response post

Question Description

Question –

Using an e-commerce example like Amazon, discuss how e-commerce has changed the way that you comparison shop for features and the best price, and how that has changed you buying habits. Discuss how online reviews affect your buying decisions. Mention if you use QR codes or apps on your smartphone to help you make purchasing decisions, or to make actual purchases. Indicate if you use PayPal, Google Wallet, Apple Pay, or other alternatives to pay for items.

There is two response from other two student. Just give them feedback. 3-5 sentence is enough for two response.

No plagiarism.

1.One of the things that I use e-commerce for is shopping for pet food. I try to support the local family owned pet store but I became frustrated when they would be out of stock or only have a few cans of the wet food that I feed my cats. It turns out one of them has a gluten allergy so I have to buy grain free food.

I began doing Google searches for the brand and flavors that they would eat. Both Amazon and Chewy were at the top of the search. I tried Amazon a few times but the food was near expiration (one week away) when I received it so then I tried Chewy and have not looked back since. What I will occasionally do is compare the online prices for Chewy, PetSmart, and Petco and Chewy is always less expensive and it comes to the front door in two days.

I also use Amazon Prime a lot when purchasing household items as it is easier than going to the local stores only to find it out of stock or sit in traffic during tourist season.

I do not use any QR codes or apps on my phone to purchase items as it’s hard to compare selections on the small screen. I do have a PayPal account and use it when making online purchases as a means to safeguard my credit card from being stolen by a hacker. PayPal seems to have more security around their system then most online stores.

2. E- commerce and Amazon in specific has changed everything when it comes to shopping in general. I hold off on buying products so I can order in bulk from Amazon such as shampoos or day to day items. Before I make purchases in stores such as Best Buy or Target, I look on Amazon’s website to see how much they are selling it for, in case they are selling it for cheaper. Many stores including the two, offer price matching because of Amazon and other websites reasonable prices, that I surf the internet for a good deal and price match with retailers.

In a recent study, Amazon is actually the #1 review spot for products. People use Amazon to do research on a product by reading the information and better yet, the reviews. When I want to make a big purchase, I tend to convince myself to not spend the money and with Amazon reviews, when I do decide to make a purchase, Amazon reviews help provide comfort for my decisions. Being able to read and understand what others are purchasing this item for gives me more of a reason to, or not to buy a product.

I also use Apple pay when making purchases when I am out and about. It makes purchasing a lot more convenient and gives me less of a reason to have my wallet on hand. It also is more secure than using a credit card because swipe readers are no longer used. The information stored on my phone is also encrypted, which makes Apple pay more of a win. I prefer apple pay over using my credit card as I have almost been victim to credit card fraud.

Unit 5 Responses

Question Description

Good evening,

Please provide a 100 word response for both of the below discussions.

Response 1:

Logical Fallacies

I often times face challenges dealing with logical fallacies and their negative impact on our daily lives. One fallacy that’s a challenge for me would be changing my belief based on some of my friends beliefs on a topic or situation. I’m not imposing that this is a constant challenge for me, but in certain situations this could be a challenge. Changing a belief solely because someone says they believe something will have a negative impact on you as a person. I think it’s acceptable to have the same opinion about something, but I would need to give a reason why I have that opinion versus having an opinion because of someone else’s direct opinion. I can argue that some people have the ability to be pervasive and that could also have a negative impact. Everybody has their right to their own opinion, but that doesn’t mean it’s correct or factual. Overcoming this challenge shouldn’t be difficult; giving reasoning behind the opinion eliminates copying someone else’s opinion. The second fallacy that I feel could be challenging to me is not having facts but believing something is true or false without proving it’s true or false. This is very similar to the first challenging fallacy because facts are needed to make them factual. This fallacy also has a negative impact because no one can say something is true or false without proving that is actually true or false. This could impose negativity on someone else having them believe something is true when its indeed false or changing a belief based off someone else’s. Overcoming this fallacy is quite simple; all that needs to be done is prove or have proof that something is true or false.

