Budget and profit loss statement

Question Description

Analyze the revenue items based on information collected and make adjustments as suggested by your instructor.

Create a 350-word Profit and Loss Statement following the income statement format.

Conduct an internet search or use the example located in the textbook for the course.

Format assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Fix my Full Written Proposal

Question Description

needs development. For example, explain the Center’s mission, explain how it would operate and how Temple would be involved. You need to support your claims with “evidence” (reference to outside sources). Avoid general commentary. And you must make clear how your graphics support your proposal. please, thank you.

Final Global Marketing Plan Paper

Question Description

Based on AIRBNB in UK

Please combine all four essay into one. Please make sure it in order and u can see its labeled in the file name which is in order.

Submit your final Global Marketing Plan. Make sure you properly cited, formatted and checked your Turnitin.com matching score.

Assignment 2 questions

Question Description

AS discussed. First is on Air NZ…

for your help, i suggets you 1 example of challenge, For any flight, they need to take permisison from country for which the flight is bounded. IF not take permission, flight is not given to land off ( Example of China)

@nd general question

mgt 6503 change management

Question Description

ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEM: Poor Organizational Communication


There are an 8 steps for change management. Above link shows all the details about that 8 steps. In ABC Company has a ” Poor Organizational Communication” I need to apply that steps into ABC Company issue. I also uploaded extra information.

Start Your ePortfolio

Question Description

As you are preparing to tell your story in the professional world, leverage your ePortfolio artifacts to demonstrate the knowledge and competencies you have gained through your program from your authentic assessment work products. Visit the Capella Career Center to learn more about using ePortfolios in your job search.

Discuss the various level of economic development of a nation. Recognize current trends regarding foreign direct investment (FDI) in the world economy.

Question Description

  1. Discuss the various level of economic development of a nation.
  2. Recognize current trends regarding foreign direct investment (FDI) in the world economy.

  1. Discuss the various level of economic development of a nation.
  2. Recognize current trends regarding foreign direct investment (FDI) in the world economy.

finish the excel

Question Description


I attached the excel file below. I would like from you to answer all the questions in the analysis

each question 150 words

All the questions are related to the Interference and Diffraction Template Lab and they are easy to answer since I completed all the steps before the questions.

Thank you,

Finance this is a finance HW plz do all the quotations without excel only use financial calculator or by hand, u might need to use the book it is called Fundamentals of Financial Management. some of the pics are repeated. plz ask me if u have any quotatio

Question Description

this is a finance HW plz do all the quotations without excel only use financial calculator or by hand, u might need to use the book it is called Fundamentals of Financial Management. some of the pics are repeated. plz ask me if u have any quotation thanks .

Accounting research question

Question Description

Question 1:From SDL(Saudi Digital Library) find one article in accounting filed and identify (survey research): (3 marks)

  • What sort of survey was the author contemplated?
  • What sort of respondent he/she targeted?
  • How was the sample selected?

Question 2:Explain at least three interview methods. What are the advantages and disadvantages of interview methods? (2marks)