8 page Financial Report (CAPELLA)

Question Description

  • Create an 8-10 page report in which you examine a major public company and provide a recommendation on how shareholder value could be enhanced, with resulting impact on the firm’s capital structure and stock value.


    This portfolio work project will illustrate what potential financial strategies can be employed by firms to impact company valuation and how they should be financed. This is a relevant concept for both large and small companies. You will have a chance to apply the skills expected of an MBA graduate; from the financial management perspective, you should be able to:

    • Utilize financial strategies that will increase the price of stock.
    • Calculate WACC and capital structure.
    • Evaluate how financial strategies impact the capital structure.

    This assessment requires you to examine a major public company and provide recommendations on how shareholder value could be enhanced, with resulting impact on the firm’s capital structure and stock value. You will estimate the firm’s current WACC.


    Fast forward to when you have successfully completed the MBA program. You are now a Chief Financial Officer of a large, publicly traded company at (go ahead and insert your dream company here). Using your dream company, conduct extensive research on the current situation of the company using resources like the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, GuruFocus, Yahoo Finance, EDGAR, and the Capella library. As the CFO, you have been given a project by the CEO and Board of Directors to prepare a report on ways to financially engineer the company to increase stock price. From the company’s website, go to the financial section and examine the financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows) and 10K and 10Q reports, and conduct a financial ratio analysis including the following: current ratio, debt to equity ratio, return on equity (ROE) ratio, dividend yield, earnings per share (EPS or the last 4 quarters), price to earnings ratio (P/E), and market to book ratio. Compare these ratios to those of the company’s nearest competitor.Assume that the objective of upper management is to maximize shareholder value by increasing the price of the stock. Describe the subjective impacts (threats, opportunities, competitive edge) that are unique to the firm and its industry that you found in your research.Based on the ratio results and research, from the following list of ways to financially engineer an increase in stock price, evaluate each method, examine its pros and cons, and then select the best ways for the firm to increase the stock price. Be as specific as you can by using qualitative assessments without proprietary company information:

    1. Capital expenditures—new equipment, plant, machinery, marketing/advertising campaign, computer infrastructure (only choose if your research of the firm has discovered some specific opportunity here).
    2. Merger/acquisition of a competitor.
    3. Stock repurchases.
    4. Dividend policy change—increase, decrease, stock split, stock dividend.
    5. Reduction of debt.
    6. Expansion into a new geographic market.
    7. Introduction of new products/services.

    Your Role

    You are the Chief Financial Officer of your selected company.


    The report you submit to the CEO should meet these expectations:

    • Evaluate strategies used to increase stock prices and shareholder value.
      • Analyze strategies to employ cash to potentially increase shareholder value and the impact on financial risk of the entity, such as capital expenditures, mergers/acquisitions, stock buybacks, dividend increases, reduction of debt, expansion into a new geographic area, and introduction of new projects.
    • Analyze financial statements and ratio analysis to determine the optimal strategies.
      • Describe the subjective impacts that are unique to the firm and its industry through ratio analysis of the financial statements and qualitative research.
      • Relate the analysis to the strategies.
      • Identify the pros and cons regarding each strategy. Use behavioral models and theories to support your analysis and evaluation. Determine the best strategies, and describe how earnings and stock price can be increased by these choices. Comment on how the efficient market hypothesis may impact stock price with the recommendations.
    • Recommend the best strategies to gain the most optimal performance.
      • Provide justification and rationale for your recommendation.
      • Align your recommendation with analysis and data.
      • Provide examples and analysis to defend recommended strategies.
      • Connect the recommendation to methods and models of financing and investing.
    • Evaluate how the recommendation will be financed and how it will impact the capital structure and the risk of the company and the WACC.
      • Calculate the firm’s current WACC and capital structure (percentage of assets financed by liabilities versus percentage of assets financed by shareholder equity).
      • Determine whether the firm has sufficient finances to fund your recommendation internally (with cash) or if it needs to raise funds externally.
      • If external financing is required, decide between common stock and debt (bonds) and explain the rationale for your decision.
      • Examine how your strategy recommendation will potentially impact WACC, capital structure, the overall risk of the company stock, and the effect on the stock price.

    Deliverable Format

    Report requirements:
    • Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
    • Use at least three scholarly resources.
    • Your report should be between 8 and 10 pages.
    • Use 12 point, Times New Roman.
    Related company standards:
    • This report is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (located in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs.
    • Use APA-formatted references.


    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 2: Analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.
      • Evaluate strategies used to increase stock prices and shareholder value.
    • Competency 3: Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.
      • Recommend the best strategies to gain the most optimal performance.
    • Competency 4: Use data to support evidence-based financial decisions.
      • Analyze financial statements and ratio analysis to determine the optimal use of cash.
      • Evaluate how the recommendation impacts the capital structure and the risk of the company and the WACC.

    Faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if they were your CEO. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.


    This portfolio work project demonstrates your competency in applying knowledge and skills required of an MBA learner in the workplace. Include this in your personal ePortfolio.Note: Your faculty may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

2 Reply post required for below Discussion post of 250 words each

Question Description

Post 1

Role of end-users in incident reporting :

Role of end-users in incident handling is very crucial as end-users are the person or employees who actually use the application or the products developed by the organization. End users are the persons who deal with the developed system on a daily basis to complete their work. End users can look for any uncommon activity or any irregular activities in the systems they are using. They are the most valuable people in early detection of any incident and its reporting to the higher officials. They are first persons who can actually feel of any system irregularities and can see that while it is happening or recently the incident happened. They should be able to check the system proper functionalities and use the software called intrusion detection to look for any malware virus in the application. If they notice any virus activity in the application used by them they should immediately report this to the next level of the officers for the appropriate actions. It is also their responsibility to report any unusual activity immediately without delay to the higher officials for the immediate actions to secure the application used by the organization (Finch, 2019).