Response 2:

A Duracell commercial that I recently watched used the “appeal to emotion” logical fallacy. The commercial started with a man who was in the army; he then began to put Duracell batteries into a teddy bear. This bear was a gift to his daughter so that he could see her everyday as if he was still home. The commercial then showed the little girl becoming upset simply because she was not able to spend time with her father. The following day the father’s gift had arrived. The daughter opened the gift full of excitement and joy. The commercial made it seem as if Duracell batteries made life easier for these people, in which it did. The slogan in the is commercial was , “trusted by everyone.” In order to win over the audience, this brand used appeal to emotion to manipulate the audience.

A sprite commercial that I most recently watched had an appeal to authority logical fallacy. In the commercial was a famous rap artist recording music in a studio .The artist was not motivated to finish the song . The commercial made it seem as if he was having a very bad day. Once the artist mentioned that he was not feeling the song , his producer handed him a sprite. After the artist drunk the sprite, his body began to reload with energy. After drinking the product he was then able to perform the song at a higher energy level . The slogan of this Sprite commercial was “The Spark”. This slogan was used to let the audience believe that if you drink a bottle of sprite , you will have a boost of energy. This is a common way to appeal to authority. Because Sprite used a famous musical artist , they were able to get the audience to believe that this was a way to “gain energy”. In the commercial the famous artist was the “authority”. Because many people are fans of his music, sprite used his image to win over the audience.

PJM330 Effective Project Scheduling and Control simulation discusson forum

Question Description

Once a tutor has beenassigned I will give specific instructions as to how to access thesimulation required to complete the assignment.


  • Chapter 1, Section 1.1, 1.14; Chapter 11 in Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling
  • Part 1: Chapters 1, 3, & 5 in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)


Notes from the professor:
Hello Class,

This simulation is a chance to apply the concepts of projectmanagement to a project situation. Please understand that this is alearning opportunity, so reach out with questions whenever you havethem. With that said, don’t take the simulation too lightly. It is whatyour final paper and Weeks 1-7 simulation discussion forum are based on.It is about 35% of your total grade in the course.

Here is how the grade for the simulation is broken out:

  • Complete all scenes: 5 pts
  • Decision making: 40 pts
  • Read all mail: 5 pts
  • Read all documents: 5 pts
  • Schedule Timeline: 25 pts
  • % of Budget utilized: 15 pts
  • Budget requests: 5 pts

I will provide more insights every week, but please utilize thisforum for questions or even use it as a “journal” of actions. Here aresome suggestions from previous students in the PJM 330 course:

  • Make a list or matrix of your team members, roles they have, etc. This will help identify documents by sender
  • Take notes on each question you answer and the justification itgives you on your score. It helps addressing Lessons Learned later.
  • Read all documents and clearly understand requirements/outcomes.Your documents already give you some of the answers to your decisions.
  • If you have a question, ask it. Nothing is answered if you don’t use the forum.
  • My peers used the same simulation, so I should ask them why theyare doing choices (note: you are all taking the same simulation – sodiscuss your actions or questions)
  • Use the textbook or PMBOK as your basis – do not rely on what you have seen in the field.
  • Don’t get caught up with the fact it is software based – theproject is rooted in PM principles. If I was confused on something, Iasked the instructor.

Sim Discussion (15 points)


The simulation you are completing as part of your Portfolio Projectis used to apply your expanding knowledge of project management. InWeeks 1-6 you will participate in a discussion about your experienceswith the simulation; altogether, your participation in these discussionsis worth 90 points of the 350-point project, so it is important thatyou engage in the weekly conversations. You need to complete these simulations and discussions regardless of which Portfolio Project option you select.

In this Week 1 Sim Discussion, share your experiences with accessing the simulation and completing the Introduction material. Make sure to include specific details about your interaction with the material in the simulation.

If you have questions about aspects of the simulation, fromnavigating the user interface to suggestions for making decisions, usethis discussion to get insights from your peers. Look for opportunitiesto help classmates with any issues they may be experiencing.

Be sure to submit an initial, substantive post by Thursday at 11:59p.m. MST and respond to one or more peers with substantive responses bySunday at 11:59 p.m. MST. A substantive initial post demonstratesmastery knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories relevant to thesimulation topic. A substantive peer response demonstrates masteryknowledge of simulation content and connection with the other student.

