Students are to read Chapters 6 – 8 and write about what was learned

Question Description

Students are to read Chapters 6 – 8 and write about what was learned.

  • Chapter 6 (Minimum of 200 words)
  • Chapter 7 (Minimum of 200 words)
  • Chapter 8 (Minimum of 200 words)

Pick two or three specific concepts from each chapter and discuss them. Demonstrate that you have an understanding of the concepts and are able to apply them to real life scenarios. Spell check the work.

this what people in my class say

Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making

Chapter 6 mainly focuses on how to deal with customers. The consumer buying process includes needing recognition, gathering information, seeking other alternatives, buying the product/services and their behavior after they buy. When consumers want to buy a product or a service, they will need to know why they want it, either they really need it or they want it, after that they get information about what they need and how they can use it, after they find the product at different locations because they will want to get the product or service at the cheapest, once they have found the right price, they will purchase it, after a couple of days they use the product or services and post their thoughts on the product/services. Postpurchase behavior is really important to the company and it will tell them how their product is doing and what they can improve.

An important thing businesses need to understand is cultural differences so they can understand what to do when they are dealing with people from another culture. If a business does something to offend customers because they do not know anything about other cultures, it will set a bad reputation for the company.

Chapter 7: Business Marketing

Business marketing is when you market goods and services to individuals and organizations for person reasons. An example of business marketing selling homemade cups to a business for them to use or resell. When it comes to business marketing business buy products or services to further they on business, either by using the stuff they bought to make other products or reselling them to consumers. The united states has the largest business market in the world, it far exceeds the consumer market. Business market is very big right now and it’s only growing bigger. Every business will need business market for their product unless the company makes all their own equipment.

With the internet, doing marketing is the easiest it has been in years. Internet makes it so that people do not have to leave their house when they want to buy things, they order things online, and it will come straight to their house. E-commerce is when companies conduct business over the internet. Back in 1995 commercials websites were not a thing, but now you can find them everywhere you look. Internet has over 1 billion people using it worldwide, so websites will reach a lot of people around the world. Chapter 7 goes on to talk about how business marketing can be useful to business all around the world.

Chapter 8: Segmenting and targeting markets

Market segment is a subgroup of people or business sharing characteristics that have similar products are each other. So companies like google and bing would be a good example because they both are search site but when it comes down to is personal preference, who prefers which one. Also market segment can be really useful because businesses can use it to look at what their competing companies set the price on their product so business can work around those prices to make them better and get more consumers.

Market segmentation is when businesses divide a market into meaningful, relatively similar and identifiable groups. This allows the marketer to handle marketing mixes to meet the needs of one more segments. All successful business has market segmentation for many reasons. Market segmentation helps marketers know what the customers want and needs more precisely. It can help them adjust the price so every customer can feel comfortable buying the product or service. It can also help marketers improve their product or service by looking at their market segment, it lets them see what they need to do to get more customers and keep them as loyal customers. Chapter 8 goes on to explain how to make a successful business using market segmentation.


– Chapter 6 is about consumer decision making. Consumer decision making is basically based on consumer behaviors. Consumer behavior is when consumers make purchasing decisions and how they use and dispose of the purchased goods or services. If marketing managers pay attention and learn the understanding of what consumers want, it could help their business and strategies. A consumer’s decision has a process with five steps. The first one is ” needs recognition,” this is when consumers are faced with an imbalance between actual and desired states that arouses and activates the consumer’s decision making process. The second process is ” information search,” this is when consumers search for information about the various alternatives available to satisfy. There are three types of information searches which are internal, external, and nonmarketing-controlled. The third process is ” evaluation of alternatives,” this is when consumers look at and base the product off of research from internal, external, and nonmarketing-controlled alternatives and later evaluate the value and worth of the product. The fourth process is “purchase” this is when the evaluation is made by examining alternatives advantages and disadvantages along with relevant product attributes. Alos is a piecemeal process. The fifth process is “postpurchase behavior” this is when the company evaluates how well expectations are met and whether the consumer is satisfied or dissatisfied with the purchase.

Chapter 7

– This chapter is about ” Business Marketing.” Business Marketing is the marketing of goods and services to individuals and organizations for a purpose other than personal consumption. The book stated that business marketing is used to manufacture other products or aid the normal operations of an organization. For example, the sale f personal computers to Bowie State is an example of business marketing. Business Marketing has four significant categories of business customers. They are producers, resellers, governments, and institutions. The first one ” producers” is when the segment of the business market includes profit-oriented individuals and organizations that use purchased goods and services to produce other products, to incorporate into other products, or to facilitate the daily operations of the organization. Products are often called original equipment manufacturers. The second one is “resellers,” this is when retailers and wholesale businesses buy finished good and resell them for a profit — for example, Walmart and Target. The third one is “governments,” this is when organizations include thousands of federal, state, and local units into the company and they all make-up what they would call a single market for goods and services in the world. The fourth one is ” institutions” this is when they seek to achieve goals other than the standard goals within the profit, market share, and return on investment.

Chapter 8

– This chapter is about Segmenting and Targeting Markets. This chapter explains the difference between market segment and market segmentation. A market segment is the subgroup of people or organizations sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs. Market Segmentation is the process of dividing a market into meaningful, relatively similar, and identifiable segments or groups. A target market is a group of people or organizations for which an organization designs, implements, and maintains a marketing mix intended to meet the needs of that group. This chapter has three strategies for selecting a target market. The first one is “undifferentiated targeting,” this is when a firm adopts a mass-market philosophy, viewing the market as one big market with no individual segments. The second one is “concentrated targeting” this is when a firm selects a market niche for targeting its marketing efforts. The last one is ” Multisegment Targeting,” this is when a firm chooses to serve two or more distinct market segments and develops a distinct marketing mix.

discussion and 2 replies

Question Description

So far in this course, we have explored popular culture through the lenses of history, the humanities, and the natural and applied sciences. In this module, you will wrap up your draft of Final Project Part One with Milestone Four, and the social sciences lens is the last piece of the puzzle. Look back over the topics you chose to discuss in previous discussions, select one, and reexamine it now through the social sciences. In your initial post, address the following:

  • Describe or summarize your previous topic.
  • How has your understanding been affected by the social sciences lens?
  • How does the social sciences lens support the lens you previously used?

Topic: For this module’s discussion, research a recent science news event that has occurred in the last six months. The event should come from a well-known news source, such as ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, NPR, PBS, BBC, National Geographic, The New York Times, and so on. Post a link to the news story, and in your initial post, identify the following:

In responding to your peers, provide feedback on their topic analysis and describe the value of the social sciences lens for understanding popular culture.

Reply 1: G’niquah Armstrong

The previous post I would like to use is discussion 5, when I reviewed how the 9/11 lights interfere with birds migration pattern. In the article, it dived into the affects the lights have on the birds like starvation and exhaustion. The study showed that over 160,000 birds are endangered during their migration path during this ceremony. The article also discussed they have created groups and volunteers to look for birds and capture them, then giving a 20 minute break once 1,000 birds are caught to have the birds continue their migration path.

My understanding of the social sciences lens helped me become aware of the affects people have on global issues. The social sciences lens showed me how humans can affect the environment and we can raise awareness to current issues. The social science lens supports the previously used humanities lens by both displaying the effects we have on the environment.

