Two assignments comes with tools

Question Description

Week 5 Marketing

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Course Project Part 2

This course has major project assignments due in Week 3 and Week 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and work on those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.

This week, you will finalize your marketing plan for your selected product or service. In preparing for Part II, you may have to consider some of the suggestions made by the instructor in Part I feedback. You will use the same scenario for this week’s work as you selected for the week 3 work.

Complete the following for your marketing plan:

  • Justify the pricing strategy you will employ. Perform a breakeven analysis to determine how many customers you will need to make your business financially viable.
  • Defend your distribution strategy. Determine if there are additional channels you should pursue and why.
  • Justify your integrated marketing communications plan. Discuss the key themes of your campaign and link them to how your business, service, or product will satisfy your target market needs. Describe each element of the promotional mix in detail and explain how you will integrate the different elements of your promotional mix toward the target market using the key themes. This includes the following elements:
    • Advertising
    • Public relations
    • Sales promotion
    • Personal selling
    • Direct marketing
    • Interactive marketing
  • Defend an implementation schedule for your marketing plan. Outline the time frame for the different media campaigns and specify milestones. You should outline who will be responsible for each action item and how you will track the deadlines to ensure the plan stays on schedule.
  • Justify an evaluation process for the effectiveness of the marketing plan, including use of a marketing dashboard that includes a sample dashboard.
  • In table format, synthesized estimates for the marketing budget.

Additionally, you have been asked to prepare a budget. The budget should include estimates of forecasted sales, direct cost of sales, and your marketing expense budget. (Create an Excel sheet with the budget estimates and then copy/paste into your Word document.)

Submission Details:

  • Submit your case study analysis in a 7- to 10-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
  • Name your document SU_MKT3010_W5_LastName_FirstInitial.doc
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Week 5 Finance

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Course Project


Compile the information you have gathered on your companies in weeks 1-4 to answer the following questions.

  • What is the relationship between your companies and their respective employees and investors? How do these relationships affect financial performance?
  • Are there any issues outstanding for your companies? How do these issues affect the overall financial viability of your companies?
  • Compare and contrast your two companies using the financial statements for the two firms and the accumulated data.
  • Justify if you were going to make an investment in one of the two companies, which one would you select? Why?
  • Prepare a comprehensive final report that summarizes your research and analysis of the two companies you selected for your Final Project over all weeks of this course.

Submission Details:

  • Submit a 4-5 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style
  • Name your file: SU_FIN4060_W5_CP_LastName_FirstInitial.doc
  • Submit your assignment to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

COMM142 Reading Response 1

Question Description

(650-1000 words)

In Media/Society: Technology, Industries, Content, and Users, David R. Croteau and William Hoynes (2019, p. 13) define agency as follows, adding an example from education:

Agency is intentional and undetermined human action. Human agency reproduces—or sometimes changes—social structure. . . . With education, students have some leeway in what they study, how much time and energy they spend on schoolwork, and whether or not they even continue their studies. But, overall, their actions typically reinforce an existing model of education that has evolved only modestly in the last century. . . . [W]hile structure constrains agency, it is human agency that either alters or maintains social structures.

Rojek, on page 76 of Pop Music, Pop Culture, writes:

Whereas structuralism foregrounds the desiderata that are alleged to condition or determine individual and group action, the agency perspective launches from the position of the knowledge, motivation and action of social actors to transform history and socio-economic contexts. It takes for granted that the central defect of the structuralist approach is to deny creativity, variation and cultural difference. . . . Against this, agency approaches emphasize the creativity and aesthetic contribution of artists and audiences and their attempt to make meaning and act upon society and history. The caveat here is that subjective choice and practice are conceived not as autonomous, but as entwined in fields of knowledge and power that prioritize specific types of embodiment, recognition and conduct.