16 mins ago

4-5 page essay

Question Description

Grading Element

Maximum points possible

Does the paper answer the question posed for the assignment in a logical, well-supported manner?


Is the answer supported by well-researched data, that is properly cited and referenced?


Is the writing clear, concise, and free of grammatical, spelling and format errors?




Case 3: Resource Based View

An important class discussion is that firm resources drive firm strategy in a model known as the resource-based view of the firm.This case assignment is intended to help you begin to explore the resource-based view of the firm in more detail.Your assignment is to use the same company you were assigned for Case Paper 1and identify two (2) resources that are NOT the source of competitive parity.The resources can be the source of competitive disadvantages, temporary advantages, or sustainable advantages.You need to carefully and in full detail explain if and how each resource helps the firm leverage opportunities or negate threats (valuable), if and how the resource is held by only one (1) firm in the industry (rare), if and how the resource is difficult to imitate (barriers to imitation), and if and how the firm is organized to take advantage of the resource in conjunction with other resources (exploited or non-substitutable).Your conclusion should examine each resource’s potential effect on the firm’s ability to generate economic rent going forward.You are not being asked to make projections in the conclusion and you are being asked to evaluate the current strategic status of each resource.

Important notes: Please remember that the question of value and rarity are limited to industry firms.The firms in the industry are listed in the table below.Barriers to imitation are based on one or more of the three barrier mechanisms (unique historical conditions, causal ambiguity, and social complexity) being employed and hard data to support that claim.The question of whether the firm is organized to take advantage of the resource in conjunction with other resources is based on whether the resource can be clearly linked to revenue generation, cost reduction, and/or increased profitability.Please be sure the resources you identify are resources (nouns) and not capabilities (verbs).

Writing Specifics: This paper should be three to five (3-5) pages, double-spaced, 12-point Times Roman, one-inch margin on all sides and written at a graduate level.Students should reference “Dr. Bubba’s Writing Guide” on Blackboard.All papers may be submitted to a plagiarism-checking website to ensure authenticity of authorship.

Submission Specifics: All papers should be submitted in Word docx file format.Please include your name on the paper and name the file “Last_Name First_Initial M5355 CASE3”.All papers should be submitted in Word docx file format.The file would be named “Sherman S M5355 CASE3.docx” if I was submitting the paper.The paper is due Friday, October 11, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.

Assigned Firm

Competitor 1

Competitor 2



















Please find the most recent 10-K (2019) online on either Mergent Online through the library of the firm’s Investor Relations section on its webpage.

Please note that you should limit your comparison to only these three firms, that an industry with only three firms is a small number of firms and the number of firms is limited to help simplify the exercise.

Ethics in the Workplace

Question Description

Module 1 – Case


Assignment Overview

This assignment provides you the opportunity to learn about ethical business behavior that is all around us.

Read Cases from the Real World: Competition and the Markers of Business Success, found in the following:

Byars, S. and Stanberry, Kurt (2018). Why ethics matter, chapter 1. Business Ethics. Rice University, OpenStax. Retrieved from pg. 15. CC BY 4.0 license

Also view the following interviews with Warren Buffett:

CBS Sunday Morning (2017). Sunday Profile with Warren Buffett. Retrieved from Standard YouTube license.

PBS NewsHour (2017). America should stand for more than just wealth, says Warren Buffett. Retrieved from Standard YouTube license.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” Warren Buffett

What is an ethical leader? These individuals lead by example and exemplify ethical decision making and conduct focused on a common good. They are known to act with integrity and inspire respect among peers, constituents, and subordinates. Successful ethical leaders are champions of their beliefs and communicate them throughout an organization to develop a supportive culture.

In this assignment you have the opportunity to learn about Warren Buffett as well as another business leader of a well-known company or corporation of your choice that you have not had an opportunity to study yet. (Select a leader you are unfamiliar with.)

Keep in mind that all people possess virtues and vices, and while they may strive to support ethical tenets, they may fail at times.

It might be helpful for you to review the following lists of virtues and vices to see examples.

