There are 3 very short responses to discussion questions, only a couple sentences/paragraph is needed each feel free to expand on that amount if you desier some people write 2/3 paragraphs but not required.

Question Description


Responding to Discussions

Yourresponse must have a clear, well-formulated thesis; sentence structure,grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. Your response should beinsightful, thoughtful, and analytical. You are required to make oneinitial post and then respond to two classmates for each discussionforum. Your responses to classmates’ postings must be thoughtful,substantial, and polite — not just a “well done” phrase or “I agree.”Consider points of agreement, disagreement, assumptions, and valuejudgments.

(1)- Through myprofessional career there have been a couple times where there was achallenging situation where trust was somewhat difficult to achieve,however at the end it was surely attained through the pillars that Burkementions; ability, integrity and benevolence. Towards the end of myrotational program in my first job as an analyst I was partnered with acolleague to complete an end of program project; think of it as acapstone. My colleague was one that was negative, under-driven, andunorganized. That said we both had difficulties trusting one anotherwith the responsibilities of getting the project complete to the beststandard and in time. However, once we split the project in two trustneeded to kick in if we were going to progress, We began to be honestwith one another when we didn’t understand certain topics, wecollaborated and questioned each other’s thoughts to try to get the bestproject made. We soon realized that trust was most definitely made ofin integrity, honesty, kindness and having faith in one another. We alsorecognized that as colleagues we needed one another in order to leanon, learn from and grow from. Once we trusted one another and stoppeddoubting each other we quickly flourished and the project was the bestone.

(2) – Based on Burke’smodels of trust, I can give an example of how trust was achieved usingmy own professional experience. I have been in a sales and new businessdevelopment role for the past nine years, selling technology servicesand solutions. Sales is a numbers game. It can be stressful, but dealclosures are rewarding. In my company, I am required to meet salestargets each quarter. I report into the sales operation lead for the US,who puts his trust in our team to deliver on our objectives andcommunicate any challenges or prospects on the horizon. We are tasked tohave several meetings per week and quality follow-ups. In my currentrole, the interview process was lengthy. I had several rounds ofinterviews with members of the senior executive team, including the CEO.They asked me questions to understand my ability to handle intensesituations, closing deals, my work ethic, and to name examples of themost success I have achieved. Once I started my new role, it is sink orswim. I showed my manager that I can hit the ground running, which Iexpressed during my interviews. I set up quality meetings in the firstweek, delivered on my 30-day plan, and created a prospect list withvalue. On days I work remotely, I make sure to check in with him to giveupdates or ask questions. In the office, I work collaboratively with mycolleagues so we can exchange information to benefit our sales success.All three pillars: Ability, Integrity, and Benevolence play an integralpart in earning trust and respect from my manager and my peers.

What other characteristics do you think should be measured when it comes to trust?

(3) – There may be a scenario where two project coordinators previously worked together and built a negative relationship. In this case, one of the project coordinators failed to share a key piece of data with the other, causing a missed deadline and the loss of a highly valuable client. Due to time zone differences, the coordinator who failed to share the data misunderstood when the information was needed and missed the deadline as a result. Re-establishing trust between these two project coordinators will require correctly identifying and mitigating the source of the conflict. After the main cause of the issue has been identified, the global project manager will need to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties.

Using a collaborative scheduling tool that indicates deadlines for both time zones, the issue that previously occurred between these project managers will hopefully be avoided going forward. From there, the two should focus on integrity to rebuild their trust. According to Burke’s research on trust, integrity in this context means that each person is dependable, consistent, and abides by the agreed upon standards dictated at the start of the project (Blakely, 2015). Each project coordinator will need to review the collaborative scheduling tool early and often and make sure to be on target with sharing deliverables in a timely fashion. Over time, they will feel they can trust each other when working together again by being reliable and thorough for each necessary task.

How would you resolve their conflict and rebuild trust?

Management Assignment

Question Description


Sales organizations may be managed in many different structures. Choosing the correct structure for the company and sales situation will improve impact of the sales team.

Instructions: Read Case 1.1 on page 25 concerning the, “Chicago Blackhawks.” Then respond to the checklist items in essay format.

Source: Castleberry, S. B., & Tanner, J. F. (2018). Selling: Building partnerships (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


  • If the Chicago Blackhawks were to fire one or more sales people, what impact would this have on corporate hospitality sales? (Review the section titled “What do Sales People Do?” to help answer the question.)
  • What would work best for Emily – should she hire an inside salesperson or a field salesperson to help? (Review the section titled “Describing Sales Jobs” to help answer the question.)

