Discussion 200 -250 words

Question Description

1) Please describe the meaning of diversification. How does diversification reduce risk for the investor?

2) What is the opportunity cost of capital? How can a companymeasure opportunity cost of capital for a project that is considered tohave average risk?

Can you make changes to the paper

Question Description

Can you make changes to the research paper and can you add a questionnaire/interview questions. Pay attention to everything in red. What is in red is what needs to be changed or fixed.Th powerpoint is a guideline if you need one.

Research Postgraduate courses and admission information of other universities

Question Description

I will Graduate from Troy University in 2021. My Major is Hospitality management .

I need to find Othercolleges/universities that offer a graduate program of the interest. Include the specific graduate program’s academic and admissionsrequirements, graduate coordinator’s name and other contact information.

logistic management

Question Description

I want an answer to this question from your own words in 400 words

and please no mach with any other student

Discuss the future challenges and opportunities in logistics management.??

Question and Answers

Question Description

  • Chapter 11 – study questions 1-10, Exercise Question 1
  • Chapter 12 – study questions 1-11, Exercise Question 1

Study questions 2-3 sentences

Exercise questions 100-150 words

Text Book:

Bourgeous, D., Smith, J., Wang. S., Mortati, J. (2019). Information Systems for Business and Beyond.

Text Book Link:


Answer the attached questions?

Question Description

Answer the attached questions in your words, along with it you can find a sample of answers so you can understand it. also answer question 6 because it is not fully answered. each question’s answer should be almost one page long.

Case study questions

Question Description

Please take a look at the sample case article and questions first. I’ll post a new case study article, next answer the questions with knowledge of organizational culture & environments; ethical decision-making; planning & decision-making; organizational commitment; and managing teams.

Please Make a powerpoint Of 15 slides

Question Description

Please make a powerpoint of 15 slides. Please read and follow the instructions below in the files attached.I still have fourth file. Can I please email you the file? It siad its too big it can’t be uploaded in here.

Powerpoint Presentation: Mary For All Seasons (Text & Images)

Question Description

There is no minimum amount ofslides so please make sure all the instructions are followed. If youhave any questions feel free to ask, but I hope that the instructionsprovide all the tools necessary for you to complete the powerpoint.

Business; Discussion Post; E-Commerce and Mobile Technology; 300+ words. APA.

Question Description

Describe E-Commerce and Mobile Technology. Assume your company is a traditional retail entity similar to Sears, Macy’s or K-Mart. Suggest ways your company can use E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies to increase its visibility and sales.

300+ words. Cite references. APA style.