The case of the dishonored chech

Question Description

Zuzzane, as an individual, had an option to purchase a valuable piece of land for $500,000, provided she exercised the option by a certain date by mailing a deposit check for $50,000. This land was appraised at $600,000 and she intended to build housing for her family and her elderly mother on it. She drew a check for $50,000 on her personal checking account she had at First American Bank and mailed it to the landowner. Zuzzane had this checking account for 10 years. At the time she drew the check, she verified electronically that she had $60,000 in this personal account. However,s he owed the bank $30,000 for a collateralized loan that was 60 days overdue. That loan was taken out by her Limited Liability Company and secured with collateral from it. That loan had been taken out two years ago. The bank refused to honor the $50,000 check and spent $750.00 handling the resulting paperwork. As a result of the dishonorment, Zuzzane’s option became void, and the landowner sold the land to someone else for $550,000, resulting in a severe loss to Zuzzane. She sued the bank for damages.

The Trial

At trial, Zuzzane’s attorneys proved the value of the land, her losses, and the fact that she had always paid the bank on time, except for the most recent payment that was overdue. The bank’s attorneys proved that Zuzzane was over sixty days late on her last LLC loan payment and that it was their practice not to notify customers that there might be insufficient funds in their accounts to cover all checks written, as doing so would place an undue burden on the banking system.

The Arguments at Trial

Zuzzane’s attorneys argued that a bank has no right to dishonor a check except for the normal reasons permitted by law, such as a suspected forgery, an improper endorsement, and so forth. They further argued that the bank, based on its relationship with Zuzzane, should have contacted her before dishonoring the check so that she could have taken other action to prevent her loss of the land and that she did not have an automatic deduction from her personal account for the business loan. The bank’s attorneys argued that Zuzzane’s being overdue on her last loan payment indicated she was in financial trouble, that they had a right to seize her account to cover the overdue payment, and that instead they simply refused to honor checks on her account until the overdue loan was paid. They further argued that based on banking industry customs, it is the responsibility of the customer and not the bank to make sure there are sufficient funds to cover checks written. They were losing money each day that the loan was unpaid.

Questions to Discuss

  1. Whom do you think the jury will favor, Zuzzane or the bank? Why?
  2. If you feel Zuzzane should win, what will her damages be? If you feel the bank should win, what will their damages be?
  3. Under what circumstances, if any, should a bank be able to offset a loan to a customer against any bank account on which the customer’s name appears?

Complete the following assignment in a 3-4 page paper ith additional title and references pages in APA format and citation style

Question Description

Assignment: Applying a Model to Address a Business Process Change

In your Reading you reviewed the Capability Maturing Model (CMM) and in the Learning Activity you briefly practiced with the Kotter 8-Step Model. Now you will apply one of these models to address a business process change needed at the organization of your choice. You will also apply Porter’s 3-phase process from the learning activity to suggest a strategy and steps to be taken in each phase.

Prepare your original Business Process Change in a Word document using APA format. Review APA formatting and style resources found in the Writing Center accessed through the Academic Success Center within the Academic Tools area. You can also consult APA Central located in the Academic Tools area as well.

Do some research to obtain your selected specific industry and/or organization resources. If confidentiality is a concern regarding the organization you selected, choose a publicly traded company instead. Ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure you do not share any of an organization’s proprietary information.


  • Select one industry from those recommended below and then choose one of three types of organizations provided for that industry. Select an existing company in that industry or use your current organization and industry, and do some research. Then choose a business process change at that company you might propose and address the checklist items (a) through (f).

Medical Care: Hospital; Clinic; Hospice

Manufacturing: Computers; Textiles; Electronic Equipment

Service Industry: Retail; Restaurant; Supermarket

The organization for which you work. (Be careful not to share proprietary information.)

(a) Provide the name of an existing organization. Ensure you have access to the information required for this project and protect your selected organization’s proprietary information. You can select a publicly held organization if proprietary information is a concern.

