week 5 discussion post, metrics

Question Description

This week is all about metrics!Metrics are merely measurements that are expressed in percentages ornumerals that can be used to evaluate or give information about thesuccess of our actions or programs. The course module, self assessment,and reading material for the week provide excellent foundationalmaterial that I urge you to review prior to applying your knowledge in the following questions and your next presentation.

Note the following:

  • We do not use the term matrix or metrics system when referring to metrics for this assignment
  • We can use the term metric (singular)and the term metrics (plural) but we need to use their respectiveappropriate verbs (a metric is or metrics are).

Many Chief Executive Officers (CEO’s)and Chief Financial Officers (CFO’s) complain that their Human Resourceprofessionals do not report metrics about Total Rewards or otherwise that matterto the organization or share relevant information. We want you to beable to provide metrics that are relevant to the organization – metricsthat matter.

After selecting a metric for thisdiscussion, ask yourself what does the metric that I am proposing tellme about the effectiveness of the Total Rewards program? It must relateto Total Rewards to be a relevant metric for this discussion and foryour next presentation. Revenue, profit, customer satisfaction are gooddata to know, but they are not good metrics for this assignment.

Further, the percentage of turnover is not important by itself as a metric,but the metric of the percentage of the highly valued employees who areleaving the organization and why they are leaving is helpful to knowsince the data should tell us if the rewards currently offered are afactor in those valuable employees leaving. Whether employees are happy is not a helpful metric(nothing against having happy employees but the organization would bebetter informed if it knew whether the employees are engaged in theirwork because of the total rewards). A metric that reports the percentageof the employees who are satisfied with the organization is not as helpful as knowing by individual segment of employee which benefit is of most value, through a forced ranking of the benefits.

Please keep this information in mindas you answer the following questions and design your secondpresentation, due this Sunday by midnight. The second presentation andyour final assignments will continue to use the organization you used inyour first PowerPoint presentation.

1. Give an academic definition of the term metric (with an in-text citation and full reference)

2. Discuss why, in general, metricsare important for HR professionals to report. For example, they canassist the HR professional in achieving their goals and objectives whilealso assisting the whole organization. For example if innovation is acore capability of the organization, tracking the level of turnover ofthe individuals who have had the most success innovating would beimportant along with knowing why these individuals are leaving. Thismetric would allow the organization to change incentives or otherrewards, if needed, or look for other ways to retain the needed talent.

3. Share an example of one metric youare considering for your second MS PowerPoint presentation when you willpresent three metrics to evaluate the success of the total rewardsprogram. Assignment 2 is due at the end of this week.

State or describe:

  • A metric you are considering for thenext assignment (typically a metric is an outcome and is presented as apercentage or index).
  • What the metric tells the organization about the effectiveness of the total rewards program
  • How the metric aligns with the organizational capabilities (what it does best)
  • How the metric aligns with the employee competencies (the knowledge, skills, and abilities)
  • How the data for the metric will becollected (for example, through an electronic survey, exit interviews,data from the Human Resource Information System (HRIS), focus groups orsomething else)

Week 5 Discussion Reply 2

Question Description


Availability of various types of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is at an all-time high. Some of these practices include: homeopathy, herbal formulas, acupuncture, meditation, yoga, spiritual guidance, and prayer. (Shi and Singh, 2019) With these practices becoming more and more widespread, it calls into question if Christian believers should consider using them. As stated by GotQuestions.org (2010), “Many kinds of alternative medicine have their origins in non-Christian religions or anti-Christian philosophies.” It isn’t surprising that because of this some Christians steer clear of alternative medicine altogether. Shi and Singh (2019) explain that the efficacy of CAM treatments have not been established. Because of this, several questions should come to mind from a Christian standpoint. First and foremost, directly related to the lack of scientific evidence, the integrity of CAM treatment and their recommendations should be considered. Secondly, from where are these treatments rooted? Many CAM treatments are based in eastern religions such as Hinduism and Taoism, both apart from teachings and healing practices of Jesus Christ. Lastly, do the methods of diagnosis and treatments involved in CAM present any sort of spiritual danger such as occult practices, which are forbidden by scripture. (Christian Medical Fellowship – cmf.org.uk, 2019) Ezekiel 13:20 (NLT) says, “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against all your magic charms, which you use to ensnare my people like birds. I will tear them from your arms, setting my people free like birds set free from a cage.” From a Christian standpoint and in the interest of patients, believers should be thoroughly informed about CAM treatments and therapies in order to make clear judgment calls about whether or not they should be recommended. Many times frustrated patients are grabbing hold to whatever hope is available, and sensitivity to that need is essential. CAM treatments should not be shunned altogether, but rigorously researched and carefully implemented to meet patient needs.


“Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality” (Romans 12:12-13, NLT). Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of standard medical care. Shi and Singh (2015) admit that complementary and alternative medicine therapy both have some distinctions. Complementary treatments are in conjunction with conventional medicine and alternative interventions are used in lieu of conventional medicine. Complementary medicine is treatments that are used along with standard medical treatments but are not considered to be standard treatments. One example is using acupuncture to help lessen some side effects of cancer treatment. Alternative medicine is treatments that are used instead of standard medical treatments. One example is using a special diet to treat cancer instead of anticancer drugs that are prescribed by an oncologist (p. 277).

The use of CAM therapies has been evaluated and it was discovered that some are safe and effective. However, some doctors and pharmacies frown upon the use of CAM therapies as it takes money of out of their pockets. If everyone used CAM therapies, there will not be a usage of physicians, costly prescriptions, and surgeries, and chemotherapy; all of which are in a million-dollar market. Cancer patients should definitely consult with a physician to see if CAM is the best fit. Natural does not always mean safe. It is imperative that the patient conducts research of all of the different therapies to make a sound decision.

Shi, L., & Singh, D. (n.d.). Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach (7th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

writing assignment

Question Description

Respond to all four questions below on a new, blank word processing document (such as MS Word).

Develop each answer to the fullest extent possible, discussing the nuances of each topic and presenting your arguments logically. In addition, include citations from outside resources to support your arguments.

Each answer should be robust and developed in-depth.

You are expected to demonstrate critical thinking skills, as well as an understanding of the issues identified. Some questions may also require personal reflection and practical application. Your responses will be evaluated for content as well as grammar and punctuation.

All writing must be your original work. PLEASE do not copy or quote anything.Sources are just that, a reference. Once you locate the information, read and interpret the data. What does it mean to you? Type your own thoughts and own words. Then, include in-text citations to support your ideas. This is not a research paper.


Do not include the original question, only the question number.

Each response should be written in complete sentences, double-spaced and spell-checked. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides. Include page numbers according to APA formatting guidelines.

In addition, you will want to include citations in APA format at the end of the writing assignment (Reference Page). Include a minimum of three (3) references for each answer. References should not be older than five (5) years.

Question 1:

G.Discuss the evolution of the HR role from administrative to strategic. What factors were involved in this transition? Why is it important for HR to be involved in the organizational strategic planning process? What types of skills are needed by HR professionals today and why are they important (name at least 3)? How are they different from the skills needed 20 or 30 years ago?

H.Reflect on the HR function in your current organization or an organization you have worked for. Evaluate the HR role in the organization and discuss the alignment between HR priorities and the organizational strategy (do not name the organization). In other words, did you see evidence of a strategic focus? Why or why not?

Question 2:

A) Discuss how an organization’s diversity strategy can support the business strategy. Provide at least three specific examples and explain why and how they support organizational success.

B) Consider the organization you work at or one you have worked at in the past and evaluate the diversity program. How was it effective and how did support the strategic goals of the organization? If it was not effective, explain what factors made it ineffective.