Reply 2:

Greetings Class,

In week 4 I discussed Cosplaying through the humanities lens. It was an area of popular culture that I had some basic knowledge. Thankfully, after spending that week with one of my co-workers who happens to be engulfed in the cosplay world that I learned quite about the art of cosplay. For those who are unfamiliar with this subculture, cosplay means to costume playcharacters from either fictional characters or even real-life people. The short version of describing cosplay is that it is a type of performance art in which participants wear costumes and accessories that were hand made by the participants to represent a specific character or idea. From what I have learned, people participate in cosplaying for many reasons. It can be because they are expressing their interest in that particular character they are recreating to resemble. Some do it because of the challenge of creating the costumes, and some do it as a way of earning income. However, for this week’s discussion, I will dive into cosplaying through the social sciences lens.

I had the luxury of learning a great deal about cosplaying thanks to a co-worker who has been involved in cosplaying for the past 15 years. After learning about the history about cosplay (as I mentioned in my initial post) and what drives people to do it, I decided to go in a little deeper. My co-worker who goes by Miss K. gave me some more insight about cosplaying and I was very intrigued for the most part. You see when I first saw people in cosplay back in the 1990s, I thought it was a fad or a way for young people to be childish. After all most of the characters were from video games, comic books, and nerdy characters in general. I was somewhat confused when I saw that women where dressing as men and vice versa. So, I thought, “ok, is cosplaying another form of cross-dressing?!” That was then and now I have a more respectful understanding of cosplaying. When I told Miss K. about that story, she slapped me in the back of the head for laughing. This is where I learned more about cosplaying through the social sciences lens, firsthand.

Miss K. started off by saying, “Tae, for most cosplayers, the object is self-expression through interpretation. Here lets take it one step further. A cosplayer will make numerous attempts to become a character just like a film actor tries to be the character they are playing in their film. Cosplayers work tireless to make their costumes perfect. I mean perfect as in the wig, the make-up, the props, the fabric, and every little detail in between to look flawless like the character they are trying to become. It is a costly and very time consuming when it comes to cosplaying so you will see many cosplayers spend endless hours, days, weeks, even months educating themselves in fine-tuning their craft. Their craft can be in many areas other than just sewing or cutting fabrics. Many take up other crafts such as sculpture, painting, metal work, fashion design and many other art forms to make their costumes as exactly as the character is portrayed in the comic books, video games, tv shows and etc.” She added that, “Please do not think that cosplaying is a way to show off your costume making skills. It is much more than just make-up, crazy hairstyles, and all the other aesthetics. Keep in mind that once a cosplayers puts on their costume that they become that character. You see Tae, making the character is only half the battle, cosplayers have to adopt the mannerisms, body language, even the voice of the characters they portray. That is the challenge and the beauty of cosplaying. Take me for example, when I put anyone of my costumes on, I instantly feel and act like the character who wears this costume from the comic books, video games or wherever I got the character. Act as if. Many cosplayers enjoy that part the most because it’s a way to escape reality and go into another reality even if it’s a fantasy. I love slapping on my costumes, get into character, meet up with my fellow cosplayers at conventions and we always pose for photos with other cosplayers and our endearing fans. A lot of us cosplayers gather to conventions to view all the other costumes so we can give each other the well-deserved compliments for all of our hard work. We always share some tips, participate in some contests, have all sorts of fun and of course show off my own costumes/creations. Its like Planet Fitness, its a judgement free zone. I hardly hear other cosplayers talk bad about other cosplayers. Its a very tight knit community of cosplayers. There is a lot of camaraderie. That is why I always meet new cosplayers at these conventions and learn a wealth of additional knowledge. I maintain these friendships with other cosplayers through online forums, social media accounts, and just play text and calls almost every day.”

I spent probably two different days this week talking to Miss K. about cosplaying but you can see that I learned a great wealth of knowledge about cosplaying. My first post I learned some areas of social sciences such as the history and geography of cosplaying but this week I learned even more areas of the social sciences especially in the psychological and sociological areas of cosplaying. I pretty much something new about cosplaying almost every time I run into Miss K now. It was something I never cared for when I first met Miss K 5 years ago but its growing on me. I plan on going to the next convention with Miss K. sometime next month but no, I will never go as far as creating or wearing a costume at that convention. Thanks for reading.

Tae Chin Hong Peters

Individual Financial Accounting Assignment

Question Description

Reading (Required)

  • The Power Point (Financial Statements R-2.ppt) It is below
  • The attached file 2016 week 2 Example Southwest Airlines

The Southwest example is included to show what can be learned from Financial statements. You will not use that format for your report in this assignment. Per the assignment guidelines, all calculations must be shown in an Excel file.. Your responses should show that you have read and understood the required readings, links and attached files – Provide appropriate citations and references.

Learning Goals of this assignment:

1. Communication: You can communicate clearly in writing.

2. Critical Thinking: You can apply logical processes to formulate clear, defensible ideas based on the analysis of facts and ethical considerations.

3. Quantitative Reasoning: You can use mathematical information, operations, and quantitative analyses to solve problems and inform decision-making

5 Ethical and strategic leadership. You can lead the organization ethically and strategically.

7. Legal acumen. You can identify key legal concepts in the business environment and apply them to enhance effective management decisions and organizational operations.

10. Strategic Management of Financial Capital. You can plan, evaluate and manage the financial implications of the organization’s (global) operations.

Individual Assignment (8%):

You are the head of marketing for a hedge fund that is researching a new company to assess whether it represents a good potential for investment. You start your research with an analysis of the firm’s financial statements, in order to understand how well its operations are managed. Your fund has recently been blindsided by discovering that one of its recommended investment targets has been accused of unethical practices in its accounting processes and a failure to comply with regulations in its industry. Therefore, in addition to assessing the firm’s financial and operational health, you want to be sensitive to any evidence that the firm might be taking regulatory/legal and/or ethical “shortcuts.”

Your assignment is to do the research described below, plus any additional research you deem necessary to meet your objectives. You will write a formal report to your management that describes what you found, how you evaluate the firm’s financial and operational health, and whether there are any potential “red flags” that may suggest potential for legal or ethical concerns. Supported by your analysis, make your recommendation to management about investing in this firm. Your report should be approximately 8 – 10 pages,, and your Excel file should contain the data that you use to support your analysis.


To guide your research, you should, at a minimum, answer all of the questions listed below as they relate to the financial statements of any U.S. public company of your choice in its latest annual report. These questions are guides to your research, and the data you gather are to be compiled into a final report, appropriately organized to support your recommendations.

Please use the Securities and Exchange Commission web site as your primary source for financial statements. All publicly traded U S companies have their annual reports called the 10-K available through the Securities and Exchange Commission web site.

Instructions for use of the site are as follows: About half way down the home page is a box titled Search EDGAR, free access to over 21 million filings. Enter the company name or ticker symbol. That brings up a page called EDGAR Search Results. In the line “filter results” enter “10-K” in filing type and hit search. That will bring up recent company annual reports. Note: You have a choice of “Documents” or “Interactive Data.” Both contain all the information. “Interactive Data” uses Excel and provides the best access to information for questions 1, 2, and 3. “Documents” provides information that is easy to read for questions 4 through 8. After you click on Documents, click on the red letters and numbers to the right of the “10-K” heading.

Also you can find the financial statements of any U.S. public company by visiting Morningstar, Yahoo Finance or MSN Money, and using the stock market symbol for your chosen company (which can be looked up on Morningstar, Yahoo Finance or MSN Money). Please be aware that sometimes these services omit some numbers in order to fit their preferred formats. Many companies have links to the Annual Report as filed with the SEC. It can be found on the Investor relations page of the company web site.

