Your post should be at least 250 words and demonstrate full understanding of the concepts covered this week.

Question Description

While it is obvious that no single measure of is ever going to tell the whole story, discuss what measures of project progress would be most important to communicate to

  • Project sponsors
  • Project stakeholders/customer
  • The project team
  • Your post should be at least 250 words and demonstrate full understanding of the concepts covered this week.

Financial management final

Question Description

Need help with financial management quiz. Last quiz of the semester so it’s important that I get above 80%. Content is for courses like FIN5130. I’ll only have 2 hrs to answer 20 questions so please be prepare before accepting. If your not familiar with the course, please do not accept.

8.2 – Discussion Topic 8

Question Description

Review the articles from your reading activity for this module anddiscuss the problems and projected growth the airline carriers face. How couldthey overcome these problems? 2 pages APA format and two references at minimum. Attached below is the reading and a website with a topic question you can use in your discussion.…

a closer look act430 db3

Question Description

Accounting for nonfinancial assets will experience some major changes with the convergence to IFRS. One of the key issues will be that of fair value.

  • Research this topic, and give your argument for or against the use of fair value for the nonfinancial assets of a company.
  • at least 400 words and provide the reference

Answer the questions below and reference it and also give feedback on the attachments labelled feedback one and two

Question Description

  1. Explain the impact of declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and motivation on performance
  2. Explain the difference between contextual and task performance?
  3. Define the three approaches to measuring performance in chapter four. If you were implementing a performance appraisal system for an organisation which approach would you recommend and why?

Answer these questions in two pages or three.

Respond to Post

Question Description

In your responses to these two post, confirm or challenge their recommendations for improving accountingquality and offer additional recommendations. Address whether there were anysimilarities or differences in the incident you chose and those of your peers.Discuss whether you think this may indicate a trend in regard to accountingquality (or a lack thereof).

question and answer

Question Description

Question 1: find one article in accounting filed and identify (survey research): (3 marks)

  • What sort of survey was the author contemplated?
  • What sort of respondent he/she targeted?
  • How was the sample selected?

Question 2: Explain at least three interview methods. What are the advantages and disadvantages of interview methods? (2marks)

I need someone good in Accounting and Managerial finance for an assignment. Top notch work is required

Question Description

I need someone good in Accounting and Managerial finance for an assignment. Top notch work is required

Read the instruction document. Please Ensure you understand everything that is required.

Kindly ensure no plagiarism and grammar issues. Use the Harvard Referencing style

I have attached all the details. Ensure top notch work please.

Critical Thinking

Question Description

  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • referencing
  • 1000 words

Wells Fargo Settlement lawsuit for opening unauthorized accounts for customers and other lawsuites

Question Description

This paper needs to be 2500 words no more than10 pages. It should include a discussion of the various ethical issues faced and the morally imaginative solutions you seek to employ. explain the current practices of the organization and examples of ethical issues faced in the past, with suggestions for solutions.