partnership between two companies

Question Description

From Saudi or Middle East market, select an example of partnership between two companies (acquisition, collusion, joint venture, value-chain partnership, mutual service consortium, licensing arrangement…) and answer the following questions:

example for the two companies:

ARAMCO & SABIC joint venture

​Please read Carefully the article and please answer each questions from the article.m

Question Description

Please read Carefully the article and please answer each questions from the article. I DO NOT NEED ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES OF ANY KIND. All the questions should be answered briefly and clearly. Total Pages should be 4-6 long.

5-4 Short Response

Question Description


For this short response paper, you will discuss the ways in which motivation, stress, and time management can influence workplace dynamics.

For additional details, please refer to the Module Five Short Response Guidelines and Rubric document.

Information Security

Question Description

Explain the phishing scenario in terms of the threat involved with the quiz drop email that you received and then explain how the University Authenticator protects you. Give your feedback on the University Authenticator and suggestions for improvement.

Workforce Planning Worksheet

Question Description

Based on the survey you created (see attached), please write an Executive Summary Outline in 500 words what you hope to learn from the questions in your survey. Address specific questions and provide a rationale for selecting each.

I need a help with digital advertisement class (digital marketing)

Question Description

I have attached the requirement for the work. there are only two parts. please take a look at it and let me know if it is something you can handle and get good grades in.

thank you

Emerging Economies

Question Description

Please read the following article and then answer question in justone page.

Accelerated internationalization by MNCs from emergingeconomies: Determinants and implications by Ping Deng and answerthis question:

Q: What factors explain the internationalization of MNCsfrom emerging economies?


research paper outlines

Question Description

must be according this PDF(sample) , doing this research paper outlines

the topic is : The Impact of Consumer Experience on Consumer Buying Behavior——Taking Apple’s Experience Marketing as an Example

chapter 1-5

Merchandising Module 5 Task (HAMPTON)

Question Description

Describe the role of technology in retail forecasting methodology. Include the following: (1) the use of software and simulations in predicting sales and inventory and (2) the impact of social media (Facebook, Twitter) on consumer demand.

Career portfolio questions

Question Description

Complete the attached portfolio tasks. Each task should be well labelled and should start on a new page in your document. Follow the instructions well and deliver quality work. Cite any outside information well. See attached file