If you work for a U.S. public company, you may want to use the financial statements of your company – but the choice is up to you.

1. What 3 items of important information does the income statement reveal about the financial performance of the company over the last three years

2. What 3 items of important information does the balance sheet reveal about the financial position of the company over the last two years?

3. Can you identify the major sources of funding used by the company from the information presented in the company’s annual report? Please look at the Statement of Cash Flows, formerly called the Source and Uses of Funds Statement.

4. Who is responsible for:

a) the issuance, and

b) the content

of the company financial statements? (Note: this information may be difficult to find. Look for statements by management and the independent auditing firm.)

5. What assurance, if any, is there that the financial statements are in compliance with GAAP, and are free of material misstatements?

6. Of what use, if any, are the notes to the financial statements? Give an example of something learned from the footnotes of your company.

7. What can you learn from the Business Section of the 10-K? Give two facts learned from reading this section.

8. What can you learn from the Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (MD&A)? Give two facts learned from reading this section.

9. Where might you identify any areas of potential ethical concerns? Give at least two examples of the kinds of ethical concerns that might arise from analysis of the company’s financial statements.

Once you have completed your research, including addressing the above questions, you will write a formal report to your management that details your research and supports your recommendations.

Formatting requirements for the written report:

  • Meaningful report title
  • Short Executive summary of no more than one page
  • Introduction with report purpose
  • Section headings helpful to the reader (ensuring that all 9 items of this assignment are addressed)
  • Conclusion with key “take-away” points repeated from report body
  • Reference list in APA format
  • Page numbers on all pages

Post your written report and supporting Excel file in your individual assignment folder by the due date.

When you submit your paper, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.

  • 1.1 Organize document clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment
  • 1.2 Develop coherent paragraphs or points so that each is internally unified and so that each functions as a part of the whole document
  • 1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.
  • 1.4 Tailor communications to the audience.
  • 2.1 Identify and clearly explain the issue, question or problem under critical consideration.
  • 2.2 Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.
  • 2.3. Evaluate the information in a logical and organized manner to determine its value and relevance to the problem
  • 2.4 Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.
  • 2.5. Develop well reasoned ideas, conclusions or decisions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarks.
  • 3.1 Identify numerical or mathematical information that is relevant in a problem or situation.
  • 3.4. Employ software applications and analytical tools to analyze, visualize and present data to inform decision-making.
  • 5.1. Develop constructive resolutions for ethical dilemmas based on application of ethical theories, principles and models.
  • 7.3. Analyze the implications of civil or criminal wrongs and of product or service liability laws, and make recommendations to support business decisions.
  • 10.2. Analyze financial statements to evaluate and optimize organizational performance.
  • 10.3. Determine optimal financial decisions in pursuit of an organization’s goals.

LB discussion replies

Question Description

Please reply to all parts with 150 words a piece

Part 1

Non-experimental research is when the variables are measured as they naturally occur.The natural occurrence can happen in a lab or in the real world.In dependent variables are not manipulated.Non-experimental research cannot provide evidence of changes caused to a dependent variable by and independent variable.My research plan would more than likely use a non-experimental design because there is no variable which can be manipulated through theoretical scenarios or lab experiments.My research deals with real world events which are constantly unfolding.

The purpose of my research is to find ways to improve security along the SW border of the United States.Border security in the United States is protecting our borders from things that threaten the lawful trade and travel, national sovereignty, and economic prosperity of the United States.Several ways that this is accomplished is by the prevention of illegal movement of contraband, weapons, drugs, and people.My non-experimental research will be observational based.I will be taking an account of events without interfering or manipulating any variables. There may be some instances in my research that my non-experimental research is correlational and analyze the statistical relationships between variables that are measured without manipulation.

Part 2

An experimental design method is a quantitative research approach that examines the impacts of cause-and-effect relationships involving the calibration of variables to observe effects on dependent variables (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016) . An experimental design in assessing integrated capability management within an organization applies when examining machine learning algorithms. The independent variable (the algorithm) is tested to observe impacts on the dependent variable (the dataset) to discover and measure accuracy of the algorithm. The problem grows in complexity when considering multiple disparate datasets.

The quasi-experimental design method is another quantitative tactic that involves manipulation of the independent variable but with lack of control on other variables that might affect the outcome raising the possibility that the experiment yields inconclusive results (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016) . While this is a possible technique in the evaluation of integrated capability management, the method is less attractive than experimental design due to the risk of inconclusive results. Non-experimental of ex post facto design is a quantitative approach that examines the results of some phenomena after the fact given that actual research is not possible due to ethical concerns or the timing of events (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016) . This technique is not a candidate for integrated capability management as the data is readily accessible, and the research intends to examine the cause-and-effect relationships measuring and documenting advantages, disadvantages, and outcomes of various algorithmic methods.

The experimental design method is the first choice as a quantitative approach given the precision the technique demands in examining cause-and-effect relationships on learning algorithms based on integrated capability management datasets. Similar research assures that experimental design contributes to the development of new frameworks applied to specific domains such as business process event modeling (Cuzzocrea, Folino, Guarascio, & Pontieri, 2018) . Research results also exist on quantitative analysis of relationships between capabilities and performance which employ experimental design techniques in observing dependent variable outcomes when manipulating the independent variable (Ming, Jun, Hang, & Hao, 2018) . The lesson learned from the literature review implies that examining cause-and-effect relationships of algorithms on fixed datasets yields insights and progression towards solving applied problems.

Part 3

Despite the variety of methods that can be employed in qualitative analysis, a qualitative research methodology typically centers on a specific contextual occurrence and obtaining an understanding of the intricacy of the occurrence in the designated contextual environment and not a cause and effect relationship of two identified variables. (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016).Researchers employing a qualitative approach pose open-ended inquiries to participants in an attempt to obtain enough information to assess the appropriate methodology for analysis (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016).Questions posed by the researcher may evolve in their specificity based on the information gleaned from previous exploratory inquiries which further drive the qualitative approach developing into a case study, or a focused group over a defined period of time, ethnography or an in-depth study of an entire group typically sharing a common culture, or content analysis seeking to identify trends or prejudices (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016).

While interviews and observations tend to be the standard method of data collection in qualitative analysis studies, a qualitative researcher must look at similar research conducted in the past and derive meaning from previous studies in search of the basis and focus of their research (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016).Qualitative analysis can provide preliminary insight to a topic having little research conducted, aid in the development of new theories, and reveal complex relationships between specific contextual occurrences.

In the context of a qualitative research approach to the current cyber skills deficiencies impacting the Colorado Springs federal labor market, the following question may provide insight into the current workforce shortages:

What types of training and skills do cyber professionals in the federal sector require?

The following supporting interview questions may provide more specific information on current skills and training requirements:

What industry certification are required?

What degree programs are required?

What level of experience is required?

What types of internal and external training programs are available to the existing workforce?

What funding resources, if any, are available to current cyber professionals?

What other requirements may preclude specific individuals from entering the federal cyber workforce?