Question 3:

I.How are motivation and engagement related to employee retention? Do you see a difference between the concepts of job satisfaction and employee engagement? What factors might contribute to job satisfaction and engagement? Explain your answer.

J.Think about a job where you have been employed for many years. What factorsinfluenced your job satisfaction? What factors influenced your decision to stay and why? Consider a job where you had a short tenure. What factors influenced your job dissatisfaction? What factors contributed to your resignation and what factors could have made you stay? Which were within the organization’s control?

Question 4:

K.Assume you are the HR manager of a large organization tasked with evaluating employee retention. What type of metrics would you want to look at? How would you use the HRIS to obtain these metrics?

L.Discuss the relationship between an organization’s total rewards strategy and retention. As a human resource manager, how would you evaluate your total rewards program to make sure it was having a positive impact on employee retention?


Question Description

This is just a guideline. Scroll to the end for the case questions.

Tip 1. Contextualize the case. There is a method to my madness. Cases generally correspond to a particular set of concepts and theories. Keep this in mind as you prepare your analysis.

Tip 2. Read the case actively. The goal is not for you to grab your highlighter and speed through the case. Instead, ask yourself questions, wrestle with the core decisions, and think through multiple scenarios.

Tip 3+. William Ellet argues that there are “four types of situations” that you will often see in cases, for each here are some tips: – Problems o Define the problem in the case. This may not be obvious. o Then, be able to diagnosis the problem using the various tools you’ve acquired throughout your business training. – Decisions o Identify the decision options. o Determine the criteria by which to evaluate the decision options. o Accumulate as much evidence as possible to support your decision. – Evaluations o Again, determine the appropriate evaluative criteria. o Make the evaluation that is most consistent with the evidence provided by the case and the key criteria. o Be sure to be holistic in your evaluations – think about positive and negative aspects. – Rules (This is particularly critical for quantitative analyses) o Know the information you need to apply a rule (For example, what data is necessary for a break-even or NPV analysis) o Know how to obtain this information. o Know how to apply the rule. o Make sure your data is accurate.
Tools Ellet provides a nice model for analyzing cases. There are five key phases of the process.
1. Situation a. Figure out the big picture first; ask yourself, “What is the situation in the case? What is going on here? 2. Questions a. Develop questions about the problem, namely: i. What do you need to know about the situation? b. Think through issues related to the decision, namely: i. What are the decision options? Any seem particularly strong or weak? What is at stake here? What are the key criteria to base your decision?
c. Questions about the evaluation, in particular: i. Who or what is being evaluated? Who is responsible for the evaluation? 3. Hypothesis a. Here is where your analytical work gains momentum. Develop your perspective on the case. b. Review the aforementioned questions – now begin to develop your answers for each set of questions. 4. Proof and Action a. Ask yourself, what evidence is provided by the case that supports my hypothesis? What additional evidence do I need to collect? b. Equally important for our course, also consider how would I implement my recommendations? 5. Alternatives a. Spend some time critiquing yourself, ask the following: i. How else could this problem be defined? If defined differently, would I have the same hypothesis? ii. Where are the weak links in my analysis? iii. What is the potential downside to my recommended decision? What is the strongest counterevidence? iv. How thorough have I been in my analysis? How might a different course of action be proved?


1. Which trends in McDonald’s external environment are likely to have the greatest impact on the company’s ability to sustain a competitive advantage?

2. How is McDonald’s positioned vis-à-vis its major competitors?

3. Which business-level strategy does McDonald’s employ? Is it effective? How so?

4. Which international strategy does McDonald’s employ? Is it effective? How so?

At least 3 pages. Not including references.

Kindle case

Question Description


Tip 1. Contextualize the case. There is a method to my madness. Cases generally correspond to a particular set of concepts and theories. Keep this in mind as you prepare your analysis.

Tip 2. Read the case actively. The goal is not for you to grab your highlighter and speed through the case. Instead, ask yourself questions, wrestle with the core decisions, and think through multiple scenarios.