Submit a 500-word Microsoft Word document in APA format with an additional title and reference pages to the Dropbox.


In this Assignment, you will evaluate economic problems and opportunity costs to make informed economic decisions to effectively use scarce resources. You will also examine factors that affect production possibilities to determine the maximum possible output, given the resources and the current technology.

Instructions: Answer all of the following questions. You are required to follow proper APA format. Read the Criteria section below for more information before you begin this Assignment.

In this Assignment, you will be assessed on the following outcome:

MT445-1: Evaluate opportunity costs in the business decision-making process.

1. Analyze whether each of the following is primarily a microeconomic or a macroeconomic issue:

  • Setting the price for a cup of coffee.
  • Measuring the impact of tax policies on total household spending in the economy.
  • A household’s decision regarding whether or not to go on vacation.
  • A worker’s decision regarding which job to accept.
  • Designing government policies to address issues with the social security program.

2. Explain why each of the following is either a positive or normative economic statement.

  • A 40-cent-per-pack tax on cigarettes will reduce teenage smoking by 10 percent.
  • The federal government should spend more on diabetes research.
  • Rising paper prices will increase book prices.
  • The price of bagels at Bruegger’s is too high.
    • A decrease in the average length of annual vacations.
    • An increase in immigration of foreign workers to the U.S.
    • An increase in the average retirement age.
    • The migration of skilled USA workers to Europe.

3.Identify the effect of each of the following on the United States Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF).Does it shift inward, outward, or not at all? Briefly explain your answers.

4.Identify whether each of the following would increase or decrease the opportunity costs for stay-at-home moms or dads (those who choose not to accept work outside the home). Briefly explain your answers.

a.Higher unemployment rates.

b.Lower average wages.

c.Higher demand for labor.

d.Lower income tax rates on wages earned.


  • This Assignment should be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples where asked.
  • Your sources and content should follow proper APA format (A title page is not required). Review the APA formats found in the Writing Resources accessed through the Academic Success Center within the Academic Tools area of the course.
  • Review the grading Rubric to ensure all points have been captured in the paper.

References (add references in APA format in the following space below)

Directions for Submitting your Assignment

Complete your Assignment in this Word document. Submit your Assignment by the end of Unit 1 to Unit 1 Assignment Dropbox. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.

Unit 1 Assignment

Points Possible

Points Earned

Content and Analysis

Problem #1

Analyze whether each of the following is primarily a microeconomic or a macroeconomic issue (i. – v.).


Problem #2

Explain why each of the following is either a positive or normative economic statement (i. – iv.).


Problem #3

Identify the effect of each of the following on the United States Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF).Does it shift inward, outward, or not at all? (i. – iv.) Explain.


Problem #4

Identify whether each of the following would increase or decrease the opportunity costs for stay-at-home moms or dads. Briefly explain your answers (a – d).


Writing style, grammar, and APA format.




BUL3130 Critical Legal Thinking Case Study 4

Question Description

Roger is a director of a major car manufacturer. This is one of the few remaining car companies yet to introduce a sport utility vehicle. Roger convinces the board to investigate forming a new division to design, build, and market a sport utility vehicle. Roger also convinces the board that the first sport utility vehicle that the division introduces should be the largest yet sold to the general public.

The board set up a committee to do some research, and this committee hired a marketing consulting firm. The committee and the consulting firm both had a few reservations about such a large vehicle, but the data showed that the market could most likely support it. After much discussion, the board of directors voted in favor of creating the new division and the huge sport utility vehicle as its first product. The vote was 9 to 6 in favor of the plan.
Shortly before this vehicle was introduced, there was a major oil supply disruption that caused the price of crude oil to nearly triple. Few purchasers were found for the huge new sport utility vehicle and the company lost considerable money.

A shareholder files suit against Roger claiming he violated his duty to the corporation by convincing the board to build and market the large SUV.

Discuss Roger’s duties as a director and any defenses he has to the lawsuit using the format found in the Example CLTCA Submission with APA Format..


