles (e.g., responsibilities, public interest,integrity, objectivity and independence, due care, or scope and natureof services) and research a current event that demonstrates thatprinciple being threatened or otherwise not adhered to. (This does notneed to be a case strictly about accounting—it could be any relevantbusiness scenario. If you have trouble finding a current event, you cancreate a hypothetical scenario related to your final project business.)

In your responses to your peers, consider what safeguards could beapplied to address the scenarios that your peers have presented. Howwould you act in that scenario? What actions or strategies could you orothers take to remediate the ethical issues?

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

Peer Post 1

Holly Eaton

TheAicpa is a code of conduct is to ensure that its members serve theinterests of their clients with a high degree of integrity, technicalcompetency, and diligence. Gives them rules and guidelines to follow aswell. So a scenario that would fit in the general standard rules is notfollowing protocol. Say Dave was my CPA and recorded a sale ofmerchandise on the last day of the third quarter. Dave never receivednotification of a sales invoice or record to ascertain that the salestransaction had actually occurred or gone through. Although this was adeparture from company policy, Dave recorded the transaction withoutconfirming the transaction was completed. Dave did not exercise hisprofessional care and had a responsibility to obtain efficient up todate records that would provide him with thge knowledge he needed toperform his job duties. Therefore this would be coinsidered a violationof general standard rules.

Peer Post 2

Chemaya Stephenson

TheAicpa is a code of conduct that provides guidance and rules to allmembers and help establish a performance scale in ones professionalresponsibilities. The principles of the Aicpa are responsibilities, thepublic interest, integrity, objectivity, independence, and preamble.There are alot of current events that are in violation with the publicinterest code. Mainly, the public interest code is to ensure trustpeople and the organization and ensure privacy between ones information.With the recent data breaches in big corporations and credit unions itis in violation of the people interest because that information is nowpublic knowledge which of course breaks the privacy agreement betweencustomer and the organization.

Business of the 21st century

Question Description

M2 Assignment – Research an Occupation

This written assignment on Research Projections for One Occupation has 2 parts for all students – research and writing. Advanced level students also have a 3rd part.

All students…

  1. Research – Study the resources provided in the links below.
  2. Write and submit an occupational projections paper.

Advanced-level students only…

  1. Synthesize all the occupation research findings from other students. See below.

Here are details on each part of the assignment:

1. Research. (All students)

Research the projections for one occupation that you’re in, or that you’re interested in. Find out what your selected occupation is projected to be like in the coming decade.

Do this research by reading about labor projections from the BLS document provided below and from the two websites linked below.

First, read about labor projections up to 2024, from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 8, 2015 Economic News Release. The entire release is available as:

    Next, consult these websites:

      • Occupational Outlook Handbook The handbook provides information for 25 occupation groups. Find specific occupations in each industry, the employment outlook, and links to organizations with more information.
      • America’s Career InfoNet From this page, explore occupational trends under Occupation Information, Industry Information, and State Information.

      2. Write and submit an occupational projections paper. (All students)

      Based on what you find out about projections, write a 1- to 2-page paper (at least 500 words). Include:

      • 3 or 4 elements of the occupational projections that will most affect your selected occupation
      • at least 4 citations from the resources above, showing where you found your information. Cite the BLS document at least once. Cite each of the 3 websites at least once.

      Submit your paper below as an attachment. Do not write your paper in the text box.

      3. Synthesize other students’ occupational projections by submitting a second paper below.(Advanced-level students only)

      Near the end of Week 2, review all of your fellow students’ occupational projections papers.

        • Write 3-5 bullet points that synthesize how big picture labor projections will affect your classmates’ occupations.
        • Submit your bullet points as a second paper below. You can upload this second paper or write it directly into the Message box.
        • Be sure to label your paper/post “Summary of Occupational Projections.” That way, we can all tell the difference between the occupational projections papers (all students) and the summaries of the class papers (advanced-level students only).

        Use synthesis and evaluation thinking skills from Bloom’s Taxonomy, described on the course page How to Use Critical Thinking Skills.


        discussion question-WRK110-strayer university-The Confidence Advantage

        Question Description

        Please respond to the following: The discussion questions given please produce 200 words about each numbered question. please place answers under each bullet point. In Addition a response must be given back (100 words) to the other students Mia Pullom and Kimberlee Bryant for both responses.

        1) As a young, aspiring artist, Queen Latifah had to identify areas of her career where she needed to build up her confidence to succeed. In the Webtext, you also chose an area to build up your confidence in your career.

