Special Considerations- Discussion Board

Question Description

– Using the attached file answer the following discussion board question in Depth and Details

– APA citation using the attachment


“1. Discuss three disaster coordination issues.

2. How would you as an Emergency Manager:

a. prevent corruption following a disaster;

b. manage compound emergencies;

c. ensure equality in assistance and relief distribution.

Choose one.”

Reply to a student post and Part 1 of the group assignment

Question Description

Ass 1.


Ass 2:

“Apple Inc. A Great Marketer and a Successful Company”

1 – Title Page (5 Pts.) = “Apple Inc. A Great Marketer and a Successful Company”

2 – Executive Summary (5 Pts.)

3 – Company’s Background and/or Problem (8 Pts.)

What are the best and worst traits of leaders you have worked with? How did these traits affect your productivity and engagement?

Question Description

    Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

    • What are the best and worst traits of leaders you have worked with? How did these traits affect your productivity and engagement?
    • Regarding leadership traits, what is more important for leading people: hard knowledge of the area you are running or soft people skills?

    CEO of BSG company

    Question Description

    Please follow attached instructions for this assignment.
    1.Use data to identify where my firms RoS problem stems from.
    2. Then, use data to analyze the company situation for possible directions.

    3. Purpose one specific and viable solution.

    This is a made up company BSG game and made up data.
    Use headings but not bullets.


    Need more details for assignment virtual organization

    Question Description

    Hi ,
    I attached the file already with answer but the teacher ask me more details and that is her comments

    Q1-Profile should contain about the performance ,details of the goods and services provided by them

    Execution -All the virtual operations must be listed.

    Q3 and 4 – Need more and technical explanation.

    How have you learned performing task on Microsoft Office Products and how would you apply them in the real world?

    Question Description

    Identify a task that you would need to perform in your current career or future career, and explain how you would apply the knowledge you have learned in Microsoft Office Products to succeed at performing the task in a real-word scenario.

    Just need a paragraph

    If sources are used, APA format is needed

    Ch 8 reflection

    Question Description

    Read CH8 in the book

    • Submit 2 paragraphs of reflection on what you have learned from each chapter.
    • The goal of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to reflect on how the concepts in the book apply to either the course lecture and/or a situation described in the book.

    group 2nd china

    Question Description

    An Excel file for the questions 1 and 2: answer the Q1 in the “GDP” worksheet and theQ2 in “UR & GDP growth rate” worksheet, respectively.A document: please present two graphs (real GDP with a Trend line and GDP growthrate along with unemployment rate) and write down answers for Q3.

    Discussion – Customer Loyalty

    Question Description

    3 substantive responses each 175 words

    Customer satisfaction surveys are everywhere, but do they measure loyalty? Review the Building, Measuring, and Profiting from Customer Loyalty” article from the University Library. Briefly summarize key points from this article and discuss strategies for earning and measuring customer loyalty.

    MGT 101 week

    Question Description

    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
    • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

    Assignment Workload:

    • This Assignment consists of a Case.
    • Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.