Pick one or two texts/writers we have read or read about, up to and including Week Five, the week of this assignment’s deadline. These texts may also be e.g. individual perspectives (Plato/Aristotle, relationism, etc.) discussed by Rojek in our textbook. Using examples from your own experience and/or various music-related media, explain where these texts/writers locate listeners’ and/or musicians’ agency. What, according to these texts/writers, is our agency in our everyday listening or in our musical performances? Where do these authors find “intentional and undetermined human action” or “the creativity and aesthetic contribution of artists and audiences and their attempt to make meaning and act upon society and history”? Do these texts/writers allow for agency at all?

Further notes/recommendations (also remember to revisit the syllabus for further information):

  • Be sure to use the space you have efficiently. Choosing just one text may be enough if you have strong arguments in your discussion of its up- and downsides and if you bring in carefully selected ideas from other texts for comparison. Two texts/writers may work well for a comparison.
  • While, of course, short summaries of selected texts’/writers’ main arguments should be included in your text, be sure to focus on the application of their ideas to your examples, and focus on your critical evaluation of these ideas. To quote the syllabus: “How do the readings help us to understand the relationship between popular music and everyday life? Do these readings speak to your personal experience as a consumer or producer of music? Are there alternative ways of thinking about what the readings discuss? If so, what are they?”
  • Be sure to isolate the key arguments of the texts you focus on. Don’t feel like you have to explain a text’s/writer’s minor lines of thought. Instead, take a reading’s key point and engage with it through evidence as well as comparison.

Unit II: Power Point

Question Description

Your company wants to put a ball-bearing factory in Africa. Your company predicts this is where the most growth will be in the 21st century. Your assignment is to research a country on the African continent that you think would be the most advantageous to your company in cultural, economic, and political environments.

Your assignment is to point out and explain the facts or statistics that you think would make this country a good place to build and staff your factory. Remember to keep the cultural, economic, and political environments in mind. Your presentation must include at least two facts or statistics that relate to each environmental area (cultural, economic, and political).

Feel free to use the suggested readings as a starting point for your research on sources of data about different countries in the world. You must use at least three authoritative sources, and you are required to use the CSU Online Library for at least one of your sources. Pull a minimum of two facts or statistics from each source that you use.

Some good examples of authoritative sources are provided below:

The Academic Search Complete database features information on countries through the CIA World Factbook.

The Business Source Complete database has a “Country Report” that can be selected in the Publication Type area. These reports by country can be 200-plus pages and are very in depth.

Your PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides. Be sure to use APA guidelines to cite and reference the sources for your facts.Your company wants to put a ball-bearing factory in Africa. Your company predicts this is where the most growth will be in the 21st century. Your assignment is to research a country on the African continent that you think would be the most advantageous to your company in cultural, economic, and political environments.

Your assignment is to point out and explain the facts or statistics that you think would make this country a good place to build and staff your factory. Remember to keep the cultural, economic, and political environments in mind. Your presentation must include at least two facts or statistics that relate to each environmental area (cultural, economic, and political).

Feel free to use the suggested readings as a starting point for your research on sources of data about different countries in the world. You must use at least three authoritative sources, and you are required to use the CSU Online Library for at least one of your sources. Pull a minimum of two facts or statistics from each source that you use.

Some good examples of authoritative sources are provided below:

The Academic Search Complete database features information on countries through the CIA World Factbook.

The Business Source Complete database has a “Country Report” that can be selected in the Publication Type area. These reports by country can be 200-plus pages and are very in depth.

Your PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides. Be sure to use APA guidelines to cite and reference the sources for your facts.

Do the following quiz

Question Description

1. The study of business law does not involve an ethical dimension.

A. True

B. False

2. Remedies in equity include injunctions.

A. True

B. False

3. Elroy and Fern are involved in a class action lawsuit. This is

A. a mock trial conducted as part of a class.

B. a judicial proceeding actively involving students.

C. a lawsuit in which a number of persons join together.

D. a moot court.

4. The term moral minimum is best defined as the highest degree of ethical behavior expected of a firm.

A. True

B. False

5. Egan manages the ethics program of Farm2Store, Inc., an organic food distribution company. In that capacity, Egan is most likely not in charge of