        Please describe what it is about that area that you want to specifically improve. Explain why you chose this area and how working on it will have a positive impact on your career.

        providing a tip to your classmate to help them build confidence in the area they chose.

        Mia Pullom

        RE: Sample Response & Peer Reply

        Where I need improvement at in my career or in my life, is being able to hold a conversation in a huge groups of people. I’m a great debater and I value other opinions, but I was always that person that was so geared up to talk. When time to talk I was mostly was shy at the same time. Normally I freeze up if I talking to unfamiliar people. Normal 75% it is because I don’t know no one, or I feel like I’m going to start talking and get off topic because I’m too nervous.

        I know if I was to come out of my shield a little, and start challenging myself to start talking more to unfamiliar people and share my opinions and listen to others this will play a big part in my career and have me ready for challenges ahead of me. My confidence also be well develop by then.

        Kimberlee Bryant

        RE: Week 2 Discussion

        The area that I chose that needs work is being able to speak up in front of a large number of people. I can’t say that I am shy, because I’m not. I have thoughts, but would rather speak to someone one on one instead of in a large group. I am trying to work on this and have started small. I set up small group sessions and am working to get comfortable about speaking up in those settings. I’m bad about staying quiet unless specifically asked something point-blank. I want to be able to speak the ideas or thoughts that I have without having to be singled out and asked. I feel this will have a positive impact on my career because then others won’t see me as “quiet” or “shy” and will know that I do have things to add and improve things for the team.

        Suburban Homes Construction Project Case Study Paper

        Question Description

        Continuing with the Suburban Homes Construction Project case study found at the end of chapter 6 (and reviewing previous chapters 1 through 5), CPM 4e, complete the following:

        (20 points) Stakeholder identification and prioritization matrix (Exhibit 6-2)

        (20 points) Stakeholder Matrix (Exhibit 6-4)

        (20 points) Stakeholder Engagement Matrix (Exhibit 6-5)

        (20 points) Communication Matrix (Exhibit 6-9)

        (20 points) Mechanics

        You will be assessed on content and mechanics.

        Content (80 points): The content must be based on the case study materials and reading assignments. The PMBOK 6e and CPM 4e, along with other reputable resources can be used to supplement the responses through summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting those sources. Each matrix should be followed by a discussion of the matrix and how to use/interpret it.

        Mechanics (20 points): The total assignment length should be at least 3 pages, not to exceed 4 pages and need to follow APA guidelines. You should review the assignment rubric in Moodle to ensure that you address all aspects of each component to this assignment.

        Stakeholder ID and Priority Matrix (Exhibit 6-2)
        An ID and prioritization matrix includes at least 5 relevant stakeholders and rates them for power, interest, etc.


        At least 5 relevant stakeholders with some minor errors in prioritization scores based on the SHCP.


        Less than 5 relevant stakeholders and/or some major errors in prioritization scores based on the SHCP.


        No submitted


        Stakeholder Matrix (Exhibit 6-4)

        A stakeholder matrix includes at least 5 relevant stakeholders and explains their potential interests and necessary support/mitigation strategies


        A stakeholder matrix includes at least 5 relevant stakeholders but the explanations are not as complete as they could be.


        More details are clearly needed and/or less than 5 stakeholders are identified.


        Not submitted


        Stakeholder Engagement Matrix (Exhibit 6-5)

        A matrix includes at least 5 relevant stakeholders with all matrix aspects fully completed and a engagement strategy that makes sense for the type of stakeholder


        A matrix includes at lest 5 relevant stakeholders but the positions, barriers to change or strategy are not sufficient or have minor errors


        More details are clearly needed and/or less than 5 stakeholders are included in the matrix.


        Not submitted


        Communication Matrix (Exhibit 6-9)

        A matrix including at least 5 relevant stakeholders with communication needs and other information relevant to the type of stakeholder and previous assessment.


        A matrix including at least 5 relevant stakeholders with some errors or omissions in the matrix making it less useful as a tool.


        More details are clearly needed and/or less than 5 stakeholders are identified.


        Not submitted



        Materials submitted fully comply with mechanics requirements in assignment


        Materials submitted do not fully comply due to some minor errors


        Materials submitted do not resemble the mechanics requirements, but some effort was made.


