Inter Bus ( reply discussion c)

Question Description

Politics plays a role outside the business as well as inside. Inside the company you have the hierarchy of leaders and managers that sales teams, IT staff and the accounting team report to. The Company founders and acting CEO will affect the values and ethics of the business along with the internal politics. Internal politics can affect the productivity of a work place. If the boss is neglecting the needs of his employees, they will spend time arguing about their issues or leaving the company.

External politics would be the government of the country you plan to operate in. The political attitude of the region will dictate how you will operate in that location. Like our discussion about India and Indonesia, the way a government is run, and the success of the economy does affect how business is run.

When looking at countries when expanding it would be crucial to ask yourself specific questions about that region. Important questions would be:

How does the government run?

Is it a religious regime?

What laws must you follow?

Business laws vary from country to country and it would be invaluable to learn them. Neglecting to follow the laws of the country would have that branch of your company shut down.

When starting the new branch, combining both internal and external politics would help your success. Some countries hugely value religion and incorporating some of the region’s values into your company can help the community trust the business. Other countries do not believe in gender equality and would prefer a man to be in positions of power.

Do you agree or disagree with your classmates’ posts? Reply in 200+ words.

What role does politics play in international business?

Despite the globalization of business, companies must adhere to the domestic rules and regulations of the countries in which they operate. Moreover, particular industries such as those that fall under national security (defense, telecommunications, and infrastructure) are essential to international business, in the sense that the domestic government is vigilant of those whom own the ports within its country. If problems arise within national security it can impact both the import and exports of a country. For example, government technological information could be leaked to suspicious, foreign entities.

Governments also use trade as a vindictive measure if they believe another country is politically or economically unjust. On the contrary, governments may promote trade to show a country political support on global matters. Governments create tariffs, subsidies; import quotas and voluntary export restraints (VER’s), currency controls, local content requirements, anti-dumping rules, export financing, free-trade zones, and administrative policies in order to manage and control international trade.

Additionally, the reactions of the local people that are linked to their political systems are equally important. The reactions of the locals are difficult to analyze and more unpredictable than structural political factors, and with modern-day social media networking—where things go viral in a matter of minutes—governments must be particularly cautious of how its political tactics affect its people. An example that stresses the importance of the people is Google Map’s repeated slip ups over the classification of disputed territories. These errors have angered or raised protest, boycotts, petitions and open censure from several countries such as Israel, the Palestinians, China, India, Iran, Nicaragua, Turkey and the Sahrawis.

Undoubtedly, politics plays an extremely crucial role in international business.

Do you agree or disagree with your classmates’ posts? Reply in 200+ words.

Wk 2 Discussion – Factors Influencing Strategic Planning

Question Description

Discussion Topic- Respond to the two peers post below in 125 word count

Post a total of 2 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Consider a company with which you are familiar. Discuss what might be in the organizations external, general, or industry environment that would influence strategic planning for that company.

Due Monday

Reply to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses.

By Tosha

A business concept that looks perfect on paper may prove imperfect in the real world. Sometimes failure is due to the internal environment – the company’s finances, personnel or equipment. Sometimes it’s the environment surrounding the company. Knowing how internal and external environmental factors affect your company can help your business thrive.

In a bad economy, even a well-run business may not be able to survive. If customers lose their jobs or take jobs that can barely support them, they’ll spend less on sports, recreation, gifts, luxury goods and new cars. High interest rates on credit cards can discourage customers from spending. You can’t control the economy, but understanding it can help you spot threats and opportunities.

Unless you’re a one-person show, your employees are a major part of your company’s internal environment. Your employees have to be good at their jobs, whether it’s writing code or selling products to strangers. Managers have to be good at handling lower-level employees and overseeing other parts of the internal environment. Even if everyone’s capable and talented, internal politics and conflicts can wreck a good company.

By Tasha

Microsoft is the company I will focus on for this assignment. External environmental influences include understanding the competition and considering how to gain market share. For example, Microsoft’s Windows phone struggled to gain market share, had challenges with getting application developers to create apps for the phone and therefore made it ultimately impossible to compete in the mobile phone space. As a result, Microsoft made a decision to sell off it’s Windows mobile phone business to remain focused on its cloud services and gaining more market share in a space where it could be successful, and has proven this strategy a good direction. General environmental factors include governmental regulations on data accessibility, accessibility for those with disabilities and overall security, which challenge companies like Microsoft to ensure these factors are taken into consideration in their strategic plan. Microsoft has an entire organization devoted to accessibility to ensure products are being developed with those with disabilities in mind. Teams, Microsoft’s collaboration software, includes accessibility features such as a screen reader and a mailtip which checks text for accessibility content. This identifies text that might make the content difficult for people with disabilities to consume. Industry environmental factors such as competitors delivering cloud services priced less or with features and functionality that Microsoft hasn’t introduced yet force Microsoft to evaluate the software and solutions it produces to understand how to differentiate them from competitors. Threats of new entrants is another critical area for Microsoft to consider. Microsoft recognizes that it came late to the cloud business, but because of the investment the leadership has put in its cloud business, it has been able to catch up to competitors like Amazon and IBM to take market share from them.