(b) Describe the organization’s size (locations, divisions, employees) and summarize the primary mission and vision of the organization. Do not simply copy from the organization’s mission or vision statements.

(c) Based on your research of the organization, identify and explain a single business process change that the organization will need to undertake in the coming year. The change can result from new or improved technologies, economic issues, or changes in the marketplace.

(d) Utilizing either (1) the Capability Maturing Model (CMM) or (2) the Kotter 8 Step Model from the Learning Activity, outline briefly what changes need to be undertaken at each of the stages.

-Explain how using the chosen business process will improve organizational performance.

(e) Evaluate Porter’s three-phase process (page 29, figure 2.1 and also see the Learning Activity) for defining a company strategy, and create a simple chart of the recommended change addressing issues in each phase.

(f) Use APA format and citation style and demonstrate consistency in the body of the paper, indenting paragraphs (paragraphs should consist of at least 3–4 sentences each) , proper margins, citations, and references. You should use 5 references for this paper properly cited and referenced using APA format and citation style. A paper missing references will receive an automatic 20% reduction in grade.

Note: Your paper will be submitted to Turnitin to check for originality.

Project Execution and Controlling

Question Description

There are two projects that will need this completed for. One is for the build out of the new office lay out, and one is for the build out of the IT Infrastructure. The risk Management plan template attached will need to be completed for each of the build outs (new office construction and IT infrastructure)

  • Identify risk for the work performed and develop a mitigation plan for the risks identified.
  • Risk identification consists of: determining which risks may adversely affect the project objective and what the consequences of each risk might be if they occur.
  • Risk assessment consists of: determining the likelihood that the risk event will occur and the degree of impact the event will have on the project objective. Develop an action plan to reduce the impact or likelihood of each risk.
  • Develop contingency plans may require expenditure of additional funds for using additional resources.

The scenario for this project is listed as:


The accounting firm where you work has assigned you as the Project Manager to supervise an upcoming project.In exactly three months, the firm will merge with a smaller company and needs a new location for its employees.The firm currently consists of 40 employees and will be adding an additional 10 employees as a result of the merger.The second floor of a historic, two-story building has been purchased to accommodate the 50 employees in the city’s downtown district.It is completely gutted, so a complete build-out will be necessary.In order to minimize downtime, the move will take place over Labor Day weekend.You’ve been tasked to oversee renovations and installation of all IT requirements.As a recent graduate of Baker College Online, your CEO (project sponsor) has afforded you a considerable amount of discretion when it comes to decision-making.Although he will provide final approval, he expects you to decide on a floor plan, as well as what furniture and computers to keep and what must be replaced.The firm’s image is important, so he expects you to balance cost with quality.

  • Build-out:Offices and/or cubicles for 50 employees (the CEO would like you to price out single offices for 10 senior level employees), a conference room, a break room with a kitchenette, a lobby reception area, a LAN room, storage / supply room, and restrooms.
  • Computer network:Currently, the employees of the smaller firm are using older model Dell computers (circa 2005) with a Windows XP operating system. Your company is also in desperate need of hardware updates. Most employees are using older systems with Windows XP and some are using Windows Vista. Your company has a client/server network using Windows 2000 server. Your accountants use either Intuit QuickBooks or Sage Peachtree software. You are currently using Symantec Antivirus Corporate protection. Your company currently performs full backups nightly to an onsite server. Security is of the utmost importance.Your proposal should consider the following:

A. Computers for each employee (Marketing has indicated a preference for Macs for their 5 people due to their graphic capability)

B. Software requirements for each computer

C. Network hardware and operating system

D. Backup System

E.Additional devices required (Printers, Scanners, etc.).

F. Internet Service Provider

discussion question and peer review

Question Description



Manager’s Influence on Behavior

As a manager, what are some policies you could instill to keep your workers engaged at their jobs? How would you ensure all employee personalities are accounted for in this plan? After posting your response, respond to at least one of your classmates’ suggestions.