        Not submitted


        bus 3382 Company Report

        Question Description

        Identify a company you want to work for upon graduation. Research the company and any job openings that company might have.
        Write a 2-3 page paper that includes background information on the company, requirements of a job you want to apply for, and what you might need to do to meet those requirements prior to application.
        You should use at least two sources (Wikipedia does not qualify as a viable source) and at least one should be a printed source. Use appropriate citations and include a title page and a reference page (not part of the 2-3 page requirement) in APA style.
        Technical requirements:
        1″ margins; left justification; 12 pt. Arial font; appropriate headings/subheadings
        Submit the report as a word document.

        This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting–fits the requirements of the assignment

        5.0 pts

        Full Marks

        0.0 pts

        No Marks

        5.0 pts

        This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization–well organized and well-constructed paragraphs with subheadings

        5.0 pts

        Full Marks

        0.0 pts

        No Marks

        5.0 pts

        This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Information–information clearly relates to main topic and includes supporting details and/or examples

        5.0 pts

        Full Marks

        0.0 pts

        No Marks

        5.0 pts

        This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph Contruction–paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence

        5.0 pts

        Full Marks

        0.0 pts

        No Marks

        5.0 pts

        This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence Construction–Complete sentences with a variety of types

        5.0 pts

        Full Marks

        0.0 pts

        No Marks

        5.0 pts

        This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources–Appropriate number of sources used and cited correctly

        5.0 pts

        Full Marks

        0.0 pts

        No Marks

        5.0 pts

        This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar–free of grammatical errors

        5.0 pts

        Full Marks

        0.0 pts

        No Marks

        5.0 pts

        This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling–free of spelling errors

        5.0 pts

        Full Marks

        0.0 pts

        No Marks

        5.0 pts

        This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePunctuation–free of punctuation errors

        5.0 pts

        Full Marks

        0.0 pts

        No Marks

        5.0 pts

        This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall–presented as a top level report

        5.0 pts

        Full Marks

        0.0 pts

        No Marks

        5.0 pts

        Total Points: 50.0

        Organizational Behavior Assignment

        Question Description

        Assignment: Globalizing for Growth

        Ultimately, having the ability to understand and contribute to a positive organizational culture is key in today’s workforce. Those who can add value in this area will be able to grow, develop, and lead in their organization.

        MT302-6: Analyze organizational structure and culture in an organization.

        You previewed this Assignment in Unit 9, now is the time to finish up your response and submit it to the Dropbox.

        Based on the Reading and Learning Activities regarding leadership, culture, values, and organizational structure, you will apply what you understand to a company trying to unite into a viable structure and culture.

        Read the fictional scenario and address the checklist items.

        Scenario (fictional):

        ROBoInc. is a robotics software company with 100 employees located in South Bend, Indiana, in the United States. Until recently, the corporate culture had been established as a rigid culture that excluded families from company celebrations and in which everyone had an explicit job description. The company hires mostly locals, and only directors make any important decisions. The company has had a formal code of ethics but it has not been enforced. As a result, there have been increasing incidents of personnel doing consulting work for other companies outside of work hours. The CEO is concerned that their robotics software could be compromised. Lately, as the company’s software has been increasingly sought out by robot-producing companies around the globe, the CEO realizes it is time to reimagine a more diverse, inclusive, and global type company, while adhering to an ethical code of conduct with uniform responses to infringement.

        The CEO knows they will soon need to hire at least another 20 sales staff and additional software developers to address this increasing global demand. The CEO wants to restructure the company while keeping company costs down as much as possible.

        Help ROBoInc. address the problems by completing the checklist items.

        View the company’s current organizational structure.

        Address the following items in your Assessment submission:

        Checklist: Based on the Readings and Learning Activities address the following:

        (1) Identify the characteristics needed to implement a shared ethical culture and explain how this will help the organization.

        (2) Explain how the ethical culture will be affected by the global context. Describe some of the global implications. Use the Competing Values Framework in assessing the situation.

        (3) Analyze the current organizational structure and identify the key questions the executives need to answer in order to create the most effective and suitable organizational structure and culture.

        (4) Explain the importance of ethical leadership involved in implementing a new organization structure and suggest a possible new structure based on the Learning Activity.

        Submit your 3–4 page paper with an additional title and references page in APA format and citation style

        MOD 4-Class Discussion-Strategy Implementation

        Question Description

        Discussion: Strategy Implementation and Strategic Control

        Week 1:

        In order to properly implement a strategic plan, organizations use structure, various control systems (budgets, variance analysis, policies and procedures, company rules), and culture.