A. communicating the importance of ethical conduct to employees.

B. ethical training seminars.

C. internal ethical audits.

D. ethical reviews of employees’ family members.

6. The court of original jurisdiction in California is the

A. Municipal Court

B. Superior Court

C. District Court

D. Supreme Court

7. The commerce clause has had no greater impact on business than any other provision in the Constitution.

A. True

B. False

8. A statute enacted by the Wyoming state legislature to regulate trucking affects interstate commerce. In evaluating this statute, the courts will weigh the burden that it imposes on interstate commerce against

A. the courts’ authority to determine that a law is unconstitutional.

B. the purpose of interstate commerce.

C. the state’s interest in regulating the matter.

D. the statute’s impact on noneconomic activity.

9. Publication of a statement that casts doubt on another’s legal ownership of any property is not a tort.

A. True

B. False

10. In a tweet to Ann, a reporter for the website Blast!, Carl falsely accuses Database Corporation of cheating on its taxes. Making this statement is

A. defamation

B. not defamation because it is an opinion.

C. Not defamation because it refers to a crime, not a tort.

D. not defamation because it was communicated electronically.

11. Intellectual property is property resulting from intellectual, creative processes.

A. True

B. False

12. In a criminal case, the state must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

A. True

B. False

13. Opal, an employee of Peoples Bank, deposits into her account checks entrusted to the bank through its ATM system by customers to deposit into their accounts. This is

A. robbery.

B. embezzlement.

C. larceny.

D. wire fraud.

14. Contract law governs all promises.

A. True

B. False

15. Field Construction Inc. contracts with Mesa Ranch to build a new horse barn on Mesa’s property for which Mesa agrees to pay. The elements of this, and any other, contract include

A. capability.

B. legality.

C. necessity

D. marketability.

16. An offer terminates automatically when the period of time specified in the offer has passed.

A. True

B. False

17. Rich, an auctioneer, puts a sailboat up for auction. Rich is

A. the offeror.

B. the offeree.

C. the bidder

D. none of the choices.

18. Consideration refers to the serious thought that underlies a party’s intent to enter into a contract.

A. True

B. False

19. Maria is the sheriff of Narez, Texas. Oscar robs a Narez gas station and a $500 reward is offered for his capture. When, later, Maria finds and arrests him, with respect to the reward, she can

A. Collect it.

B. not collect it because she had a preexisting duty to capture Oscar

C. not collect it because it is not legally sufficient consideration.

D. Not collect it because it is an illusory promise.

Leadership Development Project

Question Description

The objectives of this course were 1) to help you assess your existing leadership strengths and weaknesses, and 2) to help you develop a plan to address one or more leadership goal(s). The deliverable used to address these objectives is the Leadership Development Project. Below are the requirements for the LDP. The entire project should be no longer than 4 pages double spaced (including the goal setting chart). You do not need a title page.

Your paper should contain the following sections:

1. Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses:

  • Self-Assessments – In this section you should discuss the results from all of the self assessments you took during the semester (e.g., LTQ). You do not have to mention the results of all of the assessments but you must mention a minimum of six and you should choose those that were most significant or relevant for you; either because you had an exceptionally high or low score, or because it fit with a theme supported by scores from your other assessments or interviews.
  • Interviews – In addition to the self assessments you will need to interview two people you have worked with recently (e.g., coworkers, supervisors, former supervisors, etc.) The important thing is to choose people whose opinion you respect and who will give you HONEST feedback. You will ask them to provide you with what they perceive to be your three greatest leadership strengths and three greatest leadership weaknesses, and to provide you with rationale for their choices. Perhaps ask them to give you some examples of when these behaviors have been demonstrated. *DO NOT argue with them or defend yourself, and monitor yourself to make sure you are not angry or defensive. Only ask questions to help you clarify their perspective.
  • Strengths/Weaknesses Conclusions – Once you have the interview data and the self assessments you should look for themes or trends. What do you appear to do well as a leader? What do you struggle with? This is the most important section of the LDP because you will choose one or two weaknesses from here to focus on for your “Goal Setting” portion of the project. This is an integrative paper, a summary of what you will take away from the class. Please do not simply list your self-assessment scores. *A short one or two sentences is NOT sufficient for this section.