Niche Partners PTY Ltd. (n.d.). A list of the 52 virtues. (n.d.). List of vices. Retrieved from

Case Assignment

Address the following in a 3- to 4-page essay, demonstrating your critical-thinking skills:

  • Discuss Warren Buffett’s approach to business dealings, especially as they relate to business ethics.
  • Apply ethical philosophies that you have learned about in this Module and state which you think apply to Mr. Buffett.
  • Bring in two of Mr. Buffett’s quotes that pertain to business ethics and discuss their meaning.
  • Compare and contrast your chosen leader’s behaviors to what you have learned about Warren Buffett.

This assignment should include third-person voice. Write a well-integrated paper with a strong introduction and conclusion, and use a few section headings (e.g., do not simply follow a Q & A format).

Bring in your Module background information. Whether or not you bring in sources outside of this Module is up to you. For all sources used, provide in-text citations and a references list.

General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers:

For a list of general reference sources related to locating library sources, using APA formatting, applying critical-thinking skills, and so forth, see General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers. It is not required that you read these sources page-by-page, but rather use them as guides.

Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be evaluated using the following criteria from the Case grading rubric, located in the Case dropbox:

Assignment-driven criteria: Covers all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

Critical thinking: Conceptualizes the problem. Multiple information sources, expert opinion, and assumptions are analyzed, synthesized, and critically evaluated. Logically consistent conclusions are presented with appropriate rationale.

Business writing: Mastery in written communications and a skilled, knowledgeable, and error-free presentation to an appropriately specialized audience.

Effective use of information: Locates relevant and quality sources of information, using strong and compelling content to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic, and shape the whole work.

Citing sources: Mastery using in-text citations of sources, proper format for quotations, and correct format of full-source information in the reference list using APA style (bibliography).

10-1 Netflix Final Project Submission

Question Description

your analysis and negotiation coaching recommendations for executive leadership must address the following critical elements
I. Summary. The purpose of this section is to prepare the chief human resources officer for entering the arena of this particular negotiation. Be sure to:
A. Summarize the negotiation fact pattern the chief human resources officer (CHRO) would need in advance of the negotiation.
B. Describe the types of power (positional, information, reward, coercive, social , charismatic ) the CHRO has and how they are important to this particular negotiation.
C. Describe appropriate alternatives that the CHRO would want to consider in the event that an agreement is not reached. In other words, what is the CHRO’s BATNA? Does s/he have more than one?
II. Cultural Analysis Overview
A. What inferences can you draw about the company’s organizational culture based on how it reacts to an employee leaving? Support your reasoning with specific examples.
B. Describe what cultural assumptions drive the organization’s policy decisions. Support your response with examples.
C. Explain how you would use these assumptions to engage in a severance negotiation that would result in the most beneficial outcome for the company. Support your explanation with effective examples.
III. PIOC Analysis Overview
A. Formulate appropriate phrasing for the CHRO’s opening remarks that separate the people from the problems. Your phrasing must be based on principled negotiation practices.
B. Identify case-specific negotiating positions and rephrase them as interests. For example, you could use a table to illustrate each position and the appropriate rephrased interest (one row per position-interest).
C. Recommend options that can appropriately address the parties’ integrative interests. Feel free to consider potential creative options that may not be as common.
D. Identify objective criteria that can be used to measure distributive elements of the negotiation. Explain the reasoning for your choices.
IV. Communication Strategies
A. Identify examples of effective overt communication that could be used in this negotiation. Explain the reasoning for your choices. For example, when hearing a proposal from the executive that would be risky from a human resources perspective, how would you respond? Why?
B. Identify situations where tacit communication is important to this negotiation. Provide examples of how you might use such communication in upcoming meetings. For example, if you are making an offer to the executive, what non-verbal cues can you provide to let him/her know the offer is final and you would not be open to negotiating further?
C. Contrast the benefits and risks of using overt and tacit communication methods with respect to this negotiation. For example, might one particular method be more appropriate than the other? Why?
V. Negotiation Tactics and Strategies
A. Summarize potential negotiating gambits that could advance a distributive negotiating agenda in this situation. For example, what might you say to persuade the other party to stop asking for concessions?

