Hospitality management discussion

Question Description

Purpose: Chapter 4 discusses forecasting supply and demand of a company’s employees (human resources).Scheduling is always a consideration when forecasting supply and demand.The purpose of this assignment is to discuss a hospitality organization’s perspective on flexible work hours or compressed work week schedules.

Skills:As a result of completing this assignment, you will learn to collaborate effectively with others to share information.You will practice written communication and responding to peer’s in a professional manner.

Knowledge:Students will gain knowledge of issues with scheduling employees fairly while covering the organization’s need.

Task: In order to complete this assignment you will execute the following.

  • Answer the following questions:What are the drawbacks to using flexible work hours or compressed work-weeks from a hospitality organization’s perspective? How should the HR department deal with these challenges?
  • Answer should be 400-500 words.
  • Post your original comment to the discussion questions with your last name in the title of the discussion posting.
  • Post your original answers to the questions by Wednesday at 10:00 pm.
  • The participation part of this week is each student must then post a comment to at least two other student’s postings by Friday night by 10:00 pm. Five peers have been automatically assigned to you.You must respond to at least 2 or then – you can respond to all 5!!
  • Your response should include a discussion of what different department in the hospitality industry could use flex scheduling.
    • Prepare a response of a minimum of 100-150 words to at least two peers.
    • Provide at least one reference other than the textbook to support your answers. Be sure to put the reference information in your posting using APA formatting.

Criteria for Success: A successful assignment will have the following characteristics:

  • You are required to respond to at least 2 fellow classmates this week.
  • A critical evaluation of the peer postings you are responding to.
    • You add information to the postings you respond to.
    • Posting your agreement is not adding to the discussion.
  • You cite one additional reference to support your response to the discussion questions and peer responses.The textbook is not an additional reference.
  • Sources will be cited the end of your discussion using APA format. Articles, podcasts, or videos may not be older than 2012.
  • Students do not begin reading the answers until after Wednesday at 10 pm – so you have the opportunity to read all postings.No response postings before 6 am Thurday.
  • Notes to posting on the discussion board:
    • You may use a word processor to complete the discussion before posting in Learn.Then copy and paste the information into the discussion board.
    • Do not attach the file to the discussion area.
    • It is nearly impossible for the class members and for me to keep up with reading each posting if we have to download attached files.
  • Proper grammar, spelling, and professional language are used.
  • Late assignments are not accepted.

I need a comment done on two Strategic Management discussions

Question Description

I want two detailed paragraphs of a response to each of the following. Ex-I can relate -I like what you said or referred to in.. in my experience…..


So far this course has really enlightened my understanding of the intricate process that is strategic planning. While my undergraduate studies as a business major prepared me well for business analysis through many of the models shared during this week’s content, I have found the opportunity to familiarize myself with the building blocks of strategic planning to be quite eye opening. If conducted to industry standards, strategic planning involves many moving parts, intertwined components, and diverse “players” to get the necessary information to properly assess the organization’s current heath and future direction. I’ve also enjoyed reviewing the textbook’s worksheets, as the questions provide an opportunity to expand my everyday scope of thinking in relation to strategic thinking, organizational structure and capacity, and inclusion of varying levels of stakeholders. The Harvest Business Review article (Links to an external site.) that Pia shared during the second week really stuck with me as I think it highlights how easily leadership teams can confuse objectives and actions with strategy. “Your strategic plan is an essential device in navigating disruption’s headwinds.”1


The Salvation Army has a strategic plan that is updated infrequently – typically at a funders request. From my perspective, creating the strategic plan seems like the easy part of the process. Actually implementing the plan is another story. Through our class discussions thus far, it’s become apparent that our organization is not alone with these notions. While I am aware of other TSA locations wrestling with their strategic plans, it was particularly refreshing to hear from my fellow classmates that their organizations have similar issues as well. Particularly with the discussions concerning La Salle University, it was interesting to hear that they invested so much time and money to develop a strategic plan that isn’t followed properly or revised to reflect where the organization is currently. A shame considering the Nonprofit Center is based there and could have been a real asset to the University during the implementation process.

Additionally, I have found that this week’s material to be particularly insightful. I was only familiar with the SWOT tool which I previously used in a program evaluation setting. Internally, I believe TSA has a keen eye on our strengths and weaknesses. I have found however, that external threats and opportunities are rarely considered until they are right on top of us. Implementing other external evaluation methods may be time consuming for our organization, but none of them seem particularly difficult to complete. These tools can be used beyond strategic planning stages and can be used in our other evaluation efforts.