Should end-users be encouraged to report suspicious occurrences? If so, why; if not, why not.

End-users must be encouraged for an immediate report of any unusual and suspicious incident occurrences to the higher officials or directly to the incident management team. End users should be encouraged as they are the first persons who can see and observe any irregularity or any suspicious activity in the systems. Each and every organization now days have an incident management team who takes care of any unusual activities to the organization’s network and computers or the software. Incident response teams play a very important role in handling an incident and working t resolve the issue. So each end-user should be provided a compulsory training on a regular basis on the usage of the Intrusion detection software by themselves and the procedure of reporting any suspicious activities directly to the incident response team.

Typical factors that influence end-users to report an incident :

There are some factors or reasons which influences the end-users decision to report an incident or not. Two main factors are end-users personal interest and responsibility feeling and the organization’s strict policies to rewards the users who report any important incident. For example, if the end-user reports an incident to the incident response team and incident response team did not take the case seriously and ignores the issue raised by the end-user. This kind of occurrence will make the end-users demotivated and not interested in following up on the issue raised by them. If on the other hand if an end-user reports an incident and the incident response team start working on it and keep a follow up with the end-user by asking the additional details of the incident and the solution for the issue. Other case is when an end-user when reporting an incident gets some kind of reward or additional benefits they fell interested and more vigilant about any suspicious activities on the system (Katerina, 2014) – Aruna Yadav

Post 2

Incident Reporting is very important because it need to come across to people because sometime it is hard to manage and hard to report incident for higher level of people. End users are most vital part of the reported incident. They are witnesses to the incident being reported. he other factor is that the clients must be advised before itself to report if any suspicious occurrences happen, to comprehend it instead of disregard it. The end-clients who express the occasions to the higher authorities must give precise data. Else, it might influence the end-clients harshly. On the off chance that the proper data isn’t given to the association by the end-clients, at that point there will be a ton of dangers to be looked by, end-clients themselves.

However the users should understand that the emergency team will have limited bandwidth and the time they are investigating the false positive report they are not working on a real emergency. End users are also hesitant to report any incident which may victimize their peers, they believe it could cause a more hostile workplace in case their peer finds out. If the users who reported the false positive suspicious activity receive any negative feedback because of their reporting they will be discouraged to report such activity in the future. Anonymously reported incidents are hard to follow up and track down in case there is additional information required to resolve the incident. It is a decent practice to prepare the end clients on occurrence announcing as the vast majority of the end clients don’t think about the hazard the board, which can make a postponement in episode revealing. Circumstance can be controlled when reacting to the episode as quickly as time permits is significant.

The study of horticultural factors influencing incident reporting stated that nurses and physicians have noted that there are so many variations of self-reporting and peer-reporting that it becomes incredibly hard for to observe patterns and trends. Occurrence supervisory group ought to have a profoundly talented and proficient part to deal with all sort of episodes and the group should gather all the data from the finishes clients when after the episode happened can maintain a strategic distance from any disarray in the association. It is imperative to make appropriate strides and pursue very much spread out techniques. There is a great deal of significant worth in end-client episode reports and substances ought to guarantee that most extreme potential is accomplished out of it.

Examining it bit by bit for example readiness, distinguishing proof, regulation, annihilation, recuperation and future strides to persevere through that it doesn’t occur again goes far to proficiently settling occurrences simultaneously acquiring the most extreme yield from clients. There are a few factors by which the end-clients will report the episodes which happen in the association inside or remotely. The end-clients ought to advise the occasions to advance the way of life of the association – Manush Desai

Week 2 Assignment – Creating an Effective Speech

Question Description

Week 2 Assignment – Creating an Effective Speech

Learning Objectives Covered

  • LO 02.02 – Explain and apply the functions, factors of credibility, and strategies for catching audience attention in an introduction
  • LO 02.03 – Identify and use a variety of transition words to create effective transitions within a speech
  • LO 02.05 – Explain and apply the three steps of an effective conclusion

Career Relevancy

The art of persuasion can be used in many different aspects of your life. You don’t necessarily have to be having a full debate with someone, you just simply have to have an opinion about a particular matter and try to express why your idea is the best. You use persuasion when it comes to jobs or where to live. Persuasion can be used with something as simple as a vacation day outfit choice to where to have lunch catered from at your next work event. Knowing how to effectively express your views to an audience, convince others of the productiveness of your plan, and carrying through a persuasive speech can be excellent skills to know when it comes to your future career.



Author Justin Chase writes,

Presentation skills are important at some level in every career. Think of it this way. Every job requires you to create value, and you need to be able to present that value in some meaningful fashion. Of course, if you’re a financial analyst you will be expected to provide a formal presentation at some point, whether to your boss or a prospective client. But other jobs also require presentations. Teachers need to present and communicate ideas effectively, artists must showcase their work with some form of presentation, and so on. To even get a job you must be able to present well, by answering formal questions or highlighting your credentials through your resume.

Brett Fox, CEO of Touchstone Semiconductor, also writes about this issue:

Presentation skills are critical to your career growth. Do you want to get a job? Then you better have good presentation skills because a job interview is a presentation. Okay, great. You have a job…

Do you want to get to a higher level? You’d better have good presentation skills because you’re likely going to be presenting your ideas to your peers. Let’s back up…

Do you want to graduate from college? You’re going to have to present your projects regardless of the major you select. Okay, you’re out of college doing really well…

Do you want to start a business? How are going to raise money without good presentation skills? The answer is you will not. You’re the CEO…

Do you want to keep your business growing? Presentation skills again are key here. You’re going to be presenting to your board, your team, and your customers.