Part 4

Qualitative research methods rely on the collection and analysis of non-numerical data and drives to determine social science phenomena targeting different domains of people through observation deploying instruments such as interviews, surveys, and focus groups (Stickler & Hampel, 2015) . Qualitative research offers advantages as opposed to quantitative research in that the method enables exploration, verification of assumptions, the development of theory, problem identification and evaluation (Arslan-Ari, Ari, Grant, & Morris, 2018) . Qualitative research consists of five distinguishing design types including case study (evaluation of a single person or situation), ethnography (evaluation of a group), phenomenological study (participant’s perspective), grounded theory (theory development from data collection in natural setting) and content analysis (identification of specific characteristics of a material body) which are not always wholly independent (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016) .

A significant distinction of a qualitative research method as opposed to quantitative or mixed methods is the desire to seek understanding of social action as opposed to attempting to predict or regulate human behavior given the inconsistent nature of circumstances and the effect on outcomes (Venkatesh, Brown, & Sullivan, 2016) . Another distinction of a qualitative approach is the desire to construct creditability rather than validity (which is the driver in quantitative research) enabling the researcher to focus on veracity and accuracy which formulates the basis of an argument (Arslan-Ari et al., 2018) . The social setting is an essential distinction in qualitative research where subjectivity and bias can easily affect the outcomes of the research meaning that grounded theory is a crucial distinguishing characteristic (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016) . Lastly, perspective is a distinction based on social phenomenology where the interpretation of the participant provides vital insights into the phenomenon and why bias is formed (Stickler & Hampel, 2015) .

On the topic of capability management, one research question that leverages a qualitative research method is, “what activities does the organization consider of highest priority that requires substantial investment and oversight?”This question anchors back to research-based theory, which seeks to understand how to sustain a competitive advantage (Barney & Clark, 2007) . The research results contribute to the hermeneutics of the problem, providing insight into the advancement of the topic (Stickler & Hampel, 2015) . Given the advantages of both qualitative and quantitative research as applied to capability management, a mixed-method research design is a viable option (Venkatesh et al., 2016) .

see notes

Question Description




Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Describe the critical tools used to draw conclusions about the physical world
  2. Explain how Earth’s major components evolved over geologic time
  3. Identify the factors and processes that cause Earth’s weather and climate patterns
  4. Explain how Earth’s place in the solar system impacts planetary processes
  5. Analyze the role that access to earth’s resources plays in the world economy



For the project, you will need to complete four main tasks:

1. Choose a debated earth science issue of social or economic consequence

  •  Atmospheric patterns or constituents (e.g. Santa Ana winds, Chinook winds, ozone, ultraviolet radiation)
  •  Climatic or weather consequences of greenhouse gases
  •  Effect of comet, asteroid, or meteoroid impacts on earth
  •  Global warming (melting of the polar ice caps and views on how to slow or stopglobal warming)
  •  Ground and surface water resources (e.g. fresh water access, flooding,desertification)© 2014. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is prohibited without express written permission. Students are expected to maintain the integrity of the assignment by refraining from reproducing or posting the assignment or their completed work where it can be viewed by current or future students.


In this project, you will have the chance to study a highly discussed or controversial topic in the

field of earth science. Using what you have learned in the course as a foundation, you will

conduct research, thoughtfully construct your own position on the issue, and propose a realistic,

scientifically-based solution to the issue.


Your deliverable for this project will be a research paper about a highly discussed topic in earth

science (suggested length 6-8 pages). You must cite your sources using in-text citations and

format the paper according to APA style guidelines. You must also include a references page.

The references page does not count toward the suggested length.


To begin, choose one of the topics related to earth science below. You may wish to do some


brief initial research on several of the listed topics to learn more about them and find out which


is most interesting to you.

Final Project

Earth Science

  •  Impact of plastic waste in the ocean (e.g. animal/food chain consequences, human consequences)
  •  Non-renewable resources (e.g. petroleum, coal, natural gas)
  •  Ocean circulation patterns and resources (e.g. El Niño or La Niña, tidal energy)
  •  Renewable or nonrenewable resources (e.g. fossil fuels, mining, rare earthelements)
  •  Seepage of chemicals into the water supply (e.g. endocrine disruptors, fertilizers)
  •  Seismology or volcanism
  •  Waste disposal (e.g. nuclear, industrial, and/or consumer waste)
  •  Weathering, wasting, or erosion (e.g. landslides, coastal erosion, runoff, farmlanderosion)2. Research various sides of the topic and prepare a report on the science and economics related to the topicIf the topic does not have conflicting arguments, you should discuss why it is an alarming topic or a developing topic that has a critical impact on communities, states, countries, or the world.While researching and writing, you should address the following points:
  1. Definethemajorissueorissues—whatisatstake?
  2. Whoorwhatdoestheissueimpact?Towhatextent?
  3. Providescientificbackgroundontheissue.Discussanypointsofcontroversyordisagreement related to the scientific research regarding the issue. If there is no disagreement around the issue, discuss why the topic is alarming and how it has a critical impact on communities or on a global scale.
  4. Discuss any points of controversy related to the economic or social impact of the issue. Do people outside of the scientific community view the issue in a particular way?
  5. Is the issue you chose closely related to any other earth science issues? How so?
  6. Are there proposed solutions to the issue? What are they?

In your paper, you should identify and cite a minimum of five credible sources integral to understanding your issue. To get started, you can try using some of the following research tools, or you can find your own:

  •  The university library (accessed through your university homepage)
  •  Public libraries
  • © 2014. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is prohibited without express written permission. Students are expected to maintain the integrity of the assignment by refraining from reproducing or posting the assignment or their completed work where it can be viewed by current or future students.


Prepare a report on the scientific and economic issues surrounding the topic you chose. You


should research conflicting sides of the issue and fairly discuss the various viewpoints in your




Final Project

Earth Science


NOTE: You may NOT cite or reference Wikipedia in your final project. Wikipedia is not considered a credible academic source. For more information, please visit this link:

3. Develop your own position

For example, decide whether you are “for” or “against” the issue related to your topic. Or, fortopics that do not have a clear “for” or “against” stance, explain what you think about theseverity of the issue and the level of its impact. In your own words, indicate which position you hold and develop at least three science-based arguments that support your position.

A science-based argument is one that uses scientific data and thought processes to make a logical claim. Be sure to use the data you researched to support your position.

4. Suggest at least one science-based solution to the issue

Given your position and the data you researched, what solution would you recommend to alleviate or solve the issue you chose? Again, you should be sure to thoroughly support your solution with the scientific facts and data that you discovered in your research as well as what you learned in the course. In your discussion of your solution, be sure to also address what you think the impact of your solution will be.

Your solution should be logical and realistic – in other words, it should be feasible to implement in the real world. For example, if you chose to discuss non-renewable resources, you could propose that companies pay an additional tax to use these resources and that the government impose fines on non-payers. This would encourage companies to find alternative solutions and to be more efficient with their use of resources.

NOTE: Please remember, all borrowed material (including credible sources and the textbook) must be cited and referenced properly in accordance with APA guidelines throughout your project. You should also compile a references page and include it as part of your report. The references page does not count toward the suggested page length of the report.

© 2014. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is prohibited without express written permission. Students are expected to maintain the integrity of the assignment by refraining from reproducing or posting the assignment or their completed work where it can be viewed by current or future students.


Final Project

Earth Science




  1. A title page is not required for project submissions. Because evaluators do not see student names when reviewing student work, it is important that students not include any personal identifiers in their project submissions.
  2. Save your document as a PDF file. In Microsoft Word, you can use the Save As option to select PDF as your file format.
  3. If your project requires a video, you should post the video to a free video hosting site,, or one of the other free webhosting websites. The following website maintains a list of video hosting sites; In the written materials that you submit as part of the assignment, you should include the title of the video and a link for the faculty member to use to grade your submission. Upload the PDF file in your course.
  4. Your assignment will not be returned to you, so keep a copy for your files.