2. Goal Setting: What changes do you want to make? Based on the conclusions you were able to generate in the previous section regarding weaknesses, create at least one developmental goal for improving your leadership skills, and a plan for achieving that goal. Refer to the previous sections, and think about the things that you learned about yourself that you may have been surprised by or disappointed in. Your goals should be specific, measurable, challenging but attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound. You can use the attached sample as a guideline for creating your developmental plan.

Often the difference between an A paper and a B/C paper is the ability to summarize rather than “list” the results, and the presence of MEASURABLE and TIME-BOUND goals.

Answer below question

Question Description

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format. Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.

Read the below journal.

A Genre-Based Analysis of Forward-Looking Statements in Corporate Social Responsibility Reports

Yu, Danni; Bondi, Marina
Written Communication, v36 n3 p379-409 Jul 2019. 31 pp.
SAGE Publications. 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320. Tel: 800-818-7243; Tel: 805-499-9774; Fax: 800-583-2665; e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed:
Corporations, Social Responsibility, Reports, Business Communication, Reputation, Language Patterns, Literary Genres, Contrastive Linguistics, Italian, Chinese, English
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports are becoming a widespread corporate discourse practice and are often considered corporate image-building documents. The present study examines forward-looking statements in CSR reports from a genre-based perspective, aiming to better understand the textual practices of reporting genres in a globalized context and to raise awareness about ways they are used to shape perception of corporate activity. Using a corpus of 90 CSR reports in Chinese, English, and Italian and a subcorpus annotated with the “previewing future performance” move, the study combines a focus on genre-related contextual features and rhetorical patterns of CSR reports with a corpus-based study of future markers. The analysis reveals some cross-cultural variation in the distribution of the move, while its commissive function marks a common trend. Words indicating change (miglior*/??/improv*) are found to be frequently used for future reference in all three languages, suggesting that future discourse, though regarded as an optional element of the genre, is widely exploited by companies in actual practice to promote a committed corporate image in CSR. Based on this analysis, the study puts forward the notion of “writing conformity,” a general feature of many reporting genres, which may turn out to pose new and important challenges for professional writers.
As Provided
Number of References:
Number of Pages:
Publication Type:
Journal Articles; Reports – Research
Journal Code:
Entry Date:
Accession Number:

Business plan

Question Description

Site: Pearson Collections
Section or Module: ENTR 5000 Entrepreneurship Process for Freeman at WU
Expiration Date: Feb 20, 2020
Click to Log in:

ID: Willied71pcola

PW: Student123

Question 1:

Complete the following Key Concept Question from page 400 of Chapter 10, The Business Plan: Road Map to Success in the textbook. Provide a short summary, a paragraph should be sufficient.

7. Explain why the executive summary is the most important section of any business plan. (half a page)

Question 2:

Using template provided below, prepare an application of the Business Model Canvas for your Business Plan. Include a comment or two for each of the blocks in the model. For an example, refer to Chapter 10, The Business Plan: Road Map to Success, p. 378-380, in your textbook. The intent is primarily to have you thinking about this methodology as a way to move forward with your business plan.


  1. Download the template.
  2. Using MS Word, modify the canvas document, replacing the “Type text here” placeholder in each block with information about your project company.
  3. Type your name, the company name, and the date in the header at the top of the document.
  4. Save the document.
  5. Upload your completed document to this assignment.

Business Plan: Co-Let’s-Go!

Professional carpooling, servicing the growing Huntsville, AL area.

Huntsville, Alabama stands out among cities in the Southeast by being repeatedly named by publications as one of the best places to live in the region. These ratings are for both business and for quality of life, two things for which the city scores high marks. Fortune 500 companies call Huntsville home. Industries related to technology and defense are common here, such as the Army’s Redstone Arsenal, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, 2nd FBI headquarters, and Cummings Research Park. Southern heritage mixes with high-tech entrepreneurial spirit to make a town with a high quality of life.