Business and Management

Question Description

Statement of Need
Gateway International Missions, Inc. (GIMI) is a nonprofit organization which the primary function and focus are to share the gospel of Jesus Christ primarily in Africa and mostly in Kenya where we have been for over 25 years. In its course of actions, GIMI extends the mission by doing a lot of humanitarian work in all the countries that we go to share the gospel with have shipped millions of dollars’ worth of medical equipment here to the prison hospitals in Kenya, also in Uganda, and as far as Ghana West Africa. Mainly, we assist to individuals, families, and communities with need in necessities. One of our primary emphasis is as we try to minister the population, we try to help children. In that optic, we decide to contribute to the eradication of malaria in Benin. Malaria is one of the diseases suffered by most Beninese people and particularly children. It is caused by the bite of the female anopheles (mosquito) that transmits the parasite to humans. Indeed, “42.9% of general consultation of the population concerns the affection of malaria and 49.5% in the children of 5 years old who are generally the first victims of this pandemic” (ReliefWeb, 2017).
Malaria is the first reason for hospitalization in the country’s hospitals. The leading cause of death, especially in the ranks of children under 5, is malaria, which has the highest incidence.
GIMI role is to amend and help with getting 5,000 impregnated mosquito nets to help the lagoon population, especially the children to help fight this unnecessary disease that is decimating the young generation. These children are vulnerable, and we intend to come to their rescue in conjunction with the local authorities’ efforts.
here is the instructions: This section is often the bulk of a Grant Proposal and requires a great deal of thought, planning and purposeful writing.
The first step is to write a goal with a series of objectives to solve “the problem” you identified in the “Statement of Need”. The objectives need to be chronologically ordered and specific. A combination of behavioral, performance, process and product objectives are recommended. In general, you will have three objectives for each goal. Each objective will have multiple strategies and each strategy will have multiple activities. This is why it is important to focus on one problem/need. I suggest creating no more than one or two goals for this proposal.
Then based on the project goal and objectives, you need to identify and explain the activities to implement your organization’s “solution” based on your strategies. Be sure your activity description is comprehensive. For example, if you plan to hire new staff, think through all the issues to get this process done [e.g. advertisement, interviews, background checks, references check, etc…] and the time it would take to complete the hiring process.
You also need to keep in mind two other issues. First, your objectives are the items to be assessed in the evaluation component of the Grant. Objectives should be SMART. Secondly, when you create your budget summary, the individual line items will reflect the costs associated with the activities that are fulfilling the objectives.
Don’t forget to use a timeline table in your Project Description. Whether it’s a Gantt chart or a similar table illustrated in the textbooks, it serves as a valuable planning function.

Journal 1 chapter 1 , Journal 2 chapter 2 , Journal 3 chapter 20 , Journal 4 chapter 13

Question Description

IWhat to Include

I’m looking for two main components in each entry:

  • First, take a paragraph or so to give a concise overview of what you have read. I’d rather see you choose just a few important points from the text to describe rather than try to summarize everything only superficially.
  • Second, include a paragraph reacting to and/or applying that information, for example, how the information applies to your field, future work, or past experience.
  • Please make sure to use that book cuz your not gonna be able to work with out it it’s required. The book is : The text for the course will be Richard Johnson-Sheehan’s textbook Technical Communication Today, 6th edition
    – The teacher is so struck so please make sure about everything and make it clear. This is a major class so I need an A in these assignment. Make sure to make every assignment in different paper and different file I need every one of these 4 assignment to be in different file by it self cuz I’ll submit it every one of them by it self. • I’ll but an example dawn of assignment that receive the full grade. To help you understand what I’m looking for. Please no copy from the internet I trust you. I need a word document and PDF from each one. Send it to my email I need it by 6 am.
    Thanks. Here’s an example of a journal entry that earned full credit:
    “Chapter 17 of “Technical Communication Today” provides information on letters and memos, including: how to differentiate one from the other, the various types of each, and how to properly format them. Perhaps the most important aspect regarding the two is that letters are written to those outside of the workplace while memos are used to communicate with coworkers. When you write a letter in a professional setting, you are acting as a representative of the company you work for. The style and tone you take in the writing will make an impression on the reader. Oftentimes, things we say to our coworkers would be not be appropriate for others outside the company to know, and this idea must be kept in mind when writing.”I found the most relevant section of the chapter for me to be the style of writing. The style can be essential in conveying information to the reader, and how they respond can be largely dependent on how you wrote the letter or memo. I think this is important for me to remember as I move forward in my career because, with today’s technology, communication is instantaneous. In seconds, a letter or memo that is written can spread through a company or multiple organizations. If that writing is poorly constructed or has an offensive tone to it, there can be severe consequences for the writer and the company represented. When working on the assigned letter this week, I am setting a goal for myself to avoid using bureaucratic phrasing. It does not sound appropriate when read aloud and can complicate information and statements. Sounding bureaucratic has been a problem of mine in the past because I felt that the larger the words I used, the better my writing was. However, I realize that is not the case, and it may have the opposite effect on my readers.”