Claim of Value Assignment & Outline Upload

Question Description

PURPOSE: The purpose of this speech is to make a claim of value based on your ideas as to whether a topic is good or bad, right or wrong, moral or immoral, etc. A persuasive speech can only occur in a situation in which two or more points of view exist. Therefore, you must take a stance on the value of a particular issue or idea.

TOPIC: For a value speech, most topics are generally issued based. However, you could choose to advocate the value of an object or product (Zaxby’s has the best chicken fingers, Ford make the best car, etc.). For issue-based speeches, there are several topics that are off limits for this speech as they have been overused and really do not have “new” arguments that can be developed. These topics include:

Legalizing Marijuana, Seatbelts Organ/Blood Donation, Abortion, Gun Control, Euthanasia, Death Penalty, Lowering the Drinking Age, Same Sex Marriage, Why to Exercise, Why not to Smoke, Drink, Engage in Unsafe Sexual Practices. Be unique.

When choosing your topic, try to pick a subject that foremost interests you. Then, based on the information you read from your textbook about audience adaptation, try to make that subject interesting to your classmates. The ultimate power of making your speech engaging and interesting lies in your hands. Remember, the more you care about your topic, the more likely the audience is going to be interested in it, even if they weren’t before your speech. Keep in mind for this speech that if your topic does not directly affect your audience in some way, they won’t care enough to be persuaded.

2. The topic is appropriate for the assigned general purpose.

3. A minimum of five sources should be used to provide adequate supporting material -These sources must be cited in the delivery of the speech as well as on your bibliography. You should also cite any additional sources you use over and above the five required sources. All sources should be cited within the body of the speech itself, and each main point must contain a source. Sources cited within the introduction and/or conclusion of the speech will not count towards the citation requirement.

-Encyclopedias, dictionaries, Wikipedia and other general reference materials may not be used. -Only two sources may come from the Internet. -At least one of the sources must carry a publication date within the last 12 months.

4. One copy of your full-sentence outline and bibliography (as one Word doc) must be submitted

5. A copy of the bibliography/reference should be attached to your outline. We use APA style for source citation. If you are unfamiliar with APA format, you may utilize the tools at to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)as a resource.

Reflection paper

Question Description

The purpose of this assignment is to develop your interpersonal skills through reflective writing about yourself and your experiences. This will require critical thought and application of your own thoughts and values to an interpersonal communication topic.

The paper should be 1-2 pages, (including a cover page with your name and title of the paper – the cover page does NOT count in the page number total), double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font (this is standard APA format and most word processing software sets it up like this automatically). Please save your paper in .doc or .docx format to ensure your instructor can open it easily. Be sure to clearly reference which option you are choosing below.

Reflection Paper #1 Topic/Prompt

Please select ONE of the following options

1. Locate something that relates to one of the chapters in “everyday life”. There are several songs, TV shows, movies, poems, quotes, comics, YouTube clips, etc. that relate to all of the topics mentioned. Pay attention to these things and include what it is (by listing a link if it’s something found online, or a clipping of a comic, song lyrics, etc.) and then explain your rationale for how that relates to the content in that chapter. Please note – typing out song lyrics will not be included in the word count. I just need the part that you are specifically referring to. The best method would be to include a link for the song/clip/etc. Do not use an example that was specifically mentioned in the chapter (a movie, song, comic, etc.), as I am looking for you to go beyond that. For example, if the movie Gran Torino was mentioned in Chapter 2, you shouldn’t connect to that. But if it isn’t mentioned until Chapter 4, and you want to use it for Chapter 2, that is okay.

2. Another option could pertain to analyzing an interpersonal encounter of interest to you that has happened at some point in your life related one of the chapters covered this week. You might develop this entry along these lines:

• Description: What was the interpersonal encounter? Who was it with? What happened? Be descriptive.

• Analysis: What course concepts help you in understanding this experience? How do the concepts apply?

• Conclusion/Learning: What did you learn about yourself and your interpersonal attitudes and skills? What steps do you need to take, if any, to improve?

3. You are also welcome to respond to this prompt:

What kind of language-related or non-verbal challenges do you find in your communication experiences? Detail at least one of each of these challenges and a plan that could help improve these behaviors/tendencies.