In short, whether you are delivering a keynote speech or trying to convince your boss you deserve a raise, presentation skills will help you succeed in your career. To present a successful speech, you must first engage and “hook” your audience from the beginning. Knowing strategies like opening with a controversial statement, starting with a question, or opening with a quote can give you confidence and grab your audience from the start. Another important element in giving a speech is to establish credibility with your audience. People are more likely to listen to what you have to say if they believe your information and trust your character. One way that you can build credibility is to align yourself with the same values your audience holds and explain how you both are similar. You can also display confidence by your stance and expressions which will also build confidence from your audience. When your audience is confident in you, they are more likely to find you credible. While giving your speech, it’s important to know transition words and when and how to use them. You want to make your audience comfortable and engaged while listening to your speech and the best way to do that is to eliminate awkward pauses or mismatched topics. Transitioning between main points and using phrases like “for my next example”, “furthermore”, or “however” can be effective. Last but not least comes the conclusion where you can apply three steps to ensure your conclusion is effective: (1) Wrap up all the thoughts you’ve expressed, (2) restate your stance, and (3) explain why the information you’ve presented is important. Of course, before you can give an excellent presentation, you need to write what you plan to say.


Quora (2017) How important is presentation skills for my career? Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/How-important-is-presentatio…


For this assignment, you will be writing a persuasive speech. The topic will be a new idea that you would need to present at work, either in your present job or in the career you will enter after you graduate. Choose carefully, because what you write this week is what you will be presenting for your final project.

Step 1: Think about something you persuade others to do when you are at work. You can use what you wrote about last week, or you can choose a new topic.

Step 2: The introduction to your speech must have these components:

  • Attention-getter (also known as the “hook”)
  • Link to your topic
  • Reasons to listen (the “why should I care?” section)
  • Thesis statement

Step 3: The body of your speech must have these components:

  • At least three main points. This is a good place to have the problem, cause, and solution. Alternatively, you could give three comparisons.
  • Research to support the main points. You need to use information from at least two sources. Make sure to include appropriate citations.
  • Transitions that connect your main points.

Step 4: The conclusion of your speech must have these components:

  • Restatement of the thesis
  • Review of the main points
  • Concluding device

The length is determined by your speaking speed. Read your speech out loud and time yourself. The speech needs to be 3-5 minutes long. You will need to write a minimum of 400 words of text for your speech. When you are finished, submit your paper below.

12 Slide Powerpoint Supply Chain Management (CAPELLA)

Question Description

  • Prepare 10-12 PowerPoint slides to present a supply chain management plan, including your analysis and recommendations for a supply chain design and logistics, for a provided scenario or business of your choice.


    This portfolio work project, a presentation of a supply chain management plan, will help you understand how supply chains and logistics create value for a company.


    For this assessment, choose either Option 1 or Option 2. You do not need to do both. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide.

    Option 1

    Wild Dog Coffee Company, a locally owned company with a single coffee shop location, serves a wide selection of espresso products, small breakfast and lunch menu items, and a limited evening menu. The company is planning to expand the business by adding an additional location. While different menu items may be tested at the new location, the espresso beverage preparation process will remain exactly the same. You and your business partners need to make a decision about the supply chain before the move. The following information may help support your analysis for Wild Dog Coffee Company:

    • You have one espresso maker that brews the espresso and froths the milk at each location.
    • Each espresso beverage requires 1.5 minutes of the barista’s time.
    • Each espresso beverage requires some combination of espresso beans, milk, and flavoring.
    • Each espresso beverage is served in a paper cup with a lid and sleeve.
    • Monthly cleaning and maintenance of the espresso maker is outsourced to a services company.
    • You stock one type of espresso bean. If you run out of inventory, you have to close the business until the next shipment of beans arrives.
    • Espresso beans are received seven (7) days after placing the order.
    Option 2

    If you chose Option 2 for Assessment 1 and 2, use the same business for this assessment, or select a different business. Note that it is recommended that you use the same business for each assessment in this course, using the following criteria for your selection:

    • The company fits the assessment requirements and you have access to the information needed to complete the assessment.
    • The business information is disclosed in the assessment for faculty’s reference.
    • You can distribute the business data without disclosing confidential information.

    Contact faculty with questions.

    Your Role

    Option 1

    You are an owner of Wild Dog Coffee Company. You and your business partners are preparing for the opening of your second location. You need to analyze and make recommendations for supply chain management for the two locations.

    Option 2

    Your boss, a director, has tasked you with a supply chain management project. She is relying on you to prepare an analysis and recommendations for demand management that can be presented to the executive team of the company.


    Create a PowerPoint presentation of your supply chain management plan, which you will present to your business partners. Include the following:

    • Analyze supply chain designs.
      • Your analysis should detail two different supply chain scenarios for either Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business.
      • Use a flow chart to indicate all inputs and outputs for each supply chain and to clearly indicate areas in the supply chain designs that are different.
    • Analyze the points at which the supply chains intersect with logistics. What role does logistics play in each supply chain design?
    • Assess bottlenecks in the supply chain designs. How would you overcome each bottleneck in the two supply chain designs?
    • Analyze how supply chains and logistics create value for the selected business. Why is it important for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business to focus on supply chains?
    • Recommend a supply chain design for the selected business.
      • Include your rationale for the most appropriate supply chain for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business.
      • Be sure to include any assumptions you had to make to develop the supply chain designs that support your recommendations.