Tip 3+. William Ellet argues that there are “four types of situations” that you will often see in cases, for each here are some tips: – Problems o Define the problem in the case. This may not be obvious. o Then, be able to diagnosis the problem using the various tools you’ve acquired throughout your business training. – Decisions o Identify the decision options. o Determine the criteria by which to evaluate the decision options. o Accumulate as much evidence as possible to support your decision. – Evaluations o Again, determine the appropriate evaluative criteria. o Make the evaluation that is most consistent with the evidence provided by the case and the key criteria. o Be sure to be holistic in your evaluations – think about positive and negative aspects. – Rules (This is particularly critical for quantitative analyses) o Know the information you need to apply a rule (For example, what data is necessary for a break-even or NPV analysis) o Know how to obtain this information. o Know how to apply the rule. o Make sure your data is accurate.

Tools Ellet provides a nice model for analyzing cases. There are five key phases of the process.
1. Situation a. Figure out the big picture first; ask yourself, “What is the situation in the case? What is going on here? 2. Questions a. Develop questions about the problem, namely: i. What do you need to know about the situation? b. Think through issues related to the decision, namely: i. What are the decision options? Any seem particularly strong or weak? What is at stake here? What are the key criteria to base your decision?
c. Questions about the evaluation, in particular: i. Who or what is being evaluated? Who is responsible for the evaluation? 3. Hypothesis a. Here is where your analytical work gains momentum. Develop your perspective on the case. b. Review the aforementioned questions – now begin to develop your answers for each set of questions. 4. Proof and Action a. Ask yourself, what evidence is provided by the case that supports my hypothesis? What additional evidence do I need to collect? b. Equally important for our course, also consider how would I implement my recommendations? 5. Alternatives a. Spend some time critiquing yourself, ask the following: i. How else could this problem be defined? If defined differently, would I have the same hypothesis? ii. Where are the weak links in my analysis? iii. What is the potential downside to my recommended decision? What is the strongest counterevidence? iv. How thorough have I been in my analysis? How might a different course of action be proved?



1. Would you categorize the Kindle Fire as a Tablet? Why or why not?

2. Who should Amazon target with the Kindle Fire? Which target segments and use cases are the most promising?

3. How should Amazon position the Kindle Fire relative to the iPad and other tablets in the market? Relative to eReaders?

4. If you were Apple’s CEO, what would you do to the respond to the Kindle Fire?


Presentation Outline on Communication

Question Description

equired Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Lesson
  • Headset microphone (You can find this item under the Additional Items section in the bookstore.)
  • Link (website): Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial
  • Minimum of 4 scholarly sources (from Week 5 outline)

Your PowerPoint Presentation is due this week. You are required to obtain a headset microphone to use PowerPoint narration. Headset microphones can be purchased from the bookstore or at any electronics or discount store for between $10-25 or even less. When purchasing a headset microphone, consider the ports available on the computer being used and purchase accordingly.

In addition, you should take the time to review the Course Resources for technology guidance so that you will be ready to complete your speech on time. Of course, if you face technical trouble, there is support available.

The following are the best practices for creating your speech presentation:

  • Title Slide: Include the title, audience (who you prepared the presentation for – school or institution), the presenter who prepared it and will be the speaker, and date.
  • Attention-Getter: Give the audience a reason to pay attention. Make them want to listen to your speech.
  • Overview: List the main ideas and sections of your presentation for the following purposes:
    • To introduce the subject and why the subject is important.
    • To preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
    • To establish the tone of the presentation.
    • To include the questions you think your audience might have about your topic – questions you will answer during your presentation.
  • Body of the Presentation: Include the information you found during your research and investigation and organize it in a visually pleasing manner.
    • Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your presentation.
    • Show some type of division like levels of headers or titles
    • Separate groups of bullets for the presentation.
    • Use a header for the title of your presentation or subtitle of the section.
    • Then, proceed to break out the main ideas. State the main idea, state major subpoints in each main idea, and provide evidence for each subpoint.
    • Cite your evidence, quotes, and statistics within your presentation, and use in-text citations in APA format.
  • Summary and Conclusion: Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your outline or presentation. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the thesis statement of the outline and main objective of the presentation.
  • References: Use the APA citation format. The illustrations should be included with your resources. APA tutorials are available in the Chamberlain University library.
    • At least 4 authoritative, outside scholarly sources are required from Week 5 outline. (Anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable.)
    • Appropriate citations within the presentation are required on the last slide. Just copy and paste this from the last page of your outline – the references page. References should be in APA format.
      • Each resource should be entirely double spaced.
      • All entries must use hanging indents – the first line is flush left, and all t
  • Additional Hints
    • Use a minimum of 5 visual aids to further clarify and support the written part of your presentation. You could use example graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts.
    • Animation and video clips should not be used for this speech. YouTube is not allowed.

Presentation Requirements (APA format)

  • Time Length: 5-7 minutes
  • Slide Length: Minimum of 8 slides
  • Slide Content
    • Title slide
    • Attention-Getter
    • Overview
    • Body of the Presentation
    • Summary and Conclusion
    • References slide (minimum of 4 scholarly sources from Week 5 outline)
  • Minimum of 5 visual aids

PJM330 Effective Project Scheduling and Control (Excel Spreadsheet and 3 page essay with APA citations)

Question Description

Please complete the following: Excel Spreadsheet and 3 page essay with APA citations.


  • Chapter 1, Section 1.1, 1.14; Chapter 11 in Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling
  • Part 1: Chapters 1, 3, & 5 in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)


Module 2: Critical Thinking

  • Points90
  • Submittinga file upload

Critical Thinking Assignment (90 Points)

Important! Read First

Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Donot do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the titleof your submission.

Option #1: Cost Duration Analysis

Download and examine the cost-duration table from the link provided in the module. Usingthe critical path method (CPM), first identify the critical path. Giventhe critical path, then find three tasks that should be crashed byinserting an X mark in the “Tasks to Crash” column. You need to identifythese three tasks by accounting for the critical activities, and basedon the low “Cost for Each Day Crashed” values. This value has alreadybeen calculated in the attached table for three tasks. You will need todetermine this value for the remaining tasks for your analysis.

Use the following outline for section headings:

  • Identified Tasks
  • Steps Taken to Identify Tasks
  • Other Recommendations for Shortening Schedule Duration

You will have two files to submit for your assignment. First, youmust submit your completed table with all values filled in and markingwhich tasks you are going to crash. Second, you will submit a1-to-2-page paper discussing the items in the bulleted list above in awell-written format and in conformity with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.)for style and writing expectations. Include a title page and areference page that includes at least two outside references (inaddition to your textbook) to support your analysis.

Option #2: Schedule Chart Analysis

Download and examine the project task list from thelink provided in the module. Based on this task list, you will create aPERT chart and write a paper that discusses the following:

  • Identify which set of tasks create the critical path.
  • Determine which task would be best to crash to reduce the critical path.
  • Determine if there is a change to the critical path by crashing the task. Is there a new critical path?
  • What other information would be beneficial to know to see if the selected task was the best option for crashing?

Your paper should be 2-to-3-pages, well written and in conformity with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.)

for style and writing expectations. Your PERT chart is part of your

page requirements. Include a title page and a reference page that

includes at least two outside references (in addition to your textbook)

to support your analysi

MOD 4-CASE-Strategy Implementation

Question Description

Module 4 – Case


Assignment Overview

This final case involves an analysis of strategy implementation at Pepsico. You will use the resources you identified in the SLP to gather information about the company and relate that information to your work in the previous cases.

Required Reading

Refer to the required and optional readings related to strategy implementation and strategic controls, the themes for this module.

Case Assignment

In Module 4, we will conclude the case study process by researching Pepsico’s strategic controls and their fit with the company’s chosen strategy.