The city has outgrown its traditional two lane highway commute. Forcing citizens to endure hours of traffic.

thr Co-Let’s-Go. Coworkers let’s go, is a professional carpooling service designed to cut down on traffic, encourage more family time, and improve our city as each of the heavily populated locations will have two-three roving F650 44 passenger bus, equipped with a barista stand. Offering coffee in the morning and light juice and water in the afternoon. The service will offer mimosas and beer on Fridays after license obtainment.

Content of Your Business Plan

To ensure you cover all essential components of a solid business plan, you should use one of the tables of contents presented in the course as a guide:

You should include a well-developed sales and marketing plan, although time may prevent you from fully developing all of the topics. Likewise, the financial presentation is a lesser priority, but you should include a description of the business model at a minimum. Be sure to answer the question, “How do you plan to make money?”

Rationale for Agency Selected

Question Description

For this and the following assignments, which will become a major

part of your portfolio, you will take on the role of a consultant for a

government agency. The first role of the consultant is to familiarize

yourself with the agency, its departments, and key actors. Select a

local, county, state, or federal agency and a department within the

agency. Usually, you can find contact information on their Websites.

After selecting an agency and department, you are expected to:

  1. Provide a rationale for your selection, and research the agency and department.
  2. Interviewat least two (2) representatives of the agency’s department for thedifferent sections of the paper. (If you can obtain more than two (2)different interviews, do so. The more perspectives, the better.Interviews can be conducted in person, by phone, or by an electronicmethod such as email.)
  3. Research the literature regarding issues that involve the selected agency and public administration in general.

Assumethe role of a consultant who works for a consulting firm that has askedyou to research this agency and file a report with the Vice President(VP) of Accounts and Client Support.

Write a two to three(2-3) page paper, titled Part I: Background of and Rationale for the{Selected Agency} in which you separate the content into sections:

  1. Providebackground information about the agency and its department, mission,and its goals / objectives. (Title this section Introduction.)
  2. Describe three to five (3-5) functions of this agency. (Title this section Functions of the Agency.)
  3. Analyzetwo to three (2-3) current events involving the agency. (Use thee-Activities from Week 1 and Week 2.) (Title this section CurrentEvents.)
  4. Explain the rationale for selecting this agency with two to three (2-3) justifiable reasons. (Title this section Rationale.)
  5. Listfour to five (4-5) academic sources and government Websites you expectto access in your research. (Include no more than one (1) non-governmentWebsite.)

Some Websites you may want to access are:

When using these sites, please make sure they follow APA formatting within the text and on the Reference Page.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Betyped, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), withone-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APAformat. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Includea cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’sname, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The sectionsmust have appropriate titles. The cover page and the reference page arenot included in the required assignment page length. The assignmentmust be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine the basic components and functions of public sector administration.
  • Recommend ways to improve specific areas of public administration.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in public administration.
  • Write clearly and concisely about public administration using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality,logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, usingthe following rubric.

Click here to view the grading rubric.

Case Study: Cyber Security

Question Description

One of the responsibilities placed on managers in today’s On-Demand Economy is that of ensuring that the business processes are held to a high degree of cybersecurity. Because the concept of data-on-demand is an operational necessity that places the enterprise’s and customers’ resources at risk to potential fraudulent hacks, all employees, including those that sit in the loftiest of office spaces, must be trained, made aware of the various methods and practices that can lead to vulnerabilities, and held to very high standards of compliance with standard cybersecurity practices.

The growth of mobile technologies and the IoT have played a significant role in the On-Demand Economy environment. A downside to the proliferation of such technologies is the cracks and doors into the corporate and agency networks that have been opened along the data path, allowing for an increased level of black hat intrusions and reconnaissance.

Case Study Assignment

Download the APA Style Template (DOCX) and review the Case Study Requirements section.

Conduct research on various methodologies and solutions relating to the implementation of effective cybersecurity programs that may be utilized to thwart outside-agency attacks on an enterprise’s networks. Your approach here should be to seek out scholarly source data relating to examples of the various cybersecurity measures that top management and IT departments might provide for employees and contractors, including data access enforcement, network intrusion detection and prevention systems, and real-time responses to incidents and attacks. You could focus your research on any one of the various types of defenses such as anti-malware applications, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs), biometric access, rogue app monitoring, mobile kill switch, or remote wipe capability technologies.