Critical Legal Thinking Case Study Rubric (4)

Critical Legal Thinking Case Study Rubric (4)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecognize the applicable areas of law

12.5 to >11.24 pts


Correctly states each area of applicable law

11.24 to >9.99 pts


Correctly states all but one area of applicable law

9.99 to >8.74 pts


Correctly states most of the areas of applicable law

8.74 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Misstates the areas of applicable law

12.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify the key facts

25.0 to >22.49 pts


Correctly states each element or principle of law

22.49 to >19.99 pts


Correctly states most of the elements or principles of law

19.99 to >17.49 pts


Correctly states some of the elements or principles of law

17.49 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Correctly states only a few of the element or principles of law

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApply the law to the facts to support an argument

25.0 to >22.49 pts


Correctly identifies each of the key facts

22.49 to >19.99 pts


Correctly identifies most of the key facts

19.99 to >17.49 pts


Correctly identifies some of the key facts

17.49 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Correctly identifies only a few of the key facts

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApply the law to the facts to support a counterargument

25.0 to >22.49 pts


States a decision that resolves the issue, supported by application of the elements or principles of law to the facts

22.49 to >19.99 pts


States a decision that resolves the issue, but fails to fully support it by application of the elements or principles of law to the facts

19.99 to >17.49 pts


States a decision that resolves the issue, but fails to support it by application of the elements or principles of law to the facts

17.49 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Fails to state a decision that resolves the issue

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format; Organization; and grammar, punctuation, and spelling

12.5 to >11.24 pts


Good, logical organization with no errors

11.24 to >9.99 pts


Good, logical organization with only one or two errors

9.99 to >8.74 pts


Good, logical organization with several errors

8.74 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Confusing organization, or numerous errors

12.5 pts

Total Points: 100.0

We are covering Chapters 19 and 20 of our textbook – Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for Business by Constance E. Bagley (9Ed.). We are encouraged to use any peer reviewed references.

Corruption of Science by Pharmaceutical Companies Scientific Integrity versus Business practices.

Question Description

Appendix C : CASE STUDY Assignment Descriptions: Ethical Case Analysis 1:

TOPIC: Corruption of Science by Pharmaceutical Companies Scientific Integrity versus Business practices.

After reviewing the Case Study articles, assess the actions, ethics and situation using critical thinking as outlined. For your Business Ethics course, you will review, assess and report the ethical dilemma in a real business situation. Case 1 is about the corruption of science. There are always conflicts and choices in business. For the pharmaceutical companies that research, test, produce and distribute drugs for our well-being the regulations are complex. The stated intent of drug trials is to protect people from harm. Again, it is a scientist professional obligation to find the fundamental truth regarding the relative good versus the relative bad side effects of any given drug. Part of this course requirement is to become more sensitive and observant of the grey area circumstances and situations that converge for an ethical dilemma.

You MUST read all posted articles. After reading the articles pick one pharmaceutical company: Purdue, Merck, Pfzier or Glaxco. Once you pick a company do some further research on the web or library. Then answer the following questions for your case study.

The following assessment criteria shall be used for the case study. More importantly, this ABC 3 step critical thinking process may help you throughout your career:

1. (A) what were the factual antecedents that preceded an ethical breach, crisis, accident, crime or poor judgment that made the ethical dilemma(s) transparent to those outside the specific enterprise? I want to know you comprehend what happened (briefly) within Purdue or Merck or Pfzier or Glaxco. This paragraph should illustrate the sequence of unethical actions or decisions.

2. (B1) what behavior was highly unethical? I expect you to describe a singular breach of ethical conduct. Singular means pick one company (Purdue, Merck, Pfzier or Glaxco and drill down and into the situation). If there was a transaction that was particularly unethical, please describe that transaction including the position, title or name of the participants. In this part of your report, explain WHY people chose to disregard common values and ethics such as trust, integrity or fairness to others. In this part of the case study you should specifically describe the ethical breach that corrupted the science (or fact) that proves the efficacy of the drug (s) for human benefit. Use your judgment of business and human behavior to determine the WHY behind the ethical breach. Once you focus on a significant ethical breach you can further elaborate on other unethical behaviors. There are basically three Pharmaceutical companies mentioned in the assigned readings.

(B2) What behaviors followed the initial breach of ethics? In other words, did one ethical breach motivate or inspire more ethical breaches? For this portion of your case study, please utilize ethical terms such as justice, fairness, welfare, freedom and virtue. Do not just list them in a sentence. Use the word and then describe how the word clarifies the situations. For example if you refer to JUSTICE what is out of balance between personal freedom and welfare or equality of society?

3. (C) What was the outcomes or consequences? Consider both short term and long term, financial, reputation, relationships, image and/ or trust. Report if the cultural, social and legal landscapes have changed for the better or worse based on this case.

This case study should be 3 pages. Answer each of the 3 questions (ABC). The majority of your writing should address question 2, behaviors. The layout is single spaced paragraph(s) for each of the 3 steps. Use the articles posted and at least one more source. Cite your sources. Submit your report when DUE. Send in by Canvas on time or lose 2 points.

Case Study Evaluation and Grading.