Keys to the Assignment

  • Step One: Review your Case papers from Modules 1-3 so that you are familiar with the mission, vision, SWOT, strategy, and strategic choices you have identified over the course of the class.
  • Step Two: Research the structure, systems, people, and culture at Pepsico. You will not be able to get answers to every single question, but you will need to answer at least one or two for each component.
  • Step Three: Describe Pepsico’s organizational design, key strategic control systems (e.g., budgeting and variance analysis systems), primary human resources concerns, and cultural factors, and the effect that these have had on the implementation of Pepsico’s strategy.
  • Step Four: In a 6- to 8-page paper, critically evaluate the fit—or the lack of fit—between the company’s mission, strategy, and organizational components crucial to implementation. Do these components complement the strategy? Why or why not?
  • Step Five: Choose three of the 13 ethical “prescriptions” included in the following article: https://www.scu.edu/ethics/focus-areas/business-ethics/resources/incorporating-ethics-into-the-organization/ . Next, discuss the extent which the company’s sense of business ethics has been embedded within its strategic management process, as evidenced by your chosen three indicators.
  • Step Six: What changes would you—as the CEO—make to better assure the success of the company’s strategy? This is the most important section of the Module 4 Case.
  • Step Seven: Consider the Case as a formal business report that you are developing for the Board of Directors and CEO as Pepsico’s consultant. This is a professional document. Follow the format below:
    • Executive summary: This is a synopsis of the main points, conclusions, and recommendations made in the longer report. If you would like a refresher on writing an executive summary, check this website: http://www.csun.edu/~vcecn006/summary.html
    • Introduction: State the main purpose of the paper (thesis statement), what you hope to accomplish, and how you will go about doing it.
    • Main Body: The “meat” of the paper. Emphasize analysis, not just description. Delineate separate topics or sections with headings.
    • Conclusion: Summarize your paper in the light of your thesis statement.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated using the grading rubric.

Tips and Suggestions

Note the following tips and suggestions:

  • Business school case-study assignments are meant to offer practice opportunities for future business people who are earning their MBA degrees. Consider yourself a consultant hired by the company to make these critical assessments. There are no right or wrong answers to the Case question, as long as your position is well defended.
  • Study the theoretical concepts provided in the Background materials section of the module, and identify main strategy concepts.
  • Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 6-8 pages of analysis described above. You must meet minimum length requirements.
  • Include section headings as appropriate.
  • Cite and reference all sources, including those you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes of more than five words, and citations for information you have “borrowed” or paraphrased from other sources.
  • Follow Trident Guidelines for Well-Written Papers.
  • Submit your analysis by the end of this module.

Coca Cola and Pepsi

Question Description


Tip 1. Contextualize the case. There is a method to my madness. Cases generally correspond to a particular set of concepts and theories. Keep this in mind as you prepare your analysis.

Tip 2. Read the case actively. The goal is not for you to grab your highlighter and speed through the case. Instead, ask yourself questions, wrestle with the core decisions, and think through multiple scenarios.

Tip 3+. William Ellet argues that there are “four types of situations” that you will often see in cases, for each here are some tips: – Problems o Define the problem in the case. This may not be obvious. o Then, be able to diagnosis the problem using the various tools you’ve acquired throughout your business training. – Decisions o Identify the decision options. o Determine the criteria by which to evaluate the decision options. o Accumulate as much evidence as possible to support your decision. – Evaluations o Again, determine the appropriate evaluative criteria. o Make the evaluation that is most consistent with the evidence provided by the case and the key criteria. o Be sure to be holistic in your evaluations – think about positive and negative aspects. – Rules (This is particularly critical for quantitative analyses) o Know the information you need to apply a rule (For example, what data is necessary for a break-even or NPV analysis) o Know how to obtain this information. o Know how to apply the rule. o Make sure your data is accurate.