Entrepreneurial Business Plan Part F (and Change Matrix)

Question Description

Entrepreneurial Business Plan Part F:

The purpose of this assignment is to determine the startup cost of the firm, discuss new funding sources for the firm and a discussion of key financial and accounting ratios. To do this, students will integrate lessons learned from the course reading assignments, conduct outside research, and apply their critical thinking skills to properly estimate the various costs needed to start their firm. (CLO’s 1, 4, and 8)

General Guidelines:
1. Your paper should meet all APA (6th Ed.) writing standards.
2. The Change Matrix must be placed immediately following the Title Page.
3. Beginning in Wk. 2 – Instructor’s feedback, recommendations, and corrections must be addressed and detailed on the change matrix page.
4. Include a faith integration component – The faith integration component should be present throughout your business plan (e.g., not just a paragraph or mention of faith at the end of each section). In other words, how does your faith or world view influence your firm?

Specific to this week’s component:
1. Conduct outside research to determine startup cost for their firm.
2. Create an Excel spreadsheet to display each category and the estimated first-year cost.
3. Copy and paste the spreadsheet into the Entrepreneurial Business Plan
4. Provide an in-depth review of two leading sources for new business funding.
a. Students should also discuss their option that is best-suited for their firm
5. Using your firm’s financial data, provide a discussion of the firm’s profit margin, break-even points (include a break-even graph), and the industries profit margin.

Feedback that should be implemented in the Change Matrix:

“Just as in Wk. 1, I reviewed your paper using the Review feature within Word. I encourage you to take a look at each of the comments I posted directly on your paper.

Your final paper is due soon. In order to maximize your point opportunity, be sure to:

1. During the past several weeks, I intentionally provided several notes, comments, recommendations, or suggestions. Each of these comments was made to help you improve your paper. I, therefore, encourage you to review each of these notes (dating back to Wk. 1) and make all the necessary corrections.

2. Review the final rubric – both your final paper and presentation should meet each of the mentioned dimensions

3. Throughout this course I have stressed the importance of writing according to the guidelines set by APA – I encourage you to ensure:

1. The table of contents is properly working

2. All Headers are properly formatted

3. All in-text citations and references are properly formatted

4. Your writing uses proper grammar and sentence structure.”

I have also attached the annotated PDF of last week’s paper. Please go through the paper and look at all the instructor’s comments and make appropriate changes, noting them in the Change Matrix.

(1) Selection of Countries for a Global Business and Strategies for Participation and (2) Activity Location in the Global Value Chain

Question Description

  • Selection of Countries for a Global Business and Strategies for Participation
  • Activity Location in the Global Value Chain

“Instead of selecting country-markets on the basis of stand-alone attractiveness, managers need to consider how participation in a particular country will contribute to globalization benefits and the global competitive position of the business.”Being a serious global player means much more than simply having X percent of your revenues from outside the USA and being involved in Y number of countries. “Being present in ten countries that include the United States, Japan, and Germany is far more important, in most industries, than is being present in thirty countries that exclude these three but include many small, less advanced countries…To have a global level of market participation requires significant global market share, a reasonable balance between the business’s geographic spread and the market’s spread, and presence in globally strategic country-markets.”

  • What are the most important criteria for determining what are, and what are not, globally strategic markets?Please describe these criteria in detail and provide some relevant examples.
  • What are the specific benefits to the firm of participating in globally strategic markets?Please describe these benefits.
  • How should the changes associated with the phenomenon of globalization influence firm decisions regarding selection of countries for participation?What changes should firms actively monitor and how should firms interpret them?

Each functional or value-adding activity, from R&D to manufacturing to customer service is a candidate for globalization under a strategic approach implemented with a global mindset.Thus the firm should configure each stage of its value chain at the most appropriate location worldwide in terms of minimizing system costs and maximizing system revenues.It should then optimally coordinate the activities at these disparate locations for maximal organizational benefit. Where to locate all the activities in the firm’s value chain reflects a trade-off between traditional country considerations and the global strategic importance of each location. Thinking about the competitive or strategic advantages a firm might possess versus the comparative advantages that might be present in a particular location:

  • First, please define these two concepts and describe the origins of each.
  • How might the firm go about combining these two advantages in order to achieve optimal, organizational results in terms of increased profits, competitive advantages, and so forth?
  • In reality, most companies have some duplication of their value chain in each of the countries where they do business.Why would having a certain amount of duplication be an advantage to the firm?Please elaborate.
  • Research and development is a critical function for most firms.For the global firm, what factors should be considered when deciding where to locate the R&D function?Please describe each of these briefly.Which of these factors do you think is most important for computer manufacturers such as Dell and Toshiba, and why?

Excel problems dealing with numbers and percentage

Question Description

There are four questions with multiple parts

  • Use Baseball Players sheet to answer this question.
  • Use Score sheet to answer this question
  • Use Temperatures sheet to answer this question.
    • Indicate the level of data measurements for temperatures. [Hint: whether nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio.]
  • Use Part-4 sheet to answer this question.