    Deliverable Format

    • Presentation is 10–12 slides (in addition to title, reference, and appendix slides).
    • Select a PowerPoint slide template appropriate for a professional presentation. Include the content of the slides as well as the supporting narrative. Do not overbuild your slides; information that supports what you will be saying should appear at the lower portion of each slide as notes.
    Related company standards:
    • The PowerPoint is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources).
    • Use 2–3 scholarly or academic sources, where applicable, one of which must come from the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, or MIT Sloan Management Review.
    • Use APA formatting for citations and references.


    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1: Analyze how operations management theories and models effect the development and delivery of products or services to the marketplace.
      • Analyze how supply chains and logistics create value for the selected business.
    • Competency 2: Use logistics and supply chain management tools to manage the distribution of products and services.
      • Analyze the points at which the supply chains intersect with logistics.
      • Assess bottlenecks in the supply chain designs.
    • Competency 3: Use data to evaluate the effect of operations management decisions on organizational goals.
      • Analyze supply chain designs.
    • Competency 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of operations management strategies to achieve quality and customer service goals.
      • Recommend a supply chain design for the selected business.
    • Competency 5: Communicate business needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
      • Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.

    Faculty will provide feedback as they were the recipient of your deliverable in the workplace, using the scoring guide. Refer to the scoring guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assessment before submission.


    This portfolio work project demonstrates your competency in applying knowledge and skills required of an MBA learner in the workplace. Save this activity to your ePortfolio for future reference in the workplace.

Work Health and Safety Assignment (FIG)

Question Description

Major Assessment

Due Date: 8 weeks from enrolment in the unit in Learn, or commencement of class


On 5 May 2017, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) were convicted and fined $105,000 and ordered to pay $15,000 to the victim after pleading guilty to a breach of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA).

The details of this prosecution are contained in the Major Assessment Case Study below. Down load and read the Case Study.

Using the facts in the case study and your own reading and research, provide a written response for each of the Activities listed below. Your submissions should be in Word and/or on the templates provided in Learn as detailed below. On completion you must upload your submissions at the ‘Major Assessment’ topic in Learn.

NOTE: References to relevant sections of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA); Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA); and any relevant Codes of Practice MUST be included in your submissions. Failure to do so may result in a ‘Fail’ grading for the unit.

Use the Harvard Referencing Guide in the ‘Introduction’ topic in this unit on Learn as a resource if required.


1. The KFC case study uses the terms ‘Persons Conducting Businesses or Undertakings’ (PCBU) and ‘Worker’. As well, WHS laws specify duties for ‘Officers’ of a PCBU.

  • Write a brief description of who may be a PCBU, an Officer, and a Worker under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA).
  • Outline the legal responsibilities and duties of Persons Conducting Businesses or Undertakings (PCBUs); Officers; and Workers in relation to WHS risk management, and their ‘duties of care’. Your discussion must include an explanation of ‘reasonably practicable’.

2. Read the Work Health and Safety Consultation, Co-operation and Co-ordination Code of Practice and the Example Consultation Procedure (available in the ‘Consultation & Participation’ topic on Learn). Then:

  • Write a brief explain of the legal requirements for a business (PCBU) to consult with workers on WHS matters,
  • List the benefits of effective consultation on WHS matters
  • List the recommended content that records of consultation should include; and
  • Using the Example Consultation Procedure as a guide, explain the consultation mechanisms that KFC should have had in place to consult with workers about the WHS risks in the workplace.

3. Identify the ‘hazards’ that led to the incident at KFC (there are at least 3). Then:

  • Using the Example Risk Management Procedureand the Risk Assessment Template from the ‘Hazard Management’ topic in this unit on Learn, conduct and document a risk assessment for each of the hazards identified. Your documented risk assessment must be submitted with your Major Assessment as an attachment and include the initial risk ratings, recommended controls, and residual risk ratings for each hazard.
  • Identify the category (type) of control that each of your recommended controls is according to the ‘hierarchy of controls’ (elimination, substitution, isolation, engineering, administration or PPE).
  • Using the Example Risk Management Procedure,your completed Risk Assessment, and the WHS Risk Control Action Plan Template from the ‘Hazard Management’ topic in this unit on Learn, complete a WHS Risk Control Action Plan. Your documented WHS risk control action plan must also be submitted with your Major Assessment.

4. The case study identifies ‘inadequate training and supervision’ as one of the contributing factors to the incident, and KFC has taken steps to improve training since.

  • You have been asked to plan the training improvements as a result of the incident. Using the following information and the Training Plan Template in the ‘Training’ topic on Learn, document a training plan (dates may be made up), with the estimated costs (include pay for additional hours worked for training).
  • There are a total of 20 casual workers employed at this KFC and on average each is paid $12 per hour. They will be paid for extra hours required to do all of their training.
  • It has been decided to put all workers through training on the risk management and emergency procedures. The in-house course will run over a 3 hour period for 10 workers at a time in the KFC training room. A written assessment will be conducted at the end of the session.
  • All workers will also be trained on-the-job in the procedures for food preparation and plant operation. This training is one-on-one with the in-house trainer, and will require each worker to work an additional 8 hours to undertake the course and assessment. As this is competency based training, a competency assessment is used by the trainer to guide and record the training.
  • 4 of the workers will be trained in First Aid. The course is to be run off-site by St. John Ambulance over two days (14 hours) for a course fee of $229 per person. A certificate will be issued on completion of the course.
  • Another 4 workers will be trained as Emergency Wardens to facilitate evacuation and emergency procedures if required in the future. This course will be run on-site in the KFC training room over a 4 hour period by Emergency Training SA at a fee of $100 per person. A certificate will be issued on completion of the course.
  • Finally, 2 workers will be trained as Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) at Tafe SA. This is a Level 1 program and is a 35 hour course run over a 5 day period off-site. The course fee per person is $885. A certificate will be issued on completion of the course.