This rubric is designed for 20 points. Your case study will be evaluated and graded using this simple rubric. I will convert your rubric score to a percentage and then to the points allotted.

1. Identification of Issues 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4

2. Supports Arguments 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4

3. Integration of Course Concepts 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4

4. Structure 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4

5. Language 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4

Systems Understanding Aid (SUA)

Question Description

After the Systems Understanding Aid (SUA) is completed and graded, it is yours to keep and use for future reference. You should mark all parts of the materials as you consider appropriate, except for journals, ledgers and documents. These will be handed in for grading and should include only the information stated in the Aid requirements. It is suggested that journals, ledgers, documents and schedules be neatly prepared in pencil to facilitate corrections. Any type of paper can be used for schedules as long as they are neatly prepared and can be easily read. The penalty for unexcused late assignments is 50% of the maximum points.







1 & 2



You are following Option 1 on pages 10 and 11 of the Instructions, Flowcharts and Ledgers book.

Read Introductory information, pages 3-12, 16 and scan 25-43. Scan through all documents in the Documents Folder. Your instructor will tell you which version of Document No. 1 to use – blue or green. Destroy the other version.

Carefully read Option 1, page 10.

Go through all transactions on the transactions list (Document No. 1) and write S & CR, P & CD, or PR beside each transaction as follows:

$ Sale, sales return, cash receipt, or charge-off (S & CR)

$ Purchase of goods or services or cash disbursement, except for payroll (P & CD)

$ Payroll (PR)

Every transaction must be identified as one of these three types.

Sales and Cash Receipts

Study flowcharts on pages 18-21.

Complete the seven-step process for recording a transaction on pages 11 and 12 for all sales and cash receipts transactions on the transactions list.

Complete WAREN’S MONTH-END PROCEDURES 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 on pages 12 and 13 for sales and cash receipts only.

Complete WAREN’S YEAR-END PROCEDURE 6 on page 15 (accounts receivable aged trial balance only using an excel spreadsheet. Make sure this spreadsheet is uploaded separately or included as a worksheet tab with your electronic worksheet and financial statements that you will hand in at the end of the whole assignment.)

Due: ____________________________

Schedules showing balances in the following general ledger accounts: 10100, 10200, 10300, 30100, 30200, 30300.

Accounts receivable aged trial balance.

Sales and cash receipts journals, finalized.

4 & 6


Purchases and Cash Disbursements

Study flowcharts on pages 22 and 23.

Complete the seven-step process for recording a transaction on pages 11 and 12 for purchases and cash disbursements on the transactions list.

Complete WAREN’S MONTH-END PROCEDURES 1, 2, 5 and 6 on pages 12 and 13 for purchases and cash disbursements only.

Complete WAREN’S YEAR-END PROCEDURE 6 on page 15 (accounts payable and fixed asset trial balances only).


Schedules showing balances in the following general ledger accounts: 10100, 10800, 20100, 30500, 30600, 30700, 30800, 40200, 40300, and 41000.

Accounts payable and fixed asset trial balances.

Purchases and cash disbursements journals, finalized.



Payroll and Month-end Procedures

Study flowchart on page 24.

Complete the seven-step process for recording a transaction on pages 11-12 for all payroll transactions on the transactions list.

Complete all WAREN’S MONTH-END PROCEDURES on pages 12 and 13 not yet completed.


Payroll journal, finalized.



Year-end Procedures and Completing the Project

Complete all WAREN’S YEAR-END PROCEDURES on pages 13 through 15 not yet completed.

For the worksheet and financial statements, do the Electronic Spreadsheet assignment. Even though you have adjusting entries in the electronic worksheet, you must still write in the adjusting journal entries into the general journal and post them to the general ledger accounts by hand.

Do WRAPPING UP on page 15.

DO not forget to do closing entries in the general journal and post the to the general ledger accounts. Remember close (zero out) all revenue, expense, dividend accounts. The offsetting amounts increase or decrease retained earnings.

Do WRAPPING UP on page 15.


Entire project including all schedules, ledgers, journals, and filed documents and records.

Exception: Do not turn in Reference book.

*All documents and records are to be filed following the instructions on the front of the Documents Folder.

You don’t have to do the Electronic Spreadsheet assignment

Respond to peers

Question Description

Please respond to each student and the required word count for each student is 200 or more. Please use scholarly sources , cite sources and required sources 3.

Original question -Through the use of the Top 10 list, tell us how you would assess risk in your organization. Which methods would you use from page 176 to gather information and why?

In Chapter 12, pick two risk tools that you found useful to apply within your organization. Describe them and how they contextually serve current needs of your organization.