Project Management History & Stakeholder Management

Question Description

The discussion on stakeholders went better than expected. Everyone seems to be on the same page. But now, the team is unsure of who should be included as stakeholders in the communication management plan. The team realizes that there are a lot more stakeholders on the project than expected. In addition to the team itself, there are other internal and external stakeholders who must be considered.

Although all of your team members work in the sales and marketing function, they all bring unique skills and experiences to this project. Many have worked in other departments prior to their new role or have duel responsibilities in the company.

“This is a make-or-break project for us at this point,” says Jim. “We have to get it right the first time. If we miss any stakeholders in our communication, it could be devastating to the success of the project.”

Jim turns to you. “I need you to lead the team in conducting a stakeholder analysis. We need to make sure to include all of the stakeholders, their background, contribution to the project, and level of priority to the project communication. You will be working with your four teammates in performing the stakeholder analysis and transferring this information to the project charter for review.”

“Okay,” you say. “Can everyone give me a little bit of background about work experience and education?”

“Sure,” says Jerry Lawson. “I have an MS in Business Management and several IT/PM certifications as well as 6 years with the company.”

“I have a lot of procurement and acquisition experience, but have an engineering background,” says Sara Jenkins. “I earned an MBA and a BS in electrical engineering. I have been with the company for 4 years.”

“I have done business analysis, quality assurance, and risk management, but have a construction background,” says Melissa Grant. “I have an MSM in project management and a BS in electrical engineering as well as 6 years with the company.”

Mike Green, a technician who previously worked in the public relations and marketing department says, “I have done a lot of hands-on electrical work and testing. I earned my MBA in marketing and two undergraduate degrees in electrical engineering and IT management. I have been with the company for 5 years.”

“Great, thanks,” you say.

Jim hands you a document, saying, “Here is a project charter, a stakeholder register, and SOW templates for you to use as a guideline.”

After Jim leaves, you and the rest of the team get busy discussing how to conduct a stakeholder analysis and how to justify stakeholders’ inclusion in the project communication. You also begin to review the project background information to develop your SOW.


Back at your desk, you write the stakeholder analysis in an essay-style format using MS Word or the stakeholder register template. Notes from your team discussion help you defend your position on the stakeholders’ inclusion. If you use MS Word, your essay should outline who they are to the project, their roles, responsibilities, and positions at the company (internal or external), and their level of influence on the project.

Fill out all of the sections in the given templates with as much information as possible. The goal is to document everything you know and everything others need to know about this project thus far.

Something that I have started need help to finish it please

50 words each question

Question Description

1.Give four examples of relevant documentation you could use in defining the parameters of a project.

2.Referring to your current organisation, or an organisation you have previously worked for, identify where you would access project scope or other relevant documentation.

3.What is a stakeholder? You may define a stakeholder related to your organisation or an organisation you have previously worked for.

4.Identify one delegating authority within this project that had decision-making capabilities and give an example of an issue they made a decision on.

5.Referring to your current role or a previous one, list three of your responsibilities and give one example of a limit to your responsibilities

6.How can you clarify the relationship of your project to other projects? Explain in no more than 50 words.

7.Drawing on past experience, how do you clarify the relationship of your project to the organisation’s objectives? Explain in no more than 50 words.

8.Briefly describe a project you have undertaken, or give an example of a possible project and describe a resource that would help you in this project. Also, state how you could access this resource.

9.Demonstrate how you can access an appropriate project management tool. This activity can take place in a workplace environment or simulated setting. It will need to be observed by the trainer/assessor or third party.

10.What would a risk management plan include? List three different things.

11.Identify a potential WHS risk in your current or previous workplace.