  • Complete the True Colors Personality Quiz by clicking on the link below. This will help you understand how your color interacts with those with the same and different colors in your personal and professional relationships! Then, you will be able to avoid potential conflicts and better manage challenging situations to look like the leader that you truly are in your organization Innocent…

Include your findings in your discussions.


As a manager, I only enforce policies already place. If i rise to a position to make policies I will do like Amazon and keep it professional. Work is work, and depending on the organization’s culture I can do a lot or a little. I find everyone likes money and it is the best way to incentivize most employees. I do not want to retain employees that do not want to stay, however, so bonuses will have to be based on things like showing up on time and attendance as well as performance.

I got the color blue on the test and I think the description fits.


Hello professor and classmates,

As a manager some policies I would instill to keep workers engage with there jobs would be to hold preshift meetings to allow them to speak on problems and concerns, also I would treat employees with preshift snacks like donuts pizza bottles water or juice, also recognizing employees birthdays are important too. Showing appreciation to employees to help encourage them to have a good shift.Thanksgiving diner at work and Christmas parties are things as a manager I would do to help the employees engage more at work and a chance to get to know others that may be of a diverse, this can also leadin to good work habits. By showing that all employees personalities are accounted is incorporated in the company by suggests ideas and recommendations through the employees themselves, having an idea box is a good idea I have seen a work places before. Having a diverse of managers and supervisors also can help with ideas also.

My color test results was GREEN

The test suggested that I was Helper/supporter. Saying that I like to improvise and don’t like getting tangled up in details. I am creative and imaginative, I’m good at reading other people’s emotions and I’m supportive and loyal.I challenge others when should and my people skills will make me a good and valuable colleague.

Unit 2 Owning and Operating a Business Thematic Project

Question Description

Unit 2: Owning and Operating a Business – Thematic Project

Complete all assigned reading before attempting the assignment. Your answers must be based on the reading. Include both the questions and answers, type all answers in complete sentences, and number your work. Submit in the text box below or submit as a word or PDF document.

Entrepreneurship in a Global World

Globalization and technology are creating a worldwide marketplace. Smart entrepreneurs recognize the opportunities in a worldwide marketplace and adjust to doing business at a global level.

Thematic Project Assignment

In this project you will conduct an interview and create a presentation about entrepreneurship in a global world. Your interview may be in person, on the phone, or through e-mail.

Step 1: Brainstorm Skills You Need to Complete this Activity

Your success in interviewing an entrepreneur will depend on your skills. Preview the activity. Then brainstorm a list of the skills you will need to use to complete the activity and describe how you will use them. Skills you might use include:

  • Academic Skills reading, writing, math, and science skills
  • Basic Skills speaking, listening, thinking, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills
  • Technology Skills word processing, keyboarding, database, spreadsheet

Skills Preview: Click here to view a graphic organizer you can use to brainstorm the skills you will use to complete the project.

Step 2: Choose a Business and a Career That Interest You

Think of an entrepreneurial business that you fi nd interesting. Then think of a career in this entrepreneurial business that interests you. As you investigate how entrepreneurs work in the global marketplace, you will research the effects of globalization and technology on the business and career of your choice.

Step 3: Build Background Knowledge

Preview entrepreneurship in a global economy.

Steps 4 to 6

Step 4: Connect with Your Community

Interview two adults in your community about inconveniences they experience during the course of a day. Then think about what goods or services an entrepreneur could create or import to lessen or eliminate these inconveniences. Could these goods or services be exported to other countries?

Step 5: Research Business Trends

Interview a local entrepreneur to find out about entrepreneurship in a global economy. Then prepare your presentation. Use the project research checklist as a guide to help you develop your interview questions and prepare your presentation.

Step 6: Develop a Report

Use presentation software to develop a 5-minute presentation that includes all of the information described in the checklist.