The file Exam_1.xlsx, sheet named Baseball Players, contains salary data on all Major League Baseball players for year 2011. Create a table of counts of the various positions, then express as percentage of all players for the year. Construct 2 charts: (1) create a column chart (so-called Bar) of counts, and (2) create a pie chart of these percentages for the year. Use an appropriate title for your charts. Which chart you prefer – Column or Pie? Why? Which position is most common? [Note: Your answers – table, graphs and any comment should be placed in Baseball Players sheet. Do not create a new sheet or a new workbook.]

The file Exam_1.xlsx, sheet named Score contains midterm (X axis) and final exam (Y axis) scores for 96 students in a corporate finance course. Do the students’ scores for the two exams tend to go together, so that those who do poorly on the midterm tend to do poorly on the final, and those who do well on the midterm tend to do well on the final? Create a scatterplot to answer this question. Use an appropriate titles for your plot including X axis and Y axis.

The file Exam_1.xlsx, sheet named Temperatures, shows daily high temperatures (in Fahrenheit) recorded in Alexandria, Virginia for the month of December, 2015.

b.Construct a frequency distribution table using 5 class intervals. Determine relative frequency, percent and cumulative percent for these data.

c.Using cumulative percent values in part (b), what percent of the times daily high temperatures was less than 63? [Do not calculate this value manually. Use part (b) to answer this question.]

d.Construct a histogram.

e.What does histogram tell us about the daily high temperature for the month of December, 2015?

[Note: Your answers – table, graph and any comment should be placed in Temperatures sheet. Do not create a new sheet or a new workbook. For (e), insert a text box. Type your comment inside the text box.]

The file Exam_1.xlsx, sheet named Part-4 contains data from a survey of 399 people regarding a government environmental policy. Recode the data into a new data set, making one transformation: change Children to list “No children” or “At least one child”. Then create a column chart (so-called Bar chart) of counts for the new Children variable. Use an appropriate title for your chart.

I have an attachment for the numbers and the Excel sheets.

Complete 15 slide Presentation on Different CULTURE (INDIAN)

Question Description

M3 Assignment

For M3 Assignment, you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation that focuses on a different culture that you would like to learn to communicate with effectively. At a minimum, the presentation should include the following elements:

  1. Overview of the culture
  2. Key characteristics /dimensions of the culture that should be learned before communications begin (include at least six dimensions)
  3. Compare/contrast the culture with your culture (based on the dimensions you included in #2)
  4. Create a culture communication plan specifically for your chosen culture that will help you and your workplace to conduct effective communications. This culture communication plan should include an outline or brief discussion of the three or four components you have found most critical.
  5. Provide a summary/recommendations for your organization to move forward with training for cultural communication.

Your presentation should be a minimum of 15 content slides (not including the title slide and references slide). Your slides should include either speaker notes placed in the “notes” section of the slide or you should record audio on each slide. In addition, you should have a minimum of three scholarly sources. References should be written in proper APA formatting.


The Notes panel of your slides will contain your speech script; this will be word-for-word exactly what you would say to accompany each slide. Be sure to read your speech aloud several times so that you’re confident that the language you’re using sounds conversational and not like a term paper or essay. Remember to use transitional words and phrases to make your speech flow smoothly.

It’s critical to cite the sources that back up your points and subpoints. Citing sources orally (as you would be doing for a speech) is different from citing them in a paper. For a refresher on how to do this, see Citing Sources Orally the Announcements in this course.

When you are ready to submit your slides and script, you must save your slides in a format with the slides on the top of a page, with the accompanying notes (your script) beneath each slide, as seen below.

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Do not submit a PowerPoint file. Instead, print your notes pages to PDF, or export your presentation to Word, and choose the layout with “notes below slides.” I must be able to see both your slide and script on the same page; if not, your speech will be returned with a zero for a grade, and you will have one opportunity to revise.

If you are using Microsoft PowerPoint, see the article Add speaker notes to your slides and for how to do this using Google Slides, see!topic/docs/NlKimlcNaaQ

Module 1: Hot but Cool Technologies – Evolving Into Cloud

Question Description

Module 1:

Discussion Forum: Using Technology to Change the World

There are lots of cool technologies available in the market that some of us are unaware of, especially with the integration of Web enabled applications with the smart phones in Web 2.0 environment. There are tablets such as IPad mini, Surface Pro, Nexus, Kindle Fire, Nook, Galaxy, Envy, Vivo, Lenovo and other electronic gadgets. Visit an electronic storefront such as Best Buy. Identify and SELECT three different manufacturers’ products. Review the specifications of three (3) tablets and three (3) smartphones from these manufacturers. The due date is Thursday, Sep 12, 2019 and you must respond to two of your classmates’ posts.This will be graded.