12.Describe how you should begin to develop a project budget, including three different techniques you could use to identify project costs.

13.List two verbal communication and two written communication methods you can use to consult with team members about planning the project.

14.List four steps you might need to take to gain approval of the project plan from project authorities.

15.Explain what an organisational chart is and how it can help you to ensure project team members know their responsibilities.

16.Name two other methods you could use to ensure team members are clear about their responsibilities.

17.Name three different ways you can support a team and describe one of these in detail.

18.Name four different reasons why records need to be kept and maintained.

19.When establishing a recordkeeping system one of the first things to think about is the system requirements. Give two examples of system requirements.

20.How can you determine the scale of the record-keeping system required? Explain in no more than 30 words.

21.Give a brief description of how you would implement and monitor a financial plan.

Outline how you should complete each of the following aspects of completing a project report, so it is ready to be forwarded to stakeholders:

Planning and researching

Report structure

Proofreading and checking the finished document.

22.To manage risks, you will need to review risks regularly to maintain the currency of the risk plan and ensure project outcomes are met. Give three examples of risk review processes.

23.Monitoring and controlling project risks should be a cyclical process and should continuously occur. What stages/elements are involved?

24.Provide a definition, around one or two paragraphs long, of a project deliverable, and include two different examples.

25.How can you check you have achieved deliverables? Explain in no more than 50 words.

Interpersonal Conflict in Television

Question Description

Choose one television show or film from the list provided below:

Films – Can be found on streaming services such as YouTube or Netflix or rented:

  • Frozen
  • War of the Roses
  • Erin Brokovich

Watch one episode of one of the above television programs and identify and describe one interpersonal conflict that was not handled effectively. Remember, you should focus on one exchange, not the entire plot of the episode. Based on what you have learned in Chapters 8 and 9 of Bevan and Sole (2014), write a two-page paper explaining why the conflict was not handled effectively and describe the strategies that could have been used to resolve this conflict. Be sure to focus on one particular interpersonal conflict and not the television show as a whole. The television programs can be found in syndication, weekly on air, and through the links provided above.

Before you submit this paper, you must do the assignment training for this paper and take the quiz.

The Interpersonal Conflict in Television paper

PJM310 Introduction to Project Management 250 word Discussion Forum with APA citations

Question Description



Hello class,

Welcome to week five lessons as we just passed our half-way point in our class!

I am so very impressed with what I am seeing in PJM310 and yourdedication and commitment is paying off. It is hard to believe, but weare at the half way point of PJM310 coursework. I hope you all areenjoying the journey and that you will let me know if you have anyquestions in class. Week four lessons focused on how you will learn howto evaluate network techniques, integrate crashing a project, prescriberesource loading, and assess resource leveling. In week five you willlearn how to practice earned value analysis, apply control techniques,and relate Monitoring and Controlling Process Group.

The required readings for Week 5 are the following:

  • Chapter 10 & 11 in Project Management: A Strategic Managerial Approach.

Learning outcomes for Module 05

  1. Practice earned value analysis.
  2. Apply control techniques.
  3. Relate Monitoring and Controlling Process Group.

Learning outcomes for last week’s Module 04

  1. Evaluate network techniques.
  2. Integrate crashing a project.
  3. Prescribe resource loading.
  4. Assess resource leveling.


Module 5 includes earned value analysis (EVA) and project control.EVA allows for the comparison of baseline performance measures toactual. Project control is examined by evaluating the purpose ofcontrol, describing the types of control processes, examining the designof control systems, and explaining control of change and scope creep.This module provides background on controlling varying aspects of theproject and the Monitoring and Controlling Process Group.

Best wishes,

Module 5: Discussion Forum

88 unread replies.88 replies.

Itis important for project managers to resist changes to the projectbaseline. Under what conditions should changes to the baseline beallowed and not be allowed? Please explain.

Cite a minimum of two current (published in the most recent five-yearperiod), credible references. The CSU-Global Library is a good place tofind sources. Make sure to cite your sources following the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.).

Post a minimum of 150-250 words for initial discussion posts. Post aminimum of 100 words for each of your required two peer responses.

Be sure to post an initial, substantive response by Thursday at 11:59p.m. MST and respond to two or more peers with substantive responses bySunday at 11:59 p.m. MST. A substantive initial post answers thequestion presented completely and/or asks a thoughtful questionpertaining to the topic. Substantive peer responses ask a thoughtfulquestion pertaining to the topic and/or answer a question (in detail)posted by another student or the instructor.