Student 1 Fatina,

“A top 10 list profile provides a ranked listing of the most significant risks facing an organization and likely to impact the organizations ability to meet its stated objective” (Fraser & Simkins, 2010, p. 175). In my organization which is the Army because we are so geographically dispersed we use formal surveys a lot to gather information on risk. Just as the book stated this can cover a large number of participants and is well documented. However the disadvantages are major these include the quality of responses and the fact that a conversation does not happen, there is no open dialogue (Fraser & Simkins, 2010). If I could do it my way I would have to go with a risk workshop although there may be many workshops because of the numerous locations. I just believe the advantages have a higher upside then that of a formal survey. In chapter 12 the two risk tools I found most useful in my organization is identify and quantify risk as well as develop mitigation for key risk (Fraser & Simkins, 2010). I think the identify piece is key in any organization I think there has to be a level of knowledge and proficiency to be able to identify risk. To expound on that I also believe identifying a risk isn’t enough there has to be controls in place to mitigate that risk to the point where it is extremely low or low enough that higher ups will assume the risk (Jacoby, 1981).

Student 2 Connie

Directors/managers and decision-makers must be ready to contemplate risk in a beneficial means if they are to manage it. Therefore, a measurable classification of risk must focus consideration on three essential components: avoiding events that are considered the source of consequences; the possibility of these events occurring; and the value of the consequences (Wall, 2009). By aligning with the strategy and goals of an organization, the risk profile should prevent the acceptance of risks that do not add to the organizational mission. To create a risk profile, one must define risk tolerance, quantification, and arrangement of risk events and identify risk event causes, risk event consequences and key risk indicators (Lewis & Cummings, 2017).

Using the Top 10 list to create a profile, risks would be assessed in our organization by scheduling interviews and gathering background information, creating a summary and prioritizing the risk that was assessed. Our program serves thirteen counties in rural West Tennessee; therefore, it would be imperative to visit all the sights and meet with the department heads to determine what risk they have experienced or foresee. Therefore, the best method for us to utilize would be the formal survey because we could gather documented feedback that is compiled from a variety of participants. However, I would still like to utilize a structured interview in maybe a follow-up meeting once the profile is created to discuss with department heads one on one and face to face (Fraser & Simkins, 2010).

Management systems are designed to self-assess their strengths and drive continual improvement of the organization’s values and expectations. The running of essentials such as training, risk assessments and inspections create measurable data. This data must be evaluated to limit its worth in assessing the current state against possibilities and the organization’s ability to forecast (Susca, 2019). Therefore, the tools that would be used within our agency would be conducting ongoing training for all staff in ensuring that they are knowledgeable enough for continual improvement of our processes. Secondly, we would provide monitoring on all IPs to ensure assessment accurateness and consistency throughout the organization to guarantee the implementation of internal controls (Fraser & Simkins, 2010). Due to our organization is fully funded through grants, we must not falter within our processes. We cannot afford to have a deficiency; therefore, all risks must be avoided at all cost or we would be in jeopardy of losing our funding and closing our doors.

Complete Persuasive Speech OUTLINE TWICE

Question Description

Two STUDENTS HAVE THE SAME CLASS…so you will complete this TWICE WITH TWO DIFFERENT TOPICS…upload two separate documents/outlines once complete!

PERSUASIVE SPEECH (100 pts)Preparation Outline (20pts)

• The goal of this assignment is to move the audience to take action to stop/decrease a specific global issue happening within their nation, state, local areas/organizations – not just think differently, but do something specific. You will use the same global issue from your Informative Speech.

• The format follows Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. An example of the Persuasive Speech Preparation Outline with guidelines follows these instructions. Please do not retype the words in red as they are there just to help you understand the format. Be sure to answer the questions in blue for each main point.

Please note that you MUST answer the four objectives of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence so follow the guidelines provided or your grade will suffer! Do not make this assignment harder than what it is by trying to create more work than is necessary.

• Your Preparation Outline must be turned in before your speech will be graded! If you give your speech and your Preparation Outline has not been turned in, your speech loses one point per day until your outline is submitted.

• All documents should be typed and submitted as a Word document. There should be one inch margins, double spacing with 12pt. Times New Roman Font. There should be no grammatical or spelling errors. It should look just like the following example!!!!


Student Name



Specific Purpose:

Central Idea/Thesis:


Attention-Getter: Wake the audience up!!!! ATTENTION STAGE

Credibility Material: Share why you can speak on this topic. Establish that you have expert knowledge, trustworthiness, competency, and objectivity on the issue/topic.

