Complete Two Business Assessments DUE (BRY)

Question Description

Please view the assessments due and complete them seprately. These are pretty easy business essays and just need to be short and sweet and answer all the question asked in the instructions

Please send two separate word documents for each assessment and a turnitin report for each as well. Thanks

Communication practicum project Level Three: The Notebook

Question Description

Watch The Notebook then select 3 ten minute scenes and evaluate one ten minute scene and focus on the verbal message. Then focus on the second ten minute scene and focus on the non-verbal message. Finally evaluate the third scene and compare and contrast verbal vs non-verbal messages.

SQL 2012 Backup, Recovery, and Data Integration

Question Description

Choose an organization with which you are familiar; for example, your place of work, the college or university that you attend, or a local community organization. Discuss:

The data loss risks that the organization faces

A set of recovery objectives based on the risk assessment and analysis of the business requirements

Organization Design and Development

Question Description

Critical Thinking Questions:

1.Discribe OD Consultants role in organization design? (300 – 400 words) (2 mark).

2. What are the attributes that measure the Organizational effectiveness? (200 – 300 words) (1 mark).

3. Explain the importance of developing structures in the Organizations? (300 – 400 words) (2 mark).

Manage meeting. there are 3 tasks focused on only one thing.

Question Description

We have to set-up a meeting and show what are the things needs to be done in order to set-up a meeting.

All the three tasks are interlinked to each other. each tasks focus on specific thing. once you complete the irst one you automatically move to the next one.

The Popol Vuh

Question Description


I have presentation and I want you to do it for me.I don’t want a lot of ideas I want it simple, I want it about That’s around 4 Slides for a comprehensive ideas for a PowerPoint and one write . ”Intro, Similar ,Differences, Your opinion and Conclusion”

Assignment 5 Homework

Question Description

Assignment 5 Homework :Marketable Assets and Evidence

1.The printed ad you could apply for

2. two-column table of your 3 assets& evidence (3 bullets points for each asset) for this job asterisk * beside your most important asset for this particular position→include specific details and action words in evidence column

Topic 3 DQ 1

Question Description

Choose a public policy issue that has an ethical component. Use a code of ethics relevant to public administrators to frame an ethical position that would be appropriate for a public administrator to take on that policy issue. Explain why the code of ethics you chose is appropriate.

2-3 paragraph business post

Question Description

On page 405 read the case and answer the question using chapter 7.

.Based on the behavioral guidelines for the collaborative approach, how did Dan perform in his roles as the initiator, as the mediator, and as the responder, and how could he have done better in those roles?

As health care manager, your facility will soon be implementing an electronic health record (EHR). Some employees feel that they are not technologically gifted. Some employees feel the computer will soon cause them to be laid off. Employees are discussing

Question Description

  • How does change impact motivation of employees?
  • Discuss how you would communicate with these employees and what you will tell them about the EHR implementation.
  • Discuss how employers will explain about the training that will be offered to all employees and how employee job skills will change with the implementation