B. Recommend which specific gambits would be most appropriate for advancing your agenda in this negotiation. Explain your reasoning.
C. What tactics would you advise the negotiator to avoid in this case? Explain your reasoning.
Milestone One
Summary and Cultural Analysis Overview
In Module Three, you will submit a draft of Section I: Summary and Section II: Cultural Analysis Overview of the final project. You will submit this draft to your instructor for review and feedback. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two
: People, Interests, Options, Criteria (PIOC) Analysis Overview and Communication Strategies
In Module Six you will submit a draft of Section III: People, Interests, Options, Criteria (PIOC) Analysis Overview and IV: Communication Strategies of the final
pr oject. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric
Final Submission
An Analysis and Negotiation Coaching Recommendations for Executive Leadership
Module Ten , you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artif act containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric (

HR Presentation on Talent Management in a Changing Organization: Part 2

Question Description

You are an HR analyst for XYZ Corporation, and you have been tasked with the assignment of helping a company through a period of organizational change. Your client, Thoreau Enterprises, recently acquired several other companies in its industry. The organization has gone from being a $1 billion entity to a $15 billion entity as a result of these acquisitions. Though Thoreau Enterprises purchased the others, it was actually the smallest entity of the entire grouping. After meeting with Thoreau Enterprises’ company leadership, your Director, Jacob Wickham, has compiled notes on three main areas that need to be addressed: talent management needs, compensation, and the role of HR to lead change for the new organization. Following is a list of specific concerns that Jacob noted during the initial meeting:

  • There are a number of “legacy” employees whose roles in the new organization have changed drastically as a result of the acquisitions. Many employees are unclear whether their jobs are going to be considered redundant or if they are “safe” in the new organizational structure. Rumors are spreading that everyone’s jobs are up for grabs, employees will have to re-interview to keep their jobs, and the severance packages for anyone laid off may not be as great as people are hoping for. Morale is low in this period of uncertainty.
  • HR leaders are aware of the need to hire to fill certain functions, and it has come to light that job descriptions do not exist for all levels in the organization.
  • In the past, employees were typically hired because they were referred by existing staff. Therefore, contemporary recruiting and hiring methods have not been utilized at Thoreau Enterprises.
  • Compensation strategies need to be aligned across the new organization.
  • With the merger of so many companies, no cohesive corporate culture has been established, and there are major employee morale issues, as stated above. In fact, the leaders of the new Thoreau Enterprises are unsure of what their company culture should be and need guidance for how HR can help them to establish this and lead them through this period of uncertainty and change.

Your director, Jacob Wickham, has asked you to put together a presentation on talent management, compensation, and the role of HR in helping to manage organizational change. After speaking with the client, Jacob has compiled a list of items that he wants you to cover in this presentation, which should include a title slide, References slide, and speaker notes for each slide that Jacob can use to present your points to the leaders of Thoreau Enterprises.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and the scenario for this Assignment.
  • Refer to the Academic Writing Expectations for 2000/3000-Level Courses as you compose your Assignment.

By Day 7

Submit Part 2 of your presentation, according to the following prompts.

Part 2: Compensation Strategies (6–9 slides)
  • Illustrate two traditional and two nontraditional compensation methods or strategies that Thoreau Enterprises can employ to attract and retain talent in their organization. Provide specific examples of how each might be used and a rationale for each choice. (4–6 slides)
  • As Thoreau Enterprises develops a compensation strategy for the newly structured organization, what are the main components they need to incorporate? What are the potential risks they need to mitigate? Provide specific examples and relevant details to support your response. (2–3 slides)
  • Your presentation should adhere to the template provided. It should consist of 6–9 slides, not including a title slide and References slide that includes properly formatted citations for a minimum of two scholarly sources to support the information you presented. You should also include detailed speaker notes to be used as a script for delivering the presentation. Use the Week 4 Assignment Template, provided in this week’s Learning Resources, to complete this Assignment.


Question Description


TASK 1: (worksheet ONLY)

Case Assignment

Read Chapter 6, Educational Planning and Academic Decision-Making, in Thriving at Trident University.

Complete the Advising Pre-Planning Worksheet and then set up an appointment with your student success advisor. After reviewing your worksheet with your student success advisor, submit the assignment along with the code that your student success advisor gives you.

Assignment Expectations

Complete the Advising Pre-Planning Worksheet and then set up an appointment with your student success advisor.