Relevance to Audience: Let the audience know why they need to know your information or why it is important to listen.

Preview of Speech: Tell them your position on the topic and that you will share the problem, solutions, and actions for how they can get involved.



I. NEED STAGE: What is the problem that must be solved?

A. Prove to the audience that the issue exists and that it is a serious problem that must be solved.

B. Why does this issue/problem exist? What is one of the causes or reason why the issue/problem is happening? Describe the causes for the problems in detail and give current examples. Only focus on 1-2 potential causes.


II. SATISFACTION STAGE: What are your overall solutions to the issue/problem?

A. Describe in detail how you think the issue/problem should be solved for only the 1-2 causes of the problem you discussed in Main Point I.

B. Tell us why you think your solutions will work. Give us facts and details to back up your point of view.


III. VISUALIZATION STAGE: What will life be like with and/or without your solution?

A. Help us picture the benefits of your solution and the consequences if we do not implement your solution. If you only choose one, tell us the consequences. Be very graphic and dramatic, but realistic here. We need to feel and see the consequences!

B. Use pictures, statistics, cases/stories to illustrate your point.


IIII. ACTION STAGE: How can the audience get involved and help implement the solution?

A. Tell the audience how to get involved. Giver overall ways they can get involved and then provide simple, everyday things they can do. Give contact info for people and programs mentioned. Their involvement should directly relate to the specific solutions you covered in Main Point 2.



Audience Response Statement: Repeat the purpose of giving the speech.

Summary Statement: Summarize the main points you have just shared in the speech

WOW Statement: Memorable closing statement that ties everything together. Also, make this statement signal that you have concluded your speech.


The Preparation Outline must contain a minimum of four sources in proper APA format. There should be at least one for each main point in the BODY. The sources must be cited in the outline and under the Works Cited section. Don’t forget to use the References Tab in Word to help you with correct formatting!

When presenting your speech you must orally cite a minimum of four sources. These can be the same or in addition to the ones above. Please refer to the book for more information on how to cite sources orally.

These sources must be different from your Informative Outline!!!! DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA!!

Assessment 3–Individual Essay Writing

Question Description

Assessment 3–Individual Essay Writing
Write anargumentative academic essay on one of three given topics related to management theory. The
essay will be written in accordance with the guidelines for writing academic essays in the Academic Learning
Skills (ALS) student guide “Essay Writing”.
The argumentative essay must agree or disagree with
one of the statements below:
a) Job design only benefits employers through increased job performance; it has no benefits for

Given the pace of change strategic planning is a waste of time.

c) The matrix structure is suitable for all organisations.
Your essay must include:
At least five reference sources including the prescribed text book, none of which are internet
sources, e.g. websites.
Correct argumentative essay structure. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills student guide “Essay
Harvard Australian referencing for any sources you use. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills
student guide “Referencing”.
This assignment should be submitted online in Moodle.
The assignment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other formats may not be
readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other formats will be considered
LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word.
For assistance please speak to our Academic Learning Skills Coordinators. They can help you with
understanding the task, draft checking, structure, referencing and other assignment-related matter

Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd.
Assessment Brief
ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458
Version 1: 22nd December, 2016 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051