5. On the day of the incident (15 May 2015) you were asked to complete an Incident Report and Investigation Form on the KFC incident.

  • Using the details in the case study, complete the Form available in the ‘WHS Incident and Injuries’ topic for this unit on Learn, and submit this with your assessment.
  • Briefly explain the reasons for collecting and monitoring information from incident and injury reports and investigations (including ‘near misses’) in maintaining a safe workplace.

7 page Process Plan Task (BURKS)

Question Description

Develop a 7-page process improvement plan for a provided scenario or a business and process of your choice, using data to support your recommendations.


This portfolio work project, a process improvement plan, will help you demonstrate competencies in process documentation, process analysis, and process improvement.


For this assessment, choose either Option 1 or Option 2. You do not need to do both. You will apply one of these scenarios in the Requirements below. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide.

Option 1

Wild Dog Coffee Company, a locally owned company with a single coffee shop location, serves a wide selection of espresso products, small breakfast and lunch menu items, and a limited evening menu. The company is planning to expand the business by adding an additional location. While different menu items may be tested at the new location, the espresso beverage preparation process will remain exactly the same. The company wants to ensure that the espresso beverage preparation process is documented and refined before the move.

Option 2

Select a business and process of your choosing. Note: It is recommended that you use the same business for each assessment in this course. Before choosing a company, read all three of the assessments thoroughly to ensure the following:

  • The company fits the assessment requirements and you have access to the information needed to complete the assessment.
  • The business information is disclosed in the assessment for faculty’s reference.
  • You can distribute the business data without disclosing confidential information.

Contact faculty with questions.

Your Role

Option 1

You are one of three owners of Wild Dog Coffee Company. Your background is primarily in operations. Your business partners’ backgrounds are in marketing and sales. While they are working on the external aspects of the business that will bring customers in, you are focused on making the internal customer-facing processes as efficient as possible. You are preparing an analysis and recommendations that will help manage a core process improvement for the successful opening of a second location.

Option 2

Your boss, a director, has tasked you with a process improvement project. She is relying on you to prepare an analysis and recommendations that can be presented to the executive team of the company.


Include the following in your process improvement plan:

  • Assess the steps for a selected process.
    • Develop a flowchart showing the process’ steps. You may include as many steps as are relevant for your selected scenario.
    • If using Wild Dog Coffee Company, show the steps for preparing an espresso beverage (for example, latté, cappuccino); there are two steps that must be included: (1) order is submitted and (2) beverage is handed to the customer. Hint:You may want to visit a local coffee shop to observe the beverage preparation process.
  • Prepare a procedure documenting the selected process. At a minimum, the procedure must document the following for your selected process:
    • Metrics. Identify at least two metrics that will be useful in determining how well the new process is performing. Be sure to identify the target value of the metric and how you will measure it.
      • For Wild Dog Coffee Company, it could be how well the beverage preparation process is performing. A third metric is already identified for you: order delivery time. (This is the time between when the order is submitted and the time the beverage is handed to the customer.)
    • Procedure. This section describes each step of the process.
      • For Wild Dog Coffee Company, your procedure should be titled, “Espresso Beverage Preparation Process.” Be sure to include order submittal and handing the beverage to the customer as part of the procedure.
    • Purpose (of the procedure).This section describes what the procedure is intended to do.
  • Analyze data for process changes for a selected process. Respond to the following questions:
    • Is the process centered? Provide the results of your calculations and the rationale for your decision by thinking about the process capability.
    • Is the process capable at 3-sigma? Provide the results of your calculations and the rationale for your decision by thinking about the process capability index.
    • Is the process in statistical control? Provide the appropriate numbers and the rationale for your decision using a control chart for individuals.
    • For Wild Dog Coffee Company, analyze the Beverage Service Times [XLSX] data. This data is for 50 beverage preparation events and was collected using their order processing system. Each individual order gets a time-stamp when it is placed and again when the beverage is handed to the customer. The senior barista thinks the beverage delivery times should range between 2 and 3 minutes. The known process standard deviation, which has been calculated on an on-going basis, is 0.5903 minutes.
  • Analyze the cause and effect of process variances.
    • Brainstorm possible sources of variation to create a cause-and-effect diagram to help analyze potential sources of variation in the espresso beverage preparation process at Wild Dog Coffee Company or for your selected business’ process. Your diagram must include at least four of the “6 Ms” (that is, management, manpower, method, measurement, machine, materials).
  • Recommend quality and customer service improvements for a selected process.
    • Detail the results of your analysis for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business’ process to substantiate your recommendations.

Deliverable Format

  • The process improvement plan is to be a minimum of 7 pages, not including the title, reference, and appendix pages.
  • Use a process improvement plan template of your choice.
Related company standards:
  • The process improvement plan is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs.
  • In addition to the title and reference pages, include the following in the appendix:
    • Flowchart.
    • Procedure.
    • Detailed results of order delivery time analysis.
    • Cause-and-effect diagram.
  • Use American Society for Quality (ASQ) data analysis tools and 2–3 additional scholarly or academic sources where applicable.
  • Use APA formatting for citations and references.

CO301 4 Assignments; One has to be completed as a group

Question Description

CO301 Intro to Communication Theory

Week 2,4,5, & 8 Assignments

(4 Assignments: one has to be done with a group.)

I need week 2 by Sep 22.