What do you think about this case?E-scooter giants named in class-action lawsuit citing ‘gross negligence Do you think the case has merit? Or, if you were the judge, would you kick it out of court?

Question Description

E-scooter giants named in class-action lawsuit citing ‘gross negligence’




The nation’s electronic-scooter companies are facing more blowback as concerns rise about the safety of these devices – this time in the form of a class-action lawsuit filed Friday in California.

The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, accuses two of the largest e-scooter companies, Lime and Bird, as well as other e-scooter firms, of “gross negligence” and “aiding and abetting assault.”

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of eight initial plaintiffs, says the companies’ practices have contributed to injuries in multiple ways. By “dumping” scooters on public streets without an appropriate warning, the suit alleges e-scooter companies acted negligently and should have known that their devices would become a dangerous “public nuisance.”

Three plaintiffs claim they were walking when e-scooter riders crashed into them from behind, resulting in severe injuries. The suit alleges that e-scooter companies knew their riders were injuring pedestrians and — by failing to stop the collisions from occurring — assisted and encouraged scooter riders as they committed “assaults.”

The suit also states that both companies’ scooters contain defective electronics and mechanical parts, as well inadequate safety instructions for riders and that they have “a wanton disregard for the safety of others.” The risks posed by the devices, the suit states, “were known and/or knowable” based on “professional knowledge” known within the transportation community.

The suit makes numerous claims about scooters’ mechanical issues, but does not provide concrete evidence for those claims.

The suit also names scooter manufacturers Xiaomi United States and Segway as defendants.

“While acting under the guise of the commendable goals of furthering personal freedom and mobility and protecting the environment, the Defendants, and each of them, are endangering the health, safety and welfare of riders, pedestrians and the general public,” the suit states.

The suit adds that “scores (if not hundreds) of riders and pedestrians and members of the public have suffered, are continuing to suffer and will to continue to suffer egregious and avoidable injuries and damage to their person and property.”

Spokespersons for Segway and Xiaomi United States did not respond to a request for comment.

A Lime spokesperson said the company is in the process of reviewing the complaint.

“While we don’t comment on pending litigation, safety has always been at the very core of everything we do at Lime — as is our mission of reducing cars from city streets and making them safer and greener for pedestrians, bike and scooter riders alike,” the spokesperson said, adding that the company “prides itself on taking proactive steps relating safety wherever we have a presence.”

In a statement released by Bird, the company pointed out that the complaint has been brought “against the entire e-scooter industry” and said shared e-scooters have become an important transportation mode “for hundreds of thousands of people in 100 cities worldwide.”

“We believe that the climate crisis and our car dependency demand a transportation mode shift, and clean energy vehicles like e-scooters are already replacing millions of short car trips,” the statement said. “There is no evidence that riding an e-scooter presents a greater level of danger to riders than riding a bike. Cars remain the greatest threat to commuters, killing over 40,000 people in the US yearly.”

Since their sudden arrival in recent months, e-scooters have been linked to an uptick in severe injuries in hospitals around the country, according to emergency-room physicians. As the value and popularity of companies such as Bird and Lime have soared, a growing number of critics — including doctors, former riders and scooter mechanics — claim that e-scooter fleets are poorly maintained and prone to dangerous mechanical failures.

Two e-scooter riders — one in Dallas and another in the District of Columbia — have been involved in accidents that led to their deaths, authorities say.

The class-action suit adds a new category of people to the list of those fiercely opposed to the latest form of controversial transportation sweeping the country: pedestrians.

Among the plaintiffs is David Petersen, a 62-year-old street performer known as “Davy Rocks,” who alleges that he was severely injured after being struck by an e-scooter rider in June.

Petersen said he was dancing for onlookers near the Santa Monica pier in California, Petersen, clad in his trademark “gladiator outfit,” when a man on a Bird scooter hit him from behind. He said the man fled the scene. Petersen said the force of the collision knocked him down, but he managed to lessen the impact by catching himself with his right hand. Had he been an elderly person or a small child, he said, he could’ve been killed.

Petersen said he suffered a fractured arm and a severed biceps, an injury that caused him to miss weeks of work. The muscle had to be surgically reattached using a cadaver graft, he said.

“My arm is never going to be the same, not to mention the five-inch-long scar it’s got now,” he said, noting that his arm has lost rotation and feels stiff. “If Bird is going to profit off the human meat grinder they’ve created in Santa Monica, they should be held responsible for the suffering they’ve caused.”

Additionally, the lawsuit accuses Bird and Lime of multiple breaches of each company’s warranty and alleges that their vehicles were “not suitable” for repeated use in public places.

Stating that the deployment of e-scooters is unlawful, the suit claims that each company should be prohibited from continuing to deploy scooters in California. Beyond seeking damages, the suit claims that scooter companies should be required to include “adequate warnings and/or instructions” to their apps and vehicles.

Catherine Lerer — a personal-injury lawyer from Santa Monica who is representing the plaintiffs with lawyer Jeffrey Lee Costell — said she has received more than 100 calls from people injured by scooters in recent months. Whether they involve riders or pedestrians, she said, the injuries are consistent: broken noses, legs, arms, wrists, hands and ribs, as well as head injuries and tears to anterior cruciate ligaments and rotator cuffs that require surgery.

“We filed this class-action lawsuit against Bird and Lime and the manufacturers of their electric scooters to address the terrible injuries they have inflicted on their riders and pedestrians, and the continuing harm they are causing,” Lerer said.

— The Washington Post

Application Problem

Question Description

Please check the attachment for questions. I am also pasting the questions below,(there are seven questions) which needs to be solve on time


M3- Application Problem

E4-5 Which economic events are relevant and objectively measurable?

The Brown Corporation experienced the following financial events on October 10, 2017:

  1. The company entered into a new contract with the employees’ union that calls for a $2.00 per hour increase in wages, a longer lunch break, and cost-of-living adjustments, effective January 1, 2018.
  2. The company issued $200,000 in bonds that mature on October 10, 2027. The terms of the bond issuance stipulate that interest is to be paid semi-annually at an annual rate of 10 percent.
  3. The company president retired and was replaced by the vice president of finance.
  4. The company received $10,000 from a customer in settlement of an open account receivable.
  5. The company paid $1,000 interest on an outstanding loan. The interest is applicable to September 2017 and is included on the books as a liability, “Interest Payable.”
  6. The market value of all the company’s long-lived assets is $275,000. They are currently reported on the balance sheet at $250,000.
  7. The company purchased a fire insurance policy for $1,500 that will pay the Brown Corporation $1 million if its primary production plant is destroyed. The policy insures the company from November 1, 2017, through October 31, 2018.
  8. The company placed an order to have $10,000 of inventory shipped on October 17, 2017.

Indicate whether each of these economic events has accounting significance (i.e., whether the company would prepare a journal entry for the event). In each case, explain why or why not.

E4-9 Preparing a statement of cash flows from journal entries.

