Human Resource

Question Description

Assignment Regulation:

• All students are encouraged to use their own word.

• Student must apply Harvard Referencing Style within their reports.

• Students are allowed to cite 10% from the word limit.

• A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.

A tribute speech

Question Description

Write a 1 page tribute speech about my dad. My dad has been through a lot and I wantto express that in my speech and I want to talk about how his strugglesmade me in to the person I am today.

See the attached essay about my dad and the grading rubric. I need a A

Assignment 4.2

Question Description

View the Assignment 4 Overview to gain an understanding of the overall assignment requirements (Assignment 4.1 and 4.2) and grading criteria.

To complete this assignment (Assignment 4.2), click the “Week 9 – Assignment 4.2” link above. Then complete the following:

  1. Record or upload your speech (Video Recording)
  2. Complete the self review (Written Review)

Investment Management – Short Case Study

Question Description

It is an easy one for any who has studied investments but I don’t have the time to compile it right now.

This case study has all of the information you need to fill out the sheet. I have attached three documents which will tell you exactly what to do for the case study.

Discussion Post- Creative Sourcing Strategies

Question Description

Creative strategies are often utilized to find applicants for critical need positions, especially in the high tech world but also elsewhere.

  • What is an example of a recent creative sourcing strategy used by a company and how successful was it?
  • Share other sourcing strategies you personally think are creative
    • Please describe them
    • Share why you think they are creative

balance sheets and income statements

Question Description

Both GAAP and IFRS require that firms provide balance sheets and income statements from at least 2 years in annual financial reports. Why would the comparative financial statements be required? Identify and explain at least 3 benefits for users of the comparative financial statements compared to single year financial statements.


2-3 references

APA style

6-8 paragraphs

Complete SLP Task Due (RAVE)

Question Description

SLP Assignment – Managing Individual Behavior. Must create a plan by which you can grow your strengths and shore up your weakness. **Due Nov 15th**

I had to do a personality test. Below is the link to my results.
Must includes actual results in the appendix.

Memberships and Certifications – Discussion

Question Description

“Memberships and Certifications”

  • Inyour own words, explain the importance of HRM to any organization thendetermine a HRM function that interest you as a future career.
  • Then explore the Society of Human Resource Management website,explain the importance of receiving a student membership. Then, provideone (1) HR certification that will enhance your future career choice.

Excel workbook

Question Description

i have only one Excel workbook

please see attached file , there is 1 Excel workbook file and 1 word file which is the instruction for each excel workbook.

“important Must work on the same files” and upload them back to me once its done.

(Excel Business Unit 5 Grader Project [Homework 2] (Problem Solve 2)

question answer

Question Description

Please watch is video and answer following questions

§Based on the video you saw, what are the two most important concepts you learned about organizational culture?
§Please explain each concept with a 175 words response in your paper. In other words, you need to write 350 words (one page) response for both concepts.