TASK 2: (4 pages long)

Travis Kalanick was the founding CEO of the ride-sharing giant Uber. Under his leadership, Uber has become a globally successful firm with a valuation over $60 billion. Kalanick is in his early forties, but Uber is the third firm that he started. Earlier in his career he founded the file-sharing company Scour which ended up going bankrupt due to lawsuits. He had more success with another file-sharing company called Red Swoosh which he later sold for $19 million.

In spite of all of his accomplishments and success, he has always been a controversial CEO. Recently he was caught on video berating an Uber driver, a video that went viral. He has also faced allegations of fostering a toxic corporate culture. After facing a continuing wave of negative publicity, Kalanick had to step aside as CEO, but remains as a powerful member of Uber’s Board of Directors. He is also still one of their major shareholders, so even though another CEO will be managing the day-to-day, affairs he is likely to remain as a major leader within Uber.

For this paper you should first thoroughly review the background readings and make sure you are clear on the distinction between charismatic, transformational, and transactional leadership. Then do some research on Travis Kalanick’s leadership style. There is no shortage of articles about Travis Kalanick and Uber. But harder to find are articles on what kind of leader he is and how he leads his employees. Here are a few articles to get you started, but if you can find articles that are more recent or have more information about his leadership style, feel free to use them in your paper instead:

Hook, L. (2017, March 10). Uber: The crisis inside the “cult of Travis.” Financial Times, p. 11. [ProQuest]

Somerville, H. (2017, April 13). Uber CEO’s iron grip poses challenge in COO search. Reuters. Retrieved from

Fast Company. (2015, September 25). Travis Kalanick, the fall and spectacular rise of the man behind Uber. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from

Case Assignment

After you have reviewed the background materials and done some research on Travis Kalanick, write a 4- to 5-page paper addressing the issues below. Make sure to cite both required background readings such as Barine and Minja (2012) or Luthans et al. (2015) as well as specific articles on Travis Kalanick.

  1. Does Travis Kalanick meet the definition of a charismatic leader based on what you’ve read? Explain your answer using both the required background textbook readings as well as specific information you found about Kalanick.
  2. Does Travis Kalanick meet the definition of a transformational leader based on what you’ve read? Explain your answer using both the required background textbook readings as well as specific information you found about Kalanick.
  3. Does Travis Kalanick meet the definition of a transactional leader based on what you’ve read? Explain your answer using both the required background textbook readings as well as specific information you found about Kalanick.
  4. Overall, what do you believe are the main benefits and drawbacks of Travis Kalanick’s approach to leadership? Do you think he needs to make major changes in his leadership style?

week 5 discussion post, metrics

Question Description

This week is all about metrics!Metrics are merely measurements that are expressed in percentages ornumerals that can be used to evaluate or give information about thesuccess of our actions or programs. The course module, self assessment,and reading material for the week provide excellent foundationalmaterial that I urge you to review prior to applying your knowledge in the following questions and your next presentation.

Note the following:

  • We do not use the term matrix or metrics system when referring to metrics for this assignment
  • We can use the term metric (singular)and the term metrics (plural) but we need to use their respectiveappropriate verbs (a metric is or metrics are).

Many Chief Executive Officers (CEO’s)and Chief Financial Officers (CFO’s) complain that their Human Resourceprofessionals do not report metrics about Total Rewards or otherwise that matterto the organization or share relevant information. We want you to beable to provide metrics that are relevant to the organization – metricsthat matter.

After selecting a metric for thisdiscussion, ask yourself what does the metric that I am proposing tellme about the effectiveness of the Total Rewards program? It must relateto Total Rewards to be a relevant metric for this discussion and foryour next presentation. Revenue, profit, customer satisfaction are gooddata to know, but they are not good metrics for this assignment.

Further, the percentage of turnover is not important by itself as a metric,but the metric of the percentage of the highly valued employees who areleaving the organization and why they are leaving is helpful to knowsince the data should tell us if the rewards currently offered are afactor in those valuable employees leaving. Whether employees are happy is not a helpful metric(nothing against having happy employees but the organization would bebetter informed if it knew whether the employees are engaged in theirwork because of the total rewards). A metric that reports the percentageof the employees who are satisfied with the organization is not as helpful as knowing by individual segment of employee which benefit is of most value, through a forced ranking of the benefits.