Small and Associates, a small manufacturing firm, entered into the following cash transactions during January 2017:

  1. Issued 600 shares of stock for $25 each.
  2. Sold services for $4,000 cash.
  3. Paid salaries and wages of $1,600.
  4. Purchased land as a long-term investment for $9,000 cash.
  5. Paid a $2,000 dividend.
  6. Sold land with a book value of $3,000 for $3,500 cash.
  7. Paid $1,500 to the bank: $900 to reduce the principal on an outstanding loan and $600 as an interest payment.
  8. Paid miscellaneous expenses of $1,800.

E4-14 Recognizing accrued wages.

The Hurst Corporation pays its employees every Friday for the five-day week just ended. On January 2, 2018, the company paid its employees $70,000 for the week beginning Monday, December 29.

  • Assuming that the employees earned salaries and wages evenly throughout the week, prepare any adjusting journal entries that were necessary on the closing date of December 31, 2017.
  • Prepare the journal entry that would be recorded on Friday, January 2, when the wages are paid.
  • Complete a chart like the following.
    • Prepare a journal entry for each transaction. Indicate the classification and the effect on the accounting equation.
    • Prepare a cash T-account and compute the company’s cash balance as of the end of January. Assume a beginning balance of $4,000.




Salaries and wages expense

Cash outflow associated with wages

E4-18 (a, b) Preparing journal entries and the cash flow statement.

Rahal and Watson, a small manufacturing company, entered into the following cash transactions during January 2017:

  1. Issued 800 shares of common stock for $30 each.
  2. Collected $3,900 on outstanding accounts receivable.
  3. Paid salaries and wages for the month of January of $1,530.
  4. Purchased land as a long-term investment for $12,000 cash.
  5. Paid a $6,000 dividend.
  6. Sold a piece of equipment with a book value of $5,000 for $7,000 cash.
  7. Paid $2,000 to the bank: $900 to reduce the principal on an outstanding loan and $1,100 as an interest payment.
  8. Paid miscellaneous expenses of $5,000.

P4-3 (a, b, and on item c, only income statement and balance sheet)

Journal entries and preparing the four financial statements

  1. Issued 1,000 shares of common stock at $95 per share.
  2. Paid $2,600 for each of 12 months to rent office and warehouse space for 2017. The rent was paid on the last day of each month.
  3. Made total sales for services of $190,000: $65,000 for cash and $125,000 on account.
  4. Purchased land for $32,000.
  5. Borrowed $75,000 on December 31. The note payable matures in two years.
  6. Salaries and wages totalling $80,000 were paid during the year.
  7. Miscellaneous expenses totalling $40,000 were paid during the year.
  8. $56,000 was received from customers as payment on account.
  9. Declared and paid a dividend of $26,000.


  • Prepare journal entries for these transactions.
  • Establish T-accounts for each account, and post the journal entries to these T-accounts.
  • Prepare an income statement, statement of shareholders’ equity, a December 31, 2017 balance sheet, and statement of cash flows for 2017.

P4-5 Comprehensive problem.

The December 31, 2017, balance sheet of Tybee Corporation is provided below (in millions).


Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity


$ 24

Accounts payable

$  4

Accounts receivable


Interest payable




Unearned revenue


Prepaid insurance


Notes payable



$ 50 

Common stock


Less: Accumulated depreciation


Retained earnings


Net equipment








Transactions during January 2018:

  • Paid $5 for employee salaries and wages.
  • Collected $10 cash from customers for work previously performed and billed.
  • Purchased equipment for $5 cash.
  • Purchased $2 of supplies for cash.
  • Paid $3 to a vendor for supplies previously purchased on credit in December 2017.
  • Paid the interest owed as of December 31, 2017.
  • Completed $18 in services for customers, receiving 50 percent payment in cash and billing the remainder.
  • Paid $15 to reduce outstanding notes payable.
  • Collected $5 for the issuance of common shares.

As of 1/31/18:

  • Had performed 25 percent of the services for which it had been paid in advance.
  • Owes $1 for interest that will be paid next month.
  • Depreciated equipment in the amount of $4.
  • Physical count of supplies reveals $3 on hand.
  • Declared and paid a cash dividend in the amount of 50 percent of January’s net income.


  • Prepare the journal entries to record transactions and to adjust and close accounts.

P4-9 Inferring adjusting journal entries from changes in T-account balances

The following information is available for Derrick Company:


T-Account Balance
before Adjustments

T-Account Balance
after Adjustments

Prepaid Rent



Prepaid Insurance



Accumulated Depreciation



Salaries Payable



Unearned Revenues



Service Revenue



Rent Expense



Insurance Expense



Depreciation Expense



Salaries and Wages Expense




Prepare the adjusting journal entries that gave rise to the changes indicated

Week 2 Discussion – Persuasive Speeches (Must include replies with sources and citations!)

Question Description

Week 2 Discussion – Persuasive Speeches

Learning Objectives Covered

  • LO 02.01 – Analyze and apply two common organizational patterns for persuasive speeches

Career Relevancy

Persuasive speaking happens often in professional settings. Knowing how to sway listeners to the ideas that you present will take you far in working with coworkers, superiors, and customers. This discussion covers strategies for organizing your persuasive speaking.



Imagine that the company you work for is planning for its annual company celebration, and you have the opportunity to influence the decision on where the event is held. In the past, this event has been held as a picnic, but the company has also successfully hosted trips to theme parks and other attractions in your area. Some of your coworkers want to go to the local zoo, with a discounted rate being offered for all employee and family tickets. The other option is to spend the day at a local marina where there is a park, barbeque pits, and water-related activities available for purchase individually. You see the marina as the better option, but the company is split almost evenly on the matter. You decide to speak up and share why the marina option will serve the employees and their families better, but how do you do that? This is one example of how persuasive speaking strategies can work in your favor.

Opportunities such as the one above arise often in workplace settings. Perhaps that example falls more on the side of pleasure than business, but consider the many other workplace decisions that are heavily business related, such as:

  • Deciding between two competing office supply companies for who your company’s paper supplier will be. Though both suppliers offer competitive prices, one company has faster delivery, while the other offers more of the products the office already uses.
  • Deciding with a fellow manager which interview candidate is the best fit for a position
  • Helping a patient see why it is best he/she comply with a professionally recommended medical regimen
  • Deciding with a fellow manager whether or not to terminate an employee

Good persuasion is executed through properly organizing your speaking points to have the most effect. You can select the best organization style based on the purpose of your speech. Here are some popular methods:

Problem/Solution Order

As the name would suggest, in this style, the speaker presents a problem or challenge, and then proceeds to offer solutions. While this style may appear to be very simple, it is crucial that speakers appropriately highlight the problem; in other words, you must convince the listener(s) that the problem is actually a problem. Perhaps you are speaking at a city hall meeting in favor of building a dog park in your neighborhood. It would be best to highlight how not having a dog park impacts citizens, especially those who are not dog owners.

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

Created by Alan H. Monroe around 1934, this method follows a standard of steps: Attention, Need, Satisfaction, Visualization, Action. The speaker first commands the attention of listeners and addresses a need they have. Then the speaker offers solutions to satisfy this need and paints a positive picture of the future with the solution provided. Finally, the speaker ends by leaving the audience with a call to action. This method is particularly effective for engaging the audience and moving listeners to action.


This method seeks to show the relationship between events and phenomena by demonstrating how the effects of the first element have contributed to the next element’s existence. This organizational pattern works best when trying to show a relationship between the cause and effect is controversial or unclear.