I need week 4 by Oct 5

I need week 5 by Oct 12

I need week 8 done by Nov 1st with all the group work completed as well.

Assignment: W2 Assignment

Nonverbal Communication

View the Amy Cuddy video “Your body language may shape who you are” and the Allan Pease video “Body Language, the power is in the palm of your hand.”

In no less than 1000 words, consider the impact of nonverbal communication on your ability to communicate effectively. Select one concept from each video which you can implement to overcome communication barriers. Give examples of how you could demonstrate the value of each concept, both in your own communication and as you have observed it in others.

Your paper should be in APA format, and include references to at least three professional sources (like those found in the Grantham Library) other than the videos (The text may be one of the three).

View your assignment rubric.

Assignment: W4 Assignment

Listening Presentation

Utilizing what you have learned about listening this week, prepare a Power Point presentation you could present to your coworkers to help improve listening on the job. You may use your current place of employment or one where you hope to work in the future as your target audience.

Be sure to include examples which apply specifically to your target audience addressing issues caused by poor listening, and ways to improve. Consider current issues in listening, and how improved listening skills could reduce levels of interpersonal conflict in the organization. Describe current issues and the specific ways your recommendations could reduce those issues.

Your presentation should include a title slide, at least eight content slides, and a references slide. Remember, the slides should only be an outline of what you would say. Remember the “Rule of Five”: No more than five points per slide, and no more than five words per point. Use the Notes section to fill in details of what you would actually say while speaking. You should cite at least two sources on the references slide, one of which may be the text.

If you wish to use a technology other than Power Point, like Google Slides, Adobe Spark or Prezi, please be sure that you submit a script to accompany the slides separately.

This assignment is due at the end of Week 4.

View your assignment rubric.

Bottom of Form

Week 5 Assignment


Conflict is everywhere in our lives. We can’t avoid it. Consider the difference between conflict in face-to-face interactions and in online interactions. In a 1000 word paper, discuss how you’ve dealt with conflicts in each environment. Discuss differences between online and face to face conflicts. Based on your readings this week, what are the differences in how you would approach each type of conflict? How could you have handled each type of conflict more effectively? Utilize at least two resources from the Grantham Library in addition to your text in preparing your response. The paper should be submitted in APA format.

View your assignment rubric.

Week 8 Assignment

Group Assignment

Your Final Project for this course will be a group assignment consisting of a training presentation and a reflection paper. Your instructor will assign you to groups by the beginning of Week 6.

Culture and gender have the potential to create conflict within any organization. Your group has been asked to develop a training workshop which will highlight communication issues related cultural and gender diversity, and provide those attending the workshop the opportunity to improve their ability to communicate with those of different cultures or genders. As a group you will utilize a discussion forum and file sharing system to create the training presentation, which should include the following:

1 title slide

8-10 content slides

1 reference slide

Slide notes outlining the verbal and activity-based portions of the presentation

All members of the group will submit the same presentation file.

Submit the presentation file to the Group Project dropbox in Week 8. It will be graded using this rubric.

Week 8 Assignment

W-8 Group Assignment Reflection

Your Final Project for this course will be a group assignment consisting of a training presentation and a reflection paper. Your instructor will assign you to groups by the beginning of Week 6.

In addition to the group assignment presentation, each group member will write an individual reflection regarding the group project process. You will examine the process the group followed to reach its proposal:

What role did each member take in the discussion? If one or more did not participate, that should be noted as well.

What steps did the group go through to achieve its goal?

What barriers did you experience?

How did you apply the strategies for effective group function from the text to improve your ability to succeed?

Your reflection should answer the questions above in no less than 750 words.

Submit the reflection file to the Reflection dropbox in Week 8. It will be graded using this rubric.

OPS400 (2 discussion response 150 words)

Question Description


Additional Resources:

Please respond to the 2 separate discussion post below in at least 150 words


ABCAnalysis is the process of classifying inventory based on the value ofitems. ABC Analysis is a concept that comes from the Pareto Principle of80/20. The Pareto Principle says that there is a vital few items in agroup of many that make up about 80% of an organizations value. ABCAnalysis highlights the fact that not all inventory is valued the same.Inventory is separated into groups of A,B, or C, with items in the “A”category given the highest value though this category will contain onlyabout ten percent of inventory it represents the largest portion ofvalue. The “B” class is of moderate value with around a quarter of anorganizations value. The “C” category represents the rest of inventoryand the least valuable bit.

A form of this inventory management system is actually utilized bythe United States Navy. For instance the Navy is made up of ten AircraftCarriers and about 75 Nuclear Submarines, this is only a small chunk ofthe approximately 500 warships in the Navy’s register; however theserepresent the largest amount of value to the navy from a defensestandpoint (the “A” category) as they are the most expensive to maintainand the most crucial to the nation’s interests, the navy intern givesthese platforms with the highest priority with regard to refit andrepairs. These ships and boats (submarines are referred to as boats bysubmariners) also make up the current Nuclear Navy which the navy placesthe most value upon. These may not be exactly 80% of the total valuebut it is certainly the most significant. The “B” category is made upmostly by the remaining amphibious troop carriers, cruisers, cruisers,and other platforms as these make up the largest chunk of the navy butare relatively inexpensive and slightly more expendable then those ingroup “A” (to be clear I do not find any lives expendable. I am merelyspeaking from an expense and equipment standpoint). Group “C”;aircraft, also makes up a large portion of the Navy physically, howeverAircraft individually are typically much less expensive and oneindividual jet or cargo plane is far less valuable than an entirewarship to the navy. Of course, the navy has an extremely intricatesupply system and individual parts are vastly more broken down intocategories but as a whole, the Navy uses this system to prioritize thewarships it has currently commissioned.