        Let us revisit General Mills and determine the relative effectiveness of the company’s strategic controls. Choose two implementation controls, and discuss whether or not you believe the controls you’ve selected effectively support the company’s strategic choices. Be sure to defend your answer (critical thinking is required)!

        Be sure that you respond to the postings of your classmates.

        Week 2:

        Respond to the following:

        As you’ve learned from the background readings, a key strategic control is that of organizational culture. Culture must fit with an organization’s strategic choices. Poor alignment between culture and strategic choice is a sure-fire way to doom any strategic choice.

        Of course, some organizational theorists would assert that an organization’s culture cannot be “managed” in the truest sense of how one “manages” the processes and activities and things that exist within an organization. David Campbell (2000, p. 28) says that an organization

        Is being constructed continuously on a daily, even momentary [italics added], basis through individual interactions with others. The organization never settles into an entity or a thing that can be labelled and described, because it is constantly changing, or reinventing itself, through the interactions going on within it. [At the same time, an organization] does have a certain character to it, such that, like driving on the motorway, not just anything goes (p. x).

        Do you agree or disagree with the above? That is, can culture really be “managed”? What might this interpretation mean in the context of our current discussion related to “strategic controls”?

        A few comments on the above: Many individuals believe that, while the notion of “culture” can be defined, no single individual (irrespective of his/her legitimate power) is capable of single-handedly moving an organization’s culture in one direction or another. These individuals suggest that the sheer number of formal and informal groups, structures, tasks, functional operations, and individual interactions that exist and occur within organizations (even moderate-sized ones) render the “management” of culture impossible (consider the potential number – and combination – of individual to individual, individual to group, and group to group interactions that are likely to occur within an organization at each and every moment (and then, there are endless numbers of contacts / interactions with external stakeholders as well). The possibilities are seemingly infinite — or at least they are indefinite. In this view, an organization’s culture is abstract, fragmentary, fluid — and even relative and momentary – how can such a thing be “managed” in the same sense that we “manage” people and organizational processes?

        cell phone industry analysis

        Question Description

        WK2 Homework PART 1 – General Environment Homework Instructions:

        Use the Cell Phone Industry (iPhone division of Apple)

        Example for the Political/Legal Environment:

        Step 1 – Things happen in the environment (you observe these):

        Example Observation: The Tariff War with China may impact the iPhone supply chain

        Step 2 – Decide what this means for Apple in terms of Opportunities and Threats:

        Opportunity: Identify one or two?

        Threat: Identify one or two

        Step 3 – Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each of the six General Environment factors

        Step 4 – Draw three IMPORTANT Strategic Implications for the iPhone managers from the observations you have made across the six environments (A Strategic Implication is a strategic program that an ENTIRE company, not a functional division, needs to plan and implement in order to respond to a coming shift in its strategic situation).

        Step 5 – Prioritize the Strategic Implications you drew and explain your reasoning for placing the Strategic Implications in the order you placed them.

        Example of a Strategic Implication:

        iPhone managers must develop and maintain a competitive-level of iPhone functionality.

        NOTE: Implications are not function specific. Bargain for price reductions for iPhone components is not a Strategic Implication because it would be done by only the the purchasing department.

        NOTICE FOR YOUR FUTURE IN THIS COURSE: SI’s will require a set of coordinated and related set of actions by managers in various functional areas of the company. These actions are called Functional Recommendations in this course. You will NOT be making these for this exercise. For example, “AAPL needs to advertise more” is a functional recommendation not a strategic one because it is done by the Marketing Function not the entire company. “AAPL needs to position its iPhone as a technology leader” is strategic because it needs integrated actions by multiple functions of the company. For example, various functional areas must do tasks in their area of responsibility – e.g.- marketing needs to change the brand image, R&D needs to enhance technical performance, operations has to figure out how to make it, and so on.

        WEEK 2 Homework PART 2 – Homework Porter’s Five-Forces Template:

        Complete a similar process for the Porter’s Five-Forces Template and draw at least two SI’s for Apple.

        1. Identify the major competitors or competitive threats
        2. Assess the level of threat, power, intensity competitors/threats of each Force
        3. Identify at least two SI’s for Apple in the iPhone division based upon your assessment of the Competitive Environment.
        4. Incorporate them in your list of Strategic Implications and place each in its correct priority position and explain why it belongs in that position.

        MAKE SURE you do the 5-forces analysis for the Cell Phone industry itself, not just Apple iPhone’s.