These are just a few of the organizational patterns you can choose from for structuring a persuasive speech. Your intended purpose for speaking will help you to decide which pattern would make your speech the most effective. A few other tips to keep in mind during persuasive speaking include properly gauging the audience and offering evidence to support your claims. If you are speaking to a department in a meeting or to a small group of coworkers during a training, and you find that your listeners are agreeing with the case you are making, it is appropriate to adjust your momentum to intensify their agreement with you, thus moving them to act. Similarly, if you see that your listeners are in opposition to what you are proposing, you can gain momentum again by emphasizing your credibility, building common ground with your listeners, or even refuting counter-arguments. The inclusion of evidence, statistics, and other factual pieces will add weight to your arguments as well as your credibility (UMN, 2016, para. 26).


UMN. (2016, September 29). Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies. Retrieved April 10, 2018, from…


Select two organizational methods for persuasive speaking and identify one drawback to each that can come from utilizing this method. Perhaps you have witnessed a persuasive speech tactic’s failure and can comment from experience. How would you suggest working around the drawbacks that you identify?

Your initial and reply posts should work to develop a group understanding of this topic. Challenge each other. Build on each other. Always be respectful but discuss this and figure it out together.

Reply Requirements

Per the Due Dates and Participation Requirements for this course, you must submit 1 main post of 150+ words, 1 IWG citation, and reference, as well as 2 follow-up posts of 50+ words. Responses can be addressed to both your initial thread and other threads but must be your own words (no copy and paste), each reply unique (no repeating something you already said), and substantial in nature. Remember that part of the discussion grade is submitting on time (20%) and using proper grammar, spelling, etc. (20% per post).

Remember that part of the discussion grade is submitting on time and using proper grammar, spelling, etc. You’re training to be a professional—write like it.

First reply:

Autumn Cooper

Manage Discussion Entry

When you are speaking publicly, whether in a professional or nonprofessional setting, you should organize your message. There are several strategies for doing so. Two such strategies from the organizational method are problem/solution order and cause and effect. Cause and effect is “whenever you look at the subject in terms of cause and effect. Problem-solution is similar to the cause-and-effect pattern, but typically is used when the speaker is trying to persuade the audience to take a particular viewpoint” (Brent, 2018).

However, draw backs may arise if they are not used correctly. I have witnessed this first hand whenever I attended a town meeting. The community had pleaded with officials for over a year to try and get a animal shelter for the town, as the closest one was over an hour away. The were hundreds of viable reasons that the town should receive a shelter, from the city earning millions in tourist revenue to the animals having nowhere to go.

It took the town another 3 months to receive the shelter as they failed to follow strategies for organizational speaking. There are drawbacks to using any method incorrectly, including cause and effect and problem/solution order. This could include not representing all the information needed or not being able to convince your audience. You must make the message clear and convince the audience that they need to address the problem.


Brent, M. (2018). What are the Five Organizational Patterns for Public Speaking Retrieved from…

Quick easy replys to (3) discussion questions- Rubric attached

Question Description


Responding to Discussions

Your response must have a clear, well-formulated thesis; sentence structure,

grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. Your response should be

insightful, thoughtful, and analytical. You are required to make one

initial post and then respond to two classmates for each discussion

forum. Your responses to classmates’ postings must be thoughtful,

substantial, and polite — not just a “well done” phrase or “I agree.”

Consider points of agreement, disagreement, assumptions, and value



When planning a global video conferencing meeting, Binder (2007) suggests the following priorities that should be considered for the meeting:

  • Understand your audience and their role in the project: Considering what needs to be discussed and with whom before a meeting can avoid gatherings that feel “useless” to the audience and ultimately do not benefit the project. It will also help you identify the purpose of the meeting, allowing the group not to waste time discussing tasks that the stakeholders present at the meeting do not directly impact.
  • Begin the meeting with brief informal discussion: Allowing a short period for casual conversation is a quick, easy team-building exercise. Building trust between team members will only enhance the project’s quality.
  • Consider various time zones and personal time of participants: This will increase participation as more members will likely attend if the meeting time fits their schedule.
  • Respect and learn from cultural differences: In the meeting, there will be a wealth of knowledge and experience from different groups and personality types. Use this to the project’s advantage while assigning tasks and developing innovative techniques.
  • Be direct: Staying on task is key, so be sure to redirect the conversation back to the point of the meeting when necessary.

By following these priorities, the project manager can ensure that the meeting is successful and that all parties leave with a more thorough understanding of the project and a closer connection to their team.

Which of the aforementioned suggestions should be the top priority? Why?


In organizing a video conference meeting that involve several countries with lots of characteristics, there are five key priorities that I will do during the planning process, during the meeting, and after the meeting to ensure the success of the meeting.

The first is that prior to the meeting date, all the participants from my company will go through training on multicultural meeting mannerisms – and to cover those from all countries that may be in attendance at this meeting. This will help staff be more aware of what might come off as potentially odd or unusual behavior and help minimize misunderstandings. While this is likely minimized doing a video conference, there are likely still behavior that may happen that people may not be used to.

The second is communicating a time that the meeting will convene, and then when the actual meeting will start. This will give some flexibility to the start time to take into account cultures that might be more relaxed, but also make those in cultures that adhere much more to a specific start time, more comfort.

Another key priority for me is communicating an agenda well ahead of the meeting and regularly leading up to the meeting so that participants know what their role is, where they fit in, and what they should bring with them to the online meeting to effectively participate in the meeting. Some cultures may want more time to think about this or get feedback and prepare with others in their home countries to feel comfortable sharing in a remote meeting.

The next priority is communicating alternative methods for communicating or participating in the meeting. Since it’s an online meeting, I want to make sure representatives from each country know the various ways they can communicate during the meeting such as vocally, via chat, or through the surveys that will be offered throughout the meeting. As some cultures may be more vocal, others may want to share their feedback in alternative ways – it’s important that everyone feel that their input is heard.

The last key priority is to ensure that the meanings of words or symbols used in the online meeting are known and understood – we will be sharing a deck that has check marks or other symbols as well as terminology that may mean different things during the meeting. The first slide of this deck will illustrate the meanings for these so that people grasp the topics and information the same way as those words or symbols could mean different things to different people.

Even with great preparation and communication, miscommunication can still happen. How do you give feedback to someone who still is not an effective meeting participant when you need them to be ?


You’re asked to organize a video conference meeting involving several international time zones, nationalities, age ranges, genders, and cultures. What are your top five priorities to ensure a successful meeting? Focus on the communications aspect in a multicultural environment. Invite comments on one of your priorities.

Hosting meetings can be a challenging experience, hosting an international meeting adds an extra layer of complexity to the mix with different cultural and gender norms that a manager needs to consider. I’ve found that keeping the following priorities in mind when setting up a meeting to be beneficial to help members stay on task and keep meeting attendees engaged:

Set meeting agenda – I think creating and sending a meeting agenda at least 24hrs prior to a meeting is helpful for those that can’t attend, but also helpful for those who will potentially have trouble speaking the predominant language of the people attending the meeting. I think by distributing the agenda with enough time allows people to formulate thoughts and questions allowing for a more productive meeting.

Introductions – Having attendees introduce themselves helps break the ice a little for first-timers and I also think it makes meetings more personal when people feel like they know each other at least on a basic level.

Good audio/video equipment – I’ve learned through experience that poor AV equipment can derail a meeting, especially when you have a large group of people in one room and remote employees calling in. Poor audio can make it hard for those remote employees to follow conversations which can lead to people disengaging.