I have really enjoyed everyone’s posts during this class, good luck everyone!



M. (2016, May 10). A Complete Guide to ABC Analysis in Customer

Segmentation and Inventory. Retrieved September 30, 2019, from


Pawar,P. (2016, July 18). 6 Benefits to Adapting ABC Analysis of Inventory inyour company. Retrieved September 30, 2019, fromhttps://www.linkedin.com/pulse/6-benefits-adapting-abc-analysis-inventory-your-company-pranali-pawar/.

Rusanescu, M. (2014). ABC Analysis, Model for Classifying Inventory. Hidraulica,(2), 17–17. Retrieved fromhttps://csuglobal.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://s…


TheNaval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Integrated Weapons System SupportTeam is the logistics organization responsible for the spare partssupport for all weapon systems for the Navy, Marine Corps, Joint, andAllied Forces (Luster, 2019). In order to meet the unique needs oftheir customers, the team developed a new inventory categorizationtechnique. The technique, called WSS4, is based on an ABC analysismodel and adapted to the demands and circumstances causing reliabilityissues within the weapons system supply chain (May, Atkinson, andFerrer, 2017).

The team used the ABC analysis model to identify the most criticalitems to the system. The criteria established to determine the A, ormost critical, items was based on demand, casualty reports or emergencyrequisitions for critical parts, and platform readiness drivers orproblematic parts due to their impact on the mission or supply chainreliability (May et al, 2017). B and C items were tiered down fromthere. This allows the team to focus resources on A items as prescribedby their technique and by the ABC analysis policies, which alsoprescribes applying a higher level of inventory control, security, andforecasting on A items (Heizer et al, 2017).

These items were chosen, rather than focusing strictly on annualdollar volumes, because of the criticality of their impact to themission and to the supply chain. This is a combination ABC analysiswith the concept of critical success factors, which is defined as “fewfactors that are critical for the success of a company and they mustreceive careful and constant attention from managers” (Mohamed Syazwan,Abu Bakar, and Ai, 2015, para. 1).


Heizer, J., Render, B., & Munson, C. (2017). Operations management: Sustainability and supply chain management (12th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Luster, K. (2019, May 7). NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support EnsuresWarfighter Readiness Through End-to-End Supply Chain Management.Retrieved fromhttps://scnewsltr.dodlive.mil/2019/05/07/navsup-weapon-systems-support-ensures-warfighter-readiness-through-end-to-end-supply-chain-management/.

May, B., Atkinson, M., & Ferrer, G. (2017). Applying inventory classification to a large inventory management system. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management, 10(1), 68–86. https://doi.org/10.12660/joscmv10n1p68-86.

Mohamed Syazwan, A. T., Abu Bakar, A. H., & Ai, C. T. (2015).Critical success factors of supply chain management: A literature surveyand pareto analysis. EuroMed Journal of Business, 10(2), 234-263. doi:http://dx.doi.org.csuglobal.idm.oclc.org/10.1108/E…

Week 4 Discussion – Using Presentation

Question Description

Week 4 Discussion – Using Presentation

Learning Objectives Covered

  • LO 04.01 – Define and discuss six types of presentation aids and their purposes

Career Relevancy

Using visual aids to enhance a presentation is a good choice but knowing how to do so effectively can take some practice. As you sharpen your public speaking skills for your career, you will need to know how to incorporate visuals and other presentation aids in ways that enhance your presentation instead of taking away from it.



As discussed earlier in this course, having compelling words to speak sometimes is not enough to be a truly effective speaker. Body language can send a message different from the words you are speaking, and so can failing to incorporate presentation aids appropriately. First, we should define what presentation aids are. A presentation aid is any type of device that helps you further drive home the point of your speech. Presentation aids can include PowerPoint slides, images, video clips, charts, graphs, sound bites, objects used as examples, and live demonstrations.

The purpose of your speech often determines which aids are used and how. For example, it is much more effective to show a graph that illustrates a decline in sales than to simply state that a company has lost profits for its last four consecutive fiscal years. Similarly, if speaking to persuade others positively about climate change, a visual that compares images of a shoreline in present day to what it looked like 10, 15, or even 25 years prior will leave your audience with a better grasp of the impact such a phenomenon can have (in this case, it also goes a long way in proving your credibility). If making a case about the dangers of not wearing protective gear while riding a motorcycle, a speaker might choose to share photos of the outcome other riders have been met with who were not wearing protective gear.

Using presentation aids effectively is a balancing act. As with any good infomercial or advertisement, any props used should serve a specific purpose and emphasize the points you are making to your listeners. It can be easy to miss the mark though, especially when trying to account for technical hurdles, limited resources, or other unforeseen circumstances. If sharing photos, be sure they are displayed in color and their resolution is high enough to show the detail you need. If using videos, cue them up before you begin speaking so that they are loaded and ready. Be sure to verify that all of the presentation aids you use are authentic; nothing hurts a presentation more than referencing outdated information or doctored imagery. It is also a good idea to preview the space you will be using before a speaking engagement comes up so that you can get a better sense of the tools at your disposal. If you want to incorporate a pamphlet or handout, verify the number of audience members you are expecting so that you can have enough materials prepared to share.

Be sure to avoid having your presentation aids overtake your presentation. Whether slides, a video clip, or a poster board, the presentation aid is not the presentation itself. First and foremost, you are the presentation, and the aids should merely assist you in making your points. Do not incorporate so many aids that listeners could lose focus on you. Do not allow aids to disrupt your message. Lastly, choose aids that are appropriate for the occasion. While it may sound excellent to wow a crowd with a visually appealing video, if you do not have a means for projecting the video to the room, you might consider leaving it out. Do not bring small objects to hold if you are presenting to a large group. You will risk losing the attention of your listeners if only some of them are able to get the full effect of your presentation aids.