Tools Ellet provides a nice model for analyzing cases. There are five key phases of the process.
1. Situation a. Figure out the big picture first; ask yourself, “What is the situation in the case? What is going on here? 2. Questions a. Develop questions about the problem, namely: i. What do you need to know about the situation? b. Think through issues related to the decision, namely: i. What are the decision options? Any seem particularly strong or weak? What is at stake here? What are the key criteria to base your decision?
c. Questions about the evaluation, in particular: i. Who or what is being evaluated? Who is responsible for the evaluation? 3. Hypothesis a. Here is where your analytical work gains momentum. Develop your perspective on the case. b. Review the aforementioned questions – now begin to develop your answers for each set of questions. 4. Proof and Action a. Ask yourself, what evidence is provided by the case that supports my hypothesis? What additional evidence do I need to collect? b. Equally important for our course, also consider how would I implement my recommendations? 5. Alternatives a. Spend some time critiquing yourself, ask the following: i. How else could this problem be defined? If defined differently, would I have the same hypothesis? ii. Where are the weak links in my analysis? iii. What is the potential downside to my recommended decision? What is the strongest counterevidence? iv. How thorough have I been in my analysis? How might a different course of action be proved?




1. Why, historically, has the soft drink industry been so profitable?

2. Compare the economics of the concentrate business to that of the bottling business? Why is the profitability so different?

3. How has the competition between Coke and Pepsi affected the industry’s profits?

4. How can Coke and Pepsi sustain their profits in the wake of flattening demand and the growing popularity of non-CSDs?

Managerial Finance- Capital Budgeting

Question Description

Please include all work related to the questions and any notes to help me walk through the assignment. Show work please!

FOUR capital budgeting questions. More information on the question in the attachment.

Question 1 – Financial Planning

You are considering going to graduate school to get your Ph.D. You anticipate that your studies will take five years to complete, that you will receive a full tuition waiver, but that you will incur living expenses of $35,000 a year while in grad school. As part of your studies you will also work as a research assistant for which you will be paid $25,000 a year. The annual interest rate on your savings account is 3.5%. Assume that there are no taxes and that you do not want to apply for a student loan. How much will you need to invest in your savings account today in order to afford graduate school? Present your results in a table similar to the one below.

Question 2 – Annuities and Perpetuities

You have decided to donate $250,000 to your degree granting university in order to fund a new scholarship program. You expect that the university can earn 8% per year on its investments.

A) Assume that you would like the scholarship program to run for 10 years and that you would like it to make the same dollar payment each year. What is the maximum amount that the scholarship can pay out each year? (Please show your work.)

B) Assume that you would like the scholarship program to run indefinitely and that you would like it to make the same dollar payment each year. What is the maximum amount that the scholarship can pay out each year? (Please show your work.)

Question 3 – Investment Decision

Calculate the NPV for each project and present your results in table similar to the one below

Assume that you only have $100,000 to invest and that you can not raise more capital. However, you have no labor hour constraints (you have enough workers to meet all labor hour requirements). Which project or combination of projects would you invest in?

C) Assume that you are not cash constrained, but that you cannot hire additional workers. With your current workforce the maximum number of labor hours you can allocate across projects each year is 150. Which project or combination of projects would you invest in?

Question 4 – Expanding Production

Suppose you are considering the purchase of new equipment in order to meet increased demand for your product. The equipment costs $320,000 today and has a useful life of eight years. You will depreciate the equipment by $40,000 each year over eight years, starting at the end of the first year. You expect that the equipment can be sold for $60,000 at the end of year eight. With the new equipment you expect an increase of revenues by $120,000 and of costs of goods sold (COGS) by $40,000 for each year over the next eight years. The net working capital requirements for this project will be 5% of the incremental revenues of this project. The marginal tax rate is 21%, and that the applicable interest rate is 10%.

A) Calculate the liquidation value of the equipment after tax in year eight.

B) Calculate the net working capital requirements for the project as well as the annual change in net working capital. Present your results in a table similar to the one below.