Record meeting or take notes – Even if the manager was able to find a time that works for everyone attending the meeting, there are bound to be people that still can’t make meetings for various reasons (vacation, doctors visits, etc.) recording the meeting or having a person taking meeting minutes and action item can help those absent team member keep tabs on what was discussed and also know what action items are in their court to address.

Time of day – Rotating time of recurring meetings or finding a time that’s convenient for everyone will go a long way in making people feel included in the planning process. It is also important to be conscious of events and time that other cultures value, for example, people that are Muslim or predominantly Muslim countries pray five times a day. It would be challenging to try and accommodate a meeting around a team members prayer schedule needs but I think acknowledging it and bringing it up

Language – The person running the meeting should be aware of the potential language barries be thought when facilitating the meeting by making sure meeting attendees speak slow and in a concise manner so everyone can understand them.

MW education assignments

Question Description

Please complete all parts

Part 2

See attachment 6160 1 and 6160 ex

Part 4

From the following variety of topics/concepts related to attachment, select one that attracts you strongly and/or stirs your curiosity:

  • Synchrony
  • Secure attachment
  • Social referencing
  • Attachment and prosocial behavior/empathy in young children
  • Attachment and emotion regulation in young children
  • Attachment and the development of spirituality in children
  • Search the library for scholarly articles that provide further information about your chosen concept.
  • Search the Internet for additional resources.
  • From all resources you reviewed, select three that you find most relevant. At least two sources must be from scholarly journals.
  • Study and reflect on the additional information you found.


  • A brief description of the concept you chose and why you chose it
  • Citations for the three resources you selected, in APA format
  • At least one insight, fact, or new learning from each of the resources
  • A personal reflection including:
  • Anything that surprised you and/or dispelled an assumption
  • Additional information you found important, noteworthy, and/or unusual

Part 5

See attachment 6160 2 and 6160 2 ex

Part 6

public health measures that impact children’s development all over this world address, among others, the following areas of concern:

  • Nutrition/malnutrition
  • Immunization
  • Access to healthy water
  • Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Breastfeeding
  • Mental health of mothers, fathers, and families in general


  • Choose one public health topic from the list above (or one that you think should be added to the list).
  • Describe in what ways this topic is meaningful to you.
  • Find information about this topic from a different part of the world, and include this information in your Blog.
  • Share ways the information you have learned may impact your future work.

Part 7

One of your friends is expecting her first child. She is part of a small group of first-time parents who are eager to learn all they can about child development. Knowing that you are currently enrolled in a child development course, your friend asks you to provide the group with information about language development.

  • Which theory or combination of theories would you use for your presentation, and why?
  • Which position or combination of positions about the goals of language learning and use would you incorporate, and why?

Part 8

See 6160 instructions and 6160 3

Part 9

In preparation for the discussion this week, reflect on the following:

  • What is your response to the theory that identity formation occurs within dynamic systems of relationships and societal norms?
  • In what ways have you noticed that children look to adults, peers, images on TV, and other media for clues about acceptable behavior and behavioral norms?
  • Have you ever heard or read something that you considered to be racist, sexist, segregationist, or tolerant of abusive behavior?
  • Have you ever felt awkward because you were told that your behavior or your views did not conform to the norm?


  • Listen to the radio; watch children’s programming including advertising; look at children’s books; or watch popular children’s movies.
  • As you read, watch, and listen, put yourself in the place of a child between the ages of 2 and 6, and consider the messages you are receiving and all ways in which these messages might influence your sense of self.
  • Five specific messages that, in your opinion, might influence a young child’s identity formation process
  • The type of media that produced these messages
  • A brief summary of specific ways these messages might influence the identity formation process
  • Any new insights, noteworthy ideas or personal conclusions related to this assignment

Part 10

Take a look at the list below-it is by no means complete, but instead highlights some of the major stressors children all over the world may experience:

  • War
  • Poverty
  • Racism
  • Natural disaster
  • Isolation
  • Hunger
  • Noise
  • Chaos
  • Disease
  • Environmental pollution
  • Violence

Have you, or has anyone you know, experienced any of these stressors as a child? How did you, or the other person, cope/survive? What were the ramifications? In what regions and/or countries are children currently experiencing any of these stressors? What do you think happens to those children’s biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial development?

  • From the list above, choose one stressor that you, or someone you know, experienced as a child. Share how you, or that person, coped with and/or compensated for that stressor (including any resources used or any support obtained).
  • Choose a region or country in the world that you would like to know more about and/or for which you have a special affinity. Find out, and describe, the kind of stressor(s) that impact the development of children in that region/country and what is being done to minimize the harm.

Part 11

  • Describe three examples of play behavior that illustrate the presence of intersubjectivity in children’s play.
  • Summarize the ways intersubjectivity manifests itself in each of the three examples.
  • Briefly state any new insights you gained, or ideas you developed, as a result of your readings about children’s construction of meaning and about intersubjectivity.

Part 12

  • In your opinion, what are the advantages and/or disadvantages of identifying and labeling children?
  • What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of considering special needs/varying abilities as variations of normal development?

Part 13

See 6160 4 ex and 6160 4

Part 14

See 6160 5 ex and 6160 5

Part 15

See 6160 6 ex and 6160 6

Part 16

  • Considering a commitment to viewing young children holistically (i.e., a commitment to “the whole child”), what, if anything, do you believe should be measured or assessed? Explain your reasoning.
  • In what ways are school-age children assessed in other parts of the world? (Choose a country or region of the world for which you have a personal affinity.)
  • What additional ideas, comments, suggestions, examples, and/or concerns related to assessing young children would you like to share with your colleagues?

Part 17

  • One positive and one negative impact of a technology tool, and the ways in which it may enhance and/or impede development for school-age children
  • One suggestion for how you, and/or each of us, can foster the positive influence, and/or lesson the dangers, of new technologies on children’s development
  • Any other comments, personal experiences, and/or insights you would like to add to this discussion

Part 18

See 6160 7 ex and 6160 7

Part 19

five major topics related to child development: attachment, empathy, trauma, resilience, and global child development concerns.

From the five major topics, choose one to which you feel a strong personal connection,


  • A brief summary of the three readings for your topic
  • A reflective statement about why you chose this topic

Part 20

  • Identify three additional Scholarly Resources for the topic you chose (at least one must address ways in which healthy development can be/is being fostered). Look for scholarly resources with the latest information on your chosen issue.
  • Cite each resource in APA format.
  • Summarize the content of each resource.
  • Add a brief conclusion in which you address these questions:
  • In what ways do these resources contribute to your deeper understanding of the topic?
  • Which questions, if any, do you still have regarding this topic?
  • Considering the resources you found, as well as everything you know at this point about children and their developmental paths: What is, in your opinion, the importance of this topic in relation to child development?

Assignment length: approximately 2 pages

Part 21

Reflect on what you have learned, and review the course objectives; your responses to the course discussions and assignments; the feedback you received from your Instructor, as well as from your colleagues; and your experience creating, and contributing to, your Early Childhood Blog and its international dimension. Then, write a Reflection paper that includes the following:

  • At least three insights you gained from your coursework, with regard to child development
  • At least one insight you gained about children, and child development, related to global awareness, issues, and/or concerns
  • Ways in which your initial assumptions, about children and how children develop, have changed and/or been strengthened by your work in this course.

Assignment length: 2 pages

Part 22

  • At least one quote about children, or a visual/media piece with written commentary
  • A note of professional thanks and support to the Blogs