Marking Criteria. Fail (0-9.9) Pass (10-12.5) Credit (13-14.5) Distinction (15-16.5) High Distinction (17-20)
Little evidence of research.
Sources are missing,
inappropriate, poorly
integrated or lacking credibility.
Lacks clear link of sources with
Text book and 4 other relevant
sources. Basic use of sources to
support ideas, generally well
integrated, most sources are
credible. May be weaknesses
with paraphrasing or
Research is generally thorough.
Good use of
sources to support ideas, mostly
well integrated, sources are
credible. May be weaknesses with
paraphrasing or integration/
Thorough research is indicated.
Very good use of sources to
support ideas, well integrated,
sources are credible. May be
minor weaknesses with
paraphrasing or
Thorough research is indicated.
Professional use of sources to support
ideas, well integrated, sources are
credible. Very minor,
if any, weaknesses with paraphrasing or
Information /
Essay lacks coherence; topic is
poorly addressed; little
Essay is generally coherent; topic
is addressed; analyses in
reasonable depth with
some description. There are
some inconsistencies and
weaknesses with flow.
Essay is coherent and flows well;
topic is addressed quite
thoroughly; analyses in
considerable depth. There may be
some inconsistencies and
weaknesses with flow.
Essay is very coherent and flows
well; topic is addressed thoroughly;
analyses in
depth. There may be minor
inconsistencies and weakness with
Professional work. Essay is very
coherentand flows well; topic is
addressed thoroughly;
analyses in great depth. Very minor, if
any, inconsistencies and weaknesses
with flow.
Topic, concepts are not clear in
Material in the body is
generally poorly
sequenced. No discernible
conclusion; no links to
Topic, concepts are generally
stated with some clarity in
introduction. Material in body is
generally logically sequenced;
some weaknesses. Conclusion
does not clearly summarise
essay; links to introduction are
not clear.
Topic, concepts and are mostly
clearly conveyed in introduction.
Material in body is logically and
clearly sequenced; few or minor
weaknesses. Conclusion
summarises essay; may be some
weaknesses; generally
clear links to intro.
Topic, concepts are clearly outlined
in introduction. Material in body is
logically and clearly sequenced;
very few or minor weaknesses.
Conclusion mostly effectively
summarises essay; with
recommendations and clear links to
Topic, concepts are clearly
outlined in introduction. Material in
body is logically and clearly sequenced;
very minor, if any, weaknesses.
Conclusion effectively summarises
essay; with recommendations and
clear links to introduction.
Poor standard of writing. Word
limit may not be adhered to.
Minimum 1500 words in length.
Basic and sound standard of
writing; some errors in
punctuation, grammar and
Good standard of writing; few
errors in punctuation,
grammar and spelling.
Very good standard of writing; very
few or minor errors in
punctuation, grammar and spelling.
Professional standard of writing; no
errors in
punctuation, grammar and spelling.
No referencing is evident or, if
done, is inconsistent and
technically incorrect. No or
minimal reference list, mixed
Basic and sound attempt to
reference sources; may be some
inconsistencies and technical
errors in style. Reference list is
generally complete with 1 or 2
references missing.
Good attempt to reference
sources; inconsistencies and
technical errors in style. Few
inaccuracies in reference list and
all references listed.
Very good attempt to reference
sources; very minor inconsistencies
and technical errors in style.
Thorough and consistent reference
list and all references listed.
Professional level of referencing and
acknowledgment; no errors of style
evident. Thorough and consistent
reference list and all references lis

5 multiple choices (please read them they are down below)

Question Description

1Alpha College would like to increase the number of minority employeesat all levels within the organization. It would like to do this toensure that minorities are represented within the organization inapproximately the same proportion as in the surrounding community.Which of the following would accomplish these goals?


Alphaconsiders minority applicants for job openings until it meets thenumber of minority members it has determined it should hire.


Alphacan institute a program that recruits more heavily in minorityareas with the goal that they will receive more qualified minorityapplicants.


Alphacan write the job description in such a way that only minorityapplicants of a particular race will qualify for positions.


Alphapledges to recruit and hire a certain number of minority membersby a specific date.

2 April,a recent college graduate, has always been concerned about protectingthe environment and now hopes to play a major role in seeing thatlegislation for protecting the environment is enforced. With whomshould April seek employment?


Arecycling center


Alarge, environmentally friendly corporation


TheEnvironmental Protection Agency


TheEqual Employment Opportunity Commission


TheCommission for Cleaner Air

3 Tinais a real estate broker who has been asked to sell a property by aclient. The property is exactly what she has wanted for herself. Sheknows the seller is unaware of the value of the property and isrelying on her to make the best decision. She knows if she markets itaggressively, she can get several thousand dollars more for theproperty than the seller is asking. Tina talks to her son and askshim to buy the property in his name, with her funds, and to transferthe property to her after the transaction is completed. She contactsher client and tells him she has a buyer ready who is offering topurchase the property for a thousand dollars over the listing price.The seller agrees to the sale unaware of the other issues involved.As it relates to the topic of this chapter, which of thefollowing best describesTina’s actions?


Tinahas no ethical issues because the seller received more money inthe transaction than the listing price.


Tinahas sacrificed a thousand dollars more than she needed to pay forthe property.


Tinahas knowingly engaged in a conflict of interest.


Tinahelped her client enter a transaction in which everyonebenefitted.

4 Jeremyowns a muffler shop in a large city. He provides services such asmuffler repair, replacement, and minor car repair work. Last weekHarold came into his business driving a 1957 Belair Convertible andtold Jeremy that he wanted to convert it to a street-rod. He askedJeremy if he would adjust the muffler so it would emit 125 decibelsto give it a “muscle” sound. Harold told Jeremy he would pay anextra $1,000 in cash to get the work done. The legal limit forexhaust system noise is 95 decibels. Jeremy could do the work in afew hours and knows that no one would know that it came from hisshop. His business has been slow lately and he is having a difficulttime meeting his financial obligations; in addition, his son was justdiagnosed with cancer. Which of the following is mostcorrectregarding Jeremy’s decision?