Follow the guidelines in the Case Study Requirements section.

Case Study assignments require you to analyze real-world information systems topics and provide examples that illustrate how prominent businesses and organizations implement the theoretical concepts you are studying. Case Study assignments provide a broader, integrated, critical thinking process that helps you to expand on and clarify your understanding of the information systems topics.

Be sure to conduct in-depth research on the topics and provide factual details obtained from primary sources that support the case that you are making. It is strongly recommended that you conduct research utilizing the ERAU Hunt Library. The Hunt Library contains a great amount of information on aviation and other topics. A benefit of utilizing the Hunt Library is the availability of the APA style citation/reference tool that is provided when conducting research utilizing the EAGLEsearch feature. This tool can automatically provide the proper APA style formats for citations and references.

Use the APA Style Template as a guide for completing this assignment. Delete the notes and fill in the template with your data.

  • Scholarly paper
  • Microsoft Word® (DOCX)
  • Current APA style
    • Times New Roman font
    • 12 pt font
    • Double-spaced lines
    • Title Page
    • Page Headers on all pages
    • Abstract page
    • Body of the Text
      • Introductory paragraph
      • Citations
      • Conclusion
    • Reference List page
  • MINIMUM of TWO FULL pages in the Body of the Text
  • Provide data from research utilizing a minimum of TWO primary sources OUTSIDE of the course textbook.

Complete Intro to Business TASK (WATTS)

Question Description

Writing Assignment 1:Chapter 4 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

  • OrganixProducts
  • Personal Responsibility and Corporate Responsibility
  • Inflated Expense Reports

If you’ve ever spent more than 60 seconds in the hair-care aisle at Walgreens

or CVS, you have likely seen products by Organix.The products by the trademarked brand are packaged in rounded, solid-color bottles with gold or black text describing signature ingredients, such as Brazilian keratin therapy, Moroccan argan oil, teatree mint shampoo.The shampoos and conditioners generally sell for between $5 and $10.In 2012, the brand generated $250 million in revenue. Despite the brand name, none of the Organix products are organic—the company doesn’t claim they are. Organix’s parent company wants to sell it, but large beauty companies like Procter & Gamble and L’Oréal, which seem like obvious buyers, are not at all interested.

Do you think Organix has an ethical issue? Why or why not?

If you were in charge of acquisitions at a beauty company, would you consider purchasing Organix?Do some research on the company, then make a decision and defend it. (25pts)

A growing number of businesses—including videogame developers, cigarette companies, soft drink producers, liquor marketers, and fast food chains—are feeling the heat from government, the press, and society at large for encouraging harmful consumer habits. But in our free market economy, people are free to choose the products they consume (within legal boundaries, of course).

Where does personal responsibility end and corporate responsibility begin?How does your response change across specific industries?What role (if any) do you believe the government should play?Develop a rationale for each of your answers. (25 pts)

You’ve just done a great job on a recent project at your company. Your boss has been very vocal about acknowledging your work and the increased revenue that resulted from it. Privately, she said that you clearly earned a bonus of at least 10%, but due to company politics, she was unable to secure the bonus for you. She also implied that if you were to submit inflated expense reports for the next few months, she would look the other way, and you could pocket the extra cash as well-deserved compensation for your contributions.

What should you do? Why? (25 pts)

4.Corporate Philanthropy

Student should develop a corporate philanthropy concept for three of the businesses listed below. Choose ideas that are likely to help the business serve the community, build employee morale, and build long-term profitability. Keep in mind that the best programs feature a close link between the firm’s product or customers and the needs of the community. A hair salon, for instance, might offer a year of free haircuts to people who donate their hair to Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for cancer victims. To find the most creative ideas, spend a few moments brainstorming each business before you finalize your plan.

  • A city newspaper
  • A hip-hop music label
  • A computer repair service
  • A local hot dog stand
  • A leading brand of frozen pizza
  • A national department store

Student should explain how each idea will serve the community, build employee morale, and pump up the bottom line. (25pts)