Entrepreneurship in a Global Economy

✔ Create a chart that illustrates the countries in which the entrepreneur you interviewed conducts business. Use the chart in your presentation.
✔ Explain how technology helped this company become global.
✔ Explain how the economy in the United States and in other countries helps or hinders the company’s success.
✔ Explain the rewards and risks this company has experienced in the global marketplace.
✔ Give examples of how this company is socially responsible

Self Connections

✔ Describe the results of your research with a family member or other adult.
✔ Describe how the entrepreneur you interviewed infl uenced the business and career in which you are interested.
✔ Explain what the investigation and its results mean to you

Inter bus ( reply discussion B)

Question Description

It is very likely that the sorts of political framework set up in Indonesia and India have assumed large parts in the pace of monetary improvement in these two countries. In the instance of Indonesia, President Suharto’s long reign in power (which finished in 1998) made a conservative totalitarian express that was master business. Suharto’s family became unimaginably rich simultaneously, yet it can likewise be contended that Indonesia’s overall public would not have fared so well finished these current decades if it was not for the reliability that the Suharto administration gave. Following a time of ace majority rule government exhibits, Indonesia held its initially free decision in 44 years in 1999. On the off chance that the nation moves far from the “Golkar” party, it will be fascinating to check whether genuine majority rules system will come to Indonesia and what it will mean for business and the economy. India is obviously a popular government and ought to in this manner make a steady business environment. In the past, various political gatherings and coming about coalition governments made it troublesome for India to make predictable arrangements on local monetary and business issues. One organization took an against free market position and the resulting one took an expert business position. This made India a hazardous suggestion for groups because the guidelines were obstinately inundation. In any case, today India is a master of business more than ever before in its history. All things considered, a few legislators empower against nonnative supposition and exhibits since they help to bind together the electorate.

Do you agree or disagree with your classmates’ posts? Reply in 200+ words.

I think that India is totally different and a totally different government from Indonesia. I think that even though India had a democratic system and therefore people could protest etc. in their country there was still a lot of corruption going on. This happened in the past where different parties that were leading the country made it difficult for there to be any consistency in the government at that time. When you have a democracy and the people make decisions it can sometime adversely affect the pace at which the country grows where as in Indonesia where the government makes most or all the decisions, it is growing at a much faster pace. Also, Indonesia has a very large export business like oil and when the price of oil goes up the economy is able to make a lot of money off of it and this is not the ae in India.

I think to move forward with any more business now you need to do a deeper dive into the government its processes and what the import and export looks like in these countries and what rep tape you may encounter when trying to set up a business. Even though India is a democracy now that is the rate of growth and how fast can you depend on that going forward.

Do you agree or disagree with your classmates’ posts? Reply in 200 words.

Inter Bus ( Task 5)

Question Description

Task 5 Regional Economic Integration and Financial Markets, and Monetary System

You cannot compete in international business without an understanding of the international monetary system and financial markets. As you complete these activities you will be prepared to engage in activities to apply this understanding.

Investigate Regional Economic Integration a levels of trade.

                          1. Study the graphic of the five levels of trade.
                          2. Watch the video on Free Trade Agreements
                          3. Read Chapter 8 on economic integration. Pay particular attention to
                              1. Five levels of trade integration
                              2. Arguments for and Against free trade
                              3. Integration in Europe
                              4. Integration in America
                              5. Integration in Asia

Supporters of free trade agreements are winning the argument as nations continue to form bilateral and multilateral agreements with other nations. When do you think the proliferation of regional trading blocs and the integration process will stop, if ever? Explain.

Certain groups of countries, particularly in Africa, are far less economically developed than other regions, such as Europe and North America. What sort of integration arrangement do you think developed countries could create with less developed nations to improve living standards?

Learn about the International Monetary System

  1. Read Euro Roller coaster in the beginning of the text Chapter 10. Then find out more about the Euro, which countries use the Euro, and issues surrounding the Euro. What is the exchange rate currently between the dollar and the Euro?
  2. Read Chapter 10 about exchange rates in world currency. What are exchange rates, how stable are they, what determines the exchange rate? What is purchasing power?
  3. Find out about fixed and floating exchange rates. First ask at least five people if they can explain the two. After you have researched the concepts, explain them to a friend or family.

Investigate the future of the International Monetary System.