Jeremymust make a decision that will impact society.


Jeremymust make a decision that will impact him, personally.


Jeremyhas no decision to make, he must comply with the law.


Jeremyis facing a moral, legal, and ethical decision.

5 Betsy’sClothiers, a dress factory in Boston since 1927, had 100 employeesworking in her dress-making factory. Many of the employees are womenand children who work long hours. She rotates shifts throughout theday so employees do not do the same tasks throughout the entire day.She discovered that this makes it possible for the children to worklonger and harder. She also allows employees to take a 15-minutelunch break and two breaks during the day to use the restroom. One ofher employees, a ten-year-old named Sam, has complained that it istoo cold in the factory to work in the winter and too hot to work inthe summer and that 15 minutes is an insufficient amount of time toeat lunch. He has reported Betsy’s Clothiers to the mayor and askedthat he intervene on behalf of the employees at the factory. Which ofthe following statements was true about government regulation ofbusinesses prior to 1930 and how this regulatory scheme will affectSam?


Governmentfrequently became involved in the day-to-day activities ofbusinesses so this company should have expected governmentregulators to intervene in this situation.


Governmentwill probably not interfere because it only became involved inobvious abuse of the free-market system.


Governmentagencies published accounts of consumers’ grievances and heldsellers accountable for their actions so it is likely Sam’sstory will be heard and acted on.


Itwas not widely believed that competition would correct abuses inthe business marketplace so intervention will be immediate andswift.

BUL3130 Critical Legal Thinking Case Study # 2

Question Description

Draft your response using the format found in the Example CLTCA Submission with APA Format.

Ron supervises delivery of flowers for a wholesale distributor of fresh flowers, Flowers. Inc. In order to accommodate one of the company’s best customers, Ron offers to immediately rush a delivery of fresh peonies. All of the delivery trucks are currently out on delivery. Ron directs an employee, Ruth, to use her own vehicle to deliver the flowers.

Ruth carelessly parks her car on a steep hill, leaving the car in neutral and failing to engage the parking brake. The car rolls down the hill, knocking down an electric line. The sparks from the broken line ignite a grass fire. The fire spreads until it reaches a gasoline station one mile away. There is a tanker truck off-loading gasoline to the station’s gas tanks. The fire ignites the gasoline being pumped into the tanks, and one of the tanks explodes, causing part of the station structure to fall on and injure a passing motorist, Jim.”

Can Jim recover damages from Ruth; from Flowers’ Inc? Why or why not?
Identify the cause of action. Discuss each element of the cause of action, and relate them to your assessment of whether Jim has a cause of action against Ruth.
Discuss the legal doctrine under which Jim might also recover from Flowers, Inc.

Textbook: Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for Business by Constance E. Bagley, 9th Edition covering Chapters 9, 10, and 14.

Critical Legal Thinking Case Study Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecognize the applicable areas of law

12.5 to >11.24 pts


Correctly states each area of applicable law

11.24 to >9.99 pts


Correctly states all but one area of applicable law

9.99 to >8.74 pts


Correctly states most of the areas of applicable law

8.74 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Misstates the areas of applicable law

12.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify the applicable principles of law

25.0 to >22.49 pts


Correctly states each element or principle of law

22.49 to >19.99 pts


Correctly states most of the elements or principles of law

19.99 to >17.49 pts


Correctly states some of the elements or principles of law

17.49 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Correctly states only a few of the element or principles of law

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify the key facts

25.0 to >22.49 pts


Correctly identifies each of the key facts

22.49 to >19.99 pts


Correctly identifies most of the key facts

19.99 to >17.49 pts


Correctly identifies some of the key facts

17.49 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Correctly identifies only a few of the key facts

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApply the law to the facts to resolve the issue

25.0 to >22.49 pts


States a decision that resolves the issue, supported by application of the elements or principles of law to the facts

22.49 to >19.99 pts


States a decision that resolves the issue, but fails to fully support it by application of the elements or principles of law to the facts

19.99 to >17.49 pts


States a decision that resolves the issue, but fails to support it by application of the elements or principles of law to the facts

17.49 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Fails to state a decision that resolves the issue

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format; Organization; and grammar, punctuation, and spelling

12.5 to >11.24 pts


Good, logical organization with no errors

11.24 to >9.99 pts


Good, logical organization with only one or two errors

9.99 to >8.74 pts


Good, logical organization with several errors

8.74 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Confusing organization, or numerous errors

12.5 pts

Total Points: 100.0