Selecting presentation aids can be challenging, but this challenge should not deter you from using aids. As you consider what props might help you get your point across, keep in mind that practicing with your presentation aids can only help improve your speech and make you more comfortable when it comes time to execute.


Identify three presentation aid types and discuss one advantage and one disadvantage to using each. Be sure to account for details such as audience size or speaking occasion as you explain your reasoning.

For your citation, you might use articles that show examples of presentation aid types. You can also find articles from experts that suggest advantages and disadvantages to using different types of presentation aids.

Your initial and reply posts should work to develop a group understanding of this topic. Challenge each other. Build on each other. Always be respectful but discuss this and figure it out together.

Reply Requirements

Per the Due Dates and Participation Requirements for this course, you must submit 1 main post of 150+ words, 1 IWG citation, and reference, as well as 2 follow-up posts of 50+ words. Responses can be addressed to both your initial thread and other threads but must be your own words (no copy and paste), each reply unique (no repeating something you already said), and substantial in nature. Remember that part of the discussion grade is submitting on time (20%) and using proper grammar, spelling, etc. (20% per post).

1. What did the team leader notice during the team meeting (calls) and what did she tried to do to enhance the situation? (1 mark) 2. What should Rebeca had to do for each virtual worker and why? (1 mark) 3. What were the special situations with the Korea

Question Description

1. What did the team leader notice during the team meeting (calls) and what did she tried to do to enhance the situation? (1 mark)

2. What should Rebeca had to do for each virtual worker and why? (1 mark)

3. What were the special situations with the Korean and the Japanese workers? (1 mark)

4. What the virtual leaders and the virtual members need to exercise? (1 mark)

5. How can the virtual teams be as effective and productive as their traditional equivalents? (1 mark)

Virtual Team Successes and Stresses A Case Study

As widespread as diverse and dispersed teaming is these days, leading a virtual team can be a challenge. This case study offers ideas on making the best of diverse and dispersed team structures.

Virtual teaming, that is, working on teams whose members are not present in the same location, is a fact of our modern, globalized business world. Virtual (or diverse and dispersed) teams are prevalent not only in multinational companies with offices in different countries, but also in academic and non-governmental institutions with bases across the world. In such team structures, members often have to communicate and collaborate with others who could be thousands of miles and many time zones apart.

As widespread as diverse and dispersed teaming is these days, leading a virtual team can be a challenge. Team leaders need to not only account for practical matters such as scheduling across time zones, but also technical issues such as varying rates of connectivity and access to communication platforms. However, one of the biggest factors in creating successful collaboration among diverse and dispersed teams is culture – specifically, tailoring the team’s mission, plans and procedures to the preferences of the different cultures represented on the team.

The following is a case study provided by a Cultural Navigator subject matter expert in diverse and dispersed teaming:

“A virtual team leader named Rebecca, originally from the United States, recently led a virtual project team with members from Japan, Mexico, Germany, Korea and the US. Rebecca was focused on setting the team up for success, and although she deliberately used strategies and tools made available by her company, she learned some valuable lessons along the way.

“Before initiating the project with a kick-off meeting, Rebecca made sure that everyone filled out their Cultural Orientations Indicator (COI) assessment to get to know their own work-style preferences. She then invited all members into a team message board on the Cultural Navigator, and encouraged them to share their profiles to better understand each other’s work-style preferences.

“The team was not able to have a face-to-face kick-off meeting, so during their first virtual meeting, every team member took time to introduce him or herself. The members talked about the different preferences in their team using the non-judgmental vocabulary of the Cultural Orientations Approach. At the end of the call, the team agreed on some ground rules for their upcoming teleconference and then closed the call.

“As the project continued, the team leader noticed that key team members were regularly not sharing their sales pipelines during their calls as agreed upon. Rebecca used humor during their sessions to lighten the mood, thinking some of the team members were nervous. However, she noticed the same people began to skip the calls, and were reluctant to speak when they were in attendance.”

In the above case study, the team leader Rebecca had done her due diligence in preparing the team to accommodate different cultural preferences among its members. But then she hit a snag. What had she done wrong?

The subject matter expert offered this reading of the situation: “In retrospect, Rebecca realized that even though she had set ground rules, she could have had an individual talk with each member before finalizing the team structure and processes. Perhaps in those discussions she would have understood that Woo-jin, her Korean colleague, worked in a strict hierarchical office environment and had to clear most decisions with his direct supervisor before sending anything to her. Woo-jin had hoped his team leader realized he did not have this approval, however Rebecca was not aware of this.

Similarly, the Japanese team member named Kamiko was concerned about the strict data protection laws in Japan, so she did not feel comfortable sharing her sales pipeline information. Kamiko had tried to indirectly convey this limitation to Rebecca, who wasn’t able to understand this message.

As for Rebecca’s use of humor during teleconferences, she did not realize how many cultural references she was using in her jokes, which her colleagues from outside her own culture had little understanding of.”

In essence, while Rebecca began the team’s collaboration with most of the components necessary for success, throughout the project duration, she learned the hard way that cultural mishaps often stall even the best plan.

While cultural due diligence and careful preparation are necessary components of working with a virtual team, the team leader and members need to exercise cultural awareness and cultural competence all along the way.

Though there can be challenges to working in diverse and dispersed teams, they are a fact of modern work life. The good news is that, when managed well, virtual teams can be as effective and productive as their traditional equivalents.