Please keep this information in mindas you answer the following questions and design your secondpresentation, due this Sunday by midnight. The second presentation andyour final assignments will continue to use the organization you used inyour first PowerPoint presentation.

1. Give an academic definition of the term metric (with an in-text citation and full reference)

2. Discuss why, in general, metricsare important for HR professionals to report. For example, they canassist the HR professional in achieving their goals and objectives whilealso assisting the whole organization. For example if innovation is acore capability of the organization, tracking the level of turnover ofthe individuals who have had the most success innovating would beimportant along with knowing why these individuals are leaving. Thismetric would allow the organization to change incentives or otherrewards, if needed, or look for other ways to retain the needed talent.

3. Share an example of one metric youare considering for your second MS PowerPoint presentation when you willpresent three metrics to evaluate the success of the total rewardsprogram. Assignment 2 is due at the end of this week.

State or describe:

  • A metric you are considering for thenext assignment (typically a metric is an outcome and is presented as apercentage or index).
  • What the metric tells the organization about the effectiveness of the total rewards program
  • How the metric aligns with the organizational capabilities (what it does best)
  • How the metric aligns with the employee competencies (the knowledge, skills, and abilities)
  • How the data for the metric will becollected (for example, through an electronic survey, exit interviews,data from the Human Resource Information System (HRIS), focus groups orsomething else)

Starting a business

Question Description

  1. Write an introduction paragraph; a brief introduction to your paper as to who left you the money, why you want to open up your business, the name that you’ve chosen and why you need to do research in order to be in compliance with the laws governing opening up a hair salon.
  2. So, you’ll need to pick a strong business name that will identify your business as unique within the community. What name have you chosen for your salon business? Why did you choose that name?
  3. What city have you determined to be the best choice for your salon? How do you register your DBA; (DBA = “Doing Business As”) within the city you have chosen? ( (Links to an external site.))
  4. Completely read through Title 16 – Division 9. Board of Barbering and Cosmetology as well as the information on Regulations of Hair Salons. (See link below). In terms of hiring or renting space to cosmetologists, what are specifically, some of the key things you’ll need to do in order to be in compliance with Title 16 and the regulations that govern hair salons? (You can bullet these items, but explain what each item entails.)
  5. What are those skill sets that you are required by law to include in training your staff? Why are these important? (You can bullet these items, but explain what each item entails.)
  6. You need to make sure that you have insurance that will cover your business in terms of liability. You need to select an insurance company that will protect you and all your assets. After reviewing your options, (see link below) what company did you choose? What were the main reasons for choosing that particular insurance company? (You will need to be specific.)
  7. You decide to sign a lease for a space in a strip mall. What types of things should you look for concerning the terms of the lease? (Be specific)
  8. Because OSHA and the EPA govern this type of business, what kinds of environmental issues will you need to concern yourself with in terms of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? OSHA?
  9. You have several issues that deal with regulations of chemicals, especially with a spa and nail treatment facility. What are the regulations you need to make sure that you comply and what areas will you need to train your employees in terms of complying with those regulations?
  10. What information will you need to know about retrofitting your business in order to comply with the American’s with Disability Act?
  11. What types of permits do you need to have in order to comply with the city ordinances in terms of business signs, (signage); road access; ADA parking, etc.? (You can bullet these items, but explain what each item entails.)
  12. It is common in this industry to serve wine if you have a spa-like setting. What rules and regulations cover wine?
  13. (Optional) If you have contacts with someone who owns their own beauty salon, interview them as part of this paper:
    1. Name of the salon
    2. Name of the owner: Phone
    3. What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced in terms of getting started?
    4. What have been the most difficult areas in terms of compliance?
    5. Do you have Booth renters? What has been the most challenging aspects of renting space?
    6. Do you allow your stylists to sell products out of their booths if they are Booth renters? If yes, have there been any repercussions in terms of product harm an individual? Would you be held harmless should something occur?
    7. Does your salon currently serve wine or beer to clientele? Do you have a special license for that service? If so, has that ever posed a problem for you as the owner/landlord/ etc.?
    8. Any additional questions…