Used the benchmark below to provide your choice for the technology product that you have selected.

Hot but cool technologies sample:

Tablets and Smart Phone Format


Manufacturer 1


Manufacturer 3


Apple i-Pad 4th Generation



(More specs)

Samsung Galaxy S


OS: Android 4.4 Kitkat

(More specs)

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 RT


OS: Windows 8.1

(More specs)


Apple i-Phone 6



(More specs)

Samsung Galaxy S V


OS: Android 4.4.2

(More specs)

AT & T Nokia Lumia 1520


OS: Windows 8.1

(More specs)

Provide the specifications (specs), and select your preferred tablet and smart phone by addressing the following concerns:

1: Which of the tablets did you prefer and why?

2. Which of the smart phones did you prefer and why?

3: Are they ideal for cloud computing? What is Cloud Computing and what specific features of your selected tablet and smart phone make them ideal for Cloud Computing?

4: Respond to at least two of your classmates postings.

The following rubric will be used for assessing your participation on discussion boards.

Levels of Achievement


Meets Expectation

Approaches Expectation

Below Expectation

Limited Evidence

No Evidence


20 Points

15 Points

10 Points

5 Points

0 Points

Demonstrates excellent knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories relevant to topic.

Demonstrates fair knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories.

Demonstrates significantly flawed knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories.

Demonstrates poor or absent knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories.

Did not participate.


20 Points

15 Points

10 Points

5 Points

0 Points

Statements are well supported; posts extend discussion.

Statements are partially supported; posts may extend discussion.

Support is deficient; posts do not extend discussion.

Statements are not supported.

Did not participate.

Writing Quality

20 Points

15 Points

10 Points

5 Points

0 Points

Writing is well organized, clear, concise, and focused; no errors.

Some significant but not major errors or omissions in writing organization, focus, and clarity.

Numerous significant but not major errors or omissions in writing organization, focus, and clarity.

Numerous errors or omissions—at least some major—in writing organization, focus, and clarity.

Did not participate.


20 Points

15 Points

10 Points

5 Points

0 Points

Initial before deadline.

Initial post 1 day late (Friday).

Initial post 2 days late (Saturday).

Initial post 3 days late (Sunday).

Did not participate.


20 Points

15 Points

10 Points

5 Points

0 Points

Initial post and two other posts all on separate days.

Initial post and two other posts with two on same day.

Initial post and one other post.

Initial post only.

Did not participate.

Emerging Competitors

Question Description

1.Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

How can a company’s marketing team ensure they identify newly emerging competitors quickly so the team can plan and execute an effective marketing strategy in response to these competitors?

2. Respond to the following classmates:

Mi Thor

1 hour ago, at 5:53 PM


A company’s marketing team can identify newly emerge competitors by doing research. First, they must know their products or service and then figure out who their competitors are. Once you have established the products or services, and your competitors in the market, then the marketing team can research information where most of their competitor or businesses will be marketing their product too. I would think the best way to find this kind of information is to find what kind of service the competitors are using. For example, the competitors could be using social media, advertising their products on certain websites such as Amazon or YouTube, television commercial, radio commercial, and billboard advertisement. Other ideas to identified competitors quickly are to use software to track competitors. The marketing team can view if their competitors are doing good in sells and if they are, the marketing team can come up with better ideas to market their business products. The market team can conduct a survey to customers and competitors. By conducting a survey, the marketing team can make better decisions in providing the right product to customers’ needs and wants. If customers are satisfied with the product, then the business will continue to increase production sells.

3. Respond to the following classmates:

Kelly Chavez

2 hours ago, at 4:22 PM


A company’s marketing team can ensure they identify newly emerging competitors quickly by using technological and social resources to their advantage. A company’s marketing team should constantly be checking websites, social media and brick and mortar stores to research products coming on the market, products selling and products not yet out there.

A lot of marketing is being seen on social media at this time, marketing departments should be vigilant in this media to see competitors marketing strategies and promotions to determine how to best counter these strategies. Social media is also a good place to see consumers reactions to these strategies. Consumers are very vocal on what they like and don’t like.

Marketing departments should also be using focus groups to determine what works and what doesn’t for their products.

I work in retail and I wish that the marketing department would ask the people selling their products what is working for us and what isn’t. I feel that the sales people are an untapped resource for us. We are the front line and the ones talking to consumers on a regular basis. We have a wealth of information not being used.