  1. Watch
  2. Make a graphic that depicts the three possible scenarios for the future of the system for use in the lesson.
  3. Research the monetary crisis in Greece. What caused the crisis? What efforts were made to alleviate the situation? Were they successful? What is Greece’s financial situation now?

You are the chair of an IMF task force. Your job is to reevaluate the policy of bailing out national governments that suffer major losses in the private sector in the name of protecting the value of the currency. Taxpayers in industrial countries typically foot the bill for IMF activities, with loans typically running into the many billions of dollars. Some critics call this system a kind of “remnant socialism” that rescues financial institutions and investors from their own mistakes with taxpayer money. Financial crises often originate as private-sector affairs, but then central banks step in and pledge foreign exchange reserves to shore up the currency.

  1. Do you agree with the belief that the current system privatizes profits and then socializes losses if the government steps in with a bailout?
  2. What sort of alternative can you envision to replace the current system, which often involves an IMF bailout?

Inter Bus ( Lesson 7)

Question Description

Lesson 7

Activity 1: Analyzing Entry Modes

With your team, review the entry mode activity that you completed during the Task. Together you should have five different examples of company entry modes for each member. Organize your companies into like modes. You may have to negotiate and look up more information on the company and entry mode if you have conflicting information. Discuss why each was chosen and what the pros and cons of the choice are.

Then design a poster that shows the companies categorized by entry mode, product/service provided, international region or regions, and unique management requirements.

Activity 2: Team Project

This project is designed to introduce you to the complexity of negotiations and to help develop your negotiating skills. You will work in teams to complete the project.

Background: A Western European automobile manufacturer is considering entering markets in Southeast Asia. The company wants to construct an assembly plant outside Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, to assemble its lower-priced cars. Major components would come from manufacturing plants in Brazil, Poland, and China. The cars would then be sold in emerging markets throughout Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Managers are hoping to strike a $100 million joint venture deal with Vietnam’s government. The company would supply technology and management for the venture, and the government would contribute a minority share of financing to the venture. The company considers the government’s main contributions to be providing tax breaks (and other financial incentives) and a stable business environment in which to operate. Financial capital is flowing into Vietnam at a fair pace. The currency is strong, and inflation remains low. As with other nations in the region, investors are generally wary of the nation’s stability. The new auto assembly plant would boost the local economy, reduce unemployment, and increase local wages. But some local politicians fear the company might be interested only in exploiting the country’s relatively low-cost labor.

                    1. Directions:
                      1. In negotiating teams of three or four persons, half the teams will represent the company and the other half the government.
                      2. As a group, meet for 15 minutes to develop the team’s opening position and negotiating strategy.
                      3. Meet with a team from the other side and undertake 20 minutes of negotiations.
                      4. After the negotiating session, spend 15 minutes comparing the progress of your negotiations with that of the other pairs of teams.
                      5. Be ready to report to the whole group on the results of the negotiations, what barriers you encountered, and how you dealt with them.

Activity 3: Case Study Telecom

As a team read and analyze the case study at the end of Chapter 13 on Telecom. Use the following questions to guide your discussion but you will need to also do more research and dig deeper into the situation and issues.

  1. What strengths did AT&T bring to its joint venture with Unisource?
  2. Can you think of any potential complications that could have arisen in the AT&T–Unisource joint venture?
  3. Assess the formation of Global One, Unisource, and other partnerships in this case.
  4. What strategic factors might have influenced the entry mode choices that these firms made?

Case Study: MBA Schools in Asia-Pacific

Question Description

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ analytical capabilities to evaluate, analyze, and apply descriptive statistics techniques to real-world datasets.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Case Study: MBA Schools in Asia-Pacific

Review the Case Study: MBA Schools in Asia-Pacific and the Case Study: MBA Schools in Asia-Pacific Data set.

Prepare a 1,050-word managerial report for your boss.