Individual case (4pages)

Question Description

Case I: Strategy Basics in Dicks Sporting Goods (DKS)

An important discussion in class is that all strategies rely on a combination of bounded rationality and resource heterogeneity. This case assignment is intended to help you begin to explore this statement in more detail. Your assignment is to study an assigned company, review the publicly available material on the firm’s website and in SEC filings to determine how bounded rationality limits the firm and what are firm’s critical resources. The specifics of the assignment are to identify three (3) issues of incomplete information, cognitive differences, bias or lack of time that are evidenced in the firm’s strategy and identify the three (3) most critical resources the firm deploys in its strategy that are not held by all competitors.

Important notes: The assignment requires you to become familiar with the company and its strategy. The best sources for doing this are to examine the firm’s website, its annual report, and its most recent 10-K filing with the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). All of these documents are available from the firm’s website and the Annual Report and 10-K filing can also be retrieved from Mergent Online. Instructions for accessing Mergent Online are available in Blackboard. All answers should be supported by data and the data should be properly cited and referenced in the paper.

Grading Element

Maximum points possible

Does the paper answer the question posed for the assignment in a logical, well-supported manner?


Is the answer supported by well-researched data, that is properly cited and referenced?


Is the writing clear, concise, and free of grammatical, spelling and format errors?




Writing Specifics: This paper should be 3.5-4 pages, double-spaced, 12-point Times Roman, one-inch margin on all sides and written at a graduate level. Students should follow “Writing Guide” on blackboard ( I attacked the file below). All papers may be submitted to a plagiarism-checking website to ensure authenticity of authorship.

Submission Specifics: All papers should be submitted in Word docx file format.

Suggested Outline:

I.Identify the assignment and the firm.

II.Briefly describe the firm, its basic strategy, and performance information, including most recent year revenues, net profits, and any significant opportunities the firm faces.

III.Identify and explain three (3) areas the firm’s strategy is affected by its bounded rationality. An example might be that firm focused on fashion for 18-34 year old consumers has a bias towards that age group. How does this bias shape the firm’s strategy, include possibly limit the firm’s ability to grow?

IV.Identify and explain the three (3) most significant resources the firm possesses that most of its competitors do not possess or do not possess at the same level. Potential resources could be specific brands, creative processes, or alliances with other firms.

V.A conclusion which briefly (one paragraph) explores how bounded rationality and resource heterogeneity shape the firm’s strategy and may help or limit the firm’s success in the future.

VI.References (APA Style) to support citations in the paper.

Unit 8 Discussion Responses

Question Description

There are 2 responses. Please write a 100 word response for each discussion response.

1. Melissa:

Some people may believe that developing a portfolio throughout a program creates a hassle for them. I personally believe it to be very beneficial for all students. A benefit of developing a portfolio is that it demonstrates growth throughout the program of study. It displays how a student might have started off rough in the beginning of the program but managed to gain control at the completion of the program. When a student sees the progress and quality of the assignments, it makes the program all worth it. Maintaining a portfolio keeps up with assignments that are very essential. This allows for students to go through the portfolio and look over past assignments. Taking a look at past assignments will aid the students in future assignments as well. Also, a portfolio demonstrates how well students are able to retain the information taught to them in the different courses. Another benefit of developing a portfolio is self evaluations. Self evaluations allow the students to focus on what type of students they are and what type of students they aspire to become throughout the program. A portfolio is beneficial because it demonstrates a reminder of the achievements that were accomplished throughout the program. Every student wants to be reminded of the great work that he or she has done. It gives the students the feeling of success. Being a well organized student is another benefit in developing a portfolio because it is very important and aids in the successful completion of the program of study. Portfolios are essential to being a student and every student needs to develop one.

2. Jacob: A professional portfolio provides a space where I can plan and think in-depth on my career. It also helps me to identify my strengths and find ways to build on those. When I develop the portfolio, it will create a sense of achievement, builds self- confidence provides an opportunity to conduct an in-depth self- evaluation, and develops skills of reflection. I think of five challenges of developing a good portfolio that may arise for me. I do not want my portfolio to become a paper trail. Second, controlling and assembling the portfolio is time-consuming. Third, trying to find a format can be complicated. Fouth, the portfolio can create an atomistic approach.

Last but not least, the portfolio can focus on the functional aspects of practice without looking at the big picture. I plan to overcome these challenges by planning by thinking upon the critical dimensions. Planning can help me professionally, as well. I have to find the correct format to make the portfolio more impactful. Instead of making a paper trail, I need to highlight essential skills and knowledge in my particular field. It is also vital for me to define my strengths clearly, and always keeping updating my portfolio to keep pace with changing career opportunities and skills developed. The portfolio is a living document. It will evolve. It is a personal reflection of who I am. I can use it in my job search, during the interview, and even when I am employed at my performance review.