Use the following questions for guidelines and directions on what to include in the report:

  1. What is the type of data (Quantitative or Qualitative) for each of the columns (variables) in the dataset? If quantitative, is the data discrete or continuous? Neatly summarize your response in a table for all the columns (variables).
  2. Using Excel®, find the mean, median, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and the three quartiles for each of the quantitative variables identified in part 1 above. Neatly summarize in a table on this document. Comment on what you observe.
  3. What are the minimum and maximum full-time enrollments? Which schools have the minimum and maximum full-time enrollments?
  4. What is the average number of students per faculty member? Is this low or high? What does this mean to prospective applicants who are interested in pursuing an MBA in one of the leading international business schools?
  5. What are the mean, median, and modal ages? What does this mean to prospective applicants?
  6. What is the mean percentage of foreign students? How many and which schools have 1% and 0% foreign students? Which schools have highest percentage of foreign students? Please state these percentages.
  7. What percentage of schools require the GMAT test?
  8. What percentage of schools require English tests such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)?
  9. What percentage of schools require work experience? From this percentage, does this appear to be a significant factor in gaining admissions?
  10. What are the mean and median starting salaries? Which schools have the minimum and maximum starting salaries? How much are these minimum and maximum salaries?
  11. What are the mean tuition for foreign students and for local students? Does there appear to be a significant difference? What is the difference between the two means?
  12. How many schools require work experience and how many of them don’t? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring work experience? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring no work experience?
  13. How many schools require English tests and how many don’t? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring English tests? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring no English tests?
  14. Comment on the skewness for the data on starting salaries:
  15. Plot a histogram and determine the skewness.
  16. Find the skewness coefficient.
  17. Find the mean, median, and mode for starting salaries and compare the three measures to determine skewness.
  18. Finally, use Empirical Rule on the starting salaries and determine whether the salaries follow the Empirical Rule.

Format your assignment consistent with APA format.

Use in-text citations according to references used.

List all references used.

Submit both word document and the Excel file

(show the calculations you made) in both files

Milestone III

Question Description

Overview: The final project for this course is the creation of an impact of governmental action on a business paper. For Milestone Three you will submit theAnalysis section of your final project, which is Section II of the critical elements. Your analysis should include answers to all the questions in the Analysis section on business environment, sustainability, internal resources, communication, company image, response, impact, and external resources.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Analysis: After submitting your overview, your boss is having second thoughts about bringing Jack Harris and his firm, Crisis Consulting, on board. Before he makes his final decision he has asked you to provide him with a thorough analysis of the situation faced by your business. He asks you to prepare a memorandum to him (the CEO) analyzing the situation that your business faces as well as the resources that are available to it. Address the following:

  1. Business Environment: Based on your analysis of the governmental action or political challenge, what will be the impact of the governmentalaction or political challenge on the business’s financial situation and operations? Does the action represent an opportunity or a threat?
  2. Sustainability: Based on your analysis of the governmental action or political challenge, how will the governmental action or political challenge impact the sustainability of the business?
  3. Internal Resources: Evaluate the internal resources of the company, including the business project teams that are available to respond to the opportunity or threat. In other words, is the business adequately organized to address the opportunity or threat?
  4. Communication: How has information about the situation been communicated to various stakeholders? For example, have any public hearings been held? Have the radio, newspapers, or social media been used?
  5. Company Image: Assess how the situation has affected the company’s public image. Has the impact been primarily positive or negative? If the impact has been primarily negative, what are the positive aspects in addition to the negative aspects? If the impact has been primarily positive, what are the negative aspects in addition to the positive aspects?
  6. Response: What are the potential courses of action to respond to the situation in the current macroeconomic and business environment? In other words, what is the range of options for the business in this situation?
  7. Impact: How will these courses of action impact the business? Make sure to consider both short- and long-term impacts, including operational, financial, and ethical implications.
  8. External Resources: Evaluate the roles and functions of third parties or external resources in the situation. Consider questions such as these in your response: How will lobbyists be involved in the situation? Will there be public affairs professionals who will argue on behalf of the government or the business?

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as an 8-10 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one- inch margins, and sources cited in APA format.

The business is Tesla inc

Also make sure the